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Autor przedstawił sprawozdanie z konferencji naukowej, która została zorganizowana z okazji 200. rocznicy powstania Towarzystwa Naukowego Krakowskiego. Sesja odbyła się w dniach 9–10 grudnia 2015 r. przy współpracy Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności, Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego oraz Archiwum Nauki Polskiej Akademii Nauk i Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności. Zgromadziła międzynarodowe grono prelegentów, którzy w swoich wystąpieniach przedstawili różne aspekty działalności TNK. Pokłosiem obrad jest publikacja Towarzystwo Naukowe Krakowskie w 200-lecie założenia (1815–2015). Materiały konferencji naukowej 9–10 grudnia 2015, pod redakcją Wandy Lohman (Kraków 2016).
The author submittedto print the report of the scientific conference which had been organized on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the foundation of the Kraków Learned Society. The session was held in December 9–10, 2015 as a result of cooperation between the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Jagiellonian University as well as the Scientific Archives of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences in Kraków. It brought an international group of speakers together to discuss in their deliberations the various aspects of the Cracow Learned Society. The outcome of the meeting is the publication Towarzystwo Naukowe Krakowskie w 200-lecie założenia (1815–2015). Materiały konferencji naukowej 9–10 grudnia 2015, edited by Wanda Lohman (Kraków, 2016).
Of the defenders of the Przemyśl Fortress about 70% were killed in battle and most of the survivors, regardless of their nationality, were deported to the lands of the Russian Empire. A lot of them were residents of the Kingdom of Hungary. Many Hungarians also fell in the 1914-1915 battles for Galicia and were buried at various war cemeteries scattered all around the region. No wonder then that public discourse has long featured “heroic Hungarians in Galicia”, though this is only part of the story. Hungarian presence in Galicia was also marked by some shameful episodes. The conduct of Hungarian troops between 1915 and 1918 would be remembered by local people as brutal. In memoirs of that time the Honvéd are shown more like barbarian and destructive Huns, even though a few years before people had admired the Hungarian officers’ culture and their attractive uniforms.
Wacław Borowy (1890-1950) and Władysław Tarnawski (1885-1951) are scholars whose paths to university positions were neither straight nor obvious. Their life paths hardly ever crossed and they were not de facto close collaborators. Still, they both showed a love of learning, especially of Polish and English literature, as well as diligence in performing academic and social duties. The English scholars (or, in their case, scholars qualified in Polish studies, but dealing professionally with English studies) who were part of the intellectual milieu of the time, perhaps never achieved remarkable worldwide recognition but through their hard work, research skills and a detailed analysis of examined issues tried to improve the research on the history of English literature. One needs to remember that English scholars at the time were in scarcity. Władysław Tarnawski and Wacław Borowy together with Roman Dyboski and Andrzej Tretiak formed the hard core.
Konferencja pt. „Intellectuals and the First World War: Central European Perspective”, zorganizowana w dniach 20–22 X 2016 r. w Krakowie, była doskonałą okazją do dyskusji nad fenomenem konfliktu z lat 1914–1918 i jego wpływem na życie przedstawicieli inteligencji oraz twórców kultury. Wojna przerwała niejedne znaczące badania naukowe oraz prace nad dziełami sztuki – wielu intelektualistów zginęło bowiem na frontach jako żołnierze, czy też cywilne ofiary. Z drugiej strony wojna była dla wielu z nich okazją do zaistnienia, m.in. w służbie propagandy wojskowej, i przekierowania swojej profesjonalnej kariery w innym kierunku. Konferencja zorganizowana została przez Instytut Historii UJ, przy wsparciu finansowym Gminy Miejskiej Kraków – Urzędu Miasta Krakowa. Konferencja zgromadziła prawie 30 prelegentów z krajów Unii Europejskiej oraz Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki.
“Intellectuals and the First World War: Central European Perspective”, a conference organized on October 20–22, 2016 in Kraków, was a perfect opportunity to discuss the phenomenon of the 1914–1918 conflict and its impact on the lives of intellectuals and the creators of culture. Many important scientific studies or cultural activities were interrupted by the war as a result of the conscription of the intellectuals and their death either on the WW1 fronts or as civilian victims. On the other hand, the war was also an opportunity for many to redirect professional careers in new directions e.g. in the service of military propaganda. The conference was organized by the Institute of History of the Jagiellonian University with the financial support of the Kraków City Council – City of Kraków. The conference brought together nearly 30 speakers from the European Union and the United States of America.
Based on a collection of Władysław Tarnawski’s letters stored as part of Andrzej Gawroński’s legacy at the Adam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature in Warsaw, the author attempts to analyze a self-portrait left by that Lviv-Przemyśl Anglicist. The aim of the article is to show the significance of friendship between scholars – which is rare but can be strong, especially if based on a long-term acquaintance, shared interests and values. Such was the relationship between Władysław Tarnawski (1885-1951) and Andrzej Gawroński (1885-1927), a multilinguist, specialist in Oriental philology, connected with the Jagiellonian University and the Lviv University.The author also looks at the interests and passions which Tarnawski revealed in the letters to his friend, his everyday worries and his research, as well as the descriptions of the circles in which they both worked.Based on a collection of Władysław Tarnawski’s letters stored as part of Andrzej Gawroński’s legacy at the Adam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature in Warsaw, the author attempts to analyze a self-portrait left by that Lviv-Przemyśl Anglicist. The aim of the article is to show the significance of friendship between scholars – which is rare but can be strong, especially if based on a long-term acquaintance, shared interests and values. Such was the relationship between Władysław Tarnawski (1885-1951) and Andrzej Gawroński (1885-1927), a multilinguist, specialist in Oriental philology, connected with the Jagiellonian University and the Lviv University. The author also looks at the interests and passions which Tarnawski revealed in the letters to his friend, his everyday worries and his research, as well as the descriptions of the circles in which they both worked.
Autor przedstawił sprawozdanie z konferencji naukowej „Andrzej Gawroński (1885-1927) – poliglota i uczony”. Sesję zorganizowało Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk w Przemyślu, I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Juliusza Słowackiego w Przemyślu oraz Podkarpackie Centrum Edukacji Nauczycieli – Odział w Przemyślu w dniu 1 kwietnia 2016 r. Konferencję poświęcono różnym aspektom życia i działalności naukowej jednego z najsłynniejszych lingwistów świata – profesora filologii orientalnej uniwersytetów krakowskiego i lwowskiego, krótko mieszkającego również w Przemyślu. Materiały z sesji zostaną opublikowane w zeszycie Literatura i Język „Rocznika Przemyskiego”.
The author gave to print the report of the scientific “Andrzej Gawroński (1885–1927) - a linguist and scholar.” It was organized by the Society of Friends of Science in Przemyśl, Juliusz Słowacki High School No. 1 in Przemyśl as well as the Podkarpackie Center for Teacher Education Przemysl Chapter on April 1, 2016. The meeting was devoted to different aspects of life and scientific work of one of the world's most famous linguists - professor of oriental philology Krakow and Lviv universities, also briefly lived in Przemysl. Materials from the session will be published in The Przemyśl Yearbook issue Literature and Language.
Autor omawia przydatność ksiąg ogłoszeń dyrekcji jako źródła do dziejów dnia powszedniego w galicyjskiej szkole średniej na początku XX wieku. To typy źródeł do tej pory będące poza zainteresowaniem historyków oświaty i wychowania. Pozwalają one odtworzyć wiele ulotnych elementów szkolnej rzeczywistości, na tyle trywialnych i zwyczajnych, że nie znajdują one odzwierciedlenia w innych źródłach. Wykorzystując księgi zachowane z gimnazjów Lwowa, Sambora i Stanisławowa autor stara się udowodnić tezę o przydatności tych źródeł, równocześnie charakteryzując je pod względem zewnętrznym i wewnętrznym.
The author discusses the usefulness of the headmaster’s announcement books as a source of the history of everydayness in a Galician middle school at the beginning of the 20th century. These types of sources so far have been beyond the scope of interest for historians of education. They allow the recreation of many fleeting elements of school reality, so trivial and common that they were not reflected in other sources. The author uses books preserved from middles schools in Lviv, Sambor and Stanisławów in order to prove that the thesis that such sources can be useful, at the same time offering their description.
The authors have edited and prepared for publishing an unknown letter by the Przemyśl lawyer, politician and social activist Leonard Tarnawski of 19 November 1914. In the letter Tarnawski appeals to the authorities in Vienna in defense of his unjustly imprisoned brother Apolinary,owner of a clinic in Kosiv in Pokuttya. The letter was written during the First World War, a poorly researched period in the history of the Tarnawski family, and had remained an unknown historical source.
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