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Praktykowanie zwyczajów i obrzędów jest bardzo ważnym elementem jednoczącym Łużyczan, a także wykładnikiem tożsamości narodowej tej słowiańskiej mniejszości w Niemczech. Przywiązanie do tradycji i zwyczajów znajduje odzwierciedlenie również w języku. Zgromadzony materiał językowy (blisko 80 górnołużyckich frazeologizmów i przysłów) obrazuje wiele ciekawych łużyckich zwyczajów. Odzwierciedlone w nim zostały przede wszystkim te tradycje i zwyczaje, które pozostają w ścisłym związku z religią, jak np. niektóre zwyczaje wielkanocne czy tradycja odpustów.
Practicing customs and rituals is a very important element that unites the Sorbs, as well as an exponent of the national identity of this Slavic minority in Germany. Attachment to tradition and customs is also reflected in the language. The collected linguistic material (nearly 80 Upper Sorbian idioms and proverbs) illustrates many interesting Sorbian customs. It reflects mainly those traditions and customs that are closely related to faith, such as some Easter customs or the tradition of indulgence feasts/parish festival.
National stereotypes, as with any stereotype, are a simplified representation of the external world. These simplified images find their reflection and are preserved in the language, in words, metaphors, proverbs, and phraseology. In Upper Sorbian paremiology a self-stereotype of the Sorb is found, a man who primarily sees himself in a positive light, as good, honest, devoted and faithful. A “true” Sorb is also hospitable and pious. The most important component of the sense of identity is, however, the linguistic distinctiveness, which is stressed in the proverbs and expressions. The self-evaluation is formulated against a clear stereotype of the German, who is treated as a “foreigner”, as well as a symbol of oppression. This stems from the common history and the co-existence of the two nations. However, the image of the German emerging from the Upper Sorbian proverbs is not exclusively negative. There is no ethnocentrism in the Sorbs’ self-stereotype as, despite stressing their own positive traits, they are objective and have a critical attitude towards their own vices. A clearly negative feature of the Sorbs, which appears regularly in the collected material, is the imitation of German customs. In order to describe such representatives of the Sorbian nation a pejorative ethnonym Němpula is used.
The old Bible translations exerted a considerable influence on the development of national languages and their vocabularies. The Bible has always been a source of set phrases (expressions, sayings and idioms), that enriched Slavic languages as well as other languages rooted in the Christian tradition. The Protestant Bible, published in 1728 in Lusatia, played the same role for the Upper Serbian language as the Holy Bible of Jakub Wujek (1599) played for the Polish Language, and the Kralice Bible (1579-93), published by the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren, played for the Czech language. The Sorbian Bible was the first complete translation of Sacred Scripture into Sorbian. It influenced the life of the Sorbs as well as their language. A considerable part of the Upper Sorbian biblical phraseology was based on this Bible.
The Sorbian Seminary came into being in Prague at the beginning of the 18th century to educate Catholic clergymen. In 1846, the students at the Seminary founded the Serbowka association and began to keep journals as well as produce the handwritten Kwětki almanac. These two sources were used as the basis for an analysis of the language – to be more precise, of the lexicon – used by the members of the association. Pful’s dictionary, published in 1866, served as a point of reference for an analysis of the data collected. The juxtaposition of the language material gathered in the study enables us to observe a great degree of conformity between the lexis used by the Serbowka members and the vocabulary recorded by Pful. What is more, in the yearbooks of the Serbowka and in Pful’s dictionary we can notice a large proportion of loanwords from the Czech language, both older and more recent. This is connected with the attitude at that time towards the renascent language. In the lexicon of the Serbowka members the proportion of bohemisms (or interference from the Czech language) is much greater, which is a result of direct and close contact with the Czech language.
Proverbs express the opinions of the populace on life and the surrounding world. The question of faith occupies an important place among the commented topics. The picture of faith of Lusatians – as seen through the prism of the vision of heaven and hell preserved in the Upper Lusatian proverbs – seems to be quite interesting. On the one hand, it confirms stereotypical conceptions of heaven and hell as a space between two opposite poles which are good and evil. Heaven is the supreme value and the place of reward for suffering on earth, whereas hell is the place of punishment for the committed sins, the place from which there is no return. Moreover, the proverbs show distinctly that moral principles are clearly determined and closely linked with the teachings of the Church. On the other hand, they allow one to become acquainted with social relationships prevailing in the Lusatian countryside in the bygone centuries.
Published in 1866, “Łužiski serbski słownik” compiled by Křesćan Bohuwěr Pful was completed as a result of cultural and national revival of Slavic Lausatians and constitutes the first reliable work on the lexis of the Upper Sorbian language. A comparison of the lexical corpus constituting this dictionary with the language used in the press of the time (the material has been excerpted from two year’s issues of the weekly ”Tydźenska Nowina” (Weekly messages) published in 1851 and 1853) seems to be sufficient enough to evaluate the lexis included in the Pful’s dictionary and to provide an answer to what extent this lexicon recorded the vocabulary of the first decades of the national revival. A juxtaposition of the material demonstrates that the Pful dictionary largely reflects the development of the Upper Sorbian language in the latter half of the nineteenth century, for the material encompasses not only the vocabulary of the past centuries but also contemporary loans and borrowings from the Czech language, less frequently from Polish or, generally Slavic loans, to be found in the press. Pful also records a number of older Germanisms. Interestingly enough, the dictionary does not include words that are used internationally though they are quite frequent in the issues of ”Tydźenska Nowina”. Pful replaces them with his propositions of either borrowings from the Czech language or neologisms of his own, often modeled after their Czech counterparts. The dictionary also lacks numerous compounds, collocations and the words that had been apparently coined by the editors of the weekly (oftentimes loan translations from German, e.g. płododružiny (Fruchtarten)). The Pful’s dictionary is also characterized by a certain discernible excess of lexical propositions of the author himself as compared to the actual material excerpted from the publication. The above should be rather treated as an expression of the author’s deliberate attempt to enliven and enrich the Upper Sorbian lexis at the time of the awakening of Sorbian consciousness.
issue 3
W kulturze europejskiej kolor czarny ma dość zróżnicowaną i złożoną symbolikę, co potwierdzają również zwroty zawierające czerń i odnoszące się do życia człowieka i otaczającej go przyrody. Artykuł jest analizą porównawczą znaczeń (przenośnych i dosłownych) oraz konotacji terminu „czarny” w trzech bliskich genetycznie językach: czeskim, polskim i górnołużyckim. Podejście porównawcze ujawniło zarówno podobieństwa w konceptualizacji tego koloru, jak i jego konotacje, które są charakterystyczne dla dwóch języków lub tylko jednego. Semantyczne konotacje czerni w analizowanych językach potwierdzają ich wysoką zgodność, która wynika z bliskości językowej i kulturowej. Różnice dotyczą przede wszystkim bogactwa wyrażeń realizujących odpowiednie konotacje. Widoczny jest brak symetrii między językiem czeskim i polskim z jednej strony, a górnołużyckim z drugiej. W języku górnołużyckim, jako języku mniejszościowym, można również zauważyć wpływ języka niemieckiego (klisze wyrażeń niemieckich), co wynika z bliskości języka górnołużyckiego i niemieckiego.
In European culture the colour black has quite a diverse and complex symbolism, which is also confirmed in the phrases containing black and referring to human life and the surrounding nature. This article is a comparative analysis of the meanings (figurative and literal) and connotations of the term “black” in three genetically close languages: Czech, Polish and Upper Sorbian. The comparative approach has brought out both the similarities in the conceptualization of this colour and its connotations, which are typical for two languages or only one. The semantic connotations of black in the analysed languages confirm their high compliance, which results from the linguistic and cultural proximity. The differences relate primarily to the wealth of expressions that implement the appropriate connotations. There is a visible lack of symmetry between Czech and Polish ??on the one hand, and Upper Sorbian on the other. In Upper Sorbian, as a minority language, one can also notice the influence of the German language (clichés of German expressions), which results from the closeness of Upper Sorbian with German.
Dla każdej mniejszości narodowej pielęgnowanie tradycji i zwyczajów jest ważnym wykładnikiem tożsamości. Podobnie jest w przypadku mniejszości łużyckiej, dla której zwyczaje są istotnym elementem jednoczącym i pogłębiającym jej świadomość narodową, a także ważną częścią życia tego narodu. Wśród łużyckich zwyczajów miejsce szczególne zajmują tradycje związane z Wielkanocą. Należą do nich m.in.: zdobienie pisanek, śpiewy wielkanocne, wielkoczwartkowe podarki dla dzieci, chodzenie po wielkanocną wodę, kulanie pisanek, palenie ogni wielkanocnych czy konne procesje w Wielką Niedzielę.
For every national minority cultivating traditions and customs is an important factor of identity. The same applies to the Lusatian minority, for which customs are expressions unifying and deepening their national awareness as well as playing an important part in their way of life. Among the Lusatian customs, a special place is occupied by traditions related to Easter. These include decorating Easter eggs, Easter singing, Holy Thursday presents for children, fetching Easter water, rolling Easter eggs, Easter Fire or the Easter Riders on Easter Sunday.
The extraction of Upper Sorbian vocabulary with German glosses in parentheses allowed researchers to collect, in a short time, rich lexical material for study and to conduct statistical analyses, which, to some extent, helped to evaluate the role of the Upper Lusatian press in the development of the lexis of this language. The vocabulary extracted from the daily newspaper Serbske Nowiny (the issues of 2011) proved to be very interesting semantically. This collection of words illustrates the development of the Upper Sorbian lexis and reflects thesocial and economic changes which have taken place in recent years. The words explained in parentheses were poorly known or new.
The Łužiski serbski slownik by Křesćan Bohuwěr Pful originated as a result of the Sorbian national revival. As a revival dictionary, it presents a rich collection of words in which borrowings from other Slavic languages abound, accompanied by the dictionary author’s vocabulary proposals. Among other word forms, Pful suggested 95 verbs which reflect very diversified lexical resources with impressive word formations. Various derivatives have been identified with respect to the basis upon which they were formed, including adjectival, noun, verb, adverbial, pronoun and numeral as well as compound verbs. Some of the verb formations suggested by Pful have been incorporated into the lexical resources of Upper Sorbian.
Artykuł jest próbą oceny wpływu języka niemieckiego na czeską i górnołużycką frazeologię. Do podjęcia tego tematu skłania bardzo długi kontakt czeszczyzny i stały kontakt górnołużycczyzny z językiem niemieckim, a także kontakty górnołużycko-czeskie. Przedmiotem analizy są frazeologizmy pochodzenia niemieckiego we współczesnych językach górnołużyckim i czeskim – przede wszystkim kalki, ale także półkalki i frazeologizmy zawierające komponent niemiecki. Osobne miejsce poświęca się tzw. skrzydlatym słowom pochodzenia niemieckiego należącym do zasobów frazeologicznych tych dwóch języków. Zgromadzony materiał pokazuje, że wszystkie wymienione typy frazeologizmów istotnie te zasoby wzbogacają.
The article is an attempt to assess the influence of the German language on Czech and Upper Sorbian phraseology. Research on this topic is motivated by the fact of the very long contact of Czech and the constant contact of Upper Sorbian with German, as well as Upper Sorbian-Czech contacts. The study analyses idioms of German origin in contemporary Upper Sorbian and Czech languages – primarily calques, but also semi-calques and idioms containing a German component. A separate place is devoted to the so-called winged words of German origin belonging to the phraseological resources of these two languages. The collected material shows that all the mentioned types of idioms significantly enrich these resources.
This article raises the issue of using fiction to present grammatical and lexical phenomena. The subject of the study is the most important Upper Sorbian grammars (Hinc Šewc Gramatika hornjoserbskeje rěče, 1968 and 1976; Helmut Faßke, Siegfried Michalk Grammatik der obersorbischen Schriftsprache der Gegenwart. Morphologie, 1981) and a phraseological dictionary (Anatolij Ivčenko, Sonja Wölke Hornjoserbski frazeologiski słownik, 2004). The aim of the study is to assess the usefulness of linguistic material taken from fiction for illustrating grammatical and lexical issues. The material contained in the mentioned grammars and dictionaries also says a lot about the language of the most frequently cited authors.
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