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Artykuł dotyczy wczesnego okresu biografii Władysława Stanisława Reymonta; podjęto w nim trop postaci Stefanii z Hulanickich Liwskiej, błędnie zidentyfikowanej przez Barbarę Kocównę, monografistkę pisarza, jako Stefania Kluge, „młodziutka żona naczelnika” stacji w Rogowie. Miłość do Liwskiej, pierwsze poważne zauroczenie Reymonta, zostawiła w jego pamięci i literackich kreacjach postaci kobiecych trwały ślad. Dzięki odnalezieniu i eksploracji nowych źródeł i właściwym, skorelowanym odczytaniom zapisków diariuszowych i korespondencji dokonano zarysu biografii Liwskiej oraz jej męża Ignacego, przełożonego Reymonta z czasów pracy na kolei, prześledzono prawdopodobny, osadzony we właściwych realiach przebieg ich znajomości z pisarzem, a także podjęto próbę weryfikacji rzekomego ojcostwa Reymonta.
The article refers to an early period in Władysław Stanisław Reymont’s biography; it traces the figure of Stefania Liwska, née Hulanicka, mistakenly identified by the writer’s monographer Barbara Kocówna as Stefania Kluge, a young wife of a stationmaster in Rogów. Love to Liwska, Reymont’s first serious affection, left in his memory and in women literary creations an indelible mark. Due to finding and exploring new sources and proper deciphering diary notes and correspondence, the paper sketches Liwska’s biography and that of her husband Ignacy, Reymont’s superior from the time of his work for the railroad, as well as traces the probable and set in a proper reality course of their relationship with Reymont. Additionally, it attempts to verify Reymont’s alleged fatherhood.
Kluczowym zagadnieniem podjętym w artykule jest kontrowersyjna wymowa szkicu publicystycznego Gabrieli Zapolskiej „W sprawie emancypacji”, który powstał jako reakcja na obroniony na Sorbonie doktorat lekarki Karoliny Szulcówny. W tekście tym wyraziła pisarka swoje życiowe credo: „Kobietą jestem – i tylko... kobietą chcę zostać do zgonu”, przekonując czytelników „Kuriera Warszawskiego” do tezy o niezmienności uwarunkowanych biologicznie, religijnie i kulturowo zasad rządzących podziałem ról ze względu na płeć. Gloryfikując mężczyzn i aprobując ich wyższość nad kobietami, tym ostatnim wyznaczyła miejsce w kręgu rodzinnym, jako żonom i matkom, odbierając im możliwość wyższej edukacji i znaczenia poza wąskim kręgiem familijnym. Szkic, już kilkakrotnie komentowany przez badaczy, został w artykule poddany ponownej interpretacji, opatrzonej nowymi kontekstami.
The key issue discussed in the paper is a controversial significance of Gabriela Zapolska’s journalistic sketch “W sprawie emancypacji” (“About Emancipation”), composed as a reaction to a medicine doctor Karolina Szulcówna’s doctoral dissertation defended in the Sorbonne. In the text, Zapolska formulated her life credo: “Kobietą jestem – i tylko... kobietą chcę zostać do zgonu [I am a woman and I only... want to remain a woman until my death],” convincing the readers of “Kurier Warszawski” (“Warsaw Courier”) to believe into invariability of biologically, religiously and culturally sanctioned principles that govern the sex-dependent roles. Glorifying males and approving their superiority over females, she places women within family circle and deprives them of the possibility of higher education as well as of any importance outside family sphere. Zapolska’s sketch, to this day commented several times, is here subject of yet another interpretation equipped with new contexts.
In literary studies, Judym, the protagonist of Ludzie bezdomni, is usually treated as a social activist fixated on the mission to improve the world. However, such interpretation is not exhaustive because the character’s behaviour, not always rational and sensible, is a result of his beliefs and worldview. His identity problems, which pose the principal difficulty for him and which are the driving force of his actions, are rooted in his inferiority complex, born and developed on the foundation of his dysfunctional upbringing with an alcoholic father and later his aunt, a prostitute. Aversion to his familial heritage makes Judym a profoundly emotionally repressed man, unable to cope with life and emotional relationships. Understanding these difficulties helps readers to see the character’s alienation and motivations, which he would like to be considered as “paying the debt” he owes to the social group from which he came.
There is more to the literary polemic between the author of The Doll and the creator of The Trilogy than merely Prus’ contradictory review of Sienkiewicz’s With Fire and Sword. It also includes The Doll’s multifarious allusiveness to Fire in the Steppe, manifested in particular in the meaningful, symbolic ending, whereby both protagonists blow themselves up, literally and metaphorically cornered in old buildings. Prus converses with Sienkiewicz in a discreet manner, though the careful reader will spot contentious issues. These include the struggle for a different type of protagonist – not a hero, but an individual entangled in romantic myths, paralysing their life forces; a different perception of the past, rational and fair rather than glorified and martyrological; finally, a different outlook on the present and the future, promoting entrepreneurship and economy as tools for the development of Poland as a European partner, rather than the idealistic focus on the utopian, foregone concepts of military achievements. The text highlights the similarities in the characters of Wokulski and Wołodyjowski, with special emphasis on the final scenes and the demise of the world after the protagonists’ respective disappearance. The two famous literary suicides, patterning after the deed of Ordon as depicted in Mickiewicz’s poem, have been parodied (e.g. by Mrożek) and adopted, thus becoming literary weapons in the struggle with the Polish mythopoeia, xenophobia, and exaggerated patriotism.
Father Jordan's Memoirs, a novel by the 19th century Polish Inflanty writer Kazimierz Bujnicki, an exemplar of a nobleman’s epic about the Polish province of yore, discloses a number of stereotypes that characterise so-called post-colonial thinking. The text’s linguistic structures and the author’s dominant stance (Polish-centred approach), when seen through the prism of contemporary Eastern Poland discourse, point to depreciating the Latvian influx perceived as Other-inferior as well as hyperbolising the role of the gentry, with its culture and religion as an imposed standard. The modules that the paper is made up of (zoomorphisation, infernalisation and antiesthetisation) point to the frequently inadvertent metaphorising highlighting inferiority, immaturity, immobility, inability to decide in one’s own affairs; these inadequacies are typical of the group of Latvians inhabiting the semi-utopian hamlet as described in the novel. Hence the patemalisation, their way of perceiving the world around them, combined with the duality of perception exerdscd by the catholic Polish landholder, whose natural identity is of a twofold nature (gentc Livonus, natione Polonus), made up of opposing approaches to colonisation (domination of Latvians, submission toward Russians) and a manifold approach to the multicultural specificity of the Inflanty.
Polish Livonia was the little homeland of Boleslaw Limanowski, a socialist and a popular political activist. The author reminisces about it in his Memoirs and in his correspondence reviving the past – both private and the history of the region (his work about Emilia Plater). Limanowski’s statements, because of his highly detailed observations, are the source of the history of the province and character of its customs. They also reveal a private side of the evolution of the author’s views. His accurate remarks connected with the peculiarities of the identities of Poles living in Livonia, especially their relationships with Russians, enabled the reader to think about the uniqueness of the author’s thoughts and his sagacity.
W roku 2014 ukazał się finansowany w ramach NPRH inicjalny tom „Pism wszystkich” Bolesława Prusa, zapoczątkowując serię 70 tomów – jak sygnalizował to tytuł – całokształtu dzieł autora „Lalki”. Żadna z podejmowanych w przeszłości inicjatyw wydawniczych obejmujących dorobek Prusa nie została doprowadzona do końca. Projekt realizowany wedle najnowszych zasad (tekstologicznych, typograficznych, historycznoliterackich) przez zespół edytorów, znawców twórczości Prusa, miał na celu udostępnienie edycji badaczom: literaturoznawcom, historykom, prasoznawcom etc., jak również utrwalenie we wzorcowej postaci jednego ze składników dziedzictwa narodowego – literatury wysokoartystycznej. Po ukazaniu się 35 tomu edycja „Pism” została zawieszona, na jej kontynuację bowiem nie przyznano środków. W artykule omawia się opublikowane tomy „Pism”, komentuje się m.in. ich kształt edytorski, układ kompozycyjny, poziom eksplikacyjnych wstępów, znaczenie edycji dla prusologów i innych badaczy drugiej połowy XIX wieku. Omówieniu towarzyszy refleksja nad kondycją polskiej humanistyki, a zwłaszcza nad problemami, jakie może wywoływać zaniedbywanie przez zmieniających się decydentów długofalowego z natury procesu petryfikowania się kształtu tożsamości narodowej i ocalania pamięci kulturowej.
The year 2014 marks the issuing of the first volume of Bolesław Prus’ “Pisma wszystkie” (“Collected Works”) financed by the National Programme for the Development of Humanities. The publication was planned to amount to 70 volumes and, as signalled in this title, meant to include the writer’s whole output. None of the initiatives to publish Prus’ work undertaken so far has been completed. The project realised according to the newest (textological, typographic, and literary-historical) principles by the editorial committee, Prus scholars, aimed to offer the edition to various scholars (literary, history, press etc.) as well as to preserve in the model version one of the elements of national heritage—highest artistic quality literature. After the publication of the volume 35, the edition was suspended due to lack of further financing. The paper discusses the already published volumes, comments on e.g. its editorial shape, composition, level of explicatory introductions, and the importance of the edition for Prus scholars and other researchers of the second part of the 19th century. The discussion is accompanied by a reflection over the condition of the Polish humanities, and especially over the problems caused by neglecting by the changing decision-makers of by its nature long lasting process of petrifying the shape of national identity and preserving the cultural memory.
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Moje czytanie "Lalki"

Lalka is an open literary work that becomes richer as the reader is growing older and is, therefore, an “infinite” task for interpretation. My look at the masterpiece by Prus as a text based on the model of Greek tragedy refers rather to tradition and is against modernity. Repeated reading of the novel, searching for the writer’s autothematic statements and the 19th century discussions about theatre and novel allowed me to formulate a new research proposal — a palimpsest reading of Lalka. The qualities of Greek tragedy include: the construction of the hero, the narrative, the structure of the novel (episodes and „stasimons” of Rzecki) and the dramatized style. These elements allowed Prus to give his story contemporary features and inscribe it into a universal perspective.
In the article the problem of anonymous prints or with wrong authorship printed at the first half of the 19th century in the Kray’s Printing Company in Petersburg is described. The authorship’s issue of "Sonety i triolety" and so far anonymous works of Onufry Korkozewicz ("Poezje", "Jadwiga Zborowska", "Świętopełk, książę pomorski") is analyzed.
Michael Borch was an author of some important works describing Polish Inflanty (Latgale). In his books, he presented the history and legends of the region, according to the didactic rules required during this period. Borch was a regular correspondent with Zawadzki’s publishing house. He ordered a lot of historical books from there, on the ground of the topic. This correspondence is a source of knowledge about the problems with particular editions and also Borch’s personal troubles. Borch was a very important organiser of cultural activities in the area.
Brothers: Walerian, Klemens and Julian Grzymałowski, the poets of Polish-Belorussian borderline are representatives of a long-lasting existence of sentimental style in a borderland literature at the 19th century. Although their poetry was described as worthless and epigonic, it consists very important elements of regional folklore important for retaining national identity in this area. The poetics inherited from sentimentalism served these enthusiasts of people to polish a local poetry up including its unique and exceptional character.
Skąpe ślady biografii Teodozji z Szymańskich, pierwszej żony Jana Kasprowicza, zaznaczonej w życiu poety jego wstydliwymi wspomnieniami, stawały się okazją do rozmaitych domniemań badaczy, spośród których jedynie Roman Loth sięgnął po wiarygodne źródła. Przejawem rażącego nadużycia wobec Kasprowiczowej jest przedstawienie jej w negatywnym świetle w opowieści biograficznej Mirosława Sosnowskiego, książce o profilu popularnonaukowym, a więc o szerszym zasięgu, utrwalającej fałszywy wizerunek tej postaci. W artykule podejmuje się próbę restytucji biografii Kasprowiczowej poprzez reasumpcję źródeł, tj. poprzez prześledzenie i weryfikację prac, w których pojawia się pierwsza żona poety oraz konteksty z nią związane. Przeprowadzenie „śledztwa biograficznego” oparte zostało na dokumentacji archiwalnej i czasopiśmienniczej, podającej w wątpliwość pochopne i jednostronne opinie o Kasprowiczowej, przeważnie widzianej oczami jej stronniczego męża lub jego apologetów, nie zaś obiektywnie. Wnioski pozwalają na obalenie wielu tez, m.in. mających dowodzić jej przewin wobec poety.
Scanty traces of the biography of Teodozja de domo Szymańska, Jan Kasprowicz’s first wife, marked in the poet’s life by his shameful memories, provided opportunities to researchers’ surmises, and it was only Roman Loth who reached for reliable sources of information. A symptom of flagrant abuse on Kasprowiczowa and her unfavourable portrayal is Mirosław Sosnowski’s biographic novel, a popular science book that strengthens negative image about her. In the present article the author attempts to restore Kasprowiczowa’s biography by sources reassumption, namely by tracing and verifying the works in which the figure is mentioned and the contexts connected with her. The “biographic investigation” was based on archive and press documentation that distrust the unilateral and dissenting opinions about Kasprowiczowa by her biased husband or his supporters, thus not objective ones. The conclusions allow to knock down many theses, among others those that prove her offence against the poet.
Kwerendy archiwalne dotyczące Stefana Grabińskiego i jego rodowodu, których osią centralną był akt urodzenia pisarza, przyniosły plon w postaci nowych ustaleń lub konkretyzacji potwierdzających hipotezy dawniejszych jego biografów. Jak się okazało, Grabiński pochodził z rodziny o tradycjach greckokatolickich, zarówno ze strony ojca, jak i matki; dziad i pradziad pisarza byli parochami. Rodowód doprowadzono do trzeciego pokolenia. Ustalono też daty życia sióstr Grabińskiego: Zofii, Marii (Czajkowskiej) i Jarosławy. Próba rekonstrukcji przemieszczania się rodziny Grabińskich pokazała, że w okresie dzieciństwa Stefana bardzo często – w związku z rodzajem zatrudnienia ojca – zmieniali oni miejsce zamieszkania, co mogło wpłynąć na późniejsze, dokuczające pisarzowi, stany wyobcowania.
Archive search queries on Stefan Grabiński and his origin, of which the writer’s act of birth was the keystone, harvested in new settlements or specifications that support the hypotheses of his former biographers. As it was settled, Grabiński originated from a family of Greek Catholic origin both from his father and his mother’s side, while his grandfather and grand grandfather were parish priests. The origin was traced back to the third generation, and the dates of births and deaths of Grabiński’s sisters—Zofia, Maria (Czajkowska) and Jarosława—were detected. An attempt at reconstructing the moves of the Grabiński family showed that in the period of Stefan’s childhood, in connection with his father’s employment, they often changed their whereabouts, which might have influenced Grabiński’s subsequent bothering states of alienation.
Piotr Medeksza was a publisher of popular antology (a lot of subscribers), containing among others the poems of sentimentalist Jan Onoszko. Medeksza was a student of Joachim Lelewel, a contemporary of Stanislaw Morawski; he takes possession a cathedral of Latin at Kowno’s school after Adam Mickiewicz’s departure. Medeksza publsihed his poetry in Dziennik Wileński.
Published in 1879, but utterly forgotten today, The Mystery of the Mirror (The Mirror's Enigma) by Jadwiga Łuszczewska takes up a fantastic theme of the mirrors, in which the history of the world is written down. Since the very moment our world was created the mirrors have been registering everything that looks at itself in them. Employing the theory of reflexions and duplications (thing/object - idea), the author formulates some theses concerning the process of creation: a thought is reflected in the air just like in the mirror. It is afterwards seized by an artist who is able to read (interpret) it correctly. Platon’s Idealism and Paracelsus’s theory interwine in Deotym’s novel with F. Schelling’s thought and the aesthetics of E. T. A. Hoffmann.
Kornel Filipowicz’s short writing forms are frequently oneiric in nature; factual accounts of dreams. An example is a short story written toward the end of the 1970s titled Gdy przychodzą we śnie (“When in dream they come”). It is a prophetic vision of a peculiar meeting, whereby the sympathising and merciful narrator invites a group of Afro-Asian refugees to his abode. The visitors promptly proliferate, eventually ruining the hospitable home and taking the host captive. The short description of a nightmare contains transparent anticipative visions of the contemporary migration crisis currently plaguing Western Europe, together with positing acculturation as the main concern of multicultural societies. Of particular note is the author’s idea of colonising Western man through Christian-based sympathy and tolerance, which not only breeds gratitude, but also turn against the benefactors.
Artykuł stanowi dopełnienie życiorysowo-genealogiczne biografii i działalności Juliana Gaudentego Kaliszewskiego – warszawskiego publicysty, autora kontrowersyjnych tekstów paraliterackich, aktywnego w dwudziestoleciu 1868–1888. Odnalezione akty, zwłaszcza urodzenia i zgonu pisarza, małżeństwa jego rodziców oraz ich zgonów, metryki zgonów rodzeństwa, adresy zamieszkania, a także drobne korekty kluczowych publikacji Dobrosławy Świerczyńskiej pozwalają na uzupełnienie luk w biogramie autora "Pamiętników sceptyka" i wyprowadzenie kilku nowych wniosków.
The article is a biographical-genealogical complement to life and activity of Julian Gaudenty Kaliszewski, a Warsaw publicist, author of controversial paraliterary texts, who was active in the years 1868–1888. The regained certificates, especially these of the writer’s birth and death, of his parents’ wedding and their deaths, of his siblings’ deaths, dwelling places, as well as minor corrections of Dobrosława Świerczyńska’s key publications allow to complete the blanks in the writer’s biography and to introduce a few new conclusions.
There is more to the literary polemic between the author of "The Doll" and the creator of "The Trilogy" than merely Prus’ contradictory review of Sienkiewicz’s "With Fire and Sword". It also includes "The Doll’s" multifarious allusiveness to "Fire in the Steppe", manifested in particular in the meaningful, symbolic ending, whereby both protagonists blow themselves up, literally and metaphorically cornered in old buildings. Prus converses with Sienkiewicz in a discreet manner, though the careful reader will spot contentious issues. These include the struggle for a different type of protagonist – not a hero, but an individual entangled in romantic myths, paralysing their life forces; a different perception of the past, rational and fair rather than glorified and martyrological; finally, a different outlook on the present and the future, promoting entrepreneurship and economy as tools for the development of Poland as a European partner, rather than the idealistic focus on the utopian, foregone concepts of military achievements. The text highlights the similarities in the characters of Wokulski and Wołodyjowski, with special emphasis on the final scenes and the demise of the world after the protagonists’ respective disappearance. The two famous literary suicides, patterning after the deed of Ordon as depicted in Mickiewicz’s poem, have been parodied (e.g. by Mrożek) and adopted, thus becoming literary weapons in the struggle with the Polish mythopoeia, xenophobia, and exaggerated patriotism.
Pierwsza część artykułu poświęcona jest historii archiwum łódzkiego adwokata Witolda Kotowskiego (1899–1988), zasobu zawierającego ważne materiały do życia i twórczości Władysława Stanisława Reymonta, ale wskutek niefortunnych losów nigdy właściwie niewyeksplorowanego. Na podstawie zgromadzonych źródeł, przede wszystkim unikatowych odpisów korespondencji, Kotowski napisał monografię „Reymonta droga do Nobla”, która jednak nie została opublikowana. Po jego śmierci, gdy kolekcja przeszła w ręce prywatne, z dokumentów korzystała wyłącznie Barbara Kocówna. Materiał źródłowy zużytkowała pobieżnie i często błędnie w kilku pracach wydanych po roku 2000, śladowo odnotowując fakt czerpania ze zbiorów. W drugiej części artykułu omówiono zawartość archiwum. Obecnie znajduje się ono w Bibliotece Akademii Humanistyczno-Ekonomicznej w Łodzi i stanowi zaledwie część dawnego zbioru. Chociaż zachowało się we fragmentach, nadal zawiera wiele bezcennych reymontianów, zwłaszcza nigdzie niepublikowane odpisy listów Reymonta oraz listów do niego kierowanych. Tę dokumentacyjną i dotąd niewyzyskaną wartość przedstawiono na przykładzie korespondencji pisarza ze Zdzisławem Dębickim.
The first part of the paper refers to the history of an archive of a Łódź’s attorney Witold Kotowski (1899–1988), a collection of essential materials of Władysław Stanisław Reymont’s life and output, which, due to unfortunate history, has never been extensively explored. As based on the collated sources—mostly unique copies of letters—Kotowski wrote a monograph “Reymonta droga do Nobla” (“Reymont’s Way to the Nobel Prize”), which has never been published. After Kotowski’s death the documents became private property and it was only Barbara Kocówna who accessed it. Her research, however, was poor and often mistaken in several works published after the year 2000, with scanty information that she had used the resource. The second part of the paper contains the archive’s description. Currently, it is found in the Library of the University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź, but it makes up only a small part of the original assemblage. Though fragmentary, it nonetheless includes many priceless Reymontiana, especially never before published copies of Reymont’s letters and of the ones directed to him. Such documentation and its value, the advantage of which to this day has not been taken, is exemplified in Reymont’s correspondence with Zdzisław Dębicki.
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