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Praca dotyczy wykładników komponentu strukturalnego noweli w perspektywie ewolucji gatunku pojmowanego jako fenomen nie tylko literacki, ale także jako element komunikacji społecznej, osadzony w kontekście kulturowym i antropologicznym. Forma generyczna rozumiana jest jako składnik konstelacji gatunkowej, w skład której wchodzi np. anegdota, facecja, opowiadanie. W wypadku prototypowej noweli, czyli gatunku prozatorskiego o krótkich bądź stosunkowo krótkich rozmiarach można mówić o tendencji do zauważalnej stabilności, jako że stan staropolski i dziewiętnastowieczny charakteryzuje się względnym podobieństwem: w obu wypadkach obserwujemy trójdzielny model, choć różna bywa jego aktualizacja. Z czasem rozbudowaniu ulega segment centralny, niemniej wciąż można wskazać trzy podstawowe ogniwa kompozycyjne. Wyraźny jest tu związek z innymi gatunkami spokrewnionymi, przede wszystkim facecją i anegdotą, które – począwszy od czasów antycznych – wykazują silne związki strukturalne z nowelą. Zmianie ulega także rola puenty, która w staropolszczyźnie stanowiła znaczący element struktury gatunku, nawet gdy nie była wyrażona expressis verbis. Nowela pozytywistyczna z uwagi na fakt zmiany tematyki, a tym samym funkcji w uniwersum komunikacyjnym, rezygnuje z puenty na rzecz bardziej skomplikowanego przesłania, leżącego prawie zawsze po stronie odbiorcy tekstu. Kluczem do stabilności strukturalnej noweli wydaje się jej krótka forma, związana z genetycznym dziedzictwem anegdoty jako krótkiej, zwięzłej narracji codziennej, oralnej u swej podstawy.
This article discusses the exponents of the structural component of the novella, as seen from the perspective of the evolution of this genre - understood not only as a literary phenomenon, but also a case of social communication, embedded in its cultural and anthropological environment. The generic form is understood as a component of the genre constellation, comprising such text types as anecdote, joke or story. In the case of a prototypical novella, that is a genre that relies on the form of a short or relatively short prose text, one can observe a tendency towards its noticeable stability, since the Old Polish and the 19th-century status of this genre is largely comparable. In both époques, one can observe the prevalent tri-partite pattern, yet the way in which it was practically realized could differ at times. With time, the central segment of the novella tended to be expanded, yet the three main structural components were easily recognizable. This structural organization betrays a clear link with other related genres, like the joke and the anecdote. These three text types remained in a close structural correlation since antiquity. The role of the story punch line also changed. In Old Polish, it constituted a vital structural component of the genre, even though it was not always overtly expressed. The Positivist novella resigns from its reliance on the punch line, which is owing to the changes in the subject matter and, hence, its role in the communication universe. The punch line is substituted with a more complex message that is almost always placed on the side of the text recipient. The constrained length of the novella seems to be paramount in ensuring its structural stability. This shortness is anchored genetically in the heritage of the anecdote - short and concise, daily life, oral narrative.
vol. 27
The paper concerns the problem of axiology exponents in the Polish academic discourse of the 16th century. The research proved that this kind of exponents refer to different discourse levels, from the topic of the discourse, through the field of science, to metatext. As for language determinants one can distinguish evaluating lexis, modal verbs and style exponents (e.g. comparisons, phraseological constructions, enumera- tions). The analysis shows that the subjective aspect of the texts confirms the initial stage of the Polish academic discourse forming process. Furthermore, the style diversity reflects the discourse state which was then rather practical than theoretical.
vol. 66
Modern travel literature is the research material used in the article, and particularly how it represents a particular vision of multiculturalism. One can make use of contemporary travel reports as an example of nowadays very popular branch of literature relating to other cultures, thereby confirming the consequential status of multiculturalism as a socio-cultural aspect. As the methodological basis of the work, modern literary and cultural onomastics, and onomastics of discourse have been selected. Discourse is understood as a communication phenomenon of a higher level, concentrating various components and not only verbal ones. Furthermore, it is motivated by social, ideological, and cultural factors which are manifested in different forms. The crucial methodological context is the adoption of discourse linguistics as an extensive research program that can help to create the additional context of the proper names observed in travel literature. The aim of the work is to highlight the main discourse strategies concerning the multiculturalism aspects of proper names present in modern travel literature. Three primary strategies were identified i.e. assimilation, exoticisation and neutralisation. Depending on the strategy adopted, the proper name relates to the ideological level of discourse to a varying degree, it also profiles the Known–Other/Strange relation, approximates given cultures or reflects their disparateness. As one can see, the research has identified many different points of liaison between proper names and the ideology of the text and, what is more, the creation of the world in a chosen discourse. Moreover, it confirms the thesis that proper names, analyzed on the discourse level, requires a context approach revealing its whole semantic and functional potential in microtext as well as macrotext.
In the article, the author tries to bring closer the popular culture problems present in linguistic works. Discussed research proves that the popularity of this issue gradually increases. The linguists apply different and various theories and methodologies in their research. They are interested both in Polish and foreign phenomena of popular culture. The authors of the linguistic research on popular culture place their analysis on a broad background of contemporary culture and society. One can hope that subsequent research provides us with more know ledge and better understanding of the present day.
Przeprowadzona w artykule próba przybliżenia sposobów uobecniania kultury popularnej w refleksji lingwistów pozwala na sformułowanie wniosków o rosnącej popularności tej tematyki, a także różnorodności sposobów jej ujmowania. Badaczki i badacze sięgają po rozmaite propozycje teoretyczne oraz instrumentaria metodologiczne. Interesuje ich zarówno kultura rodzima, jak i obca. Starają się umieszczać badane fenomeny na tle tendencji wyznaczających mapę współczesności. Dzięki podobnym próbom można coraz więcej dowiadywać się o specyfice naszych czasów i być może lepiej je rozumieć.  
vol. 28
The article concerns dynamic aspects of scientific discourse understood as a domain of communication subject to cultural influences. The problem, inspired by Michel Foucault’s concept of archaeology of scientific reason, is presented through the ex- ample of alchemy, a specific phenomenon co-creating a scientific discourse both in the past and in the present. The relation of science with its discursive aspect (in various ways) with the past, and thus also with memory is undeniable, no matter how you consider the issue. This relation also affects the perception of science as such and scientific discourses, which is still an interesting field of observation. The discourse(s) on alchemy and its very status in the universe of communication confirm the dynamics of science and the discourses belonging to or co-constituting it, but in no way do they confirm the thesis of the teleological (in the sense of improving development) history of communication, including scientific communication.
The text presents an analysis of three Polish herbariums from the period of the sixteenth to the seventeenth centuries as examples representing the ancient academic discourse. The presented considerations allow for maintaining the claim about the cultural aspect of Polish academic discourse in the distant past. The texts which represent it are the source of the information about the state of the knowledge in chosen domains and dis- ciplines. Moreover, they constitute the reflection of the knowledge itself in its practi- cal use described in the herbariums, which is a peculiar feature of old Polish academic texts. Justified, then, is the claim that these analysed texts and their discourse are aca- deming in nature, of course on condition that one takes into account their historical context. Apart from the professional awareness of the time, one notices certain strate- gies for constructing the texts and their discourse which prove the academic discourse. Features such as precision, objectivity, argument problematisation etc. were developed and strengthened in subsequent centuries.  
The main subject of the study is to point out the language and text exponents of picturesqueness as a style feature of historical pamphlet of XVI th. century. The observations were made on the example of the work Acrostichis własnego wyobrażenia Kniaża Wielkiego Moskiewskiego by Walenty Neothebel. One can indicate a few determinants of picturesqueness, they are: discontinuous words structures, proverbs and idioms, comparisons, enumerations and large and extensive description contexts. In general distinguished devices are not imaginative or exquisite, frequently being allied to simple, even colloquial language. In that the analyzed text is clearly vivid and evocative. The applied devices serve pragmatic effectiveness of the work, wich is its most important component. In the analyzed piece of work one can distinguish the features of more than one literary genre, e.g. pamphlet, morality play or dialogue, but the pragmatic aspect leads primarily to critical texts of political subject which are close right to the pamphlet. Furthermore, one can mark that Walenty Neothebel due to negative picture of tsar Ivan the Terrible presented in Acrostichis preserved the negative stereotype of Russians in Polish language and culture.
The article concerns the selected problems of relations between Polish and Baltic (limited to Lithuanian and Latvian) languages and cultures. The author considers the relations existing on grammar and lexis as traditionally specifying language levels as well as in more complex domains like cultural stereotypes and mythology or religion. The main aim of the essay is to make a review of relations between chosen languages and cultures. Furthermore, the author attempts to point the various methodological solutions useful in describing the language and culture borderlines. The remarks and observations included in the article show that one can use many methodologies e.g. historical and comparative linguistics, comparative dialectology, cognitive and cultural linguistics. Thanks to reviewing and demanding character of the article it can be interesting for linguists as well as representatives of other humanistic domains.
vol. 61
issue 1
The paper is concerned with the problem of proper name-functions in Polish reportages of the 20th century. The analysis is focused on diachronic changes. For the research, two periods of polish history were chosen: soc-realism and post-socialism epochs. The observation of onomastic material proved that culture had a significant impact on proper name functions in reportage understood as a dynamic and polyphonic speech genre. Furthermore, the proper name as a specific language sign is undoubtedly an important element which informs of the cultural and social factors, customs and traditions of a particular period. The results of this study confirm the benefits of contextualizing onomastic research within a broadly understood cultural background.
The article is dedicated to the problem of journalistic genres and travel discourse of Enlightenment age. As a material of research three travel reports of second half of XVIIIth. and the beginning of XIXth. centuries were analyzed. The author considers the speech genres features which are very complex and various. Apart from genre analysis the aspects of the picture of Silesia and its inhabitants were described. Silesia was portrayed in observed texts among other things as a land of great industry and economic success, both Catholic and Protestant faiths, remaining under foreign influence and furthermore, inhabited by smart, helpful and interesting people.The analyzed text show that the process of forming the jour-nalist genres is very complex and long–term. On the other hand the interesting place is always, regardless of the epoch, a good subject to write about. The versatile portrait of Silesia and its inhabitants confirms the great interest of foreign lands in the age of Enlightenment.
The article is dedicated to description of proper names functions in chosen narrative poem of Passion literature of Polish Baroque. Analyzed proper names in Pamiątka krwawej ofiary Pana Zbawiciela naszego Jezusa Chrystusa (1610) by Abraham Rożniatowski are mainly connected with metaphysical sphere of culture, majority of them is conventional, primarily drawn from Bible. The main function of proper names is to describe the Passion in influential way and to show the people how grievous and savage it was. The onomastic field of the narrative poem is strictly related to religious cult of Kalwaria Zebrzydowska popular in Poland in Baroque times.
W artykule podjęto problem pamięci stereotypu jako składnika językowego i dyskursywnego obrazu świata w dyskursach dotyczących płci. Materiał stanowią teksty publicystyczne, głównie wywiady i artykuły. Stereotyp w analizowanych dyskursach podlega reinterpretacji i dekonstrukcji, co prowadzi do przewartościowania obrazu płci. Strategie i środki temu służące to np. bezpośrednie odwołania do stereotypu i reinterpretacja tegoż, otwartość w mówieniu o niewiększościowych tożsamościach płciowych, intymne konfesje dotyczące płci i seksualności, wypowiedzi postulatywne nawołujące do aktywnego i świadomego przewartościowania stereotypowego wizerunku płci, „eksperymenty” natury językowej obnażające m.in. luki i braki nominacyjne stabilizujące stereotypy płci. Wiele ze wskazanych sposobów odniesień do stereotypu ma charakter implicytny i wymaga wyinterpretowania ich z tekstu.
The main issue discussed in the paper is the memory of stereotype as part of a linguistic and discursive picture of the world in discourses on gender. The analysed material comprises journalistic texts, mostly interviews and articles. In the analysed discourses the stereotype is subjected to reinterpretation and deconstruction, which alters the image of gender. The strategies and means which serve this purpose include, for instance, explicit references to the stereotype and its reinterpretation, openness in talking about non-mainstream identities, intimate confessions regarding gender and sexuality, postulative statements calling for active and intentional change of the stereotypical image of genders, linguistic ‘experiments’ which expose gaps and lacks in naming that stabilise gender stereotypes. Many of the references to the stereotype are implicit and need to be extracted from the text by means of interpretation.
vol. 65
issue 2
The work concerns the possibility of using onomastic instruments for researching the imagery of Old-Polish. One can observe the potential of proper names that is useful in describing the complexity of Medieval Polish, especially that there are few texts written in Polish remaining from the Middle Ages. Proper names, due to their semantic potential of connotations and their many functions, may be analyzed in various contexts, which is helpful in the analysis of medieval language. The author attempts to highlight a few selected problems concerning the relationship between onyms and the imagery of the Old-Polish language. The observations were conducted taking into account the semantic potential of proper names as well as their function in co-creating various discourses and styles.
Opracowanie dotyczy możliwości zastosowania instrumentarium onomastyki do badań nad obrazowością języka staropolskiego. Zaobserwowano potencjał nazw własnych pomocny w opisie złożoności średniowiecznej polszczyzny, co jest zwłaszcza ważne ze względu na ubóstwo ilościowe i tematyczne zachowanych z tej epoki tekstów polskojęzycznych. Nazwy własne ze względu na konotacje semantyczne i wiele funkcji, jakie pełnią, można poddać analizie w różnych kontekstach i użyciach. Autor spróbował wskazać kilka wybranych problemów dotyczących związków onimów z obrazowością języka staropolskiego. Obserwacje były prowadzone zarówno z uwzględnieniem potencjału semantycznego nazw własnych, jak i ich funkcji we współtworzeniu różnych dyskursów i stylów.
The work concerns the problem of language determinants of old-time epochs (16th–17th centuries) erotic discourse. The research material constitutes chosen texts representing rhetorical low style as close to colloquial variant of language. One pointed two main discourse tendencies: picturesqueness and allusiveness. Analysis illustrates the universality of language measures, their panchronic character, ludic and euphemistic functions. Furthermore the connections of examined discourse with colloquial variant of Polish and with the lingual and cultural stereotypes were confirmed.
W artykule podjęto problem językowych eksponentów dawnego (XVI–XVII wiek) polskiego dyskursu erotycznego. Materiał badawczy stanowiły wybrane teksty reprezentujące styl niski jako bliski odmianie potocznej języka. Wskazano dwie główne tendencje dyskursotwórcze: obrazowość i aluzyjność. Analizy ilustrują uniwersalność zabiegów językowych, ich panchroniczny charakter, funkcje ludyczną i eufemizującą. Potwierdzony został także związek badanego dyskursu z potoczną odmianą polszczyzny, a także ze stereotypami językowo-kulturowymi.
Proper names should be recognized as a significant factor of a literary character and in broader perspective of bringing closer the novel problems. The main novel character, Leon Płoszowski, percepts and sense the world through the self-analysis and analysis of the reality surrounding him. Proper names above all emphasize two features: erudition and cosmopolitism of the novel character. His formation and contact through the years with high culture do not help him to put the world – both: one inside and one outside him – in order, but all of this remains a stigma in a form of association everything with art, literature, philosophy etc. It is confirmed in the novel by numerous proper names. The fact that proper names in basic for Leon Płoszowski characteristics places in the novel apply mostly to the past, causes that they form sort of „onomastic museum”.
The work considers the chosen methods of linguistics research which can be used in analysis of changes in Polish of past century, which is a significant period of history of Polish language and culture. One can observe the advantages of both: traditional and modern instruments. The author took into consideration structuralism, cognitive and anthropological linguistics, text linguistics, discourse theory and media linguistics to present their abilities to describe the language changes in Polish during the last century.
W pracy rozważane są wybrane metody badań językoznawczych, które można wykorzystać w analizie przemian polszczyzny minionego stulecia, będącego znaczącym okresem historii języka i kultury polskiej. Można zaobserwować zalety zarówno instrumentów tradycyjnych, jak i nowoczesnych. Autor wziął po uwagę strukturalizm, językoznawstwo kognitywne i antropologiczne, lingwistykę tekstu, teorię dyskursu i lingwistykę medialną, aby zaprezentować ich zastosowanie do opisu zmian językowych w polszczyźnie w ostatnim stuleciu.
The article concerns the problem of gender power understood as: (1) prevalence and/or domination of forms associated with one of the traditionally distinguished genders (in the biological and cultural sense), both in the system and its textual and discursive implementations (power in a narrow sense — purely linguistic, verbal); (2) imposition of certain attitudes and behaviours in broadly defined communication, resulting from the represented gender (power in a broader sense — communicative, including mainly, though not exclusively, the non-verbal sense). The exponents of gender power can be found on a number of levels of language and communication: from the grammatical system, through e.g. the linguistic picture of the world, pragmatically conditioned areas, to various discourses of modern culture. The causes of gender power vary; they are associated mostly with historical grounding, as well as conventionalisation of communication forms and behaviour. In some situations (e.g. artistic and scientific discourses, media communication) the power of gender is weakened in favour of gender fluidity, and then maybe even postgenderism.
An analysis of texts representing the post-humanism discourse(s) has indicated that the discourse is an ideological one with the key role of a thematic component. Specialist lexis and neo-semantic discontinuous terms and expressions are of importance here together with questions as an element of added dynamics. The point of reference for the post-humanism discourse is the traditional, anthropocentric world order as confirmed by a specific picture of the world emphasizing the equality of all living species and trans-human entities. The post-humanism discourse enriches contemporary communication, extends the subject category and re-interprets the notion of communication culture.
Przeprowadzona analiza tekstów reprezentujących dyskurs posthumanizmu wykazała, że jest to dyskurs o charakterze ideologicznym, o kluczowej roli komponentu tematycznego. Charakterystyczna dla tego dyskursu jest także leksyka specjalna, neosemantyczne struktury nieciągłe oraz pytania jako element dynamizujący. Punktem odniesienia dla dyskursu posthumanizmu jest tradycyjny – antropocentryczny – porządek rzeczywistości, co poświadcza specyficzny obraz świata akcentujący równość wszelkich gatunków żywych i bytów transhumanistycznych. Dyskurs posthumanizmu wzbogaca współczesną przestrzeń komunikacyjną, poszerza kategorię podmiotu i reinterpretuje pojęcie kultury komunikacji.
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