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Józef Mackiewicz i sekty

The article is dedicated to a part of early reportage work of Józef Mackiewicz. In the reportages written at the end of 1930s, he presented Protestant religious minorities which back then flourished in eastern part of Poland, but which did not have a positive opinion among the authorities and other peoples. Mackiewicz stated that all the accusations towards those sects were groundless. He also claimed that they can positively influence social relations. Mackiewicz’s reportages on sects was an isolated case of interest in this topic in Poland of those times. 
Artykuł jest poświęcony pewnej części, wczesnej, reporterskiej twórczości Józefa Mackiewicza. W reportażach napisanych pod koniec lat trzydziestych, przedstawił on protestanckie mniejszości religijne, bujnie rozwijące się wówczas na wschodzie Polski, lecz nie cieszące się pozytywną opinia władz i ludności otaczającej. Mackiewicz stwierdził, że wszystkie zarzuty stawiane owym sektom, są niesłuszne. Uważa on ponadto, że mogą one pozytywnie wpłynąć na stosunki społeczne. Reportaże Mackiewicza o sektach to odosobniony przykład zainteresowania tym tematem w ówczesnej Polsce.
On the basis of the analysis of the subject literature supplemented with archival materials, the author proves that during World War II, including the period between June 22, 1941 and April 25, 1943, the Soviet Union consistently pursued a policy one of whose main goals was to keep Poland in its sphere of influence. For this reason, it fought by various means against the Union for Armed Struggle and the Home Army, which were the armed forces of the Polish authorities. The existence of the Polish armed underground connected with the legal authorities in exile threatened the Soviet plans for a quick and complete subjugation of the territories along the Vistula River and the establishment of communist rule there after the war.
The purpose of the study is to explore the challenges of defining what is commonly known as “ethnic tourism”. Provided here a review, comparison, integration and systematization of the definitions of the phenomenon, its facets and characteristics. In particular, such variations as sentimental tourism, ethnic tourism, nostalgic tourism, diaspora tourism, genealogy tourism, are ancestral tourism subjected to a comparative analysis. The study is based on a systemic literature review and qualitative and frequency analysis of the definitions of the phenomenon. The literature search was not limited to publications by Ukrainian authors, but included Polish and Russian available relevant literature on the topic. Offered a new definition of ethnic tourism and other definition connected with ethnic aspects. The lack of clear definitions and differences in understanding significantly impeding the development of his area of tourism. This study gives rise to more function in operation of this type of tourism in theory and practice.
The main objective of this paper is to present the national and religious heritage of the Eastern Borderlands in contemporary Poland. The paper deals with the genesis and selected aspects of the spatial development of the ethnic and religious minorities (mainly Tartars-Muslims, Karaites and Armenians) that date back to the eastern areas of the former Republic (including the territories of Belarus, Lithuania and Ukraine) but, due to the post-war border changes and migrations, formed clusters in contemporary Poland and organized various forms of group life.
„Repatriacja” przymusowa zawsze pozostawia w sercu osoby wywiezionej ślad zaznanej krzywdy. Historia, zwłaszcza wojenna oraz powojenna, niejednokrotnie ukazuje los ludzi dotkniętych koniecznością pozostawienia domu rodzinnego, dorobku całego życia, przyjaciół, środowiska. Polacy mieszkający na Kresach Wschodnich bardzo dotkliwie odczuli decyzje państwa sowieckiego ingerującego w życie wielu narodów, a także trójki jałtańskiej troszczącej się o lepszy los mocarstw nie zważając na potrzeby i odczucia narodów mniejszych. Ten artykuł ma na celu ukazać cele jakimi kierowali się rządzący decydując o masowej wędrówce ludów, także sposoby „repatriacyjne” władz radzieckich wobec narodu polskiego zamieszkującego Galicję Wschodnią oraz skutki tych działań. W zasadzie praca będzie oparta na „nieznanych” dokumentach archiwalnych, które zostały zgromadzone i wydane przez ukraińskiego historyka Włodzimierza Serhijczuka. Ukazują one nie tylko sposoby działania rządzących, ale także opisują nastroje, jakie panowały wśród zdezorientowanej ludności oraz reakcje Polaków zamieszkujących Kresy.
Forcible repatriation always caused sense of wrong. The history, especially of war and post-war periods, shows lives of people who were deprived of their family home, property, friends and environment. The Poles, who used to live in Eastern Borderlands (Kresy Wschodnie), experienced the decision of Soviet and Crimea Conference very painfully, as the allied powers cared for their own business and did consider the needs and feelings of smaller nations. The aim of this statement is to show what the aim of the Soviet government was, when it decided about the repatriation, what the ways of repatriation were and what the results of the repatriation were. This article is based on unknown archive documents, collected and published by the Ukrainian historian Volodymyr Serhyichuk. The documents show not only the ways of action of Soviet but also people reaction and feeling.
The subject of the article is the political thought of the circles from the Eastern Borderland that functioned among the Polish wartime exiles and then the post-War pro-independence emigrants. In the introduction, the author defines such notions as Kresy (Polish Borderlands) or kresowianie, characterises those circles, and then discusses their opinions on such issues as the eastern border, attitude towards the Lithuanians, Belarussians and Ukrainians, or federalism. The author points to the diversity of the circles and the evolution of their political thought indicating the mid-1950s as an important point in their development. The final part of the article includes a reflection of its realism.
Each inventory which refers to the actual list of quantity and value of all the assets of the entity, in this case the St. Joseph parish church in Łuniniec in 1938, is the basis for evaluation of the financial status of this parish. It contains all the data on the parish church, its furniture, paraments and liturgical vessels. It describes the parish office, produced documents of this office and all financial inflows for the parish and clergy working in it. The inventory, like the documentation confirming the parish visitation, is very authoritative and rich in information not only on the very parish, but also on the people and the prevailing relations in the parish.
The publication presents the history of the Jodel and Pietkowski families from Odelsk (today in Belarus), whose story begins with the birth of Antoni in 1898. This article constitutes the pleasure of discovering the fortunes of the family based on interviews, reminiscences of the members of the family living in the 30s of the previous century, during the period of occupation and in the post-war times. The invaluable knowledge possessed by Adela Pietkowska, Alfreda Wojdyło, Maria Mularczyk, Anna Kopiec helped to write down the stories of these families and to perpetuate the memory of Kresy Wschodnie (East Borderlands). It was a must – to discover, listen to and tell the impermanent history. Paolo Coelho said that “The story of one person is the story of all of humanity”. This article pres­ents the knowledge of the roots and identity of the family, describes biographies, activities and achievements of the Odelsk inhabitants against the background of the history of Poland, so that the memory of them would not disappear.
Odrodzona w 1918 r. II Rzeczpospolita powróciła na część terytorium utraconego na Wschodzie, podejmując trudy zagospodarowania wyniszczonej wojnami ziemi. Jej obraz znalazł odbicie w lokalnej prasie i wspomnieniach żyjących na tych terenach Polonusów. Zapisały go dziesiątki tytułów czasopiśmienniczych wydawanych przede wszystkim przez ówczesny świat katolicki. Wymienione w opracowaniu tytuły wydawnictw wskazują na życiowe przestrzenie mieszkańców tamtych regionów penetrowane przez tę prasę, są niejako odpowiednikami zaledwie nazw starych polskich rezydencji na Wschodzie. Aby poznać ich treści, trzeba podjąć wnikliwą lekturę, by odkryć i przybliżyć opisane tam i wciąż mało nam znane światy, które – antypolskie i antykatolickie siły niszczyły świadomie i systematycznie. To niełatwe zadanie odcyfrowania Kresów z wciąż, po dziś dzień odkrywanej ich czasopiśmiennictwu katolickiemu Kresów Wschodnich II Rzeczypospolitej.
Reborn in 1918, the Second Polish Republic returned to the part of the territory lost in the East to undertake the hardships of developing the war-ravaged land. Its history was reflected in the local press and the memories of the “Polonuses” living in these areas. It was recorded in dozens of magazine titles issued mainly by the contemporary Catholic world. The titles mentioned in the present work indicate the life areas of people inhabiting those regions, which were penetrated by the press and which are, in a sense, equivalent only to the names of Polish old mansions in the East. Getting acquainted with their content requires meticulous study which would allow to discover and bring closer the worlds described there and still little known to us and which were deliberately and systematically destroyed by anti-Polish and anti-Catholic forces. The uneasy task of deciphering the Borderlands from its publishing legacy which is still, to this day, being rediscovered, will constitute the content of the second part of the study devoted to Catholic periodicals in Eastern Borderlands of the Second Polish Republic.
The article attempts to summarize the key, in the author’s opinion, threads of the contemporary border-science debate. The point of reference are: Polish literary-centricism, which assigns the main role to literature in shaping the national world-view canon, and the interwar borderland debate, defined by the then geopolitical situation and orientalizing tendencies. Contemporary reflection on Borderlands Studies is mainly focused on developing a more realistic picture of the role of the Borderlands in Polish history.
An in-depth analysis of Leonard Szutkowski’s biographical documents shows that he was an outstanding patriot who devoted most of his professional life to the economic development of Poland. He was born into a landowning family, did his military service in the tsarist army, and escaped from Bolshevik captivity. In independent Poland, he did not continue his military career but worked in the state administration as an engineer responsible for road works. He continued his engineer’s work during the Polish-Bolshevik war. Later, he managed the quarries in Janowa Dolina in Volhynia and made them a model enterprise on a European scale. He paid the highest price for his attitude to life. Until now many aspects of his activity have been unknown. Only the archive search in Ukraine made it possible to gain knowledge about views and details of his socio-political activity. The research employed a biographical method based on the analysis of personal documents. Scientific studies on particular topics related to Leonard Szutkowski were also taken into account. The research was supplemented by an analysis of press materials from the period in question.
Północno-wschodni region dawnej Rzeczypospolitej należał do najsłabiej rozwiniętych przemysłowo części kraju. Celem artykułu jest zbadanie, czy w latach 1870-1914, a następnie w okresie międzywojennym (1918-1939), zaszły w tym zakresie istotniejsze zmiany oraz czy zmniejszyły one przemysłowy dystans regionu w stosunku do innych, polskich prowincji. Badanie obejmuje północno-wschodnie gubernie, które po 1918 roku znalazły się w województwie: białostockim, wileńskim, nowogródzkim i poleskim. Na przełomie XIX i XX wieku mapa przemysłowa regionu uległa niewielkim zmianom, zaś większy wzrost produkcji i zatrudnienia dotyczył jedynie kilku większych ośrodków (Białystok, Grodno, Wilno, Łomża). Ważną cechą przemysłowej mapy była lokalizacja całkiem dużych zakładów przemysłowych na obszarach wiejskich. W latach dwudziestych XX wieku w porównaniu z okresem przedwojennym miał miejsce przemysłowy regres, a ożywienie nastąpiło w końcu lat trzydziestych, kiedy odtworzono poziom zatrudnienia sprzed 1913 roku.
The North-Eastern region of the First Republic of Poland was among the least industrially developed parts of the country. The purpose of the paper is to examine whether in the years 1870-1914, and in the interwar period (1918-1939), the situation changed and whether the gap between the region and other Polish provinces decreased. The study concerns governorates which after 1918 became parts of the Polish voivodeships: Białostockie, Wileńskie, Nowogródzkie, and Poleskie. In the years 1870-1914, the industrial map of the region changed little: increased production and employment was only observed in a few larger cities (Białystok, Grodno, Vilnius, and Łomża). An important feature of the industrial map was that quite large industrial factories were also located in rural areas. As compared with the pre-war period, the 1920s saw a general decline in the industrial sector. Recovery occurred at the end of the 1930s, when the level of employment returned to that recorded prior to 1913.
Celem artykułu jest prezentacja (na podstawie materiałów filmowych i okołofilmowych) historii i determinantów kilku nazw własnych związanych z filmem Sami swoi. Analizie poddano tytuł filmu, nazwę miejscowości, z której przybili Kargul i Pawlak, nazwę miejscowości, w której rozgrywa się akcja komedii oraz imię jej głównego bohatera. Analizę przeprowadzono na podstawie materiałów archiwalnych (scenariuszy, słuchowiska, stenogramów), dzięki którym można było prześledzić zmiany w zakresie onomastyki filmowej oraz wskazać czynniki zewnątrzjęzykowe, które wpłynęły na jej kształt. Dowiedziono również związków między nazwami własnymi wykorzystanymi w filmie a jego fabułą i ogólnym wydźwiękiem.
The article has aimed to present the history and determinants of a few proper nouns used in Polish comedy Sami swoi. The title of the movie, the name of the place that Kargul and Pawlak come from, the name of the place where the action of the comedy takes place and the name of the main character have been analyzed. The analysis was based on archive materials (screenplay, radio drama, shorthand records) which helped the author to investigate changes in film onomastics, and to point out some extra-linguistic factors which influenced the model of film onomastics. Likewise, a connection between the proper nouns used in the film, its plot and its general reception was established.
The Metropolitan Archbihop of Lviv of the Latin Rite Bolesław Twardowski (1854- 1944) was the founder and the initiator of the construction of the Church of Our Lady of Ostra Brama in the district of Lviv - Górny Łyczaków. The votive church dedicated to the Mother of Mercy was to be a symbol of gratitude for the return of Lviv and Eastern Galicia to their homeland after years of captivity. Started in 1931, the construction of the church was completed and on 7 October 1934, Archbishop Twardowski consecrated it. After that ceremony, at the residence of the archbishop the votive church was given to the Salesians of the Province of St. Jack in Cracow. The Church of Our Lady of Ostra Brama was a rectoral church in the parish of St. Anthony where the Salesians carried out pastoral ministry until 4 June 1946. In 1989, the church was taken over by the Salesians of the Byzantine-Ukrainian Rite where in 1992, the parish of the Protection of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos (Pokrov) was erected.
Praca Kresowy kalejdoskop Włodzimierza Mędrzeckiego dotyczy procesów społecznych i przemian narodowościowych na Ziemiach Wschodnich II RP oraz polityki państwa wobec nich. W ocenie tej polityki autor uniknął stronniczości narodowej oraz teleologii i prezentyzmu. Mędrzecki nie odniósł się do modelu kolonializmu w interpretacji rządów Polski na Kresach w okresie międzywojennym. Jednak jego książka dostarcza materiału do rozmyślań nad przystawalnością tego modelu do historii relacji Polski z jej wschodnimi sąsiadami.
The book Kresowy kalejdoskop (Kaleidoscopic Borderlands) by Włodzimierz Mędrzecki deals with social processes, and national and ethnic changes in the eastern territories of the Second Polish Republic as well as the state policy towards them. In his assessment of this policy, the author managed to avoid national bias as well as teleology and presentism. Mędrzecki did not refer to the model of colonialism in the interpretation of Polish rule in the Eastern Borderlands throughout the interwar period. His book, however, offers material for reflection on the relevance of this model to the history of Poland’s relations with its eastern neighbours.
Na przestrzeni ostatnich kilkunastu lat dostrzega się w polskiej turystyce sentymentalne zjawisko etosu dawnych Kresów Wschodnich. Każdego roku organizuje się kilka festiwali kultury kresowej, podczas których eksponowane jest dziedzictwo kulinarne Kresów Wschodnich. Najpełniej kuchnia kresowa prezentowana jest w programie Festiwalu Kultur i Kresowego Jadła w Baszni Dolnej, miejscowości położonej w województwie podkarpackim, w ramach którego od roku 2009 przeprowadzane są konkursy na dania i potrawy tradycyjnie związane z szeroko rozumianą kresowością. Coraz większe powodzenie tego przedsięwzięcia powoduje, że zaczyna ono odgrywać znaczącą rolę w promocji turystycznej ziem położonych przy wschodniej granicy polsko-ukraińskiej.
Over the last several years, in Polish tourism, we see the phenomenon of sentimental ethos of the former Eastern Borderlands. Every year, several festivals of the borderland culture are organized, during which culinary subjects are also exposed. Most fully, the borderland cuisine is presented in the program of the Festival of Cultures and Borderlands Cuisine in located in Podkarpackie Voivodeship Basznia Dolna, under which (since 2009) competitions are held for dishes and courses traditionally linked into broadly understood Borderland culture. The increasing success of this means that it is starting to play a significant role in the tourism promotion of the lands located on the Polish-Ukrainian border.
The article is a description of the situation of Polish culture in Lithuania and the environment in which this culture has been created. The diagnosis has highlighted several reasons for its weakness, such as the deteriorating demographics of Poles in Lithuania, and the poor economic situation in the region which they mostly inhabit. The bad situation has also been a result of the lack of Polish intelligentsia in Lithuania after the Second World War and the slow pace of its restoration. Other reasons include the ethnocentrism of this culture, its inward focus, and the lack of interest in other ethnic groups. In spite of everything, in recent years in the Vilnius region attempts have been made to break free from the limitations related to the culture of Eastern Borderlands. A poetic group “New Vilnius Avant-Garde” was founded, and a novel entitled Cień słońca (Shadow of the Sun) and a collection of short stories entitled Thriller po wileńsku (Thriller à la Vilnius) were published.
Artykuł jest opisem kondycji kultury polskiej na Litwie i środowiska ją tworzącego. Zostały zdiagnozowane przyczyny słabości tej kultury, takie jak m.in. pogarszająca się sytuacja demograficzna litewskich Polaków czy zła sytuacja gospodarcza regionu, który w przeważającej większości zamieszkują. Zły stan wynika też z braku inteligencji polskiej na Litwie po II wojnie światowej oraz powolność procesu jej odradzania się. Przyczyn słabości upatruje się ponadto w etnocentryzmie tej kultury, skoncentrowaniu się na sobie i braku zainteresowania innymi grupami etnicznymi. Mimo wszystko w ostatnich latach na Wileńszczyźnie podejmowane są próby wyrwania się z ograniczeń, związanych z kulturą kresową. Została założona grupa poetycka „Nowa Awangarda Wileńska”, ukazała się powieść Cień słońca czy zbiór opowiadań Thriller po wileńsku. Jest to inne niż dotychczas zaprezentowanie polskości na Litwie.
At the request of the Order of the White Eagle chapter in recognition of merit among others for restoration of religioous life on the Eastern Borderlands, in 2017 father Marian Franciszek Cardinal Jaworski was decorated by the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda. This leader of the Roman Catholic Church was born in Lwów on 21 August 1926, he is a lecturer of philosophy and theology. He served the Church both in the Ukraine and Poland. Senior Metropolitan Archbishop of Lwów and former Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Łuck and the President of Ukrainian Episcopate is an example of a pastor of people who retain their Polish identity as Catholics residing in post-Soviet countries. He was actively involved in the regeneration of religious and patriotic life in the Ukraine after 1991, recreating the system of parishes and setting up new institutions such as: Lwów Archdiocese Seminary in Brzuchowice and many other church structures. He supported different kinds of organizations and institutions aiming to form a new generation of Poles. In 1995–1997 he carried out the Archdiocese Synod implementing provisions of Vaticanum II. He contributed to the rebirth of women’s and men’s religious orders in the Ukraine. Moreover, he is a prominent character who serves Poles outside the current borders of Poland. Furthermore, his unquestionable pastoral impact on sustaining the national identity has to be pointed out as well. The article presents not only detailed explanation of the Cardinal’s achievements but is an attempt to pay tribute to Cardinal Jaworski and commemorate his input. In an attempt to maximize the reliability in portraying Cardinal Jaworski the author has chosen an analytical and critical research method.
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