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Studia Ełckie
vol. 22
issue 1
The topic of this article is devoted to the discussion of the ideas of cultural and social activities propounded by Professor of History, Rev. Jonas Totoraitis (1872-1941). It also deals with a question of what conditions were present for their implementation in the early twentieth century. The first idea to establish the Society to Investigate the History of Lithuania was largely predicated on his professional background as historian. Another idea was indebted to his perception of the duty of the priest. It manifested itself in the aspiration to set up a special organization (association) of Roman Catholic clergy to tackle world-view issues of society at large. Another field of Rev. Totoraitisʼ activities was organizing youth in the countryside. His most significant contribution was theoretical: a study entitled “Catholic Youth Associations”, published in the journal “Vadovas” (Leader), and some time later republished in a separate booklet “The Guardianship of Youth and Its Associations”.
The study introduces an effort to achieve salvation for criminals who were sentenced to death during the Baroque period. It is based on a probe into the instructions for the treatment of people sentenced to death written for Roman Catholic priests and published during the 17th century. The author follows the spiritual preparations for an execution in the context of the Baroque concept of ‘good death’, which formed the core of the ‘Ars Moriendi’ literature. The texts are treated as normative historical sources, which influenced the period practice, but also were marked by it.
The Polish version of the article was published in Roczniki Humanistyczne vol. 61, issue 2 (2013). The article addresses the question of the fall of the Latin parish in Chorupnik that belonged to the former diocese of Chełm. The parish church in Chorupnik was taken over by Protestants in the second half of the 16th century. Unsuccessful attempts at recovering its property were made by incorporating it into the neighbouring parish in Gorzków. The actions taken by the Gorzków parish priest and the bishop together with his chapter failed, too. A detailed study of such attempts to recover the property of one of the parishes that ceased to exist during the Reformation falls within the context of the relations between the nobility and the clergy in the period of Counter-Reformation. Studying the social, legal and economic relations in a local dimension is important for understanding the mechanisms of the mass transition of the nobility to reformed denominations, and then of their return to the Catholic Church.
This study focuses on the so-called Revocation Sermons (Revocations-Predigte, also referred to as Wiederrufs-Predigte), i.e. the sermons in which their authors, clergymen, publicly renounced their Catholic faith and declared their adherence to a Protestant faith. They are, in fact, a type of primary source which is a component of the contemporary controversy, which was a discourse both theological and ecclesiastical-political in its nature. They highlight the complexity of contemporary religious situations and the issue of conversion (and apostasy), including, to a certain degree, also the problem of confessional violence and the awareness of it.
At the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century, three priests called Chrab(p)kowski served as priests in several Catholic parishes in Kashubia: Jakub Antoni, Tomasz Józef and Kazimierz. So far, only the first of these priests has been described in scholarly works. Little was known about the other two. By finding the last will and testament of Father Jakub Antoni Chrabkowski in the State Archive in Szczecin, and by searching in the registry books, it was possible to establish family connections between these three priests. It turned out that Jakub Antoni and Tomasz Józef were brothers, while Kazimierz was their nephew. They were all born in the royal village of Tuszkowy in Kashubia, to a family of village leaders.
W końcu XVIII i na początku XIX w. w kilku parafiach katolickich na Kaszubach posługę kapłańską pełniło trzech księży o nazwisku Chrab(p)kowski: Jakub Antoni, Tomasz Józef i Kazimierz. Dotychczas tylko pierwszy z nich doczekał się biogramów w pracach naukowych. O pozostałych dwóch niewiele było wiadomo. Odnalezienie testamentu ks. Jakuba Antoniego Chrabkowskiego w Archiwum Państwowym w Szczecinie oraz kwerenda w zachowanych księgach metrykalnych, pozwoliła na ustalenie powiązań rodzinnych pomiędzy tą trójką księży. Okazało się, że Jakub Antoni i Tomasz Józef to bracia, zaś Kazimierz to ich bratanek. Wszyscy oni urodzili się w królewskiej wsi Tuszkowy na Kaszubach, w rodzinie wolnych sołtysów.     
Przełom XIX i XX wieku przyniósł na ziemiach polskich poważne zmiany w dziedzinie postaw politycznych i społeczno-religijnych. W sposób szczególny zaznaczyły się one w galicyjskim środowisku chłopskim. Wiązało się to z rozwojem w ostatnim dwudziestopięcioleciu XIX w. na tych terenach ruchu ludowego przy udziale duchowieństwa katolickiego. Ks. Stanisław Stojałowski był wybitnym przedstawicielem tego ruchu. Uczestniczył w powołaniu do istnienia Stronnictwa Chrześcijańsko-Ludowego, założył m.in. Towarzystwo Kółek Rolniczych. Ks. S. Stojałowski doceniając zalety prasy w dziedzinie kształtowania świadomości i postaw społecznych, w 1875 r. objął redakcję „Wieńca” i „Pszczółki”. Te dwa periodyki odegrały istotną rolę w jego akcji ludowej. Nagłaśniane przy ich pomocy niezależne poglądy w kwestiach społecznych i ekonomicznych sprowadziły na niego poważne szykany a także utrudnienia w realizowaniu działalności wydawniczej.
The end of the 19th century and the early years of the 20th brought important changes in political and socio-religious attitudes in Polish society. They were especially noticeable among the peasants of Galicia. This was connected with the development of the peasant movement there in the last decade of the 19th century, with strong encouragement from the clergy. Rev. Stanisław Stojałowski was an important representative of that movement. He took part in the founding of Stronnictwo Chrześcijańsko-Ludowe (The Christian Folk Party); among other things he organized Towarzystwo Kółek Rolniczych (The Society of Agrarian Cooperatives). Understanding the role of press in forming social consciousness and attitudes, he took over the editorship of “Wieniec” (The Garland) and “Pszczółka” (The Bee). These two periodicals played an important role in his activity. The independent opinions on social questions he expessed caused him to be subject of strong opposition and made his editorial and publishing work more difficult.
W 1525 r. przestała istnieć diecezja pomezańska. Dalsze religijne dzieje terenu Żuław i Powiśla związane były z diecezją chełmińską, od 1821 r. z diecezją warmińską, a od 1925 r. także z diecezją gdańską. Artykuł prezentuje uwarunkowania polityczne, duszpasterskie, międzywyznaniowe, obyczajowe i ekonomiczne życia kleru katolickiego na omawianym terenie od XVI w. do zakończenia II wojny światowej.
In 1525 the Pomezanian diocese ceased to exist. Further religious history of the area of the Vistula Lowlands and Powiśle was associated with the diocese of Chelmno, since 1821 the diocese of Warmia and since 1925 also with the diocese of Gdansk. The article presents the political, pastoral, interreligious, moral and economic conditions of life of the Catholic clergy inhabiting the region from the sixteenth century to the end of World War II.
The article takes up the question of the fall of the Latin parish in Chorupnik that belonged to the former Chełm diocese. The parish church in Chorupnik was taken away by Protestants in the second half of the 16th century. Attempts at recovering its property possessions by incorporating it into the neighboring parish in Gorzków, and then actions taken both by the Gorzków parish priest and the bishop and his chapter were unsuccessful. A detailed study of the attempt to recover the property of one of the parishes that disappeared during the Reformation, is situated within the context of the relations between the nobility and the clergy in the Counter-Reformation period. Research on the social, legal and economic relations in a local dimension is important for understanding the mechanisms of the mass departure of the nobility to reformed denominations, and then of their return to the Catholic Church.
This paper deals with the fascistization of Catholic clergy on the eastern periphery of the Nazi “New Europe”, specifically within the Slovak State (1939–1945), a Nazi satellite in East Central Europe. In reference to recent historiographical debates, “clerico-fascism” serves here as a tool for an analysis of the ideology of the most prominent Slovak “clerico-fascist”, the president and Catholic priest Jozef Tiso (1887–1947). Specifically, it examines the transformation of social Catholicism into an instrument of fascist discipline. In addition, the article examines the fascistization of three other Slovak clerics: Karol Körper (1894–1969), Ladislav Hanus (1907–1994) and Viliam Ries (1906–1989). Focusing on individual agencies of both moderate and radical “clerico-fascists” on the basis of the regime of Hlinka’s Slovak People’s Party (Hlinkova slovenská ľudová strana) during the Second World War, the article seeks an explanation for political and religious radicalization in East Central Europe during the first half of the twentieth century.
Polish Catholic clergy played a significant role in shaping social attitudes in the period before and during the January Uprising (including direct participation in the uprising). The national movement was supported by the majority of lower Polish clergy, who identified participation in the uprising with the defence of faith. This is reflected both in the records of the Polish National Organization preserved at the Central Archives of Historical Records (AGAD), and in the legacy of the repressive offices of Russian corps operating under the so-called War and Police Board, set up in the Kingdom of Poland to fight the revolutionary movement after martial law was declared in the country on the 14th October 1861. The post-Uprising repressions particularly affected priests and monks, who were regarded as the spiritual leaders of the insurgents. Several dozen of them lost their lives in executions (by shooting or hanging), and several hundred were sentenced to hard labour and exile deep into Russia.
Katolickie duchowieństwo polskie odegrało znaczącą w rolę w kształtowaniu postaw społecznych w okresie przed wybuchem powstania styczniowego oraz podczas trwania tego zbrojnego zrywu narodu polskiego (także bezpośrednio w nim uczestnicząc). Ruch narodowy wsparła większość polskiego duchowieństwa niższego, które udział w powstaniu utożsamiało z obroną wiary. Znajduje to odzwierciedlenie zarówno w zachowanych w AGAD aktach polskiej Organizacji Narodowej, jak i spuściźnie kancelarii represyjnych urzędów rosyjskich działających w ramach tzw. Zarządu Wojenno-Policyjnego, powołanego w Królestwie Polskim do zwalczania ruchu rewolucyjnego, po ogłoszeniu w kraju 14 X 1861 r. stanu wojennego. Represje popowstaniowe szczególnie dotknęły księży i zakonników, uważanych za duchowych przywódców powstańców. Kilkudziesięciu z nich straciło życie w egzekucjach (przez rozstrzelanie lub powieszenie), a kilkuset skazano na katorgę albo zesłanie w głąb Rosji.
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