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This paper is about Czech women converting to Islam, about those, who were born and raised here. It is focusing on the motives of their conversion and on the subsequent changes of their lives. It is also about how their families, friends and entourage have coped with their conversion and how these women have felt about the change of their personal lives. Furthermore this paper is focusing on building of their new identities. The whole paper is built on qualitative research and is backed up with personal testimonies and life stories of nine informants. Their testimonies are compared to theories concerning conversion and compared with researches about Islam converts in different European countries or United States of America.
The Biblical Annals
vol. 8
issue 4
The aim of this paper is to contribute to the question of Jewish identity in the Second Temple Period through the perspective of the conversion of the royal dynasty from Adiabene. In this context, several conclusions are suggested. First, the main ancient account about the conversion of the Adiabenean royalty (“the Adiabene Narrative”: Ant. 20,17-96) perfectly fits the model of ethnicity (D. Boyarin, S. Mason). Although the model of dual (multiple/nested) ethnicity trips over the “breaking motif” of the Adiabene Narrative, it remains a very plausible option, especially in the light of other sources that show how the Adiabenean kings continued to properly function in the Parthian kingdom. Finally, the available sources do not contain direct evidence to support the model of conversion as a purely religious process.
issue 1(36)
Artykuł jest próbą precyzacji podstawowego biblijnego określenia nawrócenia, jakim jest μετάνοια. Dokonano jej przez porównanie z terminologią nawrócenia w Starym Testamencie, a zwłaszcza w Księdze Jonasza z odniesieniem do relacji na temat nawrócenia Niniwy w Ewangeliach (Mt 12,41 = Łk 11,32). Uwzględniono także literacki kontekst określenia. Nieodzownym przejawem chrześcijańskiej metanoi jest całkowite zerwanie z grzesznymi przyzwyczajeniami i wiara w Boga, która owocuje dobrym postępowaniem. Zaś jej wewnętrzną motywacją jest nie tyle zmiana spekulatywnie rozumianego myślenia, lecz przede wszystkim głęboki i szczery żal z powodu grzechu.
The paper is an attempt of semantic clarification of the basic biblical term of conversion μετάνοια. This clarification is done be the comparison with the terminology of conversion in the Old Testament and especially in Book of Jonah as related to the logion about conversion of Nineveh in the Gospels (Mat 12,41 = Luc 11,32). The literary context of the term was also considered. A basic manifestation of the Cristian metanoia is the total rupture with the sin and the faith in God, which fruits with good behavior. The motivation of the metanoia is not so the changing of speculative thinking, but the sincere and profound regret for the committed sin.
Critics of Christianity in India have frequently accused Christianity of being a predatory, imperialistic religion with absolutist tendencies, and have framed Christian evangelism as an aggressive, uncouth act. More recently, however, and in an idiom that resonates with many contemporary Indians, Swami Dayananda Saraswati (1930-) has made the more controversial claim that the attempt to convert another person is itself an act of violence. In three parts, the paper 1) describes Dayananda’s claims, while bringing them into conversation with the arguments of earlier critics of Christianity (e.g., Mahatma Gandhi, Sita Ram Goel, Ashok Chowgule, Arun Shourie), 2) analyzes and critique Dayananda’s use of the term “violence,” and 3) demonstrate how the claim that conversion is an act of violence blurs somewhat easily into a justification of acts of violence against those who attempt to convert others. In the end, I argue that whether Dayananda’s claim that proselytization is a form of violence makes sense depends not only on one’s definition of “violence,” but also on one’s definition of “religion.”
The author examines the dual identity of a Christian as a member of the temporal political community, sharing its language, resources, and concerns, and a member of the community of faith founded on Jesus, called to witness to the new life made possible in Christ’s cross and resurrection, in light of the just­‑war vs. pacifism debate. She identifies the distinct strategies of addressing ethical concerns underlying the two types of attitudes, viz. natural law ethics and ethics of life transformed by conversion and grace, as well as the corresponding accents on the futurity or presence of the Kingdom of God. While the two do not exclude one other, neither may be omitted if a full Christian moral vision is to be attained. The former has served to perfect moral discourse accessible to all human beings. The latter serves to sustain hope and promote distinctly Christian values.
Rocznik Teologiczny
vol. 58
issue 1
Od lat 60. badacze usiłowali znaleźć odpowiedź na przyczyny szybkiego wzrostu pentekostalizmu w Ameryce Łacińskiej. Antropolodzy, socjolodzy i politolodzy zaproponowali rozmaite wytłumaczenia. W latach 80. środowiska lewicowe oraz związane z Kościołem katolickim usiłowały wykazać, że jest to rezultat kulturowej ekspansji Stanów Zjednoczonych, jednak wielu autorów wykazało, że rola misji amerykańskich była marginalna. Amerykańskie misje zazwyczaj wspierały inne protestanckie denominacje. Część socjologów wskazuje, że industrializacja oraz urbanizacja spowodowała dekompozycję społeczną, która osłabiła wpływy kościoła katolickiego i otworzyła szerzej drzwi dla kościołów protestanckich. Ruch zielonoświątkowy okazał się atrakcyjny dla ubogich warstw społecznych oraz dla autochtonów. Wśród innych przyczyn wymienia się: dostosowanie do latynoamerykańskiej kultury oraz odwołanie do emocjonalnej natury człowieka. Prawdopodobnie najlepszym wyjaśnieniem jest zespół wszystkich zaproponowanych czynników.
Since the 1960s in the 20th century, scientists have tried to find an answer to the question of why Pentecostals have grown in Latin America so rapidly? Anthropologists, sociologists and political scientists have given several different explanations. In the 80s, leftist circles and circles associated with the Catholic Church tried to proof that it is the result of the cultural expansion of the United States, but many authors proved that the role of American missions was only marginal. American missions usually supported non-Pentecostal denominations. According to some sociologists, due to industrialisation and urbanisation, Latin American society was decomposed and the influence of the Catholic Church was weakened and as a result the Protestant churches became more successful. One reason is that Pentecostalism has very successfully absorbed Latin American culture. Pentecostalism is also attractive to poor people and indigenous inhabitants. Among other proposed reasons for the growth are: enculturation and the appeal to the emotional nature of human beings. Probably a combination of all proposed factors explains things the best.
Nurt SVD
issue 2
Artykuł poświęcony jest nauce papieża Franciszka o misyjności Kościoła. Autor podkreśla, że chociaż Franciszek nie ogłosił dotąd żadnego dokumentu w całości poświęconego temu zagadnieniu, w encyklice Lumen fidei, adhortacji Evangelii gaudium oraz w kilku pomniejszych wypowiedziach zawarł on niezwykle istotne uwagi na temat misji Kościoła. Najważniejszym twierdzeniem Franciszka jest myśl o naturalności misyjności chrześcijaństwa, którego istotą jest wspólnota i wychodzenie do innych, a tym samym poszerzanie wspólnotowości. Kwestie te podnoszone są zwłaszcza w adhortacji Evangelii gaudium. Franciszek podkreśla tam, że będąc uczniami Chrystusa, głosimy miłość - jesteśmy zatem misjonarzami. Dlatego Kościół, przełamując ograniczenia instytucjonalne, powinien znaleźć się w stanie permanentnej misji nakierowanej i na tych, którzy jeszcze Chrystusa nie poznali, i na tych, którzy go zagubili. Zadanie i pytanie stawiane Kościołowi przez Franciszka brzmi: jakie kroki należałoby podjąć, aby Ewangelię uczynić dla współczesnego świata bardziej widoczną? Wśród papieskich odpowiedzi pojawia się sugestia, aby Dobrą Nowinę głosić zawsze z entuzjazmem i radością, pokazując tym samym światu jej niezwykłość.
Pope Francis' encyclical letter Lumen fidei and apostolic adhortation Evangelii gaudium both contain very important remarks about the missionary nature of the Catholic Church. Among them is the pope's assertion that mission belongs to Christianity's very nature: communities of Christians grow through reaching out to others. Evangelii gaudium teaches that followers of Christ must proclaim love, therefore they must be missionaries. The Church should overcome her institutional limitations and become constantly engaged in mission; mission not only to those who do not yet know Christ, but also those who have somehow relaxed their attachment to Him. Pope Francis asks the whole community of believers to proclaim the Good News with enthusiasm and joy and make it more visible in the modern world.
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