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In the article, a problem of translation of the old Serbian literary texts into Polish is discussed together with the basic mechanisms of the reception process of creativity revealed by the Orthodox Slavs from the Balkan region, that is, in other words, the works arisen in the circle of the Slaviae Orthodoxae and their presence in the Polish culture’s space which belonged to the circle of the Slaviae Latinae. The considerations regard the essence and function of translation, presence and absence of translated literature - its initial version in the target space, and their foundation is located in the collections of translations existing in the Polish reading circuit. The issue of the presence or position of the old South Slavonic literatures, namely, the old Serbian texts in their Polish translation, is featured in several possible perspectives. The problem is exposed in the aspect of these texts’ peripheral character and literary genetics. By dint of the first reference, a phenomenon of asymmetry in the realm of translated literatures is emphasized, which results from the domination of the so-called world literatures and the marginalization of the so-called small literatures along with the translated literary texts’ place - their initial (Old Church Slavonic) status from the view-point of the target (Polish) culture’s space, and their situation in this specific polysystem. The genetic studies’ path, however, is used in order to expose a form of the translated literature’s presence (old Serbian texts in their Polish translation), and to indicate the strategy of its introduction, namely, anthology as a supporting platform of the initial (source) literature in the space of the target culture together with its presentation, dialogical, and intercultural function derived from the authorized genre. In the article’s conclusion, the author accentuates the fact that the collections or individual publications of the old Serbian works, omitting various values of the particular projects and realizations, exist in the Polish reading circuit in order to reflect largely their presence status, knowledge, and need for those concrete South Slavonic literature.
In the article, a problem of translation of the old Serbian literary texts into Polish is discussed together with the basic mechanisms of the reception process of creativity revealed by the Orthodox Slavs from the Balkan region, that is, in other words, the works arisen in the circle of the Slaviae Orthodoxae and their presence in the Polish culture’s space which belonged to the circle of the Slaviae Latinae. The considerations regard the essence and function of translation, presence and absence of translated literature - its initial version in the target space, and their foundation is located in the collections of translations existing in the Polish reading circuit. The issue of the presence or position of the old South Slavonic literatures, namely, the old Serbian texts in their Polish translation, is featured in several possible perspectives. The problem is exposed in the aspect of these texts’ peripheral character and literary genetics.
This paper is a presentation of the selected parts of lives of the Serbian saints, where the motif of dream is present as a kind of a literary and ideological strategy. In a hagiographical text this theme has fixed functions and meanings in the structure as well as on the ideological plane. One could say that the motif of dream has, in many instances, a permanent place in the text. It is present on multiple levels of the narrative, in various forms, both as a single functionalized theme, an element of composition, and sometimes as a kind of a literary subgenre — vision. It frequently appears on the scene of death, on the accounts of miracles and miraculous interventions of the chosen by God, as well as in general statements of people expressing a Christian outlook on life.
The paper tends to present the motif of creative effort that is defined as apeculiar flair of humility functioning in the short literary forms — notations wherein it occurs as abasic, obligatory manner of expressing the author’s conduct and depicting the world. The topos, integrated with the other ideal schemes and notional constructs, reveals itself as afunctional template of perception and exegesis of the creative reality that frequently refers also to history, politics, and religion. This template is areflection of Christ kenosis, presented by the style of author’s humility that is consolidated in the Old Church Slavonic literature. Thus the motif, typical of the notations, constitutes arealization of the universal idea and aprojection of the conventional literary formula. Furthermore, the very same motif of creative effort, linked with adefinite repertoire of ideas of which building material is aseries of biblical references, serves the presentation of the medieval world view, authorship conception, and the indication of writer’s status and role in the hierarchic system of communication.
In the article, a problem of conceiving and depicting the Turkish rule is taken into account, for my reflections concentrate on the patterns of presentation regarding the Ottoman Turks’ invasion of the Balkan territory, and their oppressive rule in the Balkans. The patterns mentioned above, present in the Old Serbian literature, were to commemorate all those tragic events. In the Old Serbian texts (pertaining to hagiography, historiography, hymnic literature, and also to the brief literary forms – notations), the Turkish rule was expressed in explicitly negative categories of illegality, violence, and godlessness, presented in the context of the “end of times”, the Christian community’s martyrdom, mentioned in the eschatological perspective of the definition of history and exegesis, the perspective so characteristic for the Middle Ages.
In the article, a problem of conceiving and depicting of the Turkish authority is taken into account, for the considerations concentrate on the patterns of presentation regarding the Ottoman Turks’ invasion of the Balkan territory, together with their oppressive rule. The above mentioned patterns, present in the Old Serbian literature, were to commemorate all those tragic events. In the Old Serbian texts (pertaining to hagiography, historiography, hymnic literature, and also to the brief literary forms – notations), the Turkish authority was expressed in explicitly negative categories of illegality, violence, and godlessness, presented in the context of the “end of time”, Christian community’s martyrdom, maintained in the eschatological perspective of history’s definition and exegesis, the perspective so characteristic for the Middle Ages.
The article briefly presents a series of problems discussed in the dissertation entitled Свето и пропадљиво. Тело у српској хагиографској књижевности (Holy and Worldly. Body in Serbian Hagiographic Literature) by Smilja Marjanović-Dušanić. Dedicated to a wide professional and non-professional audience, the book in question is a significant scientific work since it refers not only to the historical, but also to the anthropological and culturological description related to the activity of decoding of such essential socio-cultural category like body. Considered as a highly complex phenomenon, body is a sign generated by the realm of various traditions and discourses which render different cultural modes or primary and secondary contexts; it might be also conceived as a distinctive signature of given time-space, community and cultural system. It will not be an exaggeration to say that the dissertation is an extremely interesting and indeed outstanding study of the subject which impresses with its high cognitive value and research rank. What is more, it offers a serious and objective view of the convoluted and multidimensional cultural phenomenon and identity construct.
In the paper, atheme of the old age is undertaken in order to present it as abroad plane of meanings, representing forms and imaginative constructions, which, inscribed in the concrete context that is, the realm of the medieval culture and literature of Serbia, establishes aspecific point of departure for considerations on the perception of the human age from the historical, ideological, theological perspective, etc. The principal problem of the reflection is aproblem regarding the form and function of the old age motif, its permanence and changeability in the sphere of the phenomenon’s examination, perceiving determined by many factors concerning above all the civilization type of culture, sum of its historical experiences, and the social integration level resulted from the whole of the general public and its world view comportments. There are many cultural and literary examples of realization and functionality of the old age motif in the medieval era, accompanied by their basic monographs, however, they mainly refer to the Latin, West Christian circle. In this accurate context, the output of the Eastern Christian world together with the Old Church Slavonic domain is rarely invoked and disputed. Undertaking the problems conjoined with the old age, it is therefore worth using the old writing of the Old Church Slavs, of which part is the Old Serbian literature. This literature may be interpreted as the motif’s representation, its widely usage and significant illustration.
У реферату се представља тема старости на примеру средњовековне српске књижевности. На темељу изабраних текстова, углавном житијних, указује се мотив позних година, његова адаптација, реализација и функција у књижевном и идејном простору. Овај мотив разматра се пре свега у односу на библијску традицију, али такође он се овде анализира у широм културном аспекту. Дакле, у раду пропитује се начин функционисања мотива, објашњава се његово присуство у конкретним књижевним сценама – у казивању о смрти или опису јуначког одласка у монашки живот. Преглед неких од најчешћих икарактеристичних остварења теме старости у српским кнјижевним текстовима средњега века, доноси закључак да се она појављује као разнолика и чврсто повезана са многим другим културним топосима, да је она снажно обележена библијским узором, и коначно да укњижевности њено присуство и реализација су одраз једног, у великој мери позитивног/апотеозног, менталног става средњовековног – религиозног човека према људској судбини у овом и оном свету.
In the article, the phenomenon of yurodstvo has been recalled, which is a characteristic and perhaps the brightest realization of the Eastern Christian ideal of sanctity as a clear projection of its irrational or even specifically perverse potential. The examples which are quoted in the considerations and selected from a rich literary corpus (Old Russian, Old Bulgarian and Old Serbian), are colourful manifestations of sanctity in Eastern Christian terms, which can be defined only in a specific religious or socio-cultural context. For that reason, it was considered that this specially designed sanctity should be interpreted in the key of negative theology which is typical of the Eastern (Orthodox) Christianity. Also known as apophatic, this theology assumes the impossibility of a positive knowledge of God, which entails a specific helplessness of reason towards the phenomenon that exceeds all applicable established standards. In the discussed case, the reflection intentionally goes beyond the limits of exemplification of the sainted yurodstvo, since it also covers other types of sanctity, recognized and perpetuated in the Eastern Christian (including Church Slavonic) tradition, and shows the proximity of all projections of the so-called parenetic sanctity along with the relationship between the yurodstvo itself and eremitism and  Monasticism. In this wide exemplification range, it seems justified that the incarnated sanctity of the yurodivy, a hermit or a monk, revealing itself in the socio-cultural reality in an unusual, incomprehensible or even perverse way, is an emanation of the numinous mystery which escapes the rational orders. This emanation should be, therefore, regarded as a phenomenon going beyond the boundaries of intellectual cognition, socio-cultural sphere, or a fixed standard.
Familiarized death: The topoi of hagiographical dying scenes (selected examples from Old Serbian literature) The notion of familiarized death, introduced by the French researcher Philip Ariés in order to characterize the approach to the end of human life that was common in ancient culture, serves as the point of departure for considerations regarding hagiographical scenes of dying. This approach, adopted by people of the medii aevi, maintained a positive attitude towards the fundamental event of death. In this article, the structure and topics of hagiographical scenes of death are elaborated on, using examples from Old Serbian literature, in which the discussed problem is revealed in the adaptation context as an implementation of orders inscribed in the ancient textbooks of good dying — artes bene moriendi. The literary scene of death is, therefore, analysed with reference to a specific scheme. Its components constitute a series of common points of narrative, and contain a self-evident imperative of Christ’s imitation (imitatio Christi), assuming such obligatory practices as prayer (oratio), call (clamatio), and cry (ploratio) that are to lead up to the moment of commending one’s soul to God (commendatio), and giving up the ghost (traditio). This template serves the purpose of familiarizing with elementary and characteristic ideas, conceptional constructions, and topoi, which are portrayed as the components of the whole structure along with its individual constitutive elements. It also forms the basis for the exposition of motifs acting in the hagiographical scene of death as obligatory and facultative means of conveying meanings. This eventually allows the article’s authoress to prepare a fundamental catalogue of these motifs. Due to the accepted modus operandi, the most important and frequent constructions in these literary narratives serve to describe and expose the event of death, namely, the topoi of old age, weakness, fear of infernal torture, bewailing human sinfulness, falling asleep — blessed sleep, wandering — spiritual climbing, angelic mission, etc.
Смрт припитомљена. Топика житијне сцене умирања (неколико примера из старе српске књижевности) Полазна тачка је овде појам смрти припитомљене / укроћене који је увео Филип Аријес и који карактерише општи став према крају људског живота у средњем веку. Према томе о средњем веку може се рећи да је раздобље „припитомљене смрти”, онда је човек живео у стању духовне помирености са одласком са овог света. Средњовековни човек је био присан са смрћу, јер ју је прихватао као природни поредак, потчињавао се закону врсте и веровао је у спасење на оном свету. У раду се разматра житијна сцена смрти која је у средњовековној књижевности једна адаптација трајне схеме коју су пропагирале artes bene moriendi. Она је поновљење новозаветне слике Христове мученичке смрти, тако да се једноставно заснива на идеји imitatio Christi. Ову схему граде општа места: oratio (молитва), clamatio (мољење), ploratio (плач), commendatio (поверење) i traditio (предање духа). Све те канонске моменте прате одређене идеје, теме и мотиви. Дакле, у житијној сцени смрти појављују се различити топоси од којих неки су веома чести (обавезни или факултативни), као су на пример топос старости, болести, слабости; топос страха од вечне муке; топос оплакивања, топос уснућа – блаженог сна; топос путовања – душевне лествице; топос анђела Божијег, топос светла итд. Сви су они својеврсни предоџбени носиоци и оруђа, начини мирења човека са смрћу у средњем веку. Тако у раду је направљен један каталог најважнијих и најчешће присутних топоса у житијној нарацији о одласку са овог света.
Artykuł podejmuje problem recepcji dawnego piśmiennictwa kręgu Slavia Orthodoxa w Polsce, który jest zagadnieniem złożonym, wieloaspektowym, ściśle związanym ze specyfiką obu przestrzeni kulturowych, z pozoru różnych, lecz jak się okazuje, nie tak odległych czy odmiennych w swych tradycjach. Kwestia przekładu dawnego piśmiennictwa prawosławnych Słowian jest rozważana na przykładzie tekstów staroserbskich, a biorąc pod uwagę kryterium ich obecności i nieobecności w polskim obiegu czytelniczym, omawiane są przede wszystkim prezentacje o charakterze antologicznym.
В статье затрагивается проблема рецепции давней письменности ареала Slavia Orthodoxa в Польше, являющаяся сложным и многоаспектным вопросом, тесно связанным со спецификой обоих культурных пространств – на первый взгляд различных, однако, как оказывается, не так отдаленных и отличающихся друг от друга в своих традициях. Вопрос перевода давней письменности православных славян рассматривается на примере старосербских текстов, а на основе критерия их наличия либо отсутствия в читательской среде, комментируются прежде всего издания антологического характера. В приложении к статье приводится библиографический список около 50 заглавий.
This work deals with the problem of the reception of the former literature of the Slavia Orthodoxa circle in Poland, which is an issue folded, multifaceted, closely connected with the specificity of the two cultural spaces, seemingly different, but as it turns out, not so distant or different in their traditions. The issue of the translation of literature of Orthodox Slavs is discussed on the example of the Old-Serbian texts, given the criterion of presence and absence of these texts in Polish circulation readership.
The article refers to a problem of relationship between authority and genealogy, and to their specific functioning in the Old Serbian literature, that is in other words, in the hagiographical, historiographical, and hymnic texts. In all those works, the combination of the both ideas undoubtedly serves the ideological creation, regarding the image of sovereign together with the exposition of his extra-ordinary lineage and destiny which are tied to his place and role in the space of history, politics, religion, and culture. In the literature, this peculiar relationship is expressed by the two characteristic constructions of dynasty and genealogy. With regard to this representation, the dynastic construction is based on the model of biblical motif concerning Jesse’s stem and functions as the saint osier of the family of Nemanjić. As for the second construction, of genealogy, it reveals itself as a component of the classical myth of historiography that determines the beginnings namely, the Serbian sovereign’s mythical genesis that also concerns all his charismatic, saint family.
In the article, a perspective of interpretation of the phenomenon of female anachoresis (departure to the desert as a gesture of discarding “the world”), slightly different from traditional one, has been proposed. The hermit-monkish tradition has been shown in reference to the psycho-transgression theory and the concept of socio-cultural habitus. The main goal was recognition of the anachoresis as a phenomenon of spiritual emigration, in a certain sense close to the internal emigration, and exposition of the model of hermit’s life as an unobvious act which involves not only ideas commonly known but also less frequently emphasized predilections and psychological mechanisms of a transcendental and transgression nature. For that reason, the fact of defining spiritual emigration turned out to be important, since it was realized as a kind of way out of the world: migration to the desert which was to reflect the socio-cultural notion of internal emigration, broadly understood as movement and change, motivated by projected or secondary achieved satisfaction, happiness, perfection, etc. In the presented reflection, an approach to the phenomenon of female anachoresis as an act of symbolic transgression was crucial, since it was conceived as going beyond the socio-cultural habitus framework, and a s a rejection action resulted, despite the paradoxically continuous duplication of dominant order matrices, in some loosening the habitual corset. An universal concept of the ideal of hermit-monkish life along with typology of spiritual attitudes shaped and implemented in various spatiotemporal contexts have remained, however, a peculiar frame of consideration discussed in the article. In intention and result, the reflection is in the current of commonly accepted rudiments, and has a linear conceptual dimension combining early Christian and medieval patterns, and growing out of the ground of diverse and time-differentiated, however, ideally close or even common body of cultural texts.
The basic topic of deliberation is the Serbian tradition of holiness and its functioning in the cultural system. In the seventeenth century, the cults of saints were a clear manifestation of the cultural distinctiveness and identity, as well as a key factor that integrates the Serbian community. The body, however, as a constructive ecclesiastical sign projects itself in a symbolic double-layer — the object of the cult and the subject of memory awareness. In the seventeenth century, in Serbian cultural space, the flesh in this fundamental role virtually becomes a real tool to recover memory and to reconstruct the past, but first and foremost to update the present fundamental complex of meaning in the Turkish occupation.
O aktualności i atrakcyjności pewnego tematu
This paper presents a definition of Old-Serbian culture in the categories of Latinitas and Cyrillianitas, and indicates, on the one hand, the problem of incoherence, difficulties in relation to, not only, one category, but also to the whole terminological repertoire. There is no concept in the repertoire which can become an unambiguous and exclusive evidence of a definite cultural system or a collection of cultural systems; on the other hand the paper is an attempt at referring these categories to a description of a specific case. The presentation of Old-Serbian culture by means of both categories shows its specific status of functioning “between”, “toward” and “over” the circles of civilisation, cultural centres and traditions.
Biblical component of Old Church Slavonic text – the example of the Old Serbian inscriptionsThe paper deals with the problem of the presence of biblical material in Old Church Slavonic texts. While this question has indeed already been broadly and repeatedly discussed by palaeo-Slavists, the developments in medieval studies and the achievements in textological and editorial fields have once again made it an open issue still demanding further elaborations and clarifications. In the discourse of the discipline, the topical question concerns not so much frequency or participation as of the modes of usage of the canonical corpus, that is its concrete and conscious application, whereby it becomes an intrinsic and recognizable component of the literary work. My deliberations are intentionally limited to the example of brief literary forms, namely the Old Serbian inscriptions, which have not yet been considered or even marginalized, although they constitute lofty artistic and autonomous forms of expression, mirroring the whole repertoire of ideas, motifs, constructions and reserves of proceedings and operational strategies characteristic of the Old Church Slavonic literature. Biblijny komponent tekstu cerkiewnosłowiańskiego (przykład staroserbskich zapisów)W artykule podjęto problem obecności materiału biblijnego w tekstach cerkiewnosło­wiańskich, który wprawdzie był już wielokrotnie i szeroko omawiany przez paleoslawistów, lecz wraz z rozwojem refleksji mediewistycznej, osiągnięciami na polu tekstologicznym i edytorskim, nadal wydaje się zagadnieniem otwartym, wymagającym dalszych dopełnień i doprecyzowań. W nauce wciąż aktualne jest pytanie nie tyle o frekwencję czy partycypację, ile o modus wykorzystania kanonicznego korpusu, czyli jego konkretne i świadome użycie, takie zastosowanie, że staje się on nieodłącznym i rozpoznawalnym komponentem utworu literackiego. Rozważania na temat biblijnego tworzywa tekstu świadomie ograniczają się do przykładu krótkich form literackich – staroserbskich zapisów, które były dotąd niezauważane czy wręcz marginalizowane, a które stanowią wysoko artystyczne i autonomiczne jednostki wyrazu, odzwierciedlające cały repertuar idei, motywów, konstrukcji oraz charakterystyczny dla literatury cerkiewnosłowiańskiej zasób procedur i strategii operacyjnych.
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