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Przedmiot badań: Bezrobocie jest zjawiskiem występującym z różnym natężeniem w każdej gospodarce rynkowej. Na jego poziom oddziałuje jednocześnie wiele czynników leżących po stronie popytowej i podażowej rynku pracy, jak również niedopasowania strukturalne między podażą pracy a popytem na pracę, efektywność funkcjonowania rynku pracy, charakter polityki makroekonomicznej oraz instytucje rynku pracy. Cel badawczy: Celem opracowania jest określenie znaczenia czynników popytowych i poda­żowych w kształtowaniu zmian stóp bezrobocia w przekroju województw w Polsce w latach 2013–2018. Metoda badawcza: W oparciu o dane agregatowe o stopach bezrobocia, wskaźnikach zatrudnie­nia oraz współczynnikach aktywności zawodowej opublikowanych przez GUS dokonano dekom­pozycji stóp bezrobocia w Polsce oraz w przekroju województw w oparciu o formułę zapropono­waną przez M.W. Elsby’ego, M. Hobijna i A. Sahina (2010). Wyniki: Z przeprowadzonych rozważań wynika, iż w latach 2013–2018 decydujący wpływ na spadek stóp bezrobocia w większości województw miał wzrost wskaźników zatrudnienia. Jedy­nie w woj. lubelskim i świętokrzyskim dezaktywizacja zawodowa miała decydujący wpływ na spadek stóp bezrobocia. W latach 2015–2018 spadek stóp bezrobocia w Polsce jak i w niektórych województwach był wspierany przez procesy zachodzące po podażowej stronie rynku pracy.
Background: Unemployment is a phenomenon that occurs in all market economies, although with different intensity. Its rate is influenced by many factors related to labour demand and labour supply, as well as by structural mismatches between the two sides of the labour market, its effec­tiveness, the type of macroeconomic policy, and the labour market institutions. Research purpose: The aim of the research is to determine the influence of labour supply and la­bour demand factors on changes in unemployment rates in Polish voivodeships from 2013 to 2018. Methods: The unemployment rates for Poland and its voivodeships are decomposed using the aggregate data on unemployment rates, employment rates, and economic activity rates published by the GUS and the formula proposed by Elsby, Hobijn, and Sahin (2010). Conclusions: The research results point to rising employment rates as the key factor driving the fall of unemployment rates between 2013 and 2018 in most Polish voivodeships. The exceptions are the Lubelskie and Świętokrzyskie voivodeships, where unemployment rate decreases were mainly caused by outflows from employment to inactivity. The downward trends in unemploy­ment rates in Poland and some of its voivodeships in the years 2015–2018 were facilitated by processes taking place on the supply side of the labour market.
The aim of the paper is to analyse the scale and structure of long-term unemploy-ment in Poland in 2004-2013. The paper also attempts to answer the question which gro¬ups of people were most at risk of long-term unemployment. The conducted analyses have led to the following conclusions. In the analysed period, the number of long-term unemployed, the long-term unem-ployment rate and the percentage of long-term unemployed changed in the same direc-tion as the number of unemployed and the total unemployment rate. The following groups of people had the smallest share in the long-term unemploy¬ed pool in the analysed period: under 25 years old as well as 55 years old and older, with post-secondary education, secondary education and university education. The following groups had the greatest share in the long-term unemployed pool: aged 25-34 and from 45 to 55 years old, with vocational education. The econometric analyses show that unmarried people aged 55 or more with a low level of education were at the greatest risk of suffering long-term unemployment in the analysed period. Young people with higher education and secondary education were the least likely to be long-term unemployed.
The castle park in Uniejów was founded between 1860 and 1870. Today it has an area of 32 ha and 151 taxa of trees and shrubs, which consist of 101 native and non-native species of trees andbushes and 50 cultivated varieties. Owing to the natural character of trees found in most of the park area its dendroflora mainly consists of native species, of which Quercus robur, Fraxinus excelsior, Ulmus laevis and Fagus sylvatica stand out because of their size. The most valuable taxa include Gymnocladus dioicus, Juglans nigra, Quercus macranthera, Taxodium distichum ans Platanus x hispanica. In the past there were some tree species which are not found in the park today, such as Corylus colurna, Malus prunifolia, Populus nigra ‘Italica’, or Tilia platyphyllos ‘Laciniata’. In the years 2013−2014, 62 taxa were added to the park dendroflora. They mainly consist of cultivated species of shrubs, mostly colourful varieties of Rhododendron. The revitalisation of the castle park that is now under way is aimed at preservation of its natural landscape, especially in its northern part that is covered by forest.
This study is an attempt to carry out an empirical analysis of determinants of outflows from unemployment to employment in Poland in regional perspective. The analyses carried out in the study are based on the so-called augmented matching function. This approach relates outflows from unemployment to such macroeconomic variables as the number of unemployed persons and the number of vacancies, the rate of economic growth and regional diversity of labour market elasticity. The analyses presented in the study, relating to determinants of outflows from unemployment to employment, are based on a cross-section time-series sample composed of observations concerning the above-mentioned macroeconomic variables in regional perspective in 1992-2001. The study presents regional diversity in such macroeconomic variables as rates of unemployment, rates of outflows from unemployment to employment, or vacancy rates during the period analysed by the authors. In the later part of the study the authors present estimated parameters of the augmented matching function in the years 1992 (or 1993) - 2001. The presented statistical analyses are based on constant variation models linked to error-correction models. The study ends with a summary and major conclusions.
This study analyses trends in the long-term unemployment in Poland, as well as its structure and macroeconomic importance for both equilibrium unemployment and the efficacy of anti-inflationary policy. It combines a theoretical part with discussion based on the statistics on the Polish economy for recent years.As shown by the theoretical analysis, long-term unemployment weakly eases wage pressure exerted by workers, so a larger percentage of the long-term unemployed lifts equilibrium unemployment to a higher level and makes anti-inflationary policy less effective.The empirical analyses of the Polish economy indicate that the duration of unemployment is a factor that significantly shapes the probability of finding a job. The hypothesis that the rates of worker flows from the stock of unemployment to the stock of employment are much lower in the case of the long-term unemployed persons than for the short-term unemployed has been corroborated.The statistical data on the Polish economy show that the country's long-term unemployment is relatively large. To curb the negative macroeconomic impacts of this type of unemployment, its scale needs to be reduced. It is also necessary to increase the rate of long-term unemployed workers using the active labour market programmes.
The aim of the paper is to determine the impact of demand and supply factors on changes in unemployment rates in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe in 2004–2013. In other words, the paper focuses on the decomposition of changes in unemployment rates in the countries studied. The analyses conducted indicate that the importance of employment rates and professional activity rates for the formation of the unemployment rates in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe in the period analysed was correlated with the state of the economy. In the times of prosperity, i.e. in 2004–2008, the strong decline in unemployment rates in all the countries was mainly due to an increase in employment rates. On the other hand, in the years 2008–2010 (the period of the global crisis) a strong rise in unemployment rates in all the countries was the result of a sharp fall in employment rates.
Despite the many steps taken towards gender equality, women's situation on the labour market is worse than the respective situation of men. Women receive lower remuneration and are offered limited promotion opportunities. The aim of the research described in the paper is to compare the situation of men and women on the labour market and to indicate the factors which determine it. The study is based on data from the Labour Force Survey (Badanie Aktywności Ekonomicznej Ludności – BAEL) covering the years 2010–2018. The article presents an analysis of the employment and unemployment rates and estimates showing the relative chances of the outflow from employment and unemployment for both men and women. The results of the analyses indicated an upward trend in the employment in the given period, although the employment rate was lower for women than for men in all the featured sections. Moreover, women faced a greater risk of unemployment than men, despite the fact that the gap between the unemployment rates for men and women narrowed in the years 2015–2018. The highest probability of job loss and outflow to unemployment was observed among women aged 15–24 and 25–34, while the lowest among women with tertiary education.
Pomimo wielu działań podejmowanych na rzecz równouprawnienia płci kobiety na rynku pracy znajdują się w gorszej sytuacji niż mężczyźni. Otrzymują niższe wynagrodzenie i mają mniejsze możliwości awansu. Celem badania omawianego w artykule jest porównanie sytuacji kobiet i mężczyzn na rynku pracy oraz wskazanie czynników ją determinujących. W opracowaniu wykorzystano dane statystyczne pochodzące z Badania Aktywności Ekonomicznej Ludności za lata 2010–2018. Przedstawiono wyniki analizy wskaźnika zatrudnienia i stopy bezrobocia oraz oszacowań relatywnych szans odpływu z zatrudnienia i z bezrobocia kobiet i mężczyzn. Z przeprowadzonych analiz wynika, że w badanym okresie wystąpiła tendencja wzrostowa wskaźnika zatrudnienia, niemniej we wszystkich wyodrębnionych przekrojach wartości wskaźnika zatrudnienia dla kobiet były niższe niż dla mężczyzn. Kobiety były też zagrożone bezrobociem w większym stopniu niż mężczyźni, pomimo zmniejszenia się różnicy między stopą bezrobocia kobiet i mężczyzn w latach 2015–2018. Największe prawdopodobieństwo utraty pracy i odpływu do bezrobocia istniało w przypadku kobiet w wieku 15–24 lat oraz 25–34 lat, a najmniejsze – w przypadku kobiet z wykształceniem wyższym.
Uniejów agricultural landscapes dominate in the Uniejów municipality as farmland takes up more than 80% of the area, while woodland constitutes only 10.6% and is reduced to separate small wooded patches (islands) with anthropogenically impaired flora. No larger forest tracts survived there. In the years 2021–2022, the flora of 33 randomly chosen forest islands (less than 10 ha) was examined and listed, focusing particularly on species belonging to the group of “ancient woodland indicators”. Altogether 21 species of plants typical of old forests were identified in the area, out of which 10 species were found in the “richest” forest patch and only two in the poorest one. Generally, forest islands in the Uniejów municipality contain few species confined to old forests. The islands represent mostly recent secondary woods on the formerly agricultural land.
Gmina Uniejów to obszar rolniczy – ponad 80% jej powierzchni stanowią użytki rolne, a lesistość wynosi obecnie 10,6%. Jest to teren ubogi w lasy, które na obszarze gminy są w znacznym stopniu rozdrobnione, a ich roślinność antropogenicznie zaburzona. Brakuje większych kompleksów leśnych. W latach 2021–2022 przeprowadzono inwentaryzację flory w 33 wybranych losowo wyspach leśnych, których powierzchnia była mniejsza niż 10 ha. Oceniono przyrodniczą wartość badanych obiektów, wykorzystując gatunki wskaźnikowe („rośliny starych lasów”). W badanych wyspach leśnych odnotowano 21 gatunków roślin typowych dla starych lasów. W najbogatszym florystycznie obiekcie stwierdzono 10 gatunków wskaźnikowych dla starych lasów, a w najuboższych tylko po dwa tego typu taksony. Wyspy leśne gminy Uniejów cechują się małą liczbą gatunków typowych dla starych lasów. W większości są to obiekty wtórne na gruntach użytkowanych w przeszłości rolniczo.
Marginal habitats (ecological islands), i.e. areas of land isolated by natural or artificial means from the surrounding land and not in agricultural use, fulfil an important function in agricultural landscape. They include linear objects, such as balks, boundary strips, paths and side spaces, forest edges, or river and stream banks, as well as non-linear objects, such as small peatbogs, clumps of trees, or extensively used meadows. Such objects are characterized by much greater biological diversity than the surrounding fields or intensively used meadows. They can be regarded as refuge for plants and animals. Marginal habitats can be protected in the form of ecological grounds or under the system of financial compensations, providing incentives for farmers to maintain them.
W rolniczym krajobrazie ważną funkcję pełnią powierzchnie wyłączone z użytkowania, czyli siedliska marginalne (wyspy środowiskowe). Są to zarówno obiekty linearne: miedze, śródpolne skarpy, brzegi cieków i lasów, pobocza dróg i polne drogi, jak i wyspy ekologiczne: oczka śródpolne, małe torfowiska, niewielkie zadrzewienia, ekstensywnie użytkowane łąki i murawy. Obiekty te charakteryzują się znacznie większą różnorodnością biologiczną niż otaczające je pola lub intensywnie użytkowane łąki. Można je uznać za ostoje roślin i zwierząt. Florę gminy Uniejów tworzą 623 rodzime i trwale zadomowione gatunki roślin naczyniowych. Na siedliskach wyłączonych z użytkowania stwierdzono 319 gatunków. Najbogatszymi florystycznie obiektami są pobocza dróg, które zasiedla 128 gatunków, a najuboższymi – niewielkie płaty ciepłolubnych muraw z 75 taksonami. Najwyższy wskaźnik naturalności (64,4%) cechuje florę małych mokradeł, a najniższy – flory miedz śródpolnych i poboczy dróg. Wyspy środowiskowe mogą być chronione w formie użytków ekologicznych oraz w ramach systemu rekompensat finansowych, zachęcających rolników do ich utrzymywania w zakresie programów rolnośrodowiskowych.
In 9 sites of Hedera helix occurrence were recorded in the forests surrounding area Szadek. The species grows mainly on the fresh-mixed and – fresh forest site types. 195 flowering and fruiting specimens were found. The most frequent support for Hedera helix offer such tree species as black alder Alnus glutinosa, common oak Quercus robur and Scots pine Pinus sylvestris. Flowering specimens of the climber are found growing at forest edges, in degraded communities of mixed linden-oak- and -riparian forests as well as in the fringes of gaps in forest stands under reconstruction. The dispersal of Hedera helix in forests is attributed to both the rise in annual average temperatures and, in particular, higher average temperatures in winter months, and to the fragmentation of forest.
W lasach gminy Szadek i terenów przyległych stwierdzono 9 stanowisk kwitnącego i owocującego bluszczu pospolitego. Odnotowano na nich 195 kwitnących okazów tego gatunku. Związane są one z siedliskami średnio żyznymi i żyznymi. Najczęściej notowano je w grądach, rzadziej w łęgach. Podporami dla kwitnących okazów Hedera helix najczęściej są: Alnus glutinosa, Quercus robur oraz Pinus sylvestris. Większość stanowisk związana jest z brzegami lasów lub leśnymi drogami. Głównymi czynnikami stymulującymi zakwitanie bluszczu są „ocieplanie się” klimatu oraz fragmentacja powierzchni leśnych.
This study investigates the flora of 20 oxbow lakes in the Warta valley near Uniejów, ten of which are situated between the river-bed and the flood embankment, and ten are behind the flood bank. 152 plant species have been identified in the studied area: 112 within the embankment, and 148 outside of it. The plants include Nymphaea alba, Lemna gibba and Wolffia arrhiza, as well as Dianthus superbus and Thalictrum lucidum on the banks. The flora of oxbow lakes behind the flood bank includes a greater proportion of anthropofites and more synanthropic vegetation than inside the embankment. To prevent further synanthropisation of the flora, a buffer zone should be created around the oxbow lakes consisting of semi-natural meadow vegetation and single trees. All natural water reservoirs should come under legal protection as ecological lands.
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