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The paper presents a Cognitive Linguistic analysis of conceptualizations of evolutionary change of living organisms on the basis of the text of The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin. It has been established that the “scenario of evolution” proposed by Darwin to account for the emergence of new species is founded on conceptual metaphors of time and the Event Structure metaphor. It is demonstrated that the scenario of evolution receives the greatest elaboration as the metaphor EVOLUTION IS A JOURNEY. It can be safely assumed that the grounding of the scenario of evolution in conventional metaphors of time has triggered later application of the theory of evolution in areas of research outside the realm of biology.
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Sztuka i dobór naturalny

The relation between art and the idea of natural selection makes the key issue of this paper. The author examines how Charles Darwin's conc ept of evolution might have affected the sphere of aesthetics. However, the author arguments against understanding of art as a side product of human progress and takes it as an independent form of human agency. The critique of various evolutionary standpoints laid out in this article holds to the standpoint that we cannot recreate with other means the moments of pleasure delivered by art. Thus it is extremely important to understand art as a form of human creativity and a neces sary part of our existence beyond biological determinism stressed out by many evolutionary thinkers.
The article presents an analysis of conceptual metaphors used by Darwin to describe artificial and natural selection. It is established that three kinds of metaphorization are employed: objectification to conceptualize artificial selection, and agentification and personification to conceptualize natural selection. It is argued that the evidence of Darwin’s text justifies identifying agentification as a special type of metaphorization. Further it is claimed that the ordering of metaphors: objectification – agentification – personification demonstrates the primacy of objectification with respect to more elaborate metaphors and recapitulates the phylogenetic development of the process of metaphorization. The article also addresses the motivation for Darwin’s anthropocentric language.
The objective of the paper is to present a Cognitive Semantics approach to Darwin’s theory of evolution. An analysis of the text of The Origin of Species allowed to identify a number of conceptual metaphors, such as: EVOLUTIONARY CHANGE IS A JOURNEY, MODIFICATION IS SUBSTANCE, ORGANISMS ARE FAMILY MEMBERS, RELATIONSHIPS AMONG ORGANISMS ARE STRUGGLE, and personification of natural selection. The metaphors are illustrated by excerpts from Darwin’s book. It is claimed that conceptual metaphors contribute to coherence of Darwin’s argument, help to present the theory in a comprehensive and interesting way, and have impact on evolutionary reasoning due to metaphorical entailments. The analysis provides evidence that the logic of the evolutionary theory derives partially from the logic of source domains through which the fundamental concepts of change and relationships among organisms are conceptualized. Finally, it is argued that evolutionary texts offer a rich source of well-documented materials valuable for diachronic studies of metaphor in scientific discourse, beginning with Darwin’s notebooks, through his books, and then over 150 years of evolutionary texts, both scientific and popular, by various authors. It is also believed that a Cognitive Semantics analysis can provide useful insights for better understanding the evolutionary theory as well as controversies around its presentation and reception.
The bicentenary of Charles Darwin’s birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of The Ori- gin of Species offers a good opportunity to review what role the evolutionary theory has played in the emergence and development of behaviour sciences and how this idea affects the current state of behaviour research. In this respect, the original Darwinian idea claiming evolutionary continuity not only in anatomical structures but in behaviour and in the hidden cognitive mechanisms is of great importance. Formulating such a strong version of the evolutionary continuity hypothesis is an important part of Darwin’s intellectual legacy which holds an important and still-valid message for behaviour science. Namely, the only way of gaining insights into the behavioural and cognitive functioning of our own species is such a comparative evolutionary approach that takes both the phylogenetic and ontogenetic aspects of the behaviour into account. Although this Darwinian view has been received ambivalently by many different disciplines of psychology, it has a basic “triggering” role in the emergence and acceptance of comparative psychology as natural science. Nowadays, however, many directions of the modern cognitive psychological research are apparently connected to the different fields of behavioural biology accepting the approaches of the Darwinian and Lorenzian–Tinbergenian traditions. The old distinction between the “biological” and “psychological” branches of behaviour sciences seem to disappear: forming a modern evolutionary synthesis of the behaviour sciences. The effectiveness of this new discipline, on one hand, lies in its modern methodology which involves not only the traditional observational analysis of the behaviour but also makes possible to measure the endophenotype (physiological and genetic correlates of the behaviour, neural activation, etc.). More importantly, the comparative evolutionary behaviour science deals with the behaviour and its underlying cognitive mechanisms in a complex way combining the phylogenetic, ontogenetic and adaptive approaches within the same theoretical framework.
This text presents an attempt to reread Darwin’s account of his journey on the Beagle. That account constitutes a report of meetings and confrontations with various “strangers”: men, animals, as well as with different faces of otherness and exoticism, that culminate in a landscape so radically distinct from the European one, namely that of the South Pacific. This interpretation allows us to look at Darwin-the narrator-as more than just a naive traveler who observes and judges the world exclusively through the narrow perspective of British imperialism. The naturalist struggles with describing that which exceeds his previous experiences. The imperialistic perspective of landscape taken up in this text allows us to reflect on Darwin’s perception of the landscape. The sights analyzed in the text are foremost treated as emanations of the powers of nature. At the same time, Darwin defines these sights in categories that are not scientific but aesthetic, finding them beautiful and sublime.
This study attempts to show how Darwin’s 1otebooks provide evidence that the author of the Origin of the Species moved further and further away from various versions of a “system of nature” based on some complex, abstract, finalized order, by combining empirical testing and shifts in the schematic representation of the relations between taxonomic categories.
Libri & Liberi
vol. Vol 4
issue 4.2
Contrary to the common view that Wonderland was sheltered from major world events, Carroll projects global trends onto his intrepid child explorer, allowing her to experience the expanding and shrinking effects of global dynamics. Emigration to the Antipodes stretches her body and the reader’s imagination beyond terrestrial limits into mysterious realms. Unbelievable animals became a reality in the context of world exploration, challenging the Victorians to extend their mental as well as their geographical horizons. The threat to the biblical divine order of animals unknown to Noah was augmented by the publication of Darwin’s On the Origin of Species in 1859. Carroll, as a devout Christian, revived traditional views of animals as allegories of virtues and vices and as mediators between the world of spirits and the material world. Alice and Wonderland animals play roles as divine beings in a coded confrontation between contemporary scientific paradigms and magical belief-systems.
Nasuprot uvriježenomu mišljenju o tome da je Čudozemsku izolirao od važnih svjetskih događaja, Carroll je smjerove globalnoga razvoja projicirao upravo u svoju odvažnu istraživačicu, dopuštajući joj da na vlastitu tijelu iskušava posljedice proširivanja i sužavanja horizonta globalnih zbivanja. Odlazak k Antipodima izdužuje njezino tijelo, a čitateljeva se moć uobrazilje širi preko svake zemaljske granice, sve do tajnovitih predjela. Otkrivanjem su svijeta, naime, životinje koje do tada nisu bile ni zamislive postale stvarnošću. To je ljudima iz viktorijanskoga doba nametnulo potrebu za proširenjem ne samo njihovih prostornih, već i duhovnih predodžbi. Biblijski božji poredak u još većoj mjeri ugrozile su Noi nepoznate životinje, a na njihovo postojanje upućivalo je Darwinovo djelo O podrijetlu vrsta (1859). Kao uvjereni kršćanin Carroll je obnovio tradicionalno mišljenje o životinjama kao alegorijskim prikazima vrlina i poroka, ali i ono po kojemu su životinje posrednici između svijeta duhova i materijalnoga svijeta. Carroll Alici i životinjama iz Čudozemske stoga dodjeljuje ulogu božanskih bića u kodiranome suprotstavljanju suvremene znanstvene paradigme i magičnih sustava vjerovanja.
Im Gegensatz zu der üblichen Ansicht, dass das Wunderland von wichtigen Weltereignissen abgeschirmt bleibt, projizierte Carroll globale Entwicklungen auf seine kühne Explorandin, sodass sie die erweiternden und schrumpfenden Horizonte des globalen Geschehens am eigenen Leib verspüren kann. Die Auswanderung nach Australien dehnt ihren Körper und gleichzeitig die Vorstellungskraft des Lesers über die irdischen Grenzen hinaus in geheimnisvolle Gefilde hinein. Im Zuge der Entdeckung der Welt wurden Tiere, die bisher nur imaginär existierten, Realität. Dadurch ergab sich für die Viktorianer die Herausforderung, nicht nur ihre geografischen, sondern auch ihre geistigen Vorstellungen zu erweitern. Die Gefährdung der biblischen Ordnung Gottes aufgrund der für Noah unbekannten Tiere wurde noch durch die Veröffentlichung von Darwins Über den Ursprung der Arten 1859 vergrößert. Als überzeugter Christ belebte Carroll die althergebrachten Ansichten von Tieren als Allegorien für Tugenden und Laster sowie als Vermittler zwischen der Sphäre der Geister und der materiellen Welt neu. Alice und die Wunderland-Tiere spielen Rollen als göttliche Wesen im Rahmen einer kodierten Konfrontation zwischen zeitgenössischen wissenschaftlichen Paradigmen und magischen Glaubenssystemen.
Praktyka Teoretyczna
vol. 28
issue 2
The author uses Althusser's materialism of the encounter to rethink Darwinism and the relation between natural and social selection. According to popular misinterpretation, social selection, or social Darwinism, implies constant fighting and competition as a foundation of society. Malabou argues that social selection (mis)understood that way is rather a disciplinary mechanism, preventing the emanation of difference within a system. This cliché ignores the ateological and contingent character of selection as well as the "plastic condition" of organisms in Darwin's theory, which we miss in contemporary social reality.
Autorka wykorzystuje Althusserowską koncepcję materializmu spotkania do rewizji darwinizmu oraz przemyślenia relacji między doborem w przestrzeni naturalnej i społecznej. W potocznym rozumieniu dobór społeczny zwany też społecznym darwinizmem opiera się na wyobrażeniu o rzeczywistości międzyludzkiej jako przestrzeni ciągłej walki i rywalizacji. W istocie nie ma on nic wspólnego z naturą, argumentuje Malabou, to samoutwierdzający się mechanizm władzy, który dyscyplinuje i eliminuje możliwość zaistnienia różnicy w systemie. Ta klisza pomija przygodność i ateleologiczny charakter doboru oraz „stan plastyczny” organizmów w teorii Darwina. Właśnie owych plastyczności i przygodności brakuje nam dziś w rzeczywistości społecznej.
Grzegorz Malec’s “There Is No Darwin’s Greatest Secret”, a review of my book Nullius in Verba: Darwin’s Greatest Secret, takes one extremely minor finding from my book and, despite his best efforts, manages to disconfirm just one of thirty examples of that minor finding. He then takes that one disconfirmed mere minor example and presents it as evidence that he has disconfirmed all the original major findings in my book. By so doing, his deceptive review goes far beyond the counter-academic deviance of mere cherry picking, it is more a case of gross misrepresentation to the point of de facto fact denial amounting to historic revisionist behaviour.
Patrick Matthew’s (1831) prior-publication of the complete hypothesis of natural selection “anticipated” Darwin’s Origin of Species by 28 years and Darwin’s and Wallace’s (1858) Linnean papers on the same topic by 27. Founded on the premise that no naturalist read it before 1860, Darwin’s and Wallace’s claims of duel independent discovery of Matthew’s hypothesis have been accepted by the scientific community. However, the central premise upon which those claims have been accepted — that no naturalist read Matthew’s ideas before 1858 — is a proven fallacy, because the famous and hugely influential naturalist Loudon reviewed Matthew’s book in 1832, commenting that it appeared to have something original to say on “the origin of species”. The fact that Loudon was a naturalist has been totally ignored until now. Furthermore, it is newly discovered that after reviewing Matthew’s book he went on to edit the journal that published two of Blyth’s highly influential papers on organic evolution. Blyth was Darwin’s most prolific and helpful correspondent on the topic. Further new discoveries reveal that, besides Loudon, whose work was well known to Darwin and his associates, six other naturalists read Matthew’s book and then cited it years before 1858. One, Selby, sat on several scientific committees with Darwin, and was a friend of his father. Selby went on to edit Wallace’s famous Sarawak paper on organic evolution. Another, Robert Chambers, a correspondent of Darwin, who met with him, went on to write the influential Vestiges of Creation, which both Darwin and Wallace admitted was an influence on their work. Undeniable potential knowledge-transfer routes did exist before 1858, therefore, between those who read Matthew’s ideas and commented upon them in the literature, and Darwin and Wallace. In light of the fact that influential naturalists, known to both Darwin and Wallace, did read Matthew’s original ideas before 1858, veracity in the history of discovery requires now an investigation into the possibility of cryptomnesia or deliberate pre-1860 plagiarism by Darwin and Wallace. In that regard, the notion of “knowledge contamination” is proposed and presented in a three-fold typology of escalating culpability for replicators of prior published work with citation. Future research in this area should turn to the neglected correspondence and private journal archives of those naturalists known to Darwin and Wallace who read Matthew’s ideas before 1860.
The paper first sketches a psychological reconstruction of the logic of Darwin’s discovery. Characteristic mental analogies can be revealed in the structure of the theory with the emphasis on small changes and constant change replacing catastrophes. Another important aspect is the motivating forces in the personality of Darwin and their relationship to his personal fate. From a perspective of present day psychology, Darwin was an extreme systematizer. One could place him along the much debated autism continuum exactly due to his taxonomic passion. At the same time, the emphasis on constant change connects the taxonomy with dynamicity. The paper also touches upon the rival theories of Darwin’s illness. It concentrates on the theory of Bowlby emphasizing the role of attachment dramas in intellectual achievements of the 19th century.
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John Cuthbert Hedley, biskup otevřený evoluci

The article presents the constructive approach of John Cuthbert Hedley, bishop of Newport, towards the theory of evolution. It helps us understand the complex discussion in the Catholic Church at the end of the nineteenth century. In reactions to St. George J. Mivart, Hedley manifested great respect towards the famous biologist, but criticized him when entering the field of theology. In contact with John Augustine Zahm, Hedley was initially very supportive, though softening Zahm’s enthusiasm. He later became more reserved and uncertain in his contacts because Zahm’s book was placed on the index of prohibited books.
Charles Darwin’s theories were already introduced in Scandinavia in the early 1860s, whereas his two major works, On the Origin of Species (1859) and The Descent of Man (1871), were translated by Danish writer J.P. Jacobsen in the 1870s. Jacobsen acts as an important intermediary both as a scientist and, probably, the first Danish writer whose work is influenced by Darwin’s thoughts. But also in the writings of other authors of the time, e.g. Herman Bang, at least the name ”Darwin” infrequently occurs as is also the case with the symbolist writers of the 1890s, e.g. Viggo Stuckenberg and Sophus Claussen. However, not until after 1900 does Darwin serve as an artistic inspiration and a positive role model. This happens in an overpowering manner in the fictional and essayist works of the Danish Nobel Prize-winner Johannes V. Jensen. Jensen’s Darwinism was not countered until the so-called ”livsanskuelsesdebat” – a philosophical debate – during the 1920s with the eloquent poet and dramatist Helge Rode as his acute opponent. Hereafter, Darwin’s role in Danish literature decreases significantly unless one wishes to see Peter Høeg’s novel from 1996, Kvinden og aben (The Man and the Ape) as the last example of a Darwin-influence on a literary text.
Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony został analizie poglądów dotyczących płci i ról płciowych w ujęciu Karola Darwina i jego następców działających w różnych obszarach nauki. Problem „natura czy kultura” w tym dyskursie jest problemem podstawowym. W artykule zaprezentowano również argumenty krytyczne wobec teorii ewolucyjnych podnoszone przez grono badaczek feministek. Przedstawiono, jak ta krytyka wpłynęła na ewolucję poglądów ewolucjonistów: od samego K. Darwina poprzez badaczy zakotwiczonych w takich dziedzinach nauki, jak: zoopsychologia, etologia, socjobiologia, aż do psychologii ewolucyjnej. Pracę wieńczy podsumowanie, w którym zaprezentowano argumenty obrazujące możliwe połączenie poglądów prezentowanych przez nauki ewolucyjne ze stanowiskiem feministycznym na temat płci oraz możliwe przyszłe drogi rozwoju tych stanowisk.
The main goal of this article is the analysis of sex/gender and its roles in terms of Charles Darwin’s and his successors’ theories. The problem of ‘nature vs. culture’ in this discourse is fundamental and I refer to it. I also present the critical arguments against evolutionary theories raised by feminists. It is also presented how this criticism influenced rethinking sex/gender from anevolutionary perspective: from Darwin himself through zoopsychology, ethology, sociobiology to evolutionary psychology. The arguments illustrating whether it is possible to combine the views presented by feminists and evolutionary science about sex/gender are presented. Finally, I wonder if it is possible to put a sign of equality between nature and culture in the context of human sexuality.
Connected to the 2009 Darwin-anniversaries, the article investigates the influence of anniversaries and commemorations on the production of myths connected to major figures in science. First, the still widespread myth concerning the role of the Darwin-finches in the discovery process of Darwin’s theory of natural selection is examined. Second, the myth that Darwin avoided publishing his theory for many years is scrutinized, together with an analysis of H. E. Gruber’s influential monograph on Darwin on Man. Finally, elements of the received view on Darwin and the reception of his theories in history of science are summarized, and the difference of this image from the public Darwin-image is examined. The reasons for and significance of this difference is explored.
The main question of my paper—inspired by Aby Warburg’s notion of Pathosformeln and his reading of Darwin’s The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animal— is how animals can represent pathos of human experience in a way, which humanistic, purely anthropocentric forms of expression can no longer account for. In order to present my argument I would like to analyse three examples from literature. Rainer Maria Rilke’s Malte, Thomas Bernhard’s Distortion and W. G. Sebald’s Austerlitz. In all three cases animal are necessary to express human pathos but the intensity of this expression seems to go far beyond the limits of the traditional human-animal division.
Studia Gilsoniana
vol. 4
issue 4
The article starts with stating the fact that today there is an increasing recognition of difficulties with Darwinism accompanied by vigorous responses on the part of Darwin’s defenders; among the instances of challenge to the dominant theory, one can find a book of Gilson, From Aristotle to Darwin and Back Again, and those behind the Intelligent Design movement. In relating the book of Gilson to the ID proponents, the author concludes that, while in some ways they are on the same side in opposing the anti-creation thrust of Darwinism, Gilson is neutral on the validity or truth of Darwin’s biological hypothesis. Gilson, however, whose book preceded the ID movement by some twenty years, seeks to analyze Darwinism from the perspective of the classical philosophy of nature. He well understands that, according to modern scientific method, final causes are excluded from consideration, but he calls for a biophilosophy which will be open to the reality of human experience as Aristotle was and recognize that teleology is present in nature. According to him, even if teleology seems to be a contestable explanation, chance as understood by Darwinists is the pure absence of explanation.
The article is related to the establishment of Australian foreign policy tradition and becoming of Australia as a subject of international relations. The significant role of the dominions during First World War Great and their help for Great Britain victory, intensified their struggle for independence. As the result of long-term efforts, dominions reached the proclamation of the Balfour Declaration in 1926 by London, which was later confirmed by the Statute of Westminster (1931), which established the authority for dominions for an independent foreign policy. The development of Australian foreign policy before and during World War II was analyzed. The evolution of the relations of the Australia and Great Britain in the context of the events of the World War II is traced, in particular the peculiarities of the allied relations of the two countries. There is shown the regional dimension of the World War II within the Asia-Pacific region, in the context of Australia and the United States actions against Japanese aggression. There are analyzed the peculiarities of external threats effect on the transformation of the Australian foreign policy strategy, in particular in the national security sphere. The main threat for Australia in that period become Japanise aggressive and expansionist policy in the Asia-Pacific region. A lot of Australian soldiers and military equipment were sent to Great Britain to support traditional allie. But in actual strategic situation in Europe there were great doubts that British troops and the navy would be able to effectively help  Australians in case of an attack by Japan. Politics of national security and defense of Australia in the context of its participation in World War II is considered. In the conditions of real threat of Japanese invasion, as well as the lack of sure to receive necessary support from Great Britain, the Australian government start to find a military alliance with the USA. There were identified the key implications of World War II for Australian socio-economic system.
Стаття присвячена становленню зовнішньополітичної традиції Австралії та її утвердженню в якості суб’єкта міжнародних відносин. Вагомий внесок домініонів у перемогу Британії в Першій світовій війні активізував їхню боротьбу за незалежність. Результатом тривалих зусиль домініонів, стало проголошення у 1926 р. декларації Бальфура, що згодом була підкріплена Вестмінстерським статутом (1931 р.) де закріплювалось право домініонів на незалежну зовнішню політику. Проаналізовано розвиток австралійської зовнішньої політики напередодні та під час Другої світової війни. Прослідковано еволюцію відносин Австралії з Великою Британією в контексті подій Другої світової війни, зокрема особливості союзницьких відносин двох країн. Показано регіональний вимір Другої світової війни в рамках Азійсько-Тихоокеанського регіону, зокрема співпрацю Австралії та США в контексті протистояння японській агресії. Проаналізовано особливості впливу зовнішніх загроз на трансформацію зовнішньополітичної стратегії Австралії, зокрема в сфері національної безпеки. Головною загрозою для п’ятого континенту була агресивна та експансіоністська політика Японії в Азійсько-Тихоокеанському регіоні. Значну кількість бійців та техніки Австралії було направлено для допомоги Великій Британії. Але стратегічна ситуація в Європі, викликала великі сумніви, що британські війська та флот зможуть ефективно допомогти австралійцям у випадку нападу Японії. Розглянуто політику Австралії щодо забезпечення національної безпеки та оборони в рамках її участі у Другій світовій війні. В умовах очевидної загрози вторгнення японців, а також відсутності перспектив отримання підтримки з боку Великої Британії, австралійський уряд почав працювати над укладенням військового союзу зі Сполученими Штатами Америки. Виявлено ключові наслідки Другої світової для соціально-економічної системи Австралії. 
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