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Studia Slavica
vol. 17
issue 2
Páral’s texts are interwoven with borders of different kinds: the author oscillates between experiment and realistic prose, between technological writing and metaphorical expressing, he shuttles between present and future, between reflexive and highly erotic passages, he balances on a thin line dividing art and kitsch, creative freedom and opportunism. Reviewers of Páral’s work often criticize his readiness to change views, manifested for example in the era of so-called normalization or in the context of Czech literary sci-fi boom in the 1980s. Nevertheless, objective analysis shows that both tending to positive elements in life and creative application of sci-fi methods had been present or signalized in Páral’s works even before the above mentioned external stimuli could have some effect. In final part of the treatise, its author formulates his belief that it has already been a long time since Vladimír Páral crossed an imaginary, but crucial border dividing successful writers from the unsuccessful ones.
Battles and dancing with death in the mirror of immortality (in Czech and Slovak prose written after November 1989) Thematization of human mortality has often been present in Czech and Slovak prosaic works written after 1989. This article presents (and sometimes also analyses and interprets in detail) these works. The author, for example, points out that in Trýznivé město, a trilogy written by D. Hodrová, people try to play games with death, or to struggle with it. In the novels written by P. Koudelka (Peříčka, peříčka) or M. Kundera (Nesmrtelnost/Immortality) the phenomenon of immortality is reflected. Since the 1990s, many younger Czech writers have been tending towards the so-called action genres and that is why depictions of violent death appear in their books more frequently. H. Andronikova vividly depicts a man’s fatal fight with a mortal disease. Out of Slovak prosaic works dealing with the issue of mortality, the author of the article thoroughly analyzes prose by M. Vadas (Prečo sa smrtka smeje), P. Macsovský (Mykať kostlivcami) and P. Vilikovský (Letmý sneh). The author concludes that most of the novels reflecting the phenomenon of immortality have significantly enriched national literatures of both countries.
Дуэли и танцы со смертью в зеркале бессмертия(в чешской и словацкой прозе после ноябрьских событий) Тема человеческого бессмертия часто встречается в чешской и словацкой прозе после 1989 г. В статье представлен обзор, анализ и интерпретация произведений, в которых писатели обращаются к исследуемой теме. В трилогии Город мучений (Trýznivé město) Д. Годровой герои пытаются играть со смертью или бороться с ней. В романах П. Коуделки Перо, перо (Peříčka, peříčka) и М. Кундеры Бессмертие (Nesmrtelnost) проанализирован феномен бессмертия. В 1990-х годы многие молодые чешские писатели (например, Р. Лудва и М. Урбан) обращаются к приключенческим жанрам, в их произведениях прослеживается мотив насильственной смерти. В творчестве Г. Андроникова показано столкновение человека со смертельной болезнью. Темы смерти в словацкой прозе анализируется на материале произведений Почему Смерть смеётся (Prečo sa smrtka smeje) М. Вадаса, Трясущийся скелет (Mykať kostlivcami) П. Мачовского и Тающий снег (Letmý sneh) П. Виликовского.
The study reflects on the changes in the attitude of Czech writers towards politics and social events after 1989. Primary renunciation of mutual attachments and overlaps between literature and social life represented namely by Jiří Kratochvil was gradually replaced by a situation typical for the history of the Czech literature in which literary works usually presented an active reflection on political and social events. The process of escaping the “trap of aestheticism” was accompanied by an intense and long-standing dispute on the issue of politically and socially committed literature. In the paper, Milan Kozelka is considered the most noticeable critic of contemporary political events in Czech society.
Comparative balance inventory of the post-Velvet Revolution development in both Slovak and Czech literature represents a record of the qualitative and quantitative differences connected with a reintegration of works belonging to samizdat and exile communicational circle in the national literary corpuses. Besides, it places on record different forms of such phenomena like spiritually oriented poetry, surrealism, postmodernism with their specific features in the both Slovak and Czech environments. It also points out the fact that while in the Slovak society after November 1989 the impulses from the exile and its literature influenced mostly political and religious life, in the Czech environment they were manifested mainly in a new value ordination of the national literature. The article concludes that two decades of democracy evidently confirmed autonomy of both the mentioned national literatures, although some of the phenomena seem to be common on the both sides during the mentioned period. The main common denominator was the fact that both of the literatures were quite remarkably enriched during the last two decades from quantitative as well as qualitative aspect.
issue 4
The essay critically reflects on the fact that in Czech prose of the 2010s there was an obvious inclination towards works full of literary conventions and pandering to aesthetically undemanding readers. It recalls that one of the first to draw attention to this trend was Jiří Peňás, who, however, inadequately attributed the blame to the so-called ”female writing”. In the paper, Peňás’s opinion is corrected by pointing to similarly problematic works written and published by men in the same period. As one of the main reasons for the current majority renunciation of critical claiming of formally and conceptually unconventional works, the article identifies the inclination of Host, one of the most important Czech publishing houses, which also publishes a representative literary journal of the same name, towards midcult, announced at the turn of the century by Miroslav Balaštík, the leading representative of the publishing house and the journal in question. In the conclusion, it is stressed that Balaštík’s recommendation how to break out of the ”trap of aestheticism” resulted in the acute danger of Czech prose getting stuck in the ”trap of popularism”.
Stať kriticky reflektuje skutečnost, že v české próze desátých let 21. století proběhl evidentní příklon k dílům plným literárních konvencí a podbízejícím se esteticky nenáročným čtenářům. Připomíná, že jedním z prvních, kdo na tento trend upozornil, byl Jiří Peňás, který ovšem neadekvátně přisoudil vinu tzv. ženskému způsobu psaní. V příspěvku je Peňásův názor korigován poukazem na obdobně problematická díla sepsaná a vydaná v daném období muži. Jako jednu z hlavních příčin současného většinového zřeknutí se kritického nárokování tvárně i myšlenkově nekonvenčních děl pak článek identifikuje příklon Hosta, jednoho z nejdůležitějších českých nakladatelství vydávajícího též stejnojmennou reprezentativní literární revue, k midcultu, avizovaný na přelomu století čelným představitelem dotyčného nakladatelství i časopisu Miroslavem Balaštíkem. V závěru je zdůrazněno, že Balaštíkovo doporučení, jak se vymanit z „pasti estetismu” vyústilo v akutní nebezpečí uvíznutí české prózy v „pasti populáru”.
The article deals with the work of the Czech essayist and prose writer Ladislav Šerý (born 1958) who, remaining under the influence of the French literary tradition, criticizes the contemporary Euro-Atlantic consumer civilization and its form as the dominating one in the Czech society after 1989. It is a shrewd and comprehensive critique of the scientific (predominantly philosophical and sociological) discourse, in which he realizes the existence of plebeian speech full of vulgarisms. A confrontation of the author’s texts that contain vulgarisms (The First Book ..., Laser Romance 1 and Laser Romance 2), with those in which they are not used (Laser Romance 3), proves that Ladislav Šerý’s vulgarisms work as a laser: they make the achievement more effective, enhance the impressiveness of the literary testimony, make it more accurate and convincing.
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