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Horyzonty Polityki
vol. 12
issue 40
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the article is to present the changes in the functioning of health care systems in Poland and the Czech Republic caused by COVID-19 and to indicate the organizational and financial challenges and the consequences that they had to face. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: Research methods based on inductive reasoning related to literature studies, health reports, searches of Internet resources and available databases were used to achieve the aim of this study. THE PROCESS of ARGUMENTATION: Based on the information contained in the above-mentioned sources, secondary research was carried out, including an in-depth analysis of the most important actions taken in the surveyed countries in connection with the CoVID-19 pandemic, paying particular attention to their organizational and financial consequences. Information on the epidemiological and health situation became the background for consideration. RESEARCH RESULTS: The primary outcome of the analysis is to show the changes occurring in health systems under the influence of COVID-19. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The final conclusions and recommendations are related to the identification of challenges for health systems in the next years, which include improving preparedness and resilience to public health crises. Strengthening the financial health of the health system and developing strategies and mechanisms to respond to unforeseen health challenges (e.g. pandemics) should be a key objective.  
CEL NAUKOWY: Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zmian w funkcjonowaniu systemów ochrony zdrowia w Polsce i w Czechach wywołanych COVID-19 oraz wskazanie na organizacyjne i finansowe wyzwania oraz skutki, którym musiały one sprostać. PROBLEM I METODY BADAWCZE: Do realizacji celu pracy wykorzystano metody badawcze opierające się na rozumowaniu indukcyjnym związane ze studiami literatury przedmiotu, raportami zdrowotnymi, kwerendą zasobów Internetu oraz dostępnych baz danych. PROCES WYWODU: Na podstawie informacji zawartych w wymienionych źródłach zrealizowano badania wtórne obejmujące pogłębioną analizę najważniejszych działań podejmowanych w badanych państwach w związku z pandemią COVID-19, zwracając szczególną uwagę na ich organizacyjne i finansowe skutki. Tłem rozważań stały się informacje dotyczące sytuacji epidemiologicznej i zdrowotnej. WYNIKI ANALIZY NAUKOWEJ: Podstawowym wynikiem analizy jest ukazanie zmian zachodzących pod wpływem COVID-19 w systemach zdrowotnych badanych krajów. WNIOSKI, INNOWACJE, REKOMENDACJE: Ostateczne wnioski i rekomendacje związane są z określeniem wyzwań dla systemów zdrowotnych na następne lata, do których należą m.in. poprawa gotowości i odporności na sytuacje kryzysowe w obszarze zdrowia publicznego. Zasadniczym celem powinno być wzmocnienie kondycji finansowej systemu zdrowotnego i stworzenie strategii i mechanizmów reagowania na nieprzewidziane wyzwania zdrowotne (np. pandemie).
Horyzonty Polityki
vol. 12
issue 41
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The main scientific objective of the study is to present the scale and areas of impact of the anti‑pandemic economic policy conducted at the EU level and to present a general assessment of the effectiveness of this policy, as well as to propose methods of assessing its effectiveness. It is also important to put emphasis on the appropriate institutional and legal environment conditioning the effectiveness of this policy. An additional goal is to identify future challenges related to selected aspects of it. PROBLEM AND RESEARCH METHODS: Research problem: presenting the conditions, determinants (internal and external) and tools of the EU’s antipandemic economic policy and an attempt to evaluate its effectiveness. Research methods: Critical comparative analysis of the available literature, primarily studies on the scale, scope and effectiveness of the actual and potential aid provided by the EU to member states. THE PROCESS OF THE ARGUMENTATION: The reasoning will be based on the presentation of the measures taken so far by the EU in the field of nti‑pandemic economic policy and on an attempt to determine their effectiveness. The considerations will be carried out in the aspect of the challenges faced by this policy in the context of the current socio‑economic and health situation of the EU Member States. As a result, recommendations will be formulated, the implementation of which will allow for increasing the effectiveness of the EU economic policy in the time of a pandemic. In addition, proposals will be made on how to determine the effectiveness of this policy. RESEARCH RESULTS: The article presents the scale and scope of the impact of the EU’s anti‑pandemic economic policy. An attempt was also made to define the conditions necessary to increase the effectiveness of its impact, and proposed methods for assessing its effectiveness. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. The scale of the EU's anti‑pandemic economic policy is vast and unprecedented. It encompasses comprehensive actions aimed at practically all spheres of economic life. 2. However, the effectiveness of this policy is insufficient and therefore it requires significant revisions, mainly consisting of structural and institutional adjustments. 3. A full evaluation of the effectiveness of the EU's anti‑pandemic economic policy is not possible due to the short period of analysis available, and therefore only a partial assessment can be made so far.
CEL NAUKOWY: Zasadniczym celem naukowym opracowania jest prezentacja skali i obszarów oddziaływania antypandemicznej polityki gospodarczej prowadzonej na poziomie UE oraz przedstawienie ogólnej oceny skuteczności tej polityki, a także zaproponowanie sposobów oceny jej efektywności. Istotne jest także położenie nacisku na odpowiednie otoczenie instytucjonalno-prawne warunkujące skuteczność tej polityki. Dodatkowym celem jest identyfikacja wyzwań na przyszłość dotyczących wybranych jej aspektów. PROBLEM I METODY BADAWCZE: Problem badawczy podjęty w artykule obejmuje przedstawienie uwarunkowań, determinant (wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych) oraz narzędzi prowadzonej przez UE antypandemicznej polityki gospodarczej oraz próba oceny jej skuteczności. Do metod badawczych zastosowanych w tekście należą: krytyczna analiza porównawcza dostępnej literatury, przede wszystkim opracowań dotyczących skali, zakresu i skuteczności rzeczywistej oraz potencjalnej pomocy udzielanej przez UE krajom członkowskim. PROCES WYWODU: Wywód został oparty na przedstawieniu podjętych dotychczas przez UE działań w zakresie antypandemicznej polityki gospodarczej oraz na próbie określenia ich skuteczności. Rozważania zostaną przeprowadzone pod kątem wyzwań stojących przed tą polityką w kontekście aktualnej sytuacji społeczno-gospodarczej i zdrowotnej krajów członkowskich UE. W rezultacie zostaną sformułowane rekomendacje, których realizacja pozwoli na zwiększanie skuteczności polityki gospodarczej UE w dobie pandemii. Ponadto będą przedstawione propozycje dotyczące sposobów określania skuteczności tej polityki. WYNIKI ANALIZY NAUKOWEJ: W artykule przedstawiono skalę i zakres oddziaływania antypandemicznej polityki gospodarczej UE. Podjęto również próbę określenia warunków koniecznych dla zwiększania skuteczności jej oddziaływania,a także zaproponowano metody oceny jej efektywności. WNIOSKI, INNOWACJE, REKOMENDACJE:1. Skala antypandemicznej polityki gospodarczej prowadzonej przez Unię Europejską jest ogromna i bezprecedensowa. Obejmuje kompleksowe działania skierowane praktycznie na wszystkie sfery życia gospodarczego.2. Skuteczność tej polityki jest jednak niewystarczająca i dlatego wymaga ona dokonania istotnych korekt, polegających przede wszystkim na dostosowaniach strukturalnych i instytucjonalnych.3. Pełna ocena efektywności prowadzonej przez UE antypandemicznej polityki gospodarczej nie jest możliwa ze względu na zbyt krótki dostępny okres analizy, w związku z czym na razie bardziej można mówić raczej o ocenie jej skuteczności.
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The objective of this article is to examine the per‑ ceived impact of COVID-19 and related restrictions on young people in Poland. The analysis focuses on examining opinions and expectations of adolescents regarding the introduced restrictions and their impact on civil liberties by investi‑ gating the pace, meaning and ways in which they are declared by the lawmaker. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The main research ques‑ tion is to determine how COVID-19 restrictions affect young people in Poland. Therefore, the research was conducted on a group of 308 respondents, using a diagnostic survey and questionnaire created for this purpose. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The paper consists of three parts. The first part analyses the legal acts that have been issued in Poland in order to counter the spread of COVID-19. The second part describes the research methodology, objectives and hypotheses as well as the profile of the examined respondents. The last part presents the results of the research. RESEARCH RESULTS: The research results show that young people gen‑ erally negatively assess the legitimacy and pace of the introduced COVID-19 restrictions. The assessment of those restrictions regarding their impact on civil liberties differed between males and females. Men indicated the closure of restaurants, bars and café as the biggest restriction, while women considered the ban on public assemblies as the restriction that most limited their civil liberties. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected many areas of everyday life. In Poland, due to the state of epidemic emergency announced on March 12, 2020 (and the epidemic state on March 20, 2020), a number of restrictions and bans were introduced, which suspended or temporarily limited the functioning of many businesses, cultural and entertainment centres. The study concludes that ac‑ cording to the respondents, the restrictions introduced by the government were implemented hastily, and their justification was insufficient. The conducted studies present an important and present issue of the COVID-19 restrictions and may provide a basis for further research in this area, e.g., an analysis of the per‑ ception of pandemic restrictions among different age groups. The research also emphasizes that any changes to the legal order must be introduced in advance.    
CEL NAUKOWY: Celem naukowym niniejszego artykułu jest zbadanie postrzeganego wpływu COVID-19 i związanych z nim ograniczeń wśród młodych ludzi w Polsce. Analiza koncentruje się na zbadaniu opinii i oczekiwań ludzi młodych dotyczących wprowadzonych obostrzeń oraz ich wpływu na swobody obywatelskie poprzez zbadanie tempa, celowości oraz metod ich komunikowania przez ustawodawcę. PROBLEM I METODY BADAWCZE: Głównym problemem badawczym jest określenie, w jaki sposób wprowadzane obostrzenia związane z COVID-19 oddziałują na młodych ludzi w Polsce. W tym celu – wykorzystując metodę sondażu diagnostycznego i autorski kwestionariusz ankiety – przeprowadzono badania w grupie 308 respondentów. PROCES WYWODU: Wywód składa się z trzech części. W pierwszej z nich przeprowadzono analizę aktów prawnych, które zostały wydane w Polsce celem przeciwdziałania rozprzestrzeniania się COVID-19. Następnie opisana została metodyka badań, cel główny i cele szczegółowe, przedstawiono także charakterystykę badanych respondentów. W ostatniej części zaprezentowane zostały wyniki badań ankietowych. WYNIKI ANALIZY NAUKOWEJ: Wyniki analizy dowiodły, że młodzi ludzie generalnie negatywnie oceniają zasadność i tempo wprowadzania obostrzeń dotyczących przeciwdziałania COVID-19. Ocena wprowadzanych ograniczeń pod kątem wpływu na swobody obywatelskie różniła się w przypadku płci respondenta. Mężczyźni za najbardziej utrudniający zakaz wskazywali ograniczenie działalności lokali gastronomicznych, z kolei kobiety uważały zakaz zgromadzeń za obostrzenie najbardziej ograniczające ich swobody obywatelskie. WNIOSKI, INNOWACJE, REKOMENDACJE: Pandemia COVID-19 wpłynęła na wiele obszarów ludzkiego życia. W Polsce w związku z ogłoszonym 12 marca 2020 roku stanem zagrożenia epidemicznego (a od 20 marca stanem epidemii) wprowadzono szereg obostrzeń i zakazów, które zawiesiły lub czasowo ograniczyły funkcjonowanie wielu przedsiębiorstw, miejsc kultury i rozrywki. Wnioski, jakie płyną z niniejszej pracy są następujące. Ankietowani uznali, iż wprowadzane przez rząd obostrzenia nie były wprowadzane z odpowiednim wyprzedzeniem czasowym, a sposób wyjaśniania ich zasadności był niewystarczający. Przeprowadzone badania wpisują się w aktualny i waż‑ ny społecznie temat obostrzeń związanych z pandemią oraz stanowić mogą implikację do dalszych badań w tym zakresie, np. poprzez dokonanie analizy postrzegania obostrzeń w związku z rozprzestrzenianiem się COVID-19 przez inne grupy wiekowe. Z pracy tej płyną pewne rekomendacje, które podkreślają konieczność wprowadzania zmian w porządku prawnym, z możliwie jak najdłuższym wyprzedzeniem czasowym.
Objectives The aim of the present study was to explore whether remote and on-site work stress during the COVID-19 pandemic was experienced with different severity. The second goal was to investigate stress conditions at both working modes. Material and Methods The study involved 946 individuals working in the education system and BSS sector in different Polish organizations. The following tools were used: the Brief Scale of Vocational Stress by Dudek and Hauk, the Polish version of the scales to measure work–family conflicts by Grzywacz, Frone, Brewer and Kovner, Meyer and Allen’s Affective, Continuance, and Normative Commitment Scales in the Polish adaptation by Bańka, Wołowska and Bazińska, the Satisfaction with Job Scale by Zalewska. Results The analysis of intergroup differences revealed that remote work stress severity was significantly lower than on-site work stress severity. The regression analyses proved that work–family conflict and job satisfaction were significant predictors of remote and on-site work stress. Continuance commitment positively predicted on-site work stress. Both models turned out to be statistically significant. The variables included in the models explained 39% and 35% of the variability of the remote work and on-site work stress, respectively. Conclusions Remote work is associated with lower stress severity than on-site work. For both types of work, the higher the level of work–family conflict, the higher the level of stress severity, but the higher the job satisfaction, the lower the stress severity. Continuance commitment is positively related to on-site stress, which means that people who work for an organization and see no alternative feel more stressed. Such an effect was observed only in the case of on-site work. The study findings are discussed in light of previous research, and implications for organizational practice are considered. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2023;36(1):96–111
ObjectivesThis study aimed to understand the relationship between resource gains and losses, coping, and the quality of life during the growth phase of the COVID‑19 pandemic.Material and MethodsThe Internet-based survey covered 353 individuals who had participated in a psychological support project operated by one of the non-governmental organizations in Lublin, Poland, in the 12 months prior to the outbreak of the pandemic. The questionnaire used in the study contained questions to collect sociodemographic data and psychometric scales to measure resource gains and losses (the Conservation of Resources – Evaluation questionnaire), the quality of life (the World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF), and strategies of coping with the pandemic situation (a modified Brief Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced questionnaire).ResultsA higher global quality of life occurred with higher gains and minor losses, as well as with coping through planning, positive reframing, emotional support seeking, a reduced substance use tendency, low self-blame, avoidance, and disengagement. Moreover, helplessness-based coping strategies were found to mediate both the relationships between resource gains and the quality of life, and between resource losses and the quality of life.ConclusionsFactors that may reduce people’s quality of life during the COVID‑19 pandemic are an increase in losses and limited gains, experienced over the 6 months preceding the pandemic, as well as not using active, meaning-oriented, and support-seeking coping strategies, but using avoidance behaviors instead. Coping strategies specific to people experiencing helplessness are a mediating mechanism between losses and limited gains of resources, and the quality of life.
ObjectivesIn the Czech Republic, an outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID‑19) has been decelerated by quickly adopting strict and strongly limiting government measures. In this study, the authors present the preliminary results (April 1–5, 2020) of a public risk perception study of COVID‑19.Material and MethodsThe online questionnaire survey was announced in the national TV and radio stations with the nationwide coverage. Respondents were recruited through the website of the University of Ostrava during the first 5 days of the survey (N = 7966). The data covered risk perception with a focus on physical and psychological aspects, the current socio-economic situation and adaptation to the lockdown. The authors used Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests, as well as ordered logistic regression, with a significance level of 5% using STATA version 15.ResultsFrom the total sample of the respondents aged 40 years on average (a range of 15–87 years), the present study shows that women (p < 0.001) and elderly people (p < 0.001) perceived the health risk related to COVID‑19 as significantly worse than others. Older people (>60 years) perceived their mental health as significantly better than younger participants (p < 0.001). Most of the respondents assessed the adopted measures as adequate (71%) and believed in their effectiveness (69.7%).ConclusionsThis study contributes to understanding the risk perception as a public response to the COVID‑19 pandemic.
ObjectivesThe SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has affected the development of negative phenomena such as anxiety symptoms, a tendency to use alcohol and aggressive behaviors. It is postulated to investigate the factors limiting the development of the indicated adverse effects. One of the psychological resources that may have a significant, pro-health character in relation to mental functioning is ego-resiliency (ER). It is described as a personality trait associated with a high ability to adequately regulate self-control, depending on the conditions. There are studies providing information about the prohealth, adaptive nature of ER during the COVID‑19 period. The aim of the study was to assess the relationships between ER and anxiety, the tendency to use alcohol and aggression in the group of Polish people in the initial lockdown period in Poland.Material and MethodsOverall, 538 adult Polish people participated in the study. The Ego-Resiliency Scale referred to as ER89-R12, according to Block’s concept, was used to measure ER. The other scales used were the General Anxiety Disorder Scale, the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test, and the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire. Statistical analyses were performed using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, the multiple regression procedure, the Mann-Whitney U test and the Kruskal-Wallis rank ANOVA. Cronbach’s α coefficients were also assessed.ResultsStatistically significant negative relationships between ER and the severity of anxiety symptoms and generalized aggression were found. There was a weak positive relationship between ER and the tendency to use alcohol. Among the surveyed Polish people, higher ER was characteristic of the older respondents (aged >29 years) and people with higher education.ConclusionsEgo-resiliency in the times of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic can counteract the development of anxiety and aggression. Optimal regulation seems to play an important role in this relationship. The relationship between resiliency and the tendency to use alcohol requires further observation.
ObjectivesTo evaluate the effectiveness of safety guidelines in the workplace, the authors analyzed the work-related exposure to SARS-CoV-2 and the source of COVID‑19 infections among healthcare workers (HCWs), together with the use of personal protective equipment (PPE).Material and MethodsA cross-sectional prospective study was conducted in tertiary hospitals in the Uusimaa region, Finland, with 1072 volunteers being enrolled in the study from among the HCWs at the Helsinki University Hospital. Overall, 866 (80.8%) HCWs (including 588 nurses, 170 doctors, and 108 laboratory and medical imaging nurses) completed the questionnaire by July 15, 2020, with 52% of the participants taking care of COVID‑19 patients. The participants answered a structured questionnaire regarding their use of PPE, the ability to follow safety guidelines, exposure to COVID‑19, and the source of potential COVID‑19 infections. The participants with COVID‑19 symptoms were tested with the SARS-CoV-2 realtime polymerase chain reaction method. All infected participants were contacted, and their answers were confirmed regarding COVID‑19 exposure.ResultsIn total, 41 (4.7%) participants tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, with 22 (53.6%) of infections being confirmed or likely occupational, and 12 (29.3%) originating from colleagues. In 14 cases (63.6%), occupational infections occurred while using a surgical mask, and all infections originating from patients occurred while using a surgical mask or no mask at all. No occupational infections were found while using an FFP2/3 respirator and following aerosol precautions. The combined odds ratio for working at an intensive care unit, an emergency department, or a ward was 3.4 (95% CI: 1.2–9.2, p = 0.016).ConclusionsA high infection rate was found among HCWs despite safety guidelines. Based on these findings, the authors recommend the use of FFP2/3 respirators in all patient contacts with confirmed or suspected COVID‑19, along with the use of universal masking, also in personnel rooms.
ObjectivesThe burden of stress experienced by dentistry students has been the subject of numerous studies aimed at defining the strongest stressors, and at reducing their intensity to improve the conditions and, consequently, the quality of education. Such studies have never been performed in the conditions of a pandemic caused by a new, unknown coronavirus. Therefore, the objective of the study was to identify the sources of their stress in the course of the studies, with reference to the COVID‑19 pandemic.Material and MethodsA total of 334 dentistry students of the Institute of Dentistry at the Jagiellonian University Medical College were invited to take part in the study. They represented a range from the first to the fifth year of studies in the 2019/2020 academic year. The tool employed in the study was the Dental Environmental Stress (DES) questionnaire and 11 supplementary questions related to the pandemic. The study was carried out on June 1–25, 2020.ResultsThe participation rate was 72%. Academic work presented the highest level of stress. A comparison of the overall levels of stress in particular domains as well as questions included in the DES survey revealed significant differences between students of individual years of studies in the 2019/2020 academic year. The strongest positive relationships between the supplementary questions and the DES domains appeared in the area of clinical factors. These concerned returning to clinical classes and contact with patients with regard to SARS-CoV-2 (rs = 0.50, p < 0.001), contact with patients in connection with SARS-CoV-2 (rs = 0.47, p < 0.001), and a lack of practical classes with patients in connection with the COVID‑19 pandemic (rs = 0.42, p < 0.001).ConclusionsDentistry students were subjected to stress resulting from a conflict between the perceived risk of returning to clinical classes and contact with patients due to SARS-CoV-2, and disruptions in the course of clinical education, which they perceived negatively.
ObjectivesThe aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical presentation and burden of SARS-CoV-2 infections among medical school physicians and residents, mainly young medical doctors. The awareness of COVID‑19 clinical manifestations can improve the early detection of mild cases, possibly reducing further transmission to colleagues and patients.Material and MethodsThe study was carried out in March–May 2020, involving medical school physicians in a teaching hospital in northern Italy, with a working population of 881 medical doctors. Data collection was performed using a structured form investigating clinical and epidemiological information.ResultsOne hundred sixty-two medical doctors contacted the Occupational Health Service reporting acute respiratory symptoms or close contact exposure to a confirmed COVID‑19 case. Among the confirmed COVID‑19 cases, most were male doctors during residency, and 85% presented a mild clinical picture. Fever (70.3%) and cough (51.4%) represented the most prevalent symptoms of COVID‑19. As revealed by the univariate analysis, the prevalence of real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) positivity increased with age (OR = 1.08, 95% CI: 1.02–1.14, p = 0.012), working in a COVID‑19 ward (OR = 3.33, 95% CI: 1.09–10.21, p = 0.031), presenting alteration or loss of smell/taste (OR = 10.00, 95%CI: 2.80–35.69, p < 0.001) and myalgia (OR = 3.20, 95% CI: 1.00–10.26, p = 0.046), while being a resident (OR = 0.20, 95% CI: 0.05–0.80, p = 0.030) was associated with reduced odds of being infected, compared to staff physicians. Age and loss of smell/taste were the only factors independently associated with RT-PCR positivity.ConclusionsThe majority of COVID‑19 cases showed a mild clinical syndrome, ranging from absence or paucity of symptoms to common cold or influenza-like symptoms. The findings of the present study increase the accuracy of the clinical diagnosis for the prompt identification and management of suspected COVID‑19 cases, being particularly useful during resurges of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
Horyzonty Polityki
vol. 13
issue 43
RESEARCHE OBJECTIVE: The aim of the article is to identify activities (supporting the fight against the coronavirus) undertaken by the European Union in the field of research and innovation. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: In the context of the dynamics and speed of growing threats and limitations related to the COVID-19 pandemic, international cooperation in the area of supporting innovation and conducting research has become more desirable than before (especially in the fight against coronavirus). In order to present that phenomenon, research methods were used, taking into account the analysis of the literature and European reports and documents as well as descriptive methods. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The article is divided into three parts. The first part discusses selected EU instruments and programmes that support development in the field of research and innovation.The second part describes the importance of innovation during the COVID-19 pandemic, pointing to specific categories of innovation, such as, e.g., mission-oriented innovations, enhancement-oriented improvements, or adaptive innovations. The last section discusses selected EU actions in response to the coronavirus crisis. RESEARCH RESULTS: The multidimensionality of European activities (which include not only issues related to treatment, but also those aimed at economic recover) was presented in the article. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The EU actions aimed at changing the management of funds and programmes and redirecting them to financing projects and activities that contribute to the fight against the pandemic were positively evaluated. However, future studies should focus on purposefulness of spending these funds. As a result of the analyses conducted, it was also noticed that the European activities in the area of research and innovations have a very dispersed character.
CEL NAUKOWY: Celem artykułu jest zidentyfikowanie działań podjętych przez Unię Europejską w obszarze badań i innowacji, których nadrzędnym założeniem jest wsparcie w zakresie walki z koronawirusem. PROBLEM i METODY BADAWCZE: W kontekście dynamiki i szybkości rosnących zagrożeń, ograniczeń związanych z pandemią COVID-19, podejmowanie współpracy międzynarodowej w obszarze wspierania innowacji i prowadzenia badań stało się bardziej pożądane niż dotychczas, szczególnie w zakresie walki z koronawirusem. W celu zobrazowania tego zjawiska przeprowadzono analizę literatury oraz europejskich materiałów źródłowych, takich jak dokumenty, raporty itp. PROCES WYWODU: Artykuł został podzielony na trzy części. W pierwszej zostały omówione wybrane unijne instrumenty i programy, które wspierają rozwój w obszarze badań i innowacji. W drugiej opisano znaczenie innowacji w czasie pandemii COVID-19, wskazując przy tym na szczególne kategorie innowacji, takie jak m.in.: innowacje nastawione na misje, innowacje nastawione na działanie czy innowacje adaptacyjne. W ostatniej części zostały omówione wybrane działania/inicjatywy UE podjęte w reakcji na pandemię. WYNIKI ANALIZY NAUKOWEJ: Podjęte w artykule rozważania obrazują wielopłaszczyznowość aktywności podejmowanych przez UE w reakcji na pandemię COVID-19, które obejmują nie tylko kwestie dotyczące leczenia, ale także mają na celu ożywienie gospodarcze. WNIOSKI, INNOWACJE, REKOMENDACJE: Pozytywnie oceniono działania UE mające na celu dokonanie zmian w zakresie dysponowania środkami finansowymi w ramach głównych instrumentów finansowych i programów oraz częściowego ich przekierowania na finansowanie projektów i działań przyczyniających do walki z pandemią. Uzasadnione w przyszłości wydaje się jednak dokonanie oceny celowości wydatkowania tychże środków. W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy zauważono, że działania w obszarze polityki innowacji na rzecz wykorzystania europejskiego potencjału w zakresie kreowania innowacji mają bardzo rozproszony charakter.
SCIENTIFIC OBJECTIVE: The objective of this paper is a comparative analysis of the migration policies applied by selected countries during the Covid-19 pandemic. RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The research problem is the response of the given national authorities to the covid-19 pandemic, and the implementation of migration policies in Germany, the United States, Saudi Arabia and Colombia during the health crisis. We attempted to assess the efforts carried out by the authorities in the comparative perspective. We analysed policies directed not only at the reception of foreigners or the possible closure of borders, but also at the potential adaptation of immigrants and their access to health services in the host countries. EDUCTION PROCESS: The first part of the paper presents the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the global migration flows. This is followed by an analysis of migration policies implemented during the Covid-19 pandemic in selected countries. RESULTS OF THE RESEARCH ANALYSIS: The analysis showed significant differences between the countries studied: whilst the United States and Saudi Arabia adopted a restrictive strategy, the Federal Republic of Germany was guided by pragmatism, while Colombia embraced a surprisingly liberal course. The results obtained helped to identify the ways in which host countries responded to the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and to assess the effectiveness of the strategies implemented. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS: The Colombian model, despite its relatively generous and liberal approach to immigrants, has proven to be the least effective due to the institutional weakness of the country, especially in terms of the quality of the health care system. It should also be noted that the Covid-19 pandemic is still pending, and the new refugee crisis in Europe triggered by the Russian aggression against Ukraine is creating new challenges in this regard.
CEL NAUKOWY: Celem artykułu jest analiza polityk migracyjnych zastosowanych przez wybrane państwa w okresie pandemii COVID-19 w perspektywie porównawczej. PROBLEM I METODY BADAWCZE: Problemem badawczym jest odpowiedź poszczególnych rządów na wybuch pandemii COVID-19 i wdrożenie polityk migracyjnych w Niemczech, Stanach Zjednoczonych, Arabii Saudyjskiej i Kolumbii w trakcie kryzysu zdrowotnego. Podjęto próbę oceny starań władz państwowych w ujęciu porównawczym. Przeanalizowano działania skierowane nie tylko na recepcję cudzoziemców czy ewentualne zamknięcie granic, ale także na potencjalną adaptację imigrantów i ich dostęp do służby zdrowia w krajach przyjmujących. PROCES WYWODU: W pierwszej części rozważań przedstawiono wpływ pandemii COVID-19 na globalne przepływy migracyjne. Następnie dokonano analizy polityk migracyjnych realizowanych w okresie pandemii COVID-19 w wybranych krajach. WYNIKI ANALIZY NAUKOWEJ: Analiza wykazała znaczące różnice między badanymi krajami – podczas gdy Stany Zjednoczone i Arabia Saudyjska przyjęły strategię restrykcyjną, Republika Federalna Niemiec kierowała się pragmatyzmem, Kolumbia zaś przyjęła zaskakująco liberalny kurs. Uzyskane wyniki pozwoliły na określenie sposobów reagowania państw przyjmujących imigrantów na kryzys wywołany pandemią COVID-19 oraz ocenę efektywności przyjętych strategii. WNIOSKI, INNOWACJE, REKOMENDACJE: Model kolumbijski, mimo stosunkowo hojnego i liberalnego podejścia do imigrantów, okazał się najmniej efektywny z uwagi na słabość instytucjonalną tego państwa, szczególnie w zakresie jakości systemu opieki zdrowotnej. Należy również pamiętać, że pandemia COVID-19 trwa nadal, a nowy kryzys uchodźczy w Europie wywołany agresją rosyjską na Ukrainę tworzy nowe wyzwania w tym zakresie.
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