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The “facts” of international politics constitute the first-order representations of political life and can be reflected in popular entertainment as second-order or fictional representations. This article demonstrates that discourses of popular culture are powerful and implicated in International Relations (IR) studies. The article makes two correlated claims: the first is that the humanist and anthropological methodology often used to analyse pop culture could also be used to analyse international issues, if appropriately contextualized; the second claim is that a nation can manifest its ‘discourse’ in international politics via its popular culture, as soft power.
vol. 30
issue 4
In the article “Latin language in the world created by J.K. Rowling” we discuss the spells derived from the Latin language, which were created by J.K. Rowling in the series of books about Harry Potter. Linguistic analysis of spells has shown that incantation formulas derived from Latin constitute the vast majority of all spells. The power of a spell always comes from its etymology. However, it is impossible to indicate the rules according to which the novelist created the formulas of spells. Some recurring features of the linguistic transformations can be discerned. Noted qualities of Rowling’s language include the variety and free use of Latin as a vocabulary base for spells.
The text analyses the Harry Potter series by Joanne Rowling from the perspective of eugenics and the ideology of National Socialism. What is indicated and examined are the statements or attitudes of heroes that may be considered part of the Nazi discourse, implemented in the novel by the author. The aim of the paper is to show that this cycle may be a pretext for teachers to initiate the discussion on eugenics, Nazism, as well as broadly understood ideology.
A study of live action role plays as transmediations of a global franchise universe, this work analyses two cases: College of Wizardry (world of Harry Potter) and Witcher School (world of The Witcher), using Mark Wolf’s (2012) framework of eight infrastructures: space, time, character, nature, culture, language, mythology and philosophy. The case studies lead to questions and predictions about franchise larps in general. For example, characters, culture, mythology, and philosophy are most useful as vehicles for direct imitation / adaptation of elements from the franchise media (books, films or video games) to larps; philosophy is most likely to be subject to ideology-based modifications; whereas space and nature will be heavily influenced by the physical features of the game site. The text ends with a look at possible relationships between larp creators and the copyrighted multimedia entertainment industry.
Przedmiotem pracy jest transmediacja uniwersum z globalnej franczyzy do teatralnej gry fabularnej (larpu). Analizie poddaję dwa przypadki: College of Wizardry (świat Harry’ego Pottera) i Witcher School (świat wiedźmina), posługując się siatką ośmiu światotwórczych infrastruktur według Marka Wolfa (2012): przestrzeń, czas, postacie, natura, kultura, język, mitologia i filozofia. Studia przypadku prowadzą do pytań i przypuszczeń na temat franczyzowych larpów w ogólności. Przykładowo, postacie, kultura, mitologia i filozofia mają największy potencjał jako kanały bezpośredniej imitacji/adaptacji elementów z franczyzy (książek, filmów, gier wideo) w larpie; filozofia jest najbardziej podatna na zmiany motywowane ideologicznie; przestrzeń zaś i natura będą w dużym stopniu warunkowane fizycznym kształtem terenu gry. Tekst kończy się spojrzeniem na możliwe relacje między twórcami larpów a przemysłem rozrywki multimedialnej chronionej prawem autorskim.
W niniejszym artykule omówiony jest problem ewentualnych zagrożeń duchowych wywołanych wśród dzieci i młodzieży na skutek czytania i zainteresowania się serią powieści o Harry’m Potterze J.K. Rowling. Zostają przytoczone argumenty za i przeciw powieści o młodym czarodzieju z Hogwartu. Przeciwnikami omawianego dzieła, których opinie znajdują się w artykule, są demonolog Aleksander Posacki, niemiecka pisarka Gabriele Kuby, włoski egzorcysta Gabriele Amorth i inni. Natomiast autorami wyrażającymi się pozytywnie o sadze o Harry’m Potterze” są m.in. publicysta watykańskiego dziennika „L’Osservatore Romano” Antonio Carriero, włoski filozof Rocco Buttiglione, siostra zakonna Edyta Pielas i inni. Przytoczone argumenty przeciwko omawianemu dziełu Rowling to m.in. wprowadzanie dzieci i młodzieży w świat okultystyczny oraz relatywizowanie dobra i zła. Do pozytywnych aspektów powieści Rowling zostały zaliczone m.in. ukazanie wartości uniwersalnych, takich jak przyjaźń i miłość oraz nawiązanie do symboli chrześcijańskich. Autorka artykułu stoi na stanowisku zdroworozsądkowego podejścia do omawianego tematu oraz aby nie demonizować przesadnie treści tej powieści. W celu uniknięcia ewentualnych rozterek rodziców, wychowawców i katechetów, zatroskanych o duchowe dobro ich podopiecznych, proponuje autorka inne pozycje książkowe, zgodne z chrześcijańską wizją świata.
This article discusses the problem of possible spiritual threats caused in children and teenagers by reading and taking interest in the Harry Potter novel series by J.K. Rowling. There are brought forth arguments for and against the novel about a young wizard of Hogwart. The opponents of the discussed work, whose opinions are included in this article, are the demonologist Aleksander Posacki, the German writer Gabriele Kuby, the Italian exorcist Gabriele Amorth and others. However, the authors expressing positive opinions about Harry Potter are among others the journalist of Vatican journal „L’Osservatore Romano” Antonio Carriero, the Italian philosopher Rocco Buttiglione, the nun Edyta Pielas and others. The mentioned arguments against the work in question include among others introducing children and teenagers into the occult world and relativisation of the good and evil. Among the positive aspects of the novel by Rowling are included among others showing universal values, such as friendship and love, and the references to the Christian symbols. The author of this article represents the common sense approach to the discussed issue and suggests not demonizing this novel too much. To avoid any possible doubts of parents, educators, and catechists, concerned about spiritual welfare of their wards, the author suggests other books, being in accord with the Christian vision of the world.
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O potterizmu i njegovoj recepciji

Libri & Liberi
vol. 1
issue 1
This is a book review of Krunoslav Mikulan's book "Kulturni fenomen ili hegemonija istosti? Recepcija serije romana o Harry Potteru" published in 2011.
Prikaz knjige Krunoslava Mikulana "Kulturni fenomen ili hegemonija istosti? Rececija serije romana o Harry Potteru" izdane 2011. godine.
The main aim of this article is to present a new method of analysing the expressive function of characters’ proper names in a novel. Although this role was identified over half a century ago, it has not received scholars’ attention and nearly no research has been done to advance its study. The onomastic material examined in this paper comes from the “Harry Potter” series and includes over one hundred and thirty “nomina propria” that serve the expressive function either from the moment of naming or in particular acts of using the name.
Due to the fact that the Polish translation of the Harry Potter series by Andrzej Polkowski is one of the most popular and influential in the latest years it seems to be very interesting to find out what qualities make a translation as popular as the original text. Obviously, it can be assumed that there must be a wide range of conditions to be met. However, this paper focuses only on one aspect, namely proper names, which can be found in the books as the plot is set in a non-real world containing a significant number of nouns that were invented for the purpose of the scenery and action. Thus, they pose a real challenge for translators. What is more, the article aims at answering the question of tendencies in the use of translation procedures.
This article considers the issues that arise in translating between different languages and cultures with a focus on wordplay. Finding appropriate equivalences can be a complicated process that goes beyond linguistic limitations to cultural interpretations of meaning. Wordplay can serve as an aspect that exist as additional elements of information and a means to create a specific atmosphere within the narrative. This can often be reliant on cultural cues, especially in the case of children’s fantasy series wherein culturally specific references to folktales may be subtly interwoven into the tale using wordplay. This can then lead to complications when being translated. As such, this is a venture into how the wordplay in Harry Potter has been translated into Japanese with the intent to use this data to create a resource for students studying translation between the two languages by acknowledging the conflicting needs of clarity and amusement.
vol. 6
issue 1
The aim of the paper is to answer the question what was the Andrzej Polkowski’s intent of using domestication and foreignisation strategies in indigenous Harry Potter series translation. Selected fragments of the novel are referring to the widely understood ‘food’ category and are compared in terms of language and culture. It is known that the Polish translator extends (but does he always domesticate?) the world presented in the novel to the reader’s country. However, it is really ambigious, how these extensions affect the interpretation of Polish recipient.
Representations of young teenagers and adolescents (not yet young adults) in popular culture are problematic. All too often the term teenager is less about age and experience and more about consumer merchandise and lifestyles aimed at them as a demographic sector. This paper addresses some of the issues and myths that writers and film makers are confronted with when producing teenage culture - everything may not be as you think.
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Brand New Critical Essays on Harry Potter

Libri & Liberi
vol. Vol 2
issue No. 2
A book review of a collection of essays on J.K.Rowling's Harry Potter which was edited by Cynthia J. Hallett and Peggy J. Huey.
This is an in-depth analysis of references to Harry Potter which appeared in the Polish daily Gazeta Wyborczej between 27 January 2000 (the fi rst time the book was mentioned) and the end of December 2011. The author’s data includes all references to Harry Potter, any other character from the novel, as well as anything which refers to J.K. Rowling. While the quantitative analysis takes into account chronology, array of themes and the structure of the newspaper, the qualitative analysis is concerned with the signifi cant elements of content, contexts and choice of titles
The author of the article shows entanglement of literary translation in various ideologies. Basing on the Internet data she analyzes Andrzej Polkowski’s work over Polish renditions of Harry Potter series and indicates readers’ influence on the final shape of his translation. In her research the author uses terminology and concepts of Manipulation School of Translation, especially those by André Lefevere: refraction, rewriting, intertextuality and patronage.
Artykuł przynosi interesujące obserwacje o uwikłaniach przekładu literackiego w rozmaite ideologie. Analizując pracę tłumacza nad tekstem polskim Harrego Pottera (na podstawie danych internetowych), autorka pokazuje wpływ czytelników na ostateczny kształt tego przekładu. Czasem tłumaczymy tak, jak chcą tego czytelnicy czy inne ośrodki nacisku. Autorka odwołuje się do propozycji koncepcyjnych André Lefevere’a, a przede wszystkim pojęć takich jak refrakcja, intertekstualność, sytuacyjność (kontekst „polityczny” w kulturoznawczym rozumieniu tegoż pojęcia).
Aim of the research: The aim of the article is to present the styles of functioning of a teenager in the fan community of Harry Potter in his narrative, as well as to learn about that culture as an example of a side culture of popular culture. Methods: To achieve the assumed aim, the following methods were used: narrative interview, participant observation and hermeneutic analysis of the content created by fans of the Harry Potter series. The article attempts to describe the problem in a gadamerian way: from general to detailed, paying attention to cultural, pedagogical, psychological and sociological issues. Therefore, the considerations were supplemented with the concept of psychology of Edward Nęcka's work or the culture of participation of Henry Jenkins. Results: Teenagers actively participate in the life of a fandom by shaping its structure and creating fanfiction. In this environment, young people strive to establish interpersonal interactions by exchanging opinions on the topic of interest to them, e.g. the legitimacy of the existence of a given pairing or schematic construction of a fanatic, but also to cooperate with other fan authors. In the fandom, there is a hierarchy of members, headed by fans-authors considered to be the so-called classic fanfiction creators. Conclusions: The passion of exploring the universe of the novel (here: the novel series "Harry Potter") and modifying it, becomes a contribution to the search for a target group of fans in which a teenager would be accepted, liked and appreciated. Teenagers are successful in co-existence in fandom, but they also fail. In other words, the culture of participation favors the process of socialization which, according to Antonina Kłoskowska, among others material influence of the culture apparatus (Kłoskowska, 1969, p. 325). In addition, creating fanfiction has an educational value, namely improving the hard and soft skills of teenagers.
Cel: Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie stylów funkcjonowania nastolatka w społeczności fanowskiej Harry’ego Pottera w jego narracji, a także poznanie kultury tejże jako przykładu kultury pobocznej kultury popularnej. Metody: Aby zrealizować założony cel, zostały wykorzystane następujące metody: wywiad narracyjny, obserwacja uczestnicząca oraz analiza hermeneutyczna treści stworzonych przez fanów cyklu o Harrym Potterze. W artykule starano się opisać problem w sposób gadamerowski: od ogółu do szczegółu, zwracając uwagę na kwestie: kulturalne, pedagogiczne, psychologiczne i socjologiczne. W związku z tym rozważania uzupełniono o koncepcję psychologii twórczości Edwarda Nęcki czy kultury uczestnictwa Henry’ego Jenkinsa. Wyniki: Nastolatkowie czynnie uczestniczą w życiu fandomu poprzez kształtowanie jego struktury oraz tworzenie fanfiction. W tymże środowisku młodzi ludzie dążą do nawiązywania interakcji interpersonalnych poprzez wymianę zdań na interesujący ich temat, np. zasadności istnienia danego pairingu czy schematycznej budowy fanfika, ale również podejmowanie współpracy z innymi fanami-autorami. W fandomie występuje hierarchia członków, na czele której znajdują się fani-autorzy uważani za tzw. klasycznych twórców fanfiction. Wnioski: Pasja, jaką jest zgłębianie uniwersum powieści (tu: cyklu powieściowego „Harry Potter”) oraz jego modyfikowanie, staje się przyczynkiem do poszukiwania docelowej grupy fanów, w której nastolatek byłby akceptowany, lubiany i doceniany. Nastolatkowie odnoszą sukcesy w koegzystowaniu w fandomie, ale również ponoszą porażki. Innymi słowy kultura uczestnictwa sprzyja procesowi socjalizacji będącej według Antoniny Kłoskowskiej m.in. wpływem materialnym aparatu kultury (Kłoskowska, 1969, s. 325). Ponadto tworzenie fanfiction ma wartość edukacyjną, a mianowicie udoskonala kompetencje twarde i miękkie kilkunastolatków.
The main concern here is the cognitive analysis of motion events in translating from English (a satellite-framed language) to Spanish (a verb-framed language). Briefly presented is an overview of the theoretical background which forms the framework for the study, namely Talmy’s typology of lexicalization patterns and Slobin’s “thinking for speaking” hypothesis. The data sample of 88 motion events (143 with satellites) has been selected from J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and from its Spanish translation, considering the quantitative and qualitative criteria. It is here argued that typological differences between S-languages and V-languages lead to numerous problems in rendering the aspects of Path and Manner of Motion. Special attention is also given to the possible translation strategies of compensating for typological restrictions.
The presence of a religion teacher at school becomes a chance to evangelise both students and teachers. They all come from different backgrounds and have varying experience of God. The article A Religion Teacher in a School Environment in the Face of a Demonology Issue is an attempt to show a religion teacher’s tasks which he can undertake during religious instruction lessons and during informal contacts with other teachers. These tasks are not focused only on spreading the Gospel. But also on making young people aware of spiritual threats connected with wearing satanist symbols and promoting satanism, organizing Halloween, propagating magic. The article proves that the school curriculum for catechism does not underline the threats sufficiently. It contains suggestions of improving the content of the subject in this aspect and also of fuller use of the priest teacher’s presence at school.
Zagadnienie relacji współczesna książka dla dzieci i młodzieży a media należy obecnie do istotnych kwestii podejmowanych przez badaczy. W dyskusje na ten temat, z perspektywy bibliologii, włącza się monografia Michała Rogoża Fantastycznie obecne. Anglojezyczne bestsellerowe cykle powieściowe dla dzieci i młodzieży we współczesnej polskiej przestrzeni medialnej. Autor analizuje popularne cykle z zakresu fantastyki, tj. Opowieści z Narnii Clve’a Staplesa Lewisa, Harry’ego Potter Jane K. Rowling, Zmierz Stephenie Meyer, Mroczne Materie Philipa Pulmana, Dziedzictwo Christophera Paoliniego i ich recepcję w tradycyjnych mediach i w polskojęzycznym Internecie. Niniejszy artykuł zawiera omówienie wspomnianej monografii, przedstawia główne tezy autora oraz wnioski i interpretacje.
The relationship between a contemporary book for children and teenagers and the media is now a major issue for researchers. From the perspective of bibliology, Michał Rogoż monograph Fantastycznie obecne. Anglojezyczne bestsellerowe cykle powieściowe dla dzieci i młodzieży we współczesnej polskiej przestrzeni medialnej is included. The author analyzes popular cycles of fantasy: The Cronicles of Narnia by Clive Staples Lewis, Harry Potter by Jane K. Rowling, Twiligh saga by Stephenie Meyer, Dark Materials by Philip Pulman, Inheritance by Christopher Paolini and their reception in traditional media and the Polish language Internet. This article discusses the above monograph, presents the main theses of the author and conclusions and interpretations.
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