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Aim The subject of this work are contemporary methods of designing public space based on cooperation with city users. At present, authorities of the cities attempt to involve citizens in the process of architectural change. The key component of the series of research are designing processes composed of various social consultations, architectural workshops and competitions, in which the resident's need to shape the city is visible and evident. Methods The author of article will indicate varied methods of designing public space involving citizens, based on experiences of Warsaw (Poland), and conducted analysis of design processes and results. Results and Conclusion Architecture is a reflection of political and economic situation but is also a reflection of citizens way of living. The gap between city users and professionals might be filled with social cooperation process. The residents knowledge of the space is essential to build and transform the cities in a way to fulfill the user’s needs and requirements. 
Aim. The subject of this work is reduction of architecture complexity to particular image, deprived of its context and time. The author aims to present the problem of perceiving architecture through visual experience only. Methods. The author of the article describes the process of reduction basing on example of iconic sacred building – Church if the Light, designed by Japanese architect Tadao Ando.  The analysis of all stages of transformation and reinterpretation of original complex design is conducted. The aim is to  indicate how misrepresentation of design and reduction to particular image was transferred to architecture once again. Results and Conclusion.  The essential conclusion of the article is the impact and power of image culture. The author of the article indicates how contemporary world of pictures influences human perception of space and limit it to one sense – sight.  
Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony jest analizie motywów i obrazów demonologicznych w powieści Dom na wzgórzu autorstwa Walerija Szewczuka. Zwrócono uwagę na występujące w dwu częściach powieści postaci demonologiczne oraz ich wpływ na życie bohaterów. Analiza uwzględnia narodowo-kulturowy aspekt wskazanego zagadnienia.
The article is an attempt to present the analysis of the demonological motifs and depictions in novel A House on a Mountain (Дім на горі) by Valeriy Shevchuk. On the basis of two parts of this book we pay attention to the demonic characters that appear there and their impact on other human characters. This analysis is also based on the national and cultural relation to this updated question.
The article is an attempt to present the analysis of a metaphor in modern texts. Having examined the update of various mechanisms and the presence of stylistic devices such as metonymy, wordplay, etc. we have identified the specifics of creating metaphors in contemporary texts.
W artykule dokonana została analiza metafory we współczesnym tekście. Określono specyfikę tworzenia metafory na podstawie aktualizacji różnorodnych mechanizmów oraz obecności innych środków obrazowych, takich jak: metonimia, gra słowna itp.
The article is an attempt to present a religious situation described by Aleksey Varlamov in his novel Zatonuvshiy kovcheg. The spiritual life of Russians after Perestroika not only turned out to be a period of resurgence of Orthodox Christianity, but also the emergence as well as restoration of previously existing sects. Therefore, this novel amounts to a new voice of the discussion on the Russians’ spiritual life then, now and in the future. The author tries to prove that the reawakening of sects brings danger to Russian people, especially to the young generation. This paper presents an analysis  of those fragments of the novel that refer to religious subjects and contain descriptions  of sects (the Old Believers and the Skoptsy). Besides, spiritual leaders of these sects (Vassian and Luppo) are characterized. The insight into the history of these religious groups is provided and supplemented with Varlamov's descriptions from the novel.
The article is an attempt to present a religious situation described by Aleksey Varlamov in his novel Zatonuvshiy kovcheg. The spiritual life of Russians after Perestroika not only turned out to be a period of resurgence of Orthodox Christianity, but also the emergence as well as restoration of previously existing sects. Therefore, this novel amounts to a new voice of the discussion on the Russians’ spiritual life then, now and in the future. The author tries to prove that the reawakening of sects brings danger to Russian people, especially to the young generation. This paper presents an analysis  of those fragments of the novel that refer to religious subjects and contain descriptions  of sects (the Old Believers and the Skoptsy). Besides, spiritual leaders of these sects (Vassian and Luppo) are characterized. The insight into the history of these religious groups is provided and supplemented with Varlamov's descriptions from the novel.
Aim. The subject of this article is the role of the Finnish Church institution and its influence on shaping the local community. The article presents the possibilities of using and shaping the interiors of temples, depending on the period in which they were created and the function they were to perform. Methods. The authors of the article present the role of Church institution in Finland from the Middle Ages to the present day. The historical educational role of the church and its contemporary community-building function will be outlined. The authors will also present how these assumptions translate into shaping its architecture. Results and conclusion. Despite the considerable secularization of society, the Protestant church in Finland still plays a central role in the local community. The church, with its dominant and educational role in the past, became a companion of the inhabitants, providing them with spaces adapted to their needs, regardless of their age or religion. Once limited, single-space forms of temples, today with an extensive program function as local cultural centers and meeting places adapted to the needs of their users.
Opioid analgetics (the most potent painkillers) are widely used in palliative care of patients with terminal malignant neoplasms. They often cause such gastrointestinal adverse effects as nausea, vomiting, flatulence, abdominal pain and constipation, referred to as opioid-induced bowel dysfunction (OIBD ). While some of them, like nausea and vomiting, disappear or at least tend to diminish with continued use, patients do not develop tolerance to opioid-induced constipation. Constipation is an adverse effect of all opioid analgetics and its severity increases with the dose of an opioid, as well as with the progression of the neoplastic disease, markedly decreasing the patient’s quality of life. The incidence of opioid-induced constipation is significantly reduced by the administration of controlled-release tablets containing an opioid receptor agonist and antagonist (oxycodone + naloxone) which acts as a painkiller and reduces the frequency and/or severity of OIBD symptoms. Nowadays, apart from laxatives (initially usually osmotic and/or stimulant agents), new medications such as methylnaltrexone (a peripheral opioid receptor antagonist), administered in subcutaneous injections, are successfully used in the treatment of opioid-induced constipation. The aim of this review is to present the incidence, etiology, prophylaxis and treatment of opioid-induced constipation in the population of patients with malignant neoplasms in palliative care.
Opioidowe leki przeciwbólowe (najsilniej działające analgetyki) stosuje się powszechnie w leczeniu paliatywnym terminalnej choroby nowotworowej. Do ich częstych działań niepożądanych ze strony układu pokarmowego należą między innymi nudności, wymioty, wzdęcia, bóle brzucha i zaparcia, określane jako zaburzenia jelitowe wywołane przez opioidy (ZJW O). O ile niektóre z nich ustępują lub przynajmniej stają się z czasem mniej nasilone, zaparcie nie podlega zjawisku tolerancji. Zaparcie pojawia się po wszystkich analgetykach opioidowych, a jego nasilenie rośnie wraz z dawką leku i progresją choroby nowotworowej, obniżając jakość życia pacjenta. Prawdopodobieństwo pojawienia się zaparć zmniejsza zastosowanie tabletek o kontrolowanym uwalnianiu zwierających agonistę i antagonistę receptora opioidowego (oksykodon + nalokson), co zapewnia działanie przeciwbólowe i mniejszą częstość/nasilenie objawów ZJW O. W leczeniu zaparć poopioidowych, poza środkami przeczyszczczającymi (początkowo najczęściej osmotycznymi i/lub pobudzającymi zwoje nerwowe jelit), stosuje się obecnie z powodzeniem nowe preparaty, jak metylonaltrekson (antagonista receptorów opioidowych o działaniu obwodowym) w postaci iniekcji podskórnych. Artykuł stanowi podsumowanie danych dotyczących częstości, etiologii, profilaktyki i leczenia zaparć indukowanych przez analgetyki opioidowe w populacji pacjentów z rozpoznanym nowotworem złośliwym w opiece paliatywnej.
Aim. The subject of the article are types of rental dwelling in contemporary Poland. The aim of this paper is to present the forms of contemporary living in terms of age groups, way of study or work and financing possibilities of Poles compared to other countries in the world. Methods. The authors of the article present selected new forms of rental dwelling in Poland in context of changes after the collapse of communist system in 1989. The article discusses the present situation of Polish real estate market basing on European statistics. It indicates the problem of limited availability of housing and presents solutions implemented by the government and the private sector market. Results and Conclusion. Poland is one of the European countries with the highest rate of people living in overcrowded apartments or houses. The solutions introduced by the state in order to increase the availability of housing and allowing the alternative to buying a flat, encounter difficulties with spatial planning regulations. In the absence of sufficient support of the government private sector market see its chance for profit in constructing and renting apartments. Cognitive value. The article describes the phenomenon of a growing private rental, that could be a shift in dwelling characteristic of Poles and influence the housing market. It presents new forms of developments, showing the background of their creation.
Aim. The subject of the article are methods and techniques of architectural presentation to a diverse audience. The methods of architectural presentation as a key element in the dialogue with the future user of the designed space or building allow to present to the recipient the newly designed space to be created.Methods. The authors of the article present selected techniques of architectural presentation. The described ways of presenting the project were divided into material and virtual. The article discusses the most commonly used methods of architectural presentation such as: diagrams, visualization, physical model, virtual model, video, collage, analyzing their usefulness in terms of reliable communication in order to inform future users about planned changes. The authors describe in detail the use of architectural models as a technique used to present the project to both professional and non-professional recipients. The article discusses the pros and cons of each method.Results and Conclusion. The right choice of presentation method for the addressee allows for a better understanding of the presented idea and, as a result, for more informed choices made by the society, e.g. during public consultations, or by professional decision-making bodies in matters of public space and new architectural objects. The variety of methods of imaging the project vision available today has its individual features that favor or negatively affect the reception of works, by falsifying reality or its partial message.
Background: The most common symptom among people suffering from spinal degeneration is pain. The character of the pain is usually intermittent – periods of increased pain are interchangeable with periods of remission. The perception of pain can be affected by various physical (obesity, lack of activity, non-observance of ergonomics at work), as well as psychological factors – emotional, cognitive and personality. In treatment of pain, rehabilitation (kinesiotherapy and physiotherapy) is of paramount importance. During periods of severe pain, rehabilitation should be complemented with pharmacological treatment. Furthermore, during those periods some patients are qualified for neurosurgical operations. Doctors from different specialties (orthopaedists, neurologists, doctors of rehabilitation medicine), to whom patients suffering from discopathy are referred, often do not notice the need to suggest, apart from the abovementioned treatments, psychological consultation. Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between pain perception and the personality type in a group of patients with diagnosed discopathy. Material and methods: The study population comprised of 101 patients (68 women and 33 men) who were hospitalised in Jasinski Provincial Rehabilitation Hospital in Zakopane (Wojewódzki Szpital Rehabilitacyjny), between January and March 2012. Results: Significant difference in pain perception was found between groups of extroverts and introverts. No significant difference was found between groups of neurotics and the emotionally stable. Conclusions: Results of the conducted study show that introverts described pain as stronger than extroverts. Therefore, it is worth to consider adding psychological support, appropriate to a patient’s personality type, to comprehensive therapy for diagnosed discopathy, which already includes an individualised physiotherapy program and drug regimen.
Wstęp: U osób z rozpoznanymi zmianami dyskopatycznymi kręgosłupa najczęstszym objawem procesu chorobowego jest ból, który na ogół ma charakter przerywany – etapy nasilenia dolegliwości są przeplatane okresami remisji. Na odczuwane przez pacjentów dolegliwości bólowe wpływają różnorodne czynniki zarówno fizyczne (otyłość, brak aktywności ruchowej, nieprzestrzeganie zasad ergonomii pracy), jak i psychologiczne, czyli poznawcze, emocjonalne oraz osobowościowe. W leczeniu bólu podstawowe znaczenie ma rehabilitacja (kinezy- oraz fizykoterapia), która jest uzupełniana w okresach zaostrzeń leczeniem farmakologicznym. Niektórzy pacjenci, w przypadkach nasilonego bólu, zostają zakwalifikowani do przeprowadzenia operacji neurochirurgicznej. Lekarze różnorodnych specjalności (ortopedzi, neurolodzy, specjaliści rehabilitacji medycznej), do których zostają skierowani przez lekarza rodzinnego chorzy z zespołem bólowym kręgosłupa w przebiegu dyskopatii, często nie dostrzegają potrzeby zaproponowania pacjentowi, oprócz wyżej wymienionego leczenia, konsultacji psychologicznej. Cel pracy: Zbadanie zależności pomiędzy percepcją bólu a typem osobowości w grupie pacjentów z rozpoznaną dyskopatią. Materiał i metody: Badaniem objęto 101 pacjentów (68 kobiet i 33 mężczyzn) hospitalizowanych pomiędzy styczniem a marcem 2012 roku w W ojewódzkim Szpitalu Rehabilitacyjnym im. S. Jasińskiego w Z akopanem, u których dyskopatia została potwierdzona badaniami obrazowymi. Wyniki: W badanej grupie pacjentów stwierdzono różnice w deklarowanym odczuwaniu bólu u osób ekstra- i introwertywnych. Poziom doświadczanego bólu nie różnił się w grupie osób neurotycznych i zrównoważonych emocjonalnie. Wnioski: W przeprowadzonym badaniu introwertycy opisywali odczuwany ból jako silniejszy niż ekstrawertycy, dlatego w kompleksowej terapii osób z rozpoznaną dyskopatią, oprócz zastosowania zindywidualizowanego programu fizjoterapii oraz leczenia farmakologicznego, należy rozważyć celowość wsparcia psychologicznego dostosowanego do określonego typu osobowości pacjenta.
The aims of this study were: (1) to explore how individual investors assess the importance of macroeconomic and stock market cues in identifying market trends and (2) verifi cation of different weighting measures. In total, 176 individual Polish investors were examined with two different methods of measuring the importance of the cues.Direct measurements were carried out by asking participants to choose the 7 most important pieces of information out of a total of 16. The investors ranked these cues from most to least important. Then the participants were asked to distribute 100 points amongst the cues, so that the value assigned to each option refl ected its relative importance. Rank positions were transformed into approximate weights through the use of two methods: rank order centroid and rank-sum. Then the weights were compared to the weights explicitly provided by participants. In the second part of the experiment, 16 cues were presented on an information board. The participants were asked to select the most important cues to determine the market trend.The study showed that the results of direct and indirect measurements are consistent – in particular, that stock market cues are more important than others. Moreover, the weights assigned explicitly to the cues by participants are refl ected by the approximate weights calculated using the presented methods.
Celem badania było: (1) ustalenie, które wskaźniki rynkowe i makroekonomiczne są wykorzystywane przez indywidualnych inwestorów do oceny trendów na rynku papierów wartościowych oraz (2) sprawdzenie efektywności technik pomiaru ważności informacji wykorzystywanych do podjęcia decyzji nt. trendu. W pierwszej części badania 176 inwestorów spośród 16 wskaźników wybierało 7, ich zdaniem najważniejszych. Następnie respondenci rangowali wybrane wskaźniki oraz dzielili między nie 100 punktów (bezpośrednie pomiary ważności). W oparciu o podane przez inwestorów rangi wyliczano wagi aproksymacyjne z zastosowaniem dwóch metod: sumy i porządku rang. W drugiej części badania zadaniem respondentów było określenie, jaki jest trend na rynku papierów wartościowych, w oparciu o samodzielnie wybrane informacje z puli 16 dostępnych wskaźników (pośredni pomiar – tablica informacyjna).
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