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Phraseology as a science has significant developments and achievements, which is confirmed by a considerable number of works by researchers devoted to the problems of the nature and semantics of phrasemes that function in Ukrainian dialect speech.In the article lexicographic works and atlases, directions for solving theoretical problems in scientific research, the choice and justification of methodology and principles in the systematization and description of the phraseological units of Ukrainian dialect speech have been analyzed; the importance of complex studies, which combine structural and semantic analysis of phraseological units has been noted, their functional features and semantic organization, contextual possibilities have been taken into account.The method of auto-commenting for records and analysis of phraseological units of dialects is described, that will enable faster and more complete filling of the empirical base of the Ukrainian language; methods of text-oriented processing of folk phraseology are substantiated and tested.
 Фразеологія як наука має вагомі напрацювання і здобутки, що підтверджено чималою кількістю робіт дослідників, присвячених проблемам природи та семантики фразем, що функціонують в українському говірковому мовленні. У статті проаналізовано лексикографічні праці й атласи, напрями розв’язання теоретичних проблем у наукових дослідженнях, вибір та обґрунтування методології та принципів у систематизації та описі фразенімікону українського діалектного мовлення; зауважено на значенні комплексних досліджень, у яких поєднано структурно-значеннєвий аналіз фразеологізмів, ураховано їхні функціональні особливості та семантичну організацію, контекстуальні можливості. Описано методику автокоментування для записів та аналізу фразеологізмів говірок, що уможливить швидше та повніше наповнення емпіричної бази української мови; обґрунтовано й апробовано прийоми текстозорієнтованого опрацювання народної фразеології
The study emphasizes the importance of implementation of the principles of continuity, systematic character and continuity of building tasks of pedagogical practices, definition of common content lines and their development according to the years of study. The concept of construction of the corresponding system of tasks of teaching practice and pedagogical component of the industrial practices in the context of future professional activity, the educational content of pedagogical disciplines, preceding and subsequent practices, and professional formation of future competent teachers are revealed. It is shown that the problems of each type of practices are cross-cutting, they complicate gradually, are based on the content of previous practices and develop in subsequent ones, assume educational tasks of the complex of psychological-pedagogical subjects (2 year – academic discipline “Pedagogy” – educational (propaedeutic) practice; 3 course– the discipline “Methodology of educational work in children’s health centers” – summer internship in health centers; 4, 5 year – the discipline “Methodology of educational work” is an industrial practice respectively in primary and secondary schools, master’s teaching practice). The article presents a thematic plan for propaedeutic teaching practice, which is defined by the content of the academic discipline “Pedagogy” (enrichment of theoretical background in the theory of education, learning, educational management, formation of appropriate skills), the importance of ensuring conditions for professional identification of students and propaedeutics of further understanding of teaching methods. Taking into account gained practical skills, the content of the work of the classroom teacher, the content of the discipline “Methodology of educational work” the pedagogical goals of industrial practice of future teachers in the primary school and developed organizational and methodological materials are revealed: creating the set of techniques of the study of students’ characteristics in the class, analysis of results, substantiation of conclusions and proposals; development of a fragment of the plan of educational work of the classroom teacher for the period of practice; methodological development of the form of educational work with the analysis of its implementation; development of materials of parent meetings in the assigned class with actual pedagogical issues; design of the lesson on the subject of specialization with implementation of educational tasks (national-patriotic, public-active, moral, etc). It is shown that pedagogical component of practical training of students of the fifth course implements psycho-pedagogical training of students in working with secondary school pupils. The content lines of training (propaedeutic) and industrial pedagogical practices, their development at different stages of learning are proved and strategies for their development are presented: mastery of the techniques of educational work (sophomores – ethical conversation, children’s art competition, educational event in the areas of education and in accordance with the plan of educational work of the classroom teacher), fourth year students – an educational project, a debate, a verbal journal, an interactive theatre, a quest, etc); the study of cohesion of the students in the group; planning of educational work; individual work with pupils; didactic objectives; methods of work with parents of students. Along with the development of practices content the dynamics of changes in the technology of preparation, organization and evaluation of educational achievements of students on the results of practice is revealed. It is noted that preparing for practice defines the need to organize teaching as a process of solving research and practical problems, which in turn modernizes practical classes on pedagogical disciplines. Practical training, practical classes with elements of training, didactic games, master classes, workshops, etc. are becoming productive. The approaches to understanding educational outcomes of students’ practice and evaluation system are actualized: for educational practices more relevant was the corporate assessment made by the creative groups of students’ products, in its turn, for the industrial practice the attention is focused on the pedagogical assessment of individual products. The importance of consistency in creating products of practice, directing all of these developments on the solution of the common question is emphasized.
The article describes the peculiarities of the use of phraseological units in modern dialectal texts of south-western dialect. In particular, the analysis of phraseological units on the basis of dialectal texts identifi es either these units are of early non-fi xed origin or are realized as phraseological units with different contextual meanings, as different actualizations of semantic and emotive schemes of the plane of expression. The noteworthy fact is that the level of language competence of a dialect speaker and the additional information about the speech reality are analyzed on the basis of phraseology.
W artykule opisano osobliwości użycia jednostek frazeologicznych (frazemów) we współczesnych tekstach gwarowych południowo-zachodniego narzecza. Analiza frazemiki na podstawie tekstów gwarowych może ujawnić zarówno nieutrwalone wcześniej jednostki, jak i realizację odrębnych frazemów w sytuacjach kontekstualnych z różnym znaczeniem, odmienną aktualizacją pojęciowego oraz emotywnego planu wyrażania. Szczególnie cennym wydaje się fakt, iż na tle frazeologii ujawnia się poziom kompetencji językowej nosiciela gwary.
The article analyzes the pedagogical value of observation in the professional development of a future teacher during the academic (faculty) teaching practice. It is determined that the practice is an integral part of the educational modules of the discipline "Pedagogy", an environment of transformation of the theoretical achievements in the professional skills, the first opportunity of professional identity of future teacher– emotionally-volitional process of identifying oneself with a professional entity, group, professional sample. The attention is focused on the role of pedagogical supervision in achieving the objectives of the first training of pedagogical practice. The results of the study are presented; it is noted that only 14% of students see and simultaneously provide protocols, 86% of students do not keep records, of which 68% use drafts, 18% rely on memory. It is stressed that the presented results indicate an insufficient level of development of abilities to observe, routine nature of the observation that actualizes the problem of targeted training of students to carry out the method. The conditions of effective implementation of the pedagogical method of observation are analyzed. It is found out that the quality of the pedagogical findings during practice depends on the methodological support of teaching observation and formation of skills of the students to implement it. It is revealed that the methodological support of teaching observation is implemented in the developed software with the definition of research objectives, tasks, questions that allow reaching goals and conclusions consistently. The concept of developed protocols that implements an educational function and gradually gets more complex is given, so the first observation investigates the structure of the lesson, further goals are gradually converging for a thorough study of the individual structural elements of the lesson: organization of the beginning of the lesson, statement of the topics and lesson objectives, learning new material, testing and assessment of students' achievements, methodological support of the students' homework; observation of educational activities in terms of actual academic work involves detailed psycho-pedagogical analysis as it was practiced in the course of training classes on pedagogy. Based on the study the importance of developing of student’s skills to teaching observation is proved: the ability to see, to record, to describe the pedagogical phenomena, to keep protocols of observation in the process of direct perception of the process, readiness to identify causal relationships, to analyze the data and act in accordance with the findings. The technology of preparing students for the use of the method of pedagogical observation during the academic teaching practice is described. It includes three components: theoretical, practical and organizational. The practical component is implemented in modeling of educational situations, conducting teaching observations; developing the skills to observe, practicing the skills to keep protocols of psycho-pedagogical observations in the classroom; developing the students’ own protocols on the issue of coursework for observation during practice.
The paper describes the problem of future social pedagogues’ training to implementing the system of work aimed at ensuring the non-conflicting return of the people released from prison and provide them with appropriate assistance. The author analyzes the factors that complicate the return to normal life of the released people, including: 1) forced social isolation (defines the weakening of family ties, the cessation of traditional social roles, reducing activity and limiting sensory and mental stimulation, removes the individual from the community of people, deprives him of meaningful social interaction and physical contact, that is a prerequisite for the realization of the individual self, which is formed and maintained through social interactions); 2) the authoritarian regime of the penitentiary institutions (contributes to the formation of passive behavior, low readiness for change perception, loss of ability to take independent decisions in matters of life, employment, acquisition and rational use of material resources); 3) informal laws of prison community (cause tension of prisoners, feelings of self-doubt, isolation, state of «loneliness in conditions of group isolation», internal discomfort, transfer such character of relationships to a free life, cultivation of criminal subculture and asocial experience); 4) awareness of crime (under the condition of repentance or non-repentance, aggravate the personal destruct). The materials of the article have identified the importance of understanding of the deformation changes in the consciousness of the prisoners in the professional growth of future social pedagogues. The opportunities of reflection of these causal links in the content of the discipline «Social work in the penitentiary system of Ukraine» and the implementation of the main provisions into the university educational process are considered. The system of mastering of socio-pedagogical technologies of work with prisoners, convicts, released offenders in the content of master’s training coming out of these objective and subjective factors and in accordance with the stages of re-socialization of convicts (before-penitentiary, penitentiary, post-penitentiary) are proposed, namely prevention of crime, social-pedagogical work with prisoners, newly arrived convicts, convicts, social-psychological preparation of prisoners for release, social-pedagogical support of prisoners after release from prison. The analysis allows to assert the need for raising awareness and implementation in social work with existing or former prisoners and work on crime prevention problems caused by crime, the new social status, the image changed life. Under these conditions an effective basis for selection of appropriate social and educational technology is created.
The article analyzes the essence, structure of the method of analysis of the categorial-conceptual apparatus for student pedagogical research, and gives a method for mastering it by the future teachers during conducting of scientific pedagogical search. Based on a retrospective analysis of her own pedagogical practice, the analysis of research products of students the results of the effectiveness of the developed algorithm are presented. The way of reflection of the essence of the method of analysis of the categorial-conceptual apparatus in the content of the training-consultations on conducting pedagogical research and realization of the basic provisions in the university pedagogical process is considered The construction of the categorical-conceptual apparatus of the study, as proved by the analysis of student research papers, appears to be a difficult task for sophomoges and often has a formal character or is neglected at all. Thus, the study of course papers of the students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of SumSPU during the five years showed that the elements of the analysis method of the categorial-conceptual apparatus are presented in 30 % of the research. Among them 5 % contain all stages of the analysis: the stage of search, study, production. Method of analysis of categorial-conceptual apparatus (method of categorial analysis) of students’ pedagogical research is a method of studying the essence of the basic concepts of the research problem by analyzing, comparing the definitions (approaches to understanding the essence of the concept) existing in the scientific work, understanding the manifestations of the essential features of objects, phenomena or processes in real reality and further systematization, generalization and synthesis of the revealed essential features, qualities and properties, internal connections, objective content in the new theoretical model of definition. The presence in the name of the method of the word “analysis” defines the leading mental operation, but the method integrates a complex set of interconnected thinking operations to construct a definition as a theoretical model of the pedagogical category into a single process that can be divided into stages: the stage of the search (the collection of existing in fundamental and leading modern research definitions of the main categories of research, their grouping; the stage of studying (analysis, comparison, revealing of common and different definitions of different authors on selected aspects, clarification of defining categories in order to identify common and distinct, essential features of the concept, the study of the actual manifestation of phenomena and processes under consideration, in pedagogical reality, comparison and agreement with the theoretical model); production (construction on the basis of analysis, synthesis and presentation of the so-called “working” definition: author’s, specified, borrowed (especially for fundamental categories with formed definitions) In accordance with the presented structure, the algorithm of mastering of the method of categorial analysis of the apparatus of pedagogical research for future teachers is proposed. Results of the study of the effectiveness of the implementation of the developed algorithm confirmed the growth of the quality of students’ research papers in the specified direction by 16 %. The algorithm is based on the principles of a student-oriented approach. Conducting training sessions on the basis of the given algorithm is aimed at facilitating the process of determining by students of the categorial apparatus of research, provides a procedure for determining the basic concepts of research, creating by students of the author’s pedagogical definition, and contributes to a deeper understanding of the research problem.
The effectiveness of research is determined by the effectiveness and significance of its results for practice. The quality of student pedagogical research, especially of the applied nature, is characterized by the degree of its realization – implementation in the educational process of the school. Implementation of the results of research is an element of students’ research, which according to the analysis of students’ scientific papers on pedagogy is present in 37 % of the works. The popularization of use in professional activities or in the daily practice of scientific production should improve the quality of students’ research. This research is devoted to the clarification of the defined problem. The forms of publicizing the results of student research are: international, all-Ukrainian, regional scientific, scientific-practical congresses, conferences, seminars; university, faculty student scientific-practical conferences; publication of articles, abstracts, etc. A productive form of summarizing and presenting the main achievements of scientific student search was recognized by the holding of the students’ scientific and practical conference as a comprehensive form of publicizing the results of research, the form of organizing a scientific discussion around the works submitted by scientists. Preparation for the conference covers writing of abstracts, articles, reports, preparation of visual means, conducting of appropriate consultations. In order to publicize the results of pedagogical research, to disseminate pedagogical experience in the program of the students’ scientific-practical conference, the inclusion of workshops was proposed. Under the workshop, based on the results of students’ pedagogical research, we understand the form of distribution of pedagogical experience, active learning, knowledge acquisition, skills development, direct demonstration of author's skills, commentary on the sequence of pedagogical actions, practical results of pedagogical students’ research, and conditions for their effectiveness. The technology of preparing students for workshops covers the following stages: the definition of the practical novelty of research, organization of the study of the identified pedagogical problem and formulation of practical recommendations; definition of the content for publication in the audience; defining the types of work that would allow at a certain time to reveal the essence of experience; advertising of workshops; testing of its holding. The methodological development of the workshops includes the following elements: purpose, tasks (educational development, research, professional-motivational, educational, visual means, stages of the workshop) (I. Introduction. Presentation of the purpose of the workshop. II. Digest of stages of the workshop. III. Setting up group interaction and creativity: exercise 1, exercise 2. IV. Blitz message on the contents of the workshop (series of exercises, simulation). V. Exchange of thoughts, impressions). Based on a retrospective analysis of own pedagogical practice, analysis of research products, the author revealed improvement in the quality of student research papers. Qualitative positive changes were observed in proving by students the relevance of the chosen research (19 %); the quality of the intermediate results of research and the dynamics of their creation (8 %), the completeness and depth of the disclosure of research tasks at (15 %); substantiation of communication of scientific research with school practice (31 %). Inclusion in the program of the student workshop for the introduction of practical achievements of the course research actualizes the scientific approach to the implementation of pedagogical innovations, makes it possible to effectively apply the results of research, popularize the pedagogical issues for the freshmen.
In the article the ethno-cultural peculiarities of the areal phraseological units, which contain the names of stages or activities during the Easter holidays have been researched, the semantic basic components of their creation have been defi ned. It has been studied that in a living dialectal language there are permanent renovations of the forms and semantics, emerging from the new motivations, the development of the lexical variants on the basis of the existing constructions.
Artykuł poświęcono etnokulturowym właściwościom frazeologizmów terytorialnych, które zawierają nazwy kolejnych etapów Świąt Wielkanocnych. Wyjaśniono semantyczne podstawy ich tworzenia, ustalono, że w języku potocznym stale dochodzi do odtworzenia form i semantyki frazeologizmów, powstawania nowych motywacji, rozwoju wariantów poprzez izoleksy na podstawie już istniejących konstrukcji językowych.
Artykuł poświęcono etnokulturowym właściwościom frazeologizmów terytorialnych, które zawierają nazwy kolejnych etapów Świąt Wielkanocnych. Wyjaśniono semantyczne podstawy ich tworzenia, ustalono, że w języku potocznym stale dochodzi do odtworzenia form i semantyki frazeologizmów, powstawania nowych motywacji, rozwoju wariantów poprzez izoleksy na podstawie już istniejących konstrukcji językowych.
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