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A man had been carrying various loads for ages. It was a few thousand years ago that after spreading of agriculture and sedentary lifestyle as well as domestication of cattle, horses and donkeys, new methods of transportation including pack, land and vehicular transport appeared. In spite of that, it was until the first half of the 20th century that country inhabitants started to carry various loads, usually within their farms and on the way to or from the field or forest as well as to carry products for sale to market in town. They used different baskets (see the map), other woven containers and loops, sheets, bags to carry weights on their back. There were also itinerant sellers and manufacturers who reached the country while travelling through the vast areas of central Europe and they mostly used baskets and chests carried on their backs. Using an ethno-geographic method based on materials collected in the Studio of the Polish Ethnographic Book of Maps and numerous maps, the author describes the dynamics of cultural changes, disappearance of some ways and tools that served to carry things (containers made of bark, nets stretched on arches, water-jugs and wooden buckets and many others) and emergence of new tools. The changes happen in the pace set by the country economy, e.g. following potato cultivation big baskets appeared. Such innovations and others usually came from the west, whereas archaisms and relics mostly were observed in the north-eastern part of Poland.
The paper discusses the results of a research of the workers perception of their work milieu with regard to its stable features and changes which take place in it. The research was meant as a basis for the creation of a typology of adaptability which would enable future large scale diagnostical studies. A 40-point questionnaire was used in the study (Version A - "What is it like now?" and version В - "What was it like before?"). It was offered to 100 workers (80 men and 20 women) aged 18-58, and working at the plant from 11 to 20 years. The questionnaire consisted of 4 groups of questions referring to 1. Changes which, according to the workers, took place in their work milieu, 2. organizational and physical conditions of work, 3. the social milieu of work, and 4. the aims and aspirations of workers in view of their work. A comparison of the results in versions A and В of the questionnaire made possible the estimation of the degree of perceived changes while the comparison of groups of perceptively sensitive persons and persons exhibiting various degrees of adaptation yielded a typology of adaptability.
В статье обсуждаются вопросы постановки и реализации коммуникативных целей изучения русского языка на отделении русской филологии. Формулируется следующие выводы: 1. Очень важно согласование коммуникативных целей обучения и- ностранному языку с естественными мотивами обучения. Поэтому в зависимости от целевой направленности отдельных этапов подготовки студентов - филологов на первый план выдвигаются все новые перспективы использования изучаемого языка, а следовательно преобладают определенные виды языковой коммуникации. 2. Так как на русской филологии профилирующий язык изучается не только на практических занятиях, но и на всех остальных ведущихся на русском языке. Поэтому преподаватели научных дисциплин, предусмотренных планом обучения, должны считать себя также и учителями профилирующего языка. 3. Языковая подготовка студентов русской филологии должна Сыть продолжением их восьмилетнего обучения русскому языку в школе. 4. Имея в виду профессиональную подготовку студентов, кроме главных видов языковой коммуникации (восприятие на слух, говорение, чтение про себя, письмо), следует развивать и вторичние виды коммуникативной деятельности на русском языке (чтение вслух, запись речи, устный и письменный перевод).
Les états européens malgré la sympathie de leurs nations témoignée à la Pologne n’avancèrent pas la cause polonaise au forum international, ne la firent pas réexaminer par les contractants viennois. On sait que les émissaires de l'insurrection ne furent nulle part tenus pour représentants polonaise, car cela aurait été le premier pas en voie de reconnaître l’indépendance de la Pologne. Toutes les démarches des cabinets européens étaient conçues du point de vue des relations des pays particuliers avec la Russie et non pas comme l’attitude directe envers la Pologne. C’est pourquoi la cause polonaise se trouva au carrefour des courants politiques divers. La crainte de la révolution universelle, la rivalisation d’intérêts mutuels des pays particuliers, la diplomatie russe agissante d ’une manière exceptionellement habile, et par contre, l'incapacité, le manque d’élasticité et de prompte décision de la part de la diplomatie polonaise - c'étaient des facteurs qui traçaient la ligne, se cassant et se rompant souvent, des démarches prudentes des pays de l'Europe occidentale concernant directement ou indirectement l'insurrection de novembre.
The Policy of Peaceful Competition realized by President of the United Stales Richard Nixon on the turn of 1960s and 1970s resulted in the peaceful dialogue between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics concerning disarmament. The circumstances of the summit talks in Moscow were: the inclination to consolidation of international security and peace propagated by the Eastern European Socialdemocratics in the conception of disengagement and conception of the peaceful coexistence of slates which have different social systems restored during the 20th and 22nd Congress of Communist Party of the USSR. Agreements about the fragmentary limitations of nuclear armaments were the proof of these conceptions on the turn of 1960s and 1970s. The other circumstances were: fiasco of the American policy in Wietnam and tense relations between Moscow and Peking, which were permitted The Nixon Administration to take the advantage of that rapprochement with the People’s Republic of China to establish a dialogue with the USSR. The encouragement to bcgining a dialogue was A Peaceful Programme, which Brezniev announced of the turn of March and April 1972 concerning a new foreign policy of the USSR to detente between East and West. The fundamental circumstance of the summit talks in Moscow was the acknowledgement by the United States and the USSR, at the end of 1960s, that nuclear parity exsisted, which was linked with continual expenses for armaments and new technology of armaments by both powers. Moreover, the leaders of the USSR wanted to sign the economic agreement with the United States which would allow to avoid disastrous economic situation in the USSR. One should add the efficient control of the realization of the agreements accepted by the states in the field of disarmament which was possible due to using the national technical control measures. All these circumstances resulted in the visit of the President of the United Stales in Moscow in May 1972 and it initiated signing the agreements of limitation of strategic armaments, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation between both superpowers.
The Congo Crisis was one of the conflicts which involved economical and military power of the United Nations under presidency of John F. Kennedy. The United Stales had already aided Belgium but they weren’t able to solve that problem by using the US Army in Secessionist Katanga because it would lead to the direct confrontation with the USSR and its satellite countries. The second reason was connected with involvement of American private business in Katangian industry and the attempts of its exclusion made by Belgians or Patrice Lumumba’s forces. The John F. Kennedy Government attitude was determined by his predecessors policy of the containment, which should be successful in the decolonized areas. The John F. Kennedy Government attitude towards the United Nations during the Congo Crisis was determined by the majority in General Assembly created by newly independent African countries which supported the Soviet Union and his allies. That was the main cause why previously adopted “majority voting” in General Assembly was impossible for the John F. Kennedy Government.
When we analyze the turn of the XXth and XIXth century in the Russian philosophy we often use the term „silver age” to emphasize its rapid development during that time. It is well know that the Orthodox Church with its principles remained independent from philosophy for a long time. It is only during the „silver age” that the efforts were taken to properly recognise the type of relations combining faith and science. However, it turned out that, regarding this matter, the experience of the East cannot be translated into the language of Western philosophy. This is why the greatest thinkers of this period, such as Pavel Florensky and Vladimir Solovyov, had to undertake a tremendous task of constructing the intellectual foundations for their spiritual tradition. When it comes to summarizing this era, Lev Shestov wrote that in the European philosophy one can distinguish between two currents of thoughts. The first is the rational one that originates from Athens and is characteristic to the philosophy of the West. The second one comes from Jerusalem and is based on the Revelation, specifically – the miracles. It is characteristic to the thinking of the East. The question is whether Shestov properly grasped the core of the problem, and whether it is the Orthodox Church that is in fact closer to the Ancient Greek understanding of the philosophical reality.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie przemian struktury funkcjonalnej południowego fragmentu staromiejskiej części Mysłowic, tzw. Nowego Miasta, pomiędzy 1913 r. i 2013 r. Analizy dokonano w oparciu o mapy funkcjonalne obszaru, sygnalizując głębszy problem badawczy. Studium obejmuje pełne spektrum rodzajów działalności gospodarczych prowadzonych na obszarze badań w ujęciu historycznym oraz współczesnym. Postępowanie badawcze przeprowadzono w oparciu o chronologicznie zestawione plany miasta. Przyjęte daty graniczne prezentują układ funkcjonalny Nowego Miasta w Mysłowicach w czasach jego maksymalnego rozwoju oraz współczesnego regresu funkcjonalnego.
Urban development is continuous and very complex process which causes numerous urban space transformations, both in spatial and functional terms. The aim of paper is analysis of functional changes in the area of south part of major functional center of Mysłowice town at 1913 and 2013. Studies were conducted on the base of functional maps and their comparative analysis. The analysis include the area of Nowe Miasto (Nowe Mysłowice, New Town, New Mysłowice). Seat of local government, railway station with former emigratory station and surrounding buildings are located at this area now. Researches included the spectrum of economic activity at study area, according to Conzen’s method and conceptions of institutional base, both in historical and contemporary terms. The functional maps of Nowe Miasto were made on the base of archival materials (literature, commercial registers, town plan from 1911), contemporary town plan from 2009 and field inventory of economic activity at study area in 2013. The cartographic materials were registered and calibrated in Poland CS92 coordinate system (EPSG: 2180) and next digitized with applied MapInfo Professional package. Studies showed that functional structure of south part of major functional center of Mysłowice town has changed significantly between 1913 and 2013. At 1913 area of Nowe Miasto was characterized by activities connected with border traffic (hotels, restaurants, banks). Buildings of schools, synagogue and Evangelical Church gave unique character to this part of town. Contemporary this area is undergoing the spatial and functional crisis and urban structure was degraded. The major part of economic activities at study area in 2013 have endogenic character also.
W artykule w sposób praktyczny przedstawiono możliwości zastosowania narzędzi GIS podczas przeprowadzania analizy planu miasta pod kątem morfologicznym. Krok po kroku scharakteryzowano poszczególne etapy takiej analizy, wskazując na korzyści, jakie niesie za sobą wykorzystanie tychże narzędzi. Zwrócono również uwagę na mogące pojawić się trudności i pokazano sposoby minimalizowania ich wpływu na przebieg badań.
Urban morphology is a scientific discipline which studies the external structure (i.e. shape and physiognomy of buildings) and the internal structure (i.e. layout) of the town, as well as the genesis and evolution of its various parts (their morphogenesis). The main research method in urban morphology is the town plan analysis. It is based on observation of changes in the urban space of the study area by comparing chronologically listed town plans. GIS tools may be applied in urban morphology at all stages of town plan analysis: from the selection of source materials (especially archival town plans), through a proper analysis of morphology and morphogenesis of the study area, to the presentation of the results of these analyses. The paper shows the possibilities of using these tools. It also identifies a number of advantages and benefits related with the introduction of GIS to urban morphology. Attention is also paid to difficulties which may arise at each stage of research. It seems that rectification of archival town plans is the most troublesome task. The older a plan is, the harder it is to register. Another disadvantage is the necessity of arduous digitization of all archival maps. Overcoming these difficulties opens the way to all advantages of GIS. The greatest advantage of applying GIS to the town plan analysis is the improvement of comparison of town plans from the same area but from different periods of time. Adding georeferences to archival maps, and converting them to one coordinate system, facilitates unification of the scale of all town plans, and allows overlapping of one town plan with another. In turn, the digitization of archival maps enables the introduction of uniform signs and uniform naming for thematic vector layers in all analysed periods of time, which facilitates tracing the evolution of the town plan.
Artykuł poświęcony jest rozwojowi miasta Jastrzębie Zdrój w południowej części województwa śląskiego. W pracy zwrócono uwagę na problem ewolucji struktur: przestrzennej, funkcjonalnej i częściowo demograficznej, które w ciągu pół wieku sprawiły, iż nieduże (3 tys. mieszkańców, lata 60. XX w.) osiedle, o funkcjach uzdrowiskowych przekształciło się w duże demograficznie miasto i jeden z największych ośrodków górniczych w Europie (od lat 70. XX w.). Podkreślono fakt, iż to rozwój gospodarczy i zmiana funkcji miasta warunkowała gwałtowność procesów urbanizacji w aspekcie zarówno demograficznym, jak i przestrzennym. Uwypuklono także kwestię, że już w latach 80. XX w. Jastrzębie Zdrój było największym w Polsce miastem-blokowiskiem (osiedla blokowe niemal całkowicie zdominowały przestrzeń miasta). Miasto stało się wręcz „przestrzennym zakładnikiem” nadprodukcji miejscowych tzw. fabryk domów, a w rzeczywistości prefabrykowanych bloków. Kwestią niemal nieznaną, a jednocześnie bardzo interesującą jest też fakt, że rozwój Jastrzębia Zdroju miał być także początkiem rozwoju nowej aglomeracji miejskiej liczącej ponad 400 tys. mieszkańców. Ostatecznie ten układ osadniczy zrealizowano tylko na etapie zalążkowym. W zakończeniu opracowania zwrócono uwagę na fakt, iż współcześnie miasto szuka nowych możliwości rozwoju, które mogą uzupełnić monofunkcyjność górnictwa węglowego, w pewnym stopniu mogą się także stać pewnym remedium na zauważalny proces kurczenia się demograficznego miejscowości. Z innej strony zwrócono także uwagę, że Jastrzębie Zdrój jest jednym z najbardziej znamiennych polskich przykładów diametralnych zmian funkcjonalnych miasta, w krótkim okresie oraz niemal niespotykanej w kraju, krótkoterminowej dynamiki wzrostu liczby ludności miejskiej (1961−1976 – 2 815,2 %).
The aim of this paper is to provide an overview on City of Jastrzębie Zdrój development (the southern part of Silesian Province). A key question has been an evolution of urban structures: spatial, functional and also partly demographic, which determined a fact that some small settlement (about 3 thousands inhabitants; the sixties of the last century) with spa functions changed on demographically big city and one of the greatest mining-centre in Europe (the seventies of the last century). Economic development and changes of urban functions determined the suddenness of the urbanization processes both demographic and spatial issues. Jastrzębie Zdrój was already the greatest Polish city of prefabricated blocks in the eighties of the last century. It should be underline that estates of prefabricated blocks completely dominated ownscape in presented city. It is interesting that local companies that were specialized on prefabricated blocks “took city (spatial) hostage”. Former, spatial plans of urban development for city intended that Jastrzębie Zdrój could be a centre of new urban agglomeration with population about 400 thousands inhabitants, too. Only embryonic form of the urban agglomeration has been created in the end. Contemporary Jastrzębie Zdrój tries to find new possibilities of development, that can be complements of coalmining and partly slow down process of demographic shrinkage. Jastrzębie Zdrój is the one of the most characteristic Polish examples of diametrically functional changes of city in the short period of time and very seldom short-time dynamics of urban population growth (1961−1976 – 2 815,2%).
In the ritual cycle of the Bulgarian wedding songs pay on themselves attention the structures, which modal unity allows to assume an existence of a common code of the internal development, a code of modal-actional intention (the volitional aspect, by V. Turner). The conjecturalness showed itself as an internal predisposition of "subject" of text on expectation. Doubt, uncertainty in the good and its desirableness make its sense. The sense of distinction of two modalities can be presented in the formulas "the real as the desirable" (Bulgarian) and "the desirable as the real" (Russian). The development in songs of two diverse values are various in a ritual place. Basing on five stages of archaic invariant scheme of wedding, the types of conjectural modal structure in the Bulgarian songs are examined in a sequence: courtship (I), before the wedding (II), up to the wedding (III), in a day of the wedding (IV) and after the wedding (V). It is concluded their difference from the same values of stages in Russian songs.
This paper characterizes one of the way to describe the meaning of phases in Russian. The author presents the different ways of translation of the phase meaning to German. The phase meaning, which in Russian in the morphologically way are expressed, are translated with the lexical-grammatical, lexical or contextually means.
Vision of miraculous vineyard любви and youth appears astir recollection and meeting with the loved woman (for the first time for thirty years!) fifth-year Cola Breugnon on the edge of a forest a wood, beside foots of enourmous tree (oak). In novel of R. Rolland Cola Breugnon this episode, probably, central and is a culmination of narrative (or one of the climactic tops). Why this lovingly-lyrical episode separate in сюжет, concretely correlated with history events - 1616's and hostilities in Burgundy - a table emotional saturated, significant in the fate a hero and has of importance for philosophical ideas of novel as a whole? Answer is Necessary Search semantic of many plans 'scene under the oak', possibility of ambiguity of its reading.
A category of secondary orality appeared in debate over the condition of contemporary culture by dint of Walter Jackson Ong’s research on influence of technology of word over an awareness of western man. Its concept designates a specific type of communicational situation, which is created by a twentieth-century ways of transmission of informations, like radio, television, telephone and another electronic voice-devices. In Ong’s works the perspective of secondary orality functions in context of the model of Greek culture, which preceded a beginning of the characterstic type of mentality, connected with the interiorization of script. The original oral awareness was dipped in world of mythical stories, which was created a cultural identity by dint of the acts of memorization and oral transmission of poetic experience. Analogies and differences between secondary and primary orality tease to ask about function and understanding the category of myth in perspective the first of them, which didn't appear in Ong’s works. A response to this question must connect with consideration of understanding the myth in contemporary reflection about the culture and with a search of symptoms of its presence in middle-class and consumerist societies, in which have appeared the technology of secondary orality. In my paper I'd like to try to recreate this elements of cultural background of contemporariness, which relate the age of twentieth-century orality to its ancient mythical grounding but equally indulge in transformations by dint of evolution of human condition in western culture
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