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Rhetoric was the most important subject of the Old Polish educational system, with its roots tracing back to the tradition of the Ancient Rome. The statement itself is crucial, due to the fact of the orator’s moral and patriotic duties. Therefore, the lectures were focused not only on the technical aspects of rhetoric, but also on morality, religion and political knowledge. The article consists of two main sections. The first section is dedicated to describing the role of the rhetorical education, as well as, the evolution of the relation between rhetoric and history, which had existed from the 1st century A.D. until the first decades of the 18th century, when history began to separate from rhetoric. The second section is dedicated to presenting the history education in practice, on the example of the Jesuit college in Poznań. The analysis of the matter is based on the script of rhetoric lectures given in Poznań in 1679. With regard to the aforementioned manuscript, one could say, that the most important task of history education, was the patriotic and civil upbringing of pupils, so that they could participate in political and cultural activities. History taught at the College in Poznań was mainly dedicated to Poland, and was of practical nature.
Most of articles on patronage in Greater Poland from the 16th to the 18th century concerns a direct dependence between the patron and the client. Thus, the present work concentrates on a specific kind of patronage – scholarship foundations, which are only briefly mentioned in historiography. Some of them are not known. “Fundatio orzelkoviana” serves as an example here to show the need for detailed relevant case studies to supplement the available data. Founded by Marcin Orzeł in 1566, the foundation existed for many years and helped young people to achieve academic education. Ius patronatus and control of the foundation was assigned to the Catedral Chapter of Poznań. Admittedly, this Chapter was interested in keeping the foundation in good condition, e. g. by being aware of economic and financial factors influencing the foundation and by carrying out the recovery in debts, be it rents or fees. The source material for the present discussion comes from the Main Archive for Poznań Archdiocese (mainly the acts of the Cathedral Chapter of Poznań, Consistory Court and the canonical visitation of Bishop Tholibowski).
The article tells about historiography of a famous Polish school – Collegium Lubranscianum (English Lubrański Academy), which originated in 1519 and existed until 1780. The whole text divided into few groups, showing the position of Lubranscianum in the interpretations of historians and the lack of research allowing recognition of some aspects of Lubranscianum history, such as the educational process of young people in the school, including the methods and handbooks, or, in general, the history of the school in the seventieth and eighteenth century. It is stressed that only few works bring new knowledge into out problem and most of the historiography is based on previously published works.
Krzysztof Grzymułtowski was one of the most influential politicians of 16th-century Poland not only due to his social background but also his school education. The aims of this article are to present the role of school education he obtained at the Lubrański Academy in his public activity as a politician and examine the effects of education in one of the most prominent secondary schools of that period. The text refers to published studies of the school curriculum, which were confronted with Grzymułtowski’s publications from the school period, written under the supervision of his educators, and from the time of his later public activity. The conducted analysis showed that his school education had a clear impact on his later activities, especially in terms of rhetorical skills, legal and state-related knowledge and cognitive competencies acquired through philosophical studies.
Seminarium naukowe nt. „Warsztat badawczy współczesnego historyka wychowania” (Obrzycko, 28–29 czerwiec 2010)
Konferencja nt. „Szkolnictwo kościelne w Rzeczypospolitej od XVI do XIX w.”
The article deals with the issue of the value of upbringing in the Lutheran family as shown in the Old Polish literature of the 16th and 17th centuries. The first of the two parts discusses the formation of Lutheran educational thought in the context of the development of modern culture, reforms of Martin Luther and the work of Philip Melanchthon. The second part demonstrates the reception of these views in Polish pedagogical texts. In these texts, several features specific to the Protestant perspective can be distinguished. First of all, it is a strongly emphasized fear of God, a significant role of the father in the upbringing of not only children but also the whole family together with the retinue (following the example of the Roman tradition), and a rather poorly emphasized woman’s role in the family (only in the context of her maternal function in the period of necessary care for children). Particular importance was attached to the family itself as an institution established by God, to parenthood and the need to carefully educate offspring, to the personal involvement and efforts of both parents to educate their children.  
1519 was a special year for the city of Poznań, owing to the foundation of a new school, the Lubrański Academy. It was the first school of humanities in Poland to follow the best models of Renaissance education and employed illustrious teachers like Krzysztof Hegendorfer and Benedykt Herbest. In the 16th century, the Academy was considered a rival of Krakow University; ultimately in the early 17th century, the Academy was affiliated with the University. As a result of the affiliation, the Poznań school enjoyed stability, a group of experienced teachers and a curriculum recognized by the society. The curriculum stood out in Poland by its inclusion of practical preparation for performing various political functions, especially in the field of law, and, as in other educational institutions, by preparing young people for cultural life in the country. Its relations with Krakow University also had drawbacks: during the Enlightenment reforms of the education system, the Lubrański Academy adopted a conservative and reactionary position. Despite this, the authorities managed to introduce several modern solutions, especially in the realm of teaching modern foreign languages.
Research on export based on domestic value added greatly complements the knowledge about the gross export of a given country. This measure provides not only information on trade flows, but also makes it possible to determine how much they are the result of work carried out in a given country and to what extent they depend on other links of value chains. The Trade in Value Added (TiVA) database, created by OECD and the WTO, provides such information. However, the data tend to be rarely analysed and presented in public discourse. The aim of the study presented in the paper is to show the changes in Polish export based on TiVA. In order to create a complete picture of the situation of Poland, the data covering TiVA for Poland were compared with analogous results obtained for the other Visegrad Group countries, whose economies share similar historical and geopolitical conditions: the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. The study uses data covering the period between 2004 (the year Poland joined the EU) and 2018 (the last year available in the database) and applies descriptive and statistical methods. The main hypothesis of the paper, stating that TiVA in Polish export grows relatively slower than the value of export measured in the traditional way, was verified. Additionally, a supporting hypothesis, assuming that TiVA in Polish export increases relatively slower than in the other researched countries, was also examined. The analysis shows that Poland has a significantly higher percentage of domestic value added in export and the dynamics of the changes in this factor is higher compared to the other Visegrad Group countries. Nevertheless, the growth rate of Polish gross export measured in the traditional way is higher than the export measured according to TiVA.
Badanie eksportu przez pryzmat krajowej wartości dodanej jest cennym uzupełnieniem wiedzy o eksporcie brutto danego kraju. Dzięki takiemu ujęciu można uzyskać informacje nie tylko na temat strumieni handlowych, lecz także tego, na ile są one efektem pracy wykonanej w danym kraju, a na ile zależą od pozostałych ogniw łańcucha tworzenia wartości. Takich danych dostarcza baza Trade in Value Added (TiVA) utworzona przez Organizację Współpracy Gospodarczej i Rozwoju oraz Światową Organizację Handlu, informacje te są jednak rzadko analizowane i przedstawiane w dyskursie publicznym. Celem badania omawianego w artykule jest ukazanie zmian w polskim eksporcie w ujęciu TiVA. Dla uzyskania pełniejszego obrazu sytuacji Polski rozpatrywane dane zostały zestawione z analogicznymi wynikami uzyskanymi przez pozostałe kraje Grupy Wyszehradzkiej: Czechy, Słowację i Węgry – gospodarki o podobnych uwarunkowaniach historycznych i geopolitycznych. Wykorzystano dane za okres od 2004 r. (rok przystąpienia Polski do UE) do 2018 r. (ostatni rok dostępny w bazie). Użyto metod opisowej oraz statystycznej. Zweryfikowano hipotezę główną, głoszącą, że wartość dodana w polskim eksporcie rośnie relatywnie wolniej niż wartość eksportu w ujęciu tradycyjnym, oraz hipotezę pomocniczą, zakładającą, że wartość dodana w eksporcie Polski rośnie relatywnie wolniej niż w przypadku pozostałych badanych krajów. Z analizy wynika, że Polska utrzymuje znacznie wyższy odsetek wartości dodanej w eksporcie od pozostałych krajów Grupy Wyszehradzkiej, a tempo zmian tej wartości jest większe niż w porównywanych krajach. Jednak tempo wzrostu polskiego eksportu brutto jest większe niż eksportu w ujęciu TiVA.
Most of articles on patronage in Greater Poland from the 16th to the 18th century concerns a direct dependence between the patron and the client. Thus, the present work concentrates on a specific kind of patronage – scholarship foundations, which are only briefly mentioned in historiography. Some of them are not known. “Fundatio orzelkoviana” serves as an example here to show the need for detailed relevant case studies to supplement the available data. Founded by Marcin Orzeł in 1566, the foundation existed for many years and helped young people to achieve academic education. Ius patronatus and control of the foundation was assigned to the Catedral Chapter of Poznań. Admittedly, this Chapter was interested in keeping the foundation in good condition, e. g. by being aware of economic and financial factors influencing the foundation and by carrying out the recovery in debts, be it rents or fees. The source material for the present discussion comes from the Main Archive for Poznań Archdiocese (mainly the acts of the Cathedral Chapter of Poznań, Consistory Court and the canonical visitation of Bishop Tholibowski).
Before 1773 Poznań had two secondary schools - the Lubrański Academy and the Jesuit college. Both were prestigious and famous in the then Republic of Poland. Were there any elements of their pedagogical program that significantly distinguished them? The article tries to answer this question by analyzing the educational goals realized in both institutions in the discussed period on the basis of normative texts, student notebooks, lecture scripts, publications of students' works, and theatre programs. Especially the latter category of sources is important because it shows with certainty what was actually taught in these schools and what values were given special attention.
Poznań przed 1773 r. posiadał dwie szkoły średnie – Akademię Lubrańskiego oraz kolegium jezuickie. Obie prestiżowe i sławne w ówczesnej Rzeczypospolitej. Czy istniały jakieś elementy ich programu wychowania, które w znaczącym stopniu je różnicowały? Artykuł próbuje udzielić odpowiedzi na to pytanie poprzez analizę celów wychowawczych realizowanych w obu placówkach w omawianym czasie na podstawie tekstów o charakterze normatywnym, zeszytów uczniowskich, skryptów wykładów, publikacji twórczości uczniowskiej, programów teatralnych. Zwłaszcza ta druga kategoria źródeł jest ważna, gdyż pokazuje w sposób pewny, czego faktycznie uczono w tych szkołach, na jakie wartości zwracano szczególną uwagę.
The article tells about the historiography of a famous Polish school - Collegium Lubranscianum (English Lubrański Academy), which originated in 1519 and existed until 1780. The whole text was divided into few groups, showing the position of Lubranscianum in the interpretations of historians and the lack of research allowing recognition of some aspects of Lubranscianum history, such as the educational process of young people in the school, including the methods and handbooks, or, in general, the history of the school in the seventieth and eighteenth century. It is stressed that only few works bring new knowledge into our problem and most of the historiography is based on previously published works.
The purpose of this study is to show the educational situation of the youth of magnate origin, especially the sons of Senators and future senior state officials at the Lubrański Academy in 1613-1780. To this end, the educational needs of this social group as well as the educational offer of the Poznań school are analyzed, using various source materials, to a large extent panegyric literature, showing educational methods, and pointing to transformations occurring during the Enlightenment.  
Zadaniem niniejszego opracowania jest ukazanie sytuacji edukacyjnej młodzieży magnackiego pochodzenia, zwłaszcza synów senatorów i przyszłych najwyższych urzędników państwowych w Akademii Lubrańskiego w latach 1613-1780. W tym celu analizie poddano potrzeby edukacyjne tej grupy społecznej oraz ofertę edukacyjną poznańskiej szkoły, wykorzystując różnorodne materiały źródłowe, w dużym stopniu literaturę panegiryczną, ukazując metody wychowawcze i wskazując na zachodzące w okresie oświeceniowym przemiany.
The most important subject of the Old-Polish educational system was rhetoric, having roots in the tradition of the Ancient Rome. This statement is very important because of the fact of the orator’s moral and patriotic duties. Owing to this, the lessons’ focus was not only on technical aspects of rhetoric education but also on morality, religion and political knowledge. The article is divided into two main parts. First of them is describing the role of the rhetorical education and the evolution of the connection between rhetoric and history which existed from the 1st century A.D. until the first decades of the 18th century, when history started separating from rhetoric. The second part shows the historical education in practice on the example of the Jesuit College in Poznań. The analysis of this topic was based on the script of rhetoric lectures given in Poznań in 1679. With regard to this manuscript, it could be said that the most important aim of historical education was the patriotic and civil upbringing of the pupils, so that they could participate in political and cultural reality. The history taught in the College in Poznań was mainly connected with Poland and was rather practical.
Rhetoric and History in the service of education in Poland on the basis of the script of rhetoric lectures at the College of the Jesuits in Poznan from 1679. The most important subject of the Old-Polish educational system was rhetoric, having roots in the tradition of the Ancient Rome. This statement is very important because of the fact of the orator’s moral and patriotic duties. Owing to this, the lessons’ focus was not only on technical aspects of rhetoric education but also on morality, religion and political knowledge. The article is divided into two main parts. First of them is describing the role of the rhetorical education and the evolution of the connection between rhetoric and history which existed from the 1st century A.D. until the first decades of the 18th century, when history started separating from rhetoric. The second part shows the historical education in practice on the example of the Jesuit College in Poznań. The analysis of this topic was based on the script of rhetoric lectures given in Poznań in 1679. With regard to this manuscript, it could be said that the most important aim of historical education was the patriotic and civil upbringing of the pupils, so that they could participate in political and cultural reality. The history taught in the College in Poznań was mainly connected with Poland and was rather practica
The main purpose of the article is to show the idea of global governance, as direction of development of the international order in the XXI century. The author, at the beginning, characterizes globalization and its influence on a shape of the world in the first decade of our century. Next, there is a description of the global governance, as an idea inscribed in the logic of development on the global arena.
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