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The Constitutional Tribunal is defined as the Polish constitutional court and at the same time the judicial authority. It was created at the turn of 1982. Not long after that it began its jurisprudence; more precisely it was in 1986. Describing its basic tasks, it is pointed out that judicial review of so-called constitutional law deserves a closer look. This is particularly true about controlling the compliance of lower legal norms with higher legal norms. Here attention is drawn towards the connection of the Constitution with some international agreements, ie. the court of law. The purpose of the paper below was to analyze the constitutional principles of criminal proceedings in the context of the case law of the Polish Constitutional Court. At the beginning the concept, the division and the role of the constitutional rules of criminal procedure were presented. In this section, it was emphasized that all the rules of the criminal process are considered superior norms of a very significant social importance. Then the principle of objectivity, which is reflected in the Constitution of the Republic, was described. A following aspect was the discussion of the principle of the presumption of innocence and the principle of in dubio pro reo. It has been emphasized that the essence of the principle is that the person who was brought before the court is treated as innocent until a lawful judgment is pronounced against the defendant. The author also pointed out the principle of the right to defense. According to this rule, the defendant has the right to defend themselves in the process and to use the help of a defender. Another described principle is so-called rule of publicity. It concerns the fact that information about criminal proceedings should be accessible to the public. Then it was pointed to the principle of the right to the trial and the independence of the judiciary. The first one is reflected in national law and acts of international rank. The second shows that the independence of the judiciary is determined by the proper exercise of the profession of judge and becomes a guarantee of freedom and civil rights. The humanitarian principle and the principle of participation of the social factor in the penal process are shown in the final section. At the end of the paper a summary and conclusions were presented.
W niniejszym opracowaniu przedstawiono problem relacji pomiędzy komisjami sejmowymi a TK, w tym w szczególności zagadnienie oddziaływania komisji sejmowych na działalność TK.
Relations between the Polish Parliamentary (Sejm) committees and the Polish Constitutional Court. The issues presented in this paper concern the relation between the Parliamentary (Sejm) committees and the Constitutional Court. Special emphasis was put on the problem of influence of herein mentioned committees on the activities of the Constitutional Court.
The right to initiate a review of norms conferred on organs of local government units is limited at constitutional level primarily in relation to the scope of matters subject to such review. The proper delimitation of this power requires a reference to a wider normative context within which one can analyze the entitlement to act of those entities mentioned in Article 191 para. 1 subpara. 3 of the Constitution. This context is partly due to the constitutionally determined position of local government in the system of governance. This is connected to the fact of constitutionalization of the rights conferred on decision-making organs of local government units and the limited entitlement to act of those entities authorized to initiate a constitutional review. The third reference point is defi ned by the very purpose of review of the norms, which is pending before the Constitutional Tribunal and the specifi c interpretation of Article 191 para. 2 of the Constitution, containing a reference to „… matters relevant to the scope of activity” of the applicant.
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Kam Ústavní soud nechodí (a nejen o tom)

On the occasion of the centenary of the beginning of the Czechoslovak Constitutional Court’s operation, the authors take note of its basic definition as well as the reasons and manifestations of its little success in the interwar constitutional conditions. Serious problems with the appointment of members of the court were repeated in both successor states. The Czech Constitutional Court is conceptually different from the Czechoslovak one, which is reflected, among other things, in the list of its competencies. Their number and character increase the number of cases in which the Constitutional Court decides, if it even has jurisdiction at all to resolve the matter. The last part of the article is therefore devoted to a critical analysis of these decisions.
Při příležitosti stého výročí zahájení činnosti československého Ústavního soudu si autoři všímají jeho základního vymezení a také důvodů a projevů nevelké úspěšnosti v meziválečných ústavních poměrech. Závažné problémy s ustavováním členů soudu se zopakovaly i v obou nástupnických státech. Český Ústavní soud se od toho československého koncepčně liší, což se projevuje mj. ve výčtu kompetencí. Jejich počet a charakter zmnožují případy, kdy Ústavní soud rozhoduje, je-li vůbec k řešení věci příslušný. Kritické analýze těchto rozhodnutí je věnována poslední část článku.
The presented review article is devoted to the monograph Constitutional Courts in Post-Soviet States, edited by Jacek Zaleśny. The researcher points to the originality and topicality of the undertaken subject, correctly selected team of authors, detailed presentation of stages of formation of the model of constitutionality control in selected post-Soviet states, demonstrating their position as distinct from the classical model of Hans Kelsen. We are dealing with a new, eastern “laboratory” of constitutionality control. Its experiments should be followed by both the external legislator and the individual participants of the post-Soviet political scene.
Argument Principle of irremovability of judges is a norm of judicial independence not only in the EU framework but also in the international level.Judges of the Supreme Courts or the Constitutional Court are still removed even in the modern and developed countries. It is deeply related to the lack of independence of the judiciary in Europe and beyond Europe too.  Results and Conclusion The results of the work can be applied in some countries that have not linked  each other with regional integration policy ( like Myamar and ASEAN Countreies). The functions of the Constitutional Court are needed to be updated to protect the fundamental rights effectively in national level and the judiciary should be free from the influence of the legislature and the executive. Cognitive value To learn the best solution for the reconcilement among the three great branches of the government, especially to respect the independence of the judiciary and the principle of irremovability of judges widely accepted as not only international standards but also EU noem.
A direct action of the Russian Constitution and decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as interconnected foundations of the practice of the enforcement of law are considered from the point of view of their immediate regulating impact on social relations. On the basis of the analysis of concrete cases and legal positions of the Constitutional Court some problems are marked, and possible ways of their solution are proposed. The author arrives at the conclusion that any subject of law in case of a collision between constitutional provisions and rules of any normative act must apply the Constitution but not the rules of this normative act even if this fact has not yet determined by the Constitutional Court. In an effort to solve problems arising during the direct action of the Constitution and decisions of the Constitutional Court active application of messages of the Constitutional Court is proposed which is marked in the Constitution but does not apply in the constitutional practice and is needed in detailed legal regulations.
The judicialization of politics, or alternatively, politization of the judiciary has been much discussed over the last twenty years. Despite this, the way judges influence fiscal policy outcomes remains, to a large extent, unexplored. This paper attempts, at least partially, to fill this research gap. A judicial (constitutional) review constitutes the central element of the current analysis since it is considered as a key institutional device through which Constitutional (Supreme) Courts intervene in politics, including public finance. Specifically, this paper seeks to investigate empirically whether there is any systematic pattern according to which judges executing judicial review shape fiscal outcomes. The conceptual framework is based on the strategic interaction model and the assumption that the Constitutional Courts reflect public opinion (i.e. the Court as a majoritarian institution). Some preliminary results for a panel of 24 EU countries in the period 1995–2005 suggest that a strong judicial review correlates with a smaller size of government, measured as government income to GDP.
The procedure for appointing judges of the Constitutional Court in Slovakia does not differ significantly from the solutions adopted in other European countries. The Slovak model has similarities with the solutions adopted in 1991 in relation to the judges of the Constitutional Court of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic. The procedure for appointing constitutional judges included — at the initial stage — the entities involved in legal practice and study of law, whereas the creative power was de lege ferenda based on the cooperation between the National Council and the President of the Slovak Republic. Despite the involvement of various stakeholders, the appointment is de facto a political process, since the fi nal decisions are taken by political authorities. An important issue, which concerns the nomination of judges, is the scope of discretionary powers of the head of state in the assessment of candidates for appointment to judicial office. Given that the President appoints judges from among candidates nominated at the request of the National Council, the we cannot accept the approach limiting the role of the President of the Republic to that of the notary public devoid of the possibility of effecting membership of the constitutional court. Disputable is also the view expressed in the judgment of 17 March 2015 imposing on the President an absolute obligation to appoint a judge from among of the two candidates. The appointment of judges is the responsibility of President of the Republic and is associated with its obligation to ensure continuous work of the constitutional court. Continuity may be threatened not only if the President refuses to appoint in an arbitrary manner, but also when he appoints to the membership of the court persons whose activities may interfere with its proper functioning. It is also hard to accept the idea that the head of state would have the full impact on the process of nominating judges. The President cannot freely decide who will be the judge, nor can he/she spontaneously assess whether the candidate meets the requirement of having appropriate work experience. Possessing a knowledge of law should be the subject of public debate, a kind of competition between the candidates, and not a tool by which the President may reject the candidates nominated to him.
This paper is an analysis of the changes in the Polish law concerning ritual slaughter since 1997 when Ustawa o ochronie zwierząt (Animal Protection Act) was passed. Consequent legislative changes are presented in chronological order, in comparison with the public debate on the topic. The author focuses especially on the judgments of the Constitutional Court and on the reasoning that was used to present the sentences. Apart from the issues connected with law the paper also attempts to summarise the debate on ritual slaughter in Poland, especially with regard to the statements of religious associations.
The Copyright and Related Rights Act introduced the possibility of demanding double and triple of the license fee in case of copyright infringement. This solution has aroused many reservations in doctrine and case-law, because it raised doubts whether it is a punishment or just compensation for the violation. This article presents the views of the Constitutional Court and the Court of Justice of the European Union, in order to try to resolve the doubts as to the nature of the institution of lump-sum compensation in copyright law. On the basis of two fundamental judgments authors try to show that the current legal regulations are inappropriate and should be changed.
The article contains a draft position of the Sejm relating to the application submitted by a city council to the Constitutional Tribunal. Contested provisions of the Act on Maintaining Cleanliness and Order in Municipalities adopted on 13 September 1996 provide for mandatory tender for the collection and management of municipal waste. Based on detailed analysis, author claim that Article 6d (1) and Article 6e of the contested Act do not violate the constitutional standard of autonomy of local government units and the European Charter of Local Self Government. In this draft position, she proposes to apply for discontinuance of the proceedings for other parts of the claim due to the inadmissibility of a judgment.
The article presents the issues of legal regulation of termination of pregnancy in the context of the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court (CC), in particular the ruling in the case K 1/20.The discussion opens with an analysis of models of abortion practices regulations, as well as the solutions adopted in the Polish legal system, with a short historical introduction. It is emphasized how important is the issue, which results from the fundamental differences in worldviews between the supporters and opponents of the permissibility of the practice of termination of pregnancy, which is expressed in the name given to this medical practice.The right to life as an element of the human rights system is discussed, both in terms of international law and the provisions of the Polish constitution.Next, the Polish provisions on the admissibility of termination of pregnancy are presented along with a historical outline, with particular emphasis on the ruling in the case K 26/96. Based on the above discussion, the resolution in the case K 1/20 was discussed, in which the CC found the so-called embryopathological premise for termination of pregnancy to be incompatible with Polish Constitution. A polemic with the justification of the decision is presented, including the errors of interpreta-tion committed by the CC with regard to the constitutional and international form of the right to the protection of life. It is indicated that in the Polish legal system only the right to protection of life exists, not the right to life, which is referred to both by the CC and most of the doctrine.Despite the fact that this resolution does not remove the norm from the legal system, the author draws attention to the practical consequences of issuing it, in particular the occurrence of the so-called ‘chilling effect’ and unjustified activity of the law enforcement authorities.The final part of the article presents conclusions on how to legally regulate the termination of pregnancy.
Judgment no. 2 of the Constitutional Court of Moldova of 20 January 2015 refers to the issue of parliamentary immunity and the cases of termination of a mandate of a member of Parliament as foreseen by the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova. The Constitutional Court laid down the scope interpretation of Articles 69 and 70 of the Constitution, adjudicating that a Deputy sentenced with a valid court judgment does not enjoy the privilege of parliamentary immunity. Also, the privilege is not applied where a national court recognizes a sentence passed by a court of a foreign state. A person sentenced with a valid court judgment for a crime committed with intention or sentenced to a prison term loses its right to be elected, hence cannot be legitimately elected to the Parliament. He/she also loses his/her mandate ex lege after the judgment had been passed.
The article raises the issue of the constitutionality of the ritual slaughter in the Polish legal system. The author compared together the issue of freedom of religion and the legal protection of animals in the Republic of Poland. The first of the issues is the rule of freedom of conscience and religion in national law and EU law. Next, the author presented some of the regulations introduced by the act on protection of animals of 1997 and the position of the Polish Constitutional Court, and compares them with the legal norms of the European Union. An article was ended by remarks called as de lege ferenda; the author pays attention on the problems of commercial ritual slaughter and inconsistency of Polish law with the EU law.
Autor artykułu przedstawia historię i teraźniejszość Sądu Konstytucyjnego Ukrainy z perspektywy zasad kształtowania jego składu osobowego. Celem opracowania jest postanowienie diagnozy co do przeszłego i aktualnego stanu niezależności Sądu Konstytucyjnego Ukrainy od wpływów politycznych. Autor dochodzi do wniosku, iż stabilizacja ukraińskiego sądownictwa konstytucyjnego jeszcze nie nastąpiła, a wypracowywanie jego kształtu ma bardzo dynamiczny przebieg. Jego zdaniem dla powodzenia tego trwającego procesu zasadnicze znaczenie będzie miało porozumienie polityczne w sprawie doprecyzowania zasad wyboru sędziów.
The author of this paper describes the history and presence of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine from the perspective of principles forming its composition. The aim is to provide a diagnosis of the past and present state of the independence of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine from political influence. The author concludes that stabilization of the Ukrainian constitutional judiciary has not yet taken place, and the development of its shape has a very dynamic course. In her opinion, a political agreement on the clarification of principles for the appointment of judges will be crucial for the success of the ongoing process.
The place of the Constitutional Court in Albania’s political system, the significance attributed to this institution and most of all the possibilities of fulfilment of its constitutional role are the subject of the analysis taken up in this paper. It addresses in particular the impact of the manner of operation of the Constitutional Court in the context of Albania’s European aspirations. Moreover, the study emphasises a thesis that Albania’s efforts to obtain membership of the European Union have been an essential element strengthening the process of Albania’s political, social and economic transformation.
Miejsce Sądu Konstytucyjnego w systemie politycznym Albanii, znaczenie jakie przypisuje się tej instytucji, a przede wszystkim możliwości wypełniania przezeń konstytucyjnej roli stanowi przedmiot analiz podjętych w artykule. Zwraca się w nim szczególną uwagę na wpływ sposobu funkcjonowania Sądu Konstytucyjnego w kontekście europejskich aspiracji Albanii. Co więcej, w artykule akcentuje się tezę, iż dążenie Albanii do uzyskania członkostwa w Unii Europejskiej stanowiło istotny czynnik wzmacniający proces transformacji politycznej, społecznej i gospodarczej Albanii.
The article discusses the issue of the place and presence of women in the public sphere, and tries to answer the question of how these matters are impacted by the institution of the Constitutional Tribunal. Applying the method of discourse analysis, I have examined the Polish Constitutional Tribunal’s decisions and looked into the media discussion, with both revealing dominant trends regarding women’s rights in Polish constitutionalism. Using the category of counterpublics, I also cover emancipation movements important on account of women’s rights and their presence in the public domain. I also address the common myths concerning the Constitutional Tribunal. There are also mentions of room for the materialisation of emancipation processes in Polish constitutionalism.
The Constitutional Court has functioned in Hungary since 1989. Its activity shaped the frame of democratic state of law and influenced the constitutional order in Hungary. In 2011 the National Assembly passed the new Act on the Constitutional Court that replaced a previous one from 1989. The provisions of the Act and the Fundamental Law reduced the role and position of the Court as a separated body in the tripartite power division. The reduction of competences is accompanied by the diminishing of the concluded cases as well.
This article aims to analyze and assess the impact of the repeal provision by the Constitutional Tribunal after a fi nal judgment of the administrative court and during proceedings before the administrative court. This problem is very complex and raises many controversies and disputes both in jurisprudence and in doctrine. The article analyzes in detail the judgments of administrative courts and the Supreme Court, showing their inconsistency.
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