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The portrayal of Anastasius’ reign as presented by eodore is both one-dimensional, focusing on the Emperor’s activities related to religious matters, and entirely negative. For Theodore, Anastasius was a ruler who fought against the orthodox Church (of which the author of the Church history was a member himself). Furthermore, Theodore Lector became, in a sense, subject to Emperor’s repressions, as he was a secretary to patriarch Macedonius, who was removed from his position and exiled from Constantinople. For Theodore, Anastasius was an evil, impious and weak ruler, against whom even his own subjects rebelled (rising of Vitalian, riots in Constantinople).
Although attending the priest seminary became absolutely obligatory only with the Council of Trent, it cannot be said that there had been no forms of preparation to the priesthood in earlier times. In the Middle Age, the candidates were generally prepared in the cathedral and monastic schools. Earlier, some kind of internship was envisaged, particularly by the functions performed while in lower grades. The monks were also seen as perfect candidates for ordination. However, it was always difficult to find the right balance between the pastoral needs for ordaining new clergy and the moral and intellectual qualifications required of them.
The article focuses on the attestations of clergy in the Oxyrhynchite archive of the Apion estate. In this group of texts, clerics feature in various roles such as administrators, cultivators, and legal specialists. A close reading of these documents within the context of normative sources and testimonies from outside the Apion archive allows us to come closer to an understanding of the clergy as a socially and economically diverse group poised to play intermediary roles in the networks of a great estate. The various aspects of the profiles of clerics recorded in the texts (wealth, education, skills, place of origin) encourage us to envisage the clerical status as an intersectional experience where symbolic-religious and socio-economic factors remained in constant interplay.
This short article accounts for the origins of the metropolitan office in Catholic Church. The first chapter describes Greek and the Roman cultural context of this institution referring to the history of the ancient ‘polis’ and the imperial ‘province’. The second chapter deals with the necessity to creating the office of the metropolitan in the early stage of the development of the ecclesial hierarchy given the cultural background present in that historical period. The further analysis shows the way these ecclesiastical units were evolving during the antiquity and the Middle Ages.
The Church History by Rufinus of Aquileia is the oldest source concerning the Christianisation of Georgia, ancient Iberia. The author, drawing on information from the Iberian prince Bacurius, presents the events with a woman as their protagonist, a modest Roman Catholic. The example of her life and the miracles which through her intercession occurred in front of the pagan Iberians, are the direct cause of the people's acceptance of faith. The unusual, so active role of the woman, which is also confirmed by Georgian tradition, authenticates this valuable account. Rufinus bequeaths us the lacking information – despite many sources from that period – on how Christianity spread in the fourth century beyond the borders of the Roman Empire.
As a result of one and a half years of work of an appropriate preparatory commission, involvement of the Apostolic Nuncio in Poland, and personal suggestions of the Holy Father, the process of general, large-scale reform of the Church administrative structures in the country was finalized. It was sanctioned on March 25, 1992 by the bull "Totus tuus Poloniae populus" and appropriate implementing acts. Based on these documents, the structure of the current Chełmno diocese has changed. The bull has changed its name, according to the words of the document: "Dioecesis Pelplinensis – vetere nomine Culmensis appelata" (Pelplin diocese – formerly/until now known as Chełmno diocese). The bull has joined it with territories separated from the archdiocese of Gniezno and the diocese of Koszalin-Kołobrzeg. Simultaneously, it lost some of the areas in favour of the newly founded Toruń diocese and in favour of the diocese of Gdańsk.
W wyniku półtorarocznej pracy odpowiedniej komisji przygotowawczej, zaangażowania nuncjusza apostolskiego w Polsce oraz osobistych sugestii Ojca Świętego, sfinalizowano proces generalnej, zakreślonej na szeroką skalę reformy kościelnych struktur administracyjnych w kraju, co zostało usankcjonowane 25 marca 1992 r. bullą Totus tuus Poloniae populusoraz odpowiednimi aktami wykonawczymi. Na mocy tych dokumentów zmieniła się struktura dotychczasowej diecezji chełmińskiej. Bulla zmieniła jej nazwę, zgodnie zresztą ze słowami dokumentu: „Dioecesis Pelplinensis – vetre nomina Cullmensis appelata” (diecezja pelplińska – dawnie/dotychczas zwana chełmińską), przyłączając  do niej wydzielone terytorium archidiecezji gnieźnieńskiej i diecezji koszalińsko-kołobrzeskiej, z jednoczesną utratą niektórych terenów na rzecz nowo powstałej diecezji toruńskiej oraz na rzecz diecezji gdańskiej.
Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony został działalności misyjnej rosyjskiej Cerkwi prawosławnej na kontynencie azjatyckim. Pierwsza jego część dotyczy Chin, druga – Korei. Na podstawie dostępnej literatury przedmiotu i materiałów archiwalnych zobrazowano proces formowania się misji prawosławnych chińskiej i koreańskiej oraz poszczególne etapy kształtowania się wymienionych wspólnot, zwracając szczególną uwagę na wpływ przewrotu bolszewickiego w Rosji na dalsze, niekiedy tragiczne losy misjonarzy i wiernych rosyjskich w tych krajach.
This article presents the missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church on the Asian continent. First his part refers to China and the second one to Korea. Based on available literature and archive materials was described process of formation Chinese and Korean Orthodox mission and next stages of formation of those communities, paying particular attention to the impact of Bolshevik’s revolution in Russia to further, difficult and sometimes even tragic fates of Russian missionaries and faithful in China and Korea.
The article describes the daily schedule of monks who live according to the rules of Augustine of Hippo, Caesarius of Arles and Benedict of Nursia based on the principles of chronobiology.The authors of the monastic rules took into account not only the external conditions, the prevailing climate, but also the natural predisposition of the human body. Monks have to adapt to changes during the year, because they know that the length of night and day changes in each season of the year. Monks carry out their work and adapt well to time-related circadian succession of the cycles of light and darkness. They devote the remaining hours to physical work and other activities of a spiritual or intellectual character. Usually, they arraged their daily schedule in such a way that they could easily perform all their duties.The founders of the rules took into account the body’s natural needs and showed considerable psychological knowledge because they wanted the monks to do nothing contrary to nature and to the maintenance of their health. Although they set the appropriate hours of performing physical labor, engaging in intellectual pursuits, or prayer, they did not always stick to these rules and if necessary, used dispensation.Keywords
This paper examines the written sources concerning the legend of the Lutheran martyrs of Ľubietová. Unfortunately, any contemporary sources relating to the facts and events of 1526 and 1527 are not known today. Through the centuries the authenticity of the legend depended on whether the author describing it was Catholic or Protestant. The first references to the story appear from the second half of the sixteenth century in polemic literature. Then, from the seventeenth century, mainly Protestant writers and historians mentioned the events in greater detail. The most elaborated sources of the story of the pastor and teacher of Ľubietová are the following: a description attributed to Leonhard Stöckel from the beginning of the seventeenth century, and an entry by Stefan Xylander in the manuscript titled Matricula Molleriana. This paper also examines the differences between these two texts.
This article deals with the history of one particular Cardinal’s hat, whose journeys and fortunes intermingle with many aspects of European politics and ecclesiastical life. The main sources for its travails are the notes of a direct witness of these events, Juan Roco de Campofrío. In 1577, the privilege of wearing this hat (galero) was granted to Archduke Albrecht, son of the Emperor Maximilian II by Pope Gregory XIII. It was sent to him in Spain, where he resided at the Court of Philip II. The Spanish King wished to appoint him also as the Archbishop of Toledo but due to his youth this appointment was postponed. It only occurred after the death of Cardinal Quiroga in 1594. As a matter of coincidences, Albrecht did not accept a higher ordination and he was consequently able to relinquish the galero in 1598. It journeyed from Madrid to Brussels, and from there Albrecht sent it, accompanied by the Archbishop of Besançon and two other prelates back to Rome. Pope Clement VIII allowed the Archduke to decide on whose head the galero were to rest. Albrecht chose García Loaysa de Girón as his successor in the office of the Toledo Archbishopric, but the new Spanish King Philip III rejected his nomination. Thus, the galero 115 | 2017 385 Tomáš Parma finally came to rest on the head of Franz Seraph von Dietrichstein, and travelled with him to Moravia where this young Cardinal became the Bishop of Olomouc. His fortunes were also shared by his Cardinal’s galero which was used only exceptionally, during ceremonial entrances and processions. In the end it was probably also used during the Cardinal’s funeral at the beginning of the year 1637. Any traces of it then disappear; it was probably destroyed during the course of the Thirty Years’ War. The aim of this article is to point out the reasons which lead to the appointment of Franz Seraph von Dietrichstein as Cardinal, amongst which a coincidence also played its part.
Nurt SVD
issue 1
Artykuł przedstawia sylwetki trzech (zmarłych w 2021 roku) werbistów, którzy wsławili się w dziedzinie szeroko pojmowanej misjologii. Są to: ks. Lawrence Nemer SVD – historyk Kościoła i ekumenista, wykładowca w Catholic Theological Union w Chicago oraz Yarra Theological Union w Melbourne, rektor Londyńskiego Instytutu Misyjnego; ks. Andreas Bsteh SVD – promotor dialogu międzyreligijnego w Austrii, wykładowca w Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule St. Gabriel w Mödling pod Wiedniem, organizator konferencji z wyznawcami religii niechrześcijańskich i redaktor kilkunastu monografii związanych z dialogiem; ks. Franz-Josef Eilers SVD – specjalista w zakresie komunikacji, założyciel i redaktor czasopisma Communicatio Socialis, wykładowca w Seminarium Duchownym Księży Werbistów w Tagaytay koło Manili i innych instytucjach akademickich Filipin, sekretarz ds. komunikacji w FABC, autor kilku podręczników. Zaprezentowani werbiści rozpoczęli działalność naukową po Soborze Watykańskim II, włączając się w odnowę misyjnej działalności Kościoła.
This article presents the profiles of SVD missionaries who died in 2021 and became famous in the field of missiology in its broadest sense. They are: Fr Lawrence Nemer SVD – Church historian and ecumenist, lecturer at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago and at the Yarra Theological Union in Melbourne, rector of the London Missionary Institute, Fr. Andreas Bsteh SVD – a tireless propagator of interreligious dialogue in Austria, long-time lecturer at the Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule St. Gabriel in Mödling near Vienna, organizer of numerous conferences with non-Christian believers and editor of several monographies on dialogue, and Fr. Franz-Josef Eilers SVD – a specialist in communication, founder and editor of the journal “Communicatio Socialis”, lecturer at the SVD Theological Seminary in Tagaytay near Manila and at several other academic institutions in the Philippines, secretary for communication at the FABC, and author of numerous textbooks. These figures began their scholarly activities immediately after the Second Vatican Council and were actively involved in the work of renewing the missionary activities of the Church.
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Český historický ústav v Římě v letech 2015-2022

The outline of the development and activities of the Czech Historical Institute in Rome in the period 2015–2022 builds on the previous analysis concerning the years 2008–2014 (ČČH / The Czech Historical Review 113, 2015, pp. 244–276). It deals with the major positive changes in the infrastructure of the Institute, housed in the Czech Pontifical College Nepomucenum, which took place during the reconstruction of this Neo-Renaissance building, and the problems brought about by the closure of research institutions in Italy during the Covid-19 pandemic. The article presents an analysis and evaluation of the basic spheres of research activity of the Institute and its fellows: lectures, conferences and presentations, publication of the Institute‘s periodical (Bollettino dell’Istituto Storico Ceco di Roma), book series (Biblioteca dell’Istituto Storico Ceco di Roma, Acta Romana Bohemica) and critical editions of archival sources and catalogues of manuscripts (also a newly established series Codices manuscripti Bohemici bibliothecarum Vaticanarum et Italicarum). It provides detailed commentary on monographs and selected studies on ecclesiastical, political, economic and cultural history with topics ranging from the late Middle Ages to the 20th century. It highlights the most important results of the Institute‘s work in the past eight years: (1) the Institute has intensified and accelerated the publication of a major international edition of early modern sources Epistulae et acta nuntiorum apostolicorum apud imperatorem; (2) a team of eight Institute‘s fellows has produced a synthesis of the history of relations between the papal curia and the Czech lands from the early Middle Ages to the threshold of the 21st century (The Papacy and the Czech Lands. A History of Mutual Relations, 2016); (3) some scholars have successfully mastered big topics of general history, especially history of the 16th and 17th centuries.
This article deals with the views of Cosmas of Prague, the first Czech chronicler, on the role of the Church and its relations with the laymen. The Chronicle of the Czechs contains discreet but harsh critics against the so-called Gregorian Reform and its proponents. However, the dean of the Prague chapter shared with the latter the claim for a stronger independence of the Church and a clearer division between the religious and the secular worlds. Indeed, the chronicler criticized some of the bishops of Prague because they were mostly the servants of the Přemyslid princes at the expense of their episcopal duties. Moreover, he showed the damages caused by prelates who shared the way of life and the values of laymen, especially those who were from the Ducal dynasty. The Chronicle of the Czechs is also a mirror for the prelates of Prague and thus draws the portrayal of the ideal bishop, a figure embodied by Otto of Bamberg. This contribution is then aimed to show that the Chronicle is also a precious source of the Czech views on the major changes that occurred during the 11th and early 12th centuries in Latin Christianity. From Prague, the claims of Rome seemed quite absurd, but the Czech Churchmen shared the ideals of their Western contemporaries and were searching for a way to adapt them to the local situation and to put them into practice.
“The inventory of the Catholic church of Siehniewice prepared by father Izydor Niedroszlański during the transfer of that church to the new appointed pastor, father Henryk Kazimierowicz according to the decision of His Excellency the Bishop of Pińsk on 14 May 1930, number 1096/30”. The first wooden parish St. Mary of Assistance church in Siehniewice in the diocese of Łuck-Brześć has been founded in the middle of XVIth century. The church built of bricks have established in 1785 Józef and Maria Prozorowie. The church has been burned by the Russians in 1915 and 1922 reconstructed by the pastor father Izydor Niedroszlański und thanks to the support of the parishioners and benefactors. During the years of the Second Republic the parish of Siehniewice was placed in the new 1925 created diocese of Pińsk. The Bishop Zygmunt Łoziński gave on 14 May 1930 the administration of that parish to the successor of farther Izydor Niedroszlański. From the at that time completed inventory we are getting knowledge about the history of that parish and church, about the successively done constructions and reconstruction, about the equipment and decorations of that church. The in the inventory described material means of the parish are revealing the church preferment. The inventory is describing also the parish buildings, archives and office.
„Inwentarz Siehniewickiego rz-kat. parafialnego kościoła sporządzony przez ks. Izydora Niedroszlańskiego przy zdaniu niniejszego nowo mianowanemu proboszczowi ks. Henrykowi Kazimierowiczowi w myśl zarządzenia J. E. Ks. Biskupa Pińskiego z dnia 14 maja 1930 roku pod Nr 1096/30”. Pierwotny, drewniany kościół parafialny pw. Opieki Najświętszej Maryi Panny w Siehniewiczach, w diecezji łucko-brzeskiej ufundowany został w połowie XVI wieku. Murowaną świątynię ufundowali dla tej parafii Józef i Maria Prozorowie w 1785 roku. Spalona w 1915 roku przez Rosjan, w 1922 roku została odbudowana staraniem ówczesnego proboszcza ks. Izydora Niedroszlańskiego i dzięki ofiarności parafian i dobrodziejów. W latach II Rzeczypospolitej parafia w Siehniewiczach znalazła się w granicach erygowanej w 1925 roku diecezji pińskiej. Decyzją pasterza tej diecezji. biskupa Zygmunta Łozińskiemu z 14 maja 1930 roku jej proboszcz ks. Izydor Niedroszlański przekazał ją swemu następcy w Siehniewiczach. W sporządzonym z tej okazji inwentarzu-protokole dowiadujemy się o historii świątyni, jej odbudowach i remontach, wyposażeniu i konserwacji wystroju o świątyni, jej odbudowach, wyposażeniu i konserwacji wystroju. Opisane dobra materialne przynależne da parafii ukazują stan beneficjum kościelnego w tamtych czasach. Inwentarz zamieszcza opis zabudowań gospodarczych, aktualnego inwentarza kościelnego i biura i archiwum parafialnego.
Joanna (or Jan) and Jerzy Stawski founded a wooden church structure in their property town of Stawy, Brest Voivodeship of Great Dutchy of Lithuania in the middle of the 15th century. The new church, also wooden, was built in Stawy in the first half of the 18th century. The bishop of Lutsk Stefan Bogusław Rupniewski consecrated it as the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St James the Great parish church in 1739 in the deanery of Kamieniec Litewski. The tsarist government closed the parish, and the temple was taken over by the Orthodox in 1864. In 1919, it returned to the Catholics, and the village of Stawy was incorporated back into the independent Second Polish Republic. It was a part of the diocese of Minsk and since 1925 of the newly created Diocese of Pinsk. The presented inventory of the Stawy parish church was prepared by the current parish priest Fr Ignacy Drozdowicz and handed over to his successor Fr Piotr Sadowski with the parish on 16th October 1933.
W miejscowości Stawy w województwie brzeskim Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego Joanna (lub Jan) i Jerzy Stawscy ufundowali w połowie XV w. w swoim majątku pierwotny, drewniany kościół. Nowy kościół, również drewniany, zbudowano w Stawach w pierwszej połowie XVIII w. Konsekrował go biskup łucki jako świątynię Parafii Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny i Jakuba Większego Apostoła, w dekanacie Kamieniec Litewski. W 1864 r. parafia w Stawach uległa kasacji przez rząd carski, a świątynię przejęli prawosławni. W 1919 r. powróciła do katolików, a miejscowość Stawy powróciła w granice niepodległej II Rzeczypospolitej. Należała do diecezji mińskiej, a od 1925 r. do nowo powstałej diecezji pińskiej. Prezentowany inwentarz parafialnego kościoła stawskiego sporządził ówczesny proboszcz ks. Ignacy Drozdowicz i dnia 16 października 1933 r. przekazał wraz z parafią swemu następcy ks. Piotrowi Sadowskiemu.
In the presented article history is shown as a special challenge for the Church. The issue raised is presented in relation to historical research and didactic activity of two Polish historians, Józef Nowacki and Marian Banaszak. Two basic questions are asked: what is the specificity of the history of the Church in all theological disciplines? and: What is the basic requirement that this discipline is in the reality of the Church?
Der Artikel befasst sich mit den Studien der modernen tschechischen Mediävistik über das mittelalterliche Mönchtum der Benediktiner auf dem Gebiet der heutigen Tschechischen Republik. Der Autor konzentriert sich in erster Linie auf die Veränderungen, die das Revolutionsjahr 1989 durch das Ende der marxistisch orientierten Geschichtsschreibung mit sich brachte. Der Schwerpunkt wird dabei auf die Profilierung der Forschungsergebnisse im Bereich von Geschichtswissenschaft, historischen Hilfswissenschaften, Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte aus den Jahren 1990-2018 gelegt. Für die Zwecke des erforderlichen vergleichenden Kontextes wird auch die Entwicklung der tschechischen kritischen Geschichtsschreibung seit der Wende des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Jahre 1948-1989, die in vielerlei Hinsicht einen prägenden Einfluss auf die moderne Geschichtsschreibung hatten, verfolgt.
The paper deals with the development of Czech medieval studies on ecclesiastical and religious history, with a focus on the study of the history of medieval Benedictine monasticism. The author sketches the historiography of his subject since the emergence of critical Czech historiography during the 19th century and points out the problems that such a profiled study had to face between 1948 and 1989 under the dominance of Marxist-orchestrated historiography. The bulk of the paper then presents an outline of the development in the field of study after the fall of the communist regime, i.e. in the years 1990-2018.
W artykule zaprezentowano badania współczesnej czeskiej mediewistyki nad średniowiecznym monastycyzmem benedyktyńskim na terenie współczesnych Czech. Autor koncentruje się na zmianach, jakie w czeskiej historiografii przyniósł rewolucyjny rok 1989, który oznaczał koniec paradygmatu marksistowskiego, dlatego też skupia się na profilowaniu wyników badań w dziedzinie historii, pomocniczych nauk historycznych, archeologii i historii sztuki z lat 1990-2018. Dla niezbędnego kontekstu porównawczego szkicuje jednak także rozwój czeskiej historiografii krytycznej od przełomu XIX i XX wieku, z naciskiem na lata 1948-1989, które pod wieloma względami wpłynęły na kształt współczesnej historiografii.
Celem tego artykułu jest przybliżenie sylwetki s. Zofii Izabelii Łuszkiewicz. Pochodziła z rodziny inteligenckiej, związanej z Uniwersytetem Jagiellońskim. Po ukończeniu studiów na UJ, w 1923 roku wstąpiła do Sióstr Miłosierdzia św. Wincentego a Paulo. Formację początkową odbywała we Lwowie i w Paryżu. We Francji podjęła również naukę w wyższej szkole pielęgniarstwa. Gdy powróciła do kraju skierowano ją do pracy w szpitalu powszechnym we Lwowie. Pracowała tam jako pielęgniarka, a następnie jako dyrektorka szkoły pielęgniarskiej. Wykładała przedmioty zawodowe. Troszczyła się o wysoki poziom placówki utrzymując kontakty z wieloma ośrodkami pielęgniarstwa w Europie. Wiosną 1939 roku przebywała na wymianie naukowej w Nowym Jorku. Krótko przed wybuchem II wojny światowej powróciła do Lwowa. Będąc poszukiwana przez NKWD w przebraniu służącej udała się do Krakowa, a następnie do Zebrzydowic angażując się w pomaganie ludności cywilnej jak również w walkę niepodległościową. Brała czynny udział w ratowaniu ludności pochodzenia żydowskiego. Pod koniec okupacji pracowała jako pielęgniarka w rzeszowskim szpitalu. Współpracując z zaufanymi lekarzami prowadziła akcje pomocy partyzantom. Wspomagała działalność dobroczynną organizacji międzynarodowej UNRRA, będąc dla nich tłumaczką języka angielskiego. W 1947 roku ponownie wróciła do Zebrzydowic. 27 sierpnia 1948 roku w Wadowicach została aresztowana przez Służbę Bezpieczeństwa. Przez długi czas nie znano miejsca jej pobytu. Po dwuletnim śledztwie została początkowo skazana na karę śmierci, zamienioną na 15 lat więzienia. Pomimo bicia i maltretowania zachowała do końca niezłomną postawę. W czerwcu 1956 roku została wypuszczona na półroczny urlop zdrowotny. W grudniu 1956 dzięki staraniom bliskich została całkowicie uwolniona. Choroba poczyniła jednak ogromne spustoszenia i mimo starania siostry Izabelli nie udało się uratować. Zmarła 8 sierpnia 1957 roku. Pochowano ją na Cmentarzu Rakowickim w Grobowcu Sióstr Miłosierdzia.
The aim of the article is to present the person of sister Zofia Izabella Łuszczkie-wicz. She came from an intellectual family, associated with the Jagiellonian Universi-ty. After having finished her studies at the University, she joined the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul in 1923. Her initial formation took place in Lvov and Paris. In France she also attended a high school of nursing. Upon her return to Poland, she was directed to work in the general hospital in Lvov. She worked there as a nurse and later as the headmistress of the school of nursing and teacher of vocational sub-jects. She took care of the high level of the institution by maintaining contact with many centres of nursing in Europe. In the spring of 1939 she went to New York as a participant of academic exchange. Shortly before the breakout of World War II she returned to Lvov. Being sought by the NKVD, she went to Cracow in a disguise of a servant and later to Zebrzydowice, where she was engaged in helping civilians as well as in fight for independence. She took active part in saving people of Jewish origin. Nearing the end of the occupation, she worked as a nurse in hospital in Rzeszów. Cooperating with trusted doctors, she undertook aid actions for partisans. She assisted the charity activity of the internation-al organisation UNRRA as an interpreter of English. In 1947 she returned to Zebrzydowice. She was arrested by the Security Service in Wadowice, on August 27, 1948. For a long time her place of residence was unknown. After a two-year investigation, she was initially sentenced to death, later changed to a 15-year prison sentence. Despite being beaten and maltreated, she remained unbroken until the end. In June 1956 she was released for a six-month health leave. In December 1956 – thanks to the efforts of her family – she was fully released. However, she was devastated by illness and despite efforts she could not be saved. She died on August 8, 1957. She was buried in the tomb of Daughters of Charity at the Rakowice Cemetery.
Der Artikel betrifft das Problem der Ikonologie der Miniaturen, die den ersten Teil des des etwa 1140-1150 von Gratianus verfaßten Dekrets schmükken (vollständiger Titel: Concordia Discordantium Canonum). In diesem als "Pars Prima" bezeichneten Teil behandelt Gratianus unter anderem die Frage der gegenseitigen Beziehungen zwischen weltlicher und geistlicher Macht. In Causae II, q. 7 post c. XLI, § 3 unterstreicht er , anknüpfend an einen von Papst Gelasius (t 496) geäußerten Gedanken, die Existenz zweier unabhängiger und gleichrangiger Machtzentren. Sowohl das Regnum als auch das Sacerdotium besitzen einen ihren Aufgaben entsprechenden Macht- und Kompetenzbereich. Ein Ausdruck dieser Idee war die sich auf das Lukasevangelium (22, 35-38) stützende sog. Zwei-Schwerter-Theorie. Gratianus betont jedoch, dass die Kirche die Legitimität des weltlichen Herrschers begründet und die­sen kontrolliert (V.XXIV, q. 1, c. XXXIX). Das Verhältnis von Regnum und Sacerdotum wurde von Gratianus recht eindeutig zum Ausdruck gebracht. Dennoch treten in den einzelnen Manu­skripten des Dekrets von Gratianus diesbezüglich beträchtliche Unterschiede in der Ikonographie der Miniaturen von Pars Prima auf. Beeinflußt wurden diese Differenzen durch Zeit und Ort der Entstehung der jeweiligen Hand­schrift und im Zusammenhang damit auch durch die konkrete politische Si­tuation. Wichtig ist auch das konkrete Milieu, in dem das Werk hergestellt oder bestellt wurde. Die den ersten Teil des Dekrets von Gratianus schmückenden Miniaturen unterstrichen entweder die Fülle der päpstlichen Macht - plenitudo potestatis (Exemplmn: Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Ms. 2069, f. 1) oder ein Gleichgewicht zwischen Regnum und Sacerdotum (Exemplum: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Ms. Lat. 1375, f. 1 ), oder aber die sakrale Stärke der königlichen Herrschaft, die auf die inneren Angelegenheiten der Kirche Einfluß nehmen konnte (Miniaturen aus dem Kreis von Meister Honore; Exemplum: Tours, Bibliotheque Minicipal, Ms. 558, f. 1 ).
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