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Celem opracowania jest ocena poziomu rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego krajów Unii Europejskiej. Badania dotyczą 23 krajów będących członkami UE w 2005 roku (z analiz wyłączono Maltę i Cypr). Rozważania oparto na danych pochodzących z okresu 1990–2006, na podstawie których oszacowano syntetyczne mierniki taksonomiczne uwzględniające w swej konstrukcji 21 cech społeczno-ekonomicznych. Na podstawie wyznaczonych wskaźników oraz Human Development Index dokonano klasyfikacji krajów do grup typologicznych. Przeprowadzono dyna miczną analizę sytuacji poszczególnych krajów, wykorzystując w tym celu szeregi czasowe utworzone z wyznaczonych mierników agregatowych.
Since its implementation in 1990, the human development index (HDI), the flagship indicator of multidimensional development, has attracted a great deal of attention and critics in academic, political and media circles. It initiated a new stage in the discussion of appropriate indicators to measure socioeconomic development. Until now, the vast majority of empirical work using the HDI concept has taken a cross-country perspective. The main aim of this paper is the application of the HDI at the sub-country level in small, highly developed and socioeconomically homogenous countries. For this undertaking we use a slightly modified version of the HDI, called the regional development index (RDI). For the components of the RDI - life expectancy, education and standard of living - we use recent cross section information for Austria at the level of districts. There exists considerable heterogeneity across districts in the RDI and its components. Our Theil-decomposition reveals that the overwhelming part of the observed heterogeneity is based on differences within provinces (96 percent), although the differences in life expectancy between the provinces explain a substantial part of the overall heterogeneity in this indicator (54 percent).
The aim of the paper is to evaluate the Human Development Index (HDI) as an indicator of economic development. The analysis is based on case studies of five post‑socialist countries: the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, and Poland. To carry out the assessment of the HDI, two approaches are employed. The first involves comparing the HDI values to seventeen other indicators related to different aspects of development chosen with reference to Amartya K. Sen’s approach. The second approach refers to public opinion surveys provided by the Eurobarometer and the European Quality of Life Survey programs. In the light of the analysis, it can be said that the HDI is a fairly good measure of economic development. However, certain important dimensions which have a significant impact on people’s living conditions are neglected. Knowing about Sen’s influence on the creation of the HDI and the emphasis he put on the relationship between democracy and development, it may be surprising that such neglected dimensions include the state of democracy.
The article reveals the peculiarities in the formation of comfortable life features in the regions of Ukraine based on the analysis of the components and the human development index. In particular, it reveals the essence of the human development concept as one that enables people to develop their potential, to live productively and creatively in tune with their needs and interests. Its goal is to empower each individual in the chosen environment – country, region or specific locality. Human development involves balancing the formation of human abilities to improve their conditions of life. However, the level of regional human development will depend on the potential of the designated area. Since 2012, Ukraine has updated the method of estimating regional Human Development Index by which we can calculate the regional human development index. It includes 33 indicators grouped into six blocks in accordance with the basic aspects of human development. These are reproduction, social position, comfortable life, well-being, worthy work, and education. These indicators were selected on the basis of suitability for the annual calculation of provision available to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, reliability estimates at the regional level under the specific issues of human development in Ukraine, unambiguous interpretation of the impact on human development, lack of high correlation between individual performance and adequacy of static and dynamic variation. According to the ratings of Human Development Index in 2012, conducted by the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and the Institute of Demography and Social Studies of M.V. Puhta, regions that constantly show high indicators of human development index are Crimea, Kharkiv, Lviv, Transcarpathian and Poltava regions. The largest group consists of regions with the average index indicator of the human development (most regions of Ukraine). Finally, the third group consists of regions with the lowest human development index (Kirovograd, Donetsk, Sumy regions). The results of calculations of regional Human Development Index can serve as a basis for identifying key issues and priorities of each region.
Research background: Composite indicators are commonly used as an approximation tool to measure economic development, the standard of living, competitiveness, fairness, effectiveness, and many others being willingly implemented into many different research disciplines. However, it seems that in most cases, the variable weighting procedure is avoided or erroneous since, in most cases, the so-called ?weights by belief? are applied. As research show, it can be frequently observed that weights do not equal importance in composite indicators. As a result, biased rankings or grouping of objects are obtained. Purpose of the article: The primary purpose of this article is to optimise and improve the Human Development Index, which is the most commonly used composite indicator to rank countries in terms of their socio-economic development. The optimisation will be done by re-scaling the current weights, so they will express the real impact of every single component taken into consideration during HDI?s calculation process. Methods: In order to achieve the purpose mentioned above, the sensitivity analysis tools (mainly the first-order sensitivity index) were used to determine the appropriate weights in the Human Development Index. In the HDI?s resilience evaluation process, the Monte Carlo simulations and full-Bayesian Gaussian processes were applied. Based on the adjusted weights, a new ranking of countries was established and compiled with the initial ranking using, among others, Kendall tau correlation coefficient. Findings & Value added: Based on the data published by UNDP for 2017, it has been shown that the Human Development Index is built incorrectly by putting equal weights for all of its components. The weights proposed by the sensitivity analysis better reflect the actual contribution of individual factors to HDI variability. Re-scaled Human Development Index constructed based on proposed weights allow for better differentiation of countries due to their socio-economic development.
W artykule poruszony został problem efektywności systemów instytucjonalnych krajów Unii Europejskiej w odniesieniu do wykorzystania potencjału gospodarki opartej na wiedzy (GOW) oraz jej wpływ na jakość życia mieszkańców. Definiując pojęcie efektywności systemu instytucjonalnego odwołano się do struktury analitycznej nowej ekonomii instytucjonalnej, w szczególności teorii kosztów transakcyjnych. Na tej podstawie przyjęto, iż efektywne rozwiązania instytucjonalne sprzyjają obniżce kosztów transakcyjnych. Do pomiaru efektywności instytucjonalnej zaproponowano autorski miernik syntetyczny, który został skonstruowany z wykorzystaniem zmodyfikowanej metody TOPSIS. Za zmienne diagnostyczne przyjęto zmienne dotyczące czterech aspektów charakteryzujących efektywność systemu instytucjonalnego w kontekście zdolności kraju do wykorzystania potencjału GOW. Kolejne aspekty odnosiły się do regulacji prawnych nastawionych na wspieranie przedsiębiorczości, kwestii instytucji prawa sprzyjających utrzymaniu niskiego poziomu kosztów transakcyjnych i poprawie efektywności mechanizmu rynkowego, kwestii konkurencyjności otoczenia i efektywności rynków pracy oraz jakości instytucji rynku finansowego. Dane pozyskane zostały z bazy instytutu Frasera utworzonej na potrzeby corocznego badania raportu Wolność Gospodarcza Świata. Do pomiaru jakości życia mieszkańców wykorzystany został miernik Human Development Index. Głównym celem artykułu była próba oceny zależności między poziomem efektywności instytucjonalnej w kontekście GOW a jakością życia mieszkańców dla krajów Unii Europejskiej w latach 2004-2010. W ekonometrycznej analizie zastosowano dynamiczny model panelowy dla 24 krajów Unii Europejskiej, który pozwolił na identyfikację dodatniego wpływu efektywności instytucji na jakość życia mieszkańców.
The article concentrates on the problem of the efficiency of the institutional system of the European Union countries in relation to the potential of the global knowledge-based economy (KBE) and its impact on quality of life. In order to define the efficiency of the institutional system, the authors refereed to the analytical structure of the new institutional economics, in particular, the transaction costs theory. On this basis, it is assumed that effective institutional factors are conducive to the reduction of transaction costs. To measure the effectiveness of the institutional system authors proposed a synthetic indicator, which has been constructed with application of the modified TOPSIS method. As diagnostic variables the authors adopted the variables on four aspects characterizing the efficiency of the institutional system in the context of the country's ability to exploit the potential of KBE. The aspects were related to regulations aimed at promoting entrepreneurship, the issue of law institutions conducive to maintaining low level of transaction costs and improving the efficiency of the market mechanism, the issue of economy competitiveness and efficiency of labor markets and the quality of financial market institutions. The data were obtained from the database of Fraser Institute that is created for the purpose of the annual Economic Freedom of the World report. For the measurement of quality of life the Human Development Index was used. The main aim of this article was an attempt to assess the relationship between the level of institutional effectiveness in the context of KBE and quality of life for residents of the European Union countries in 2004-2010. In the econometric analysis the dynamic panel model was used for the 24 countries of the European Union, which has led to the identification of the positive impact of the efficiency of the institutions on the quality of life.
Purpose - The current HDI has a limited capacity to reflect the human condition and country rankings in an accurate way. In addition, the main critiques on the HDI suggest that it uses very few or perhaps the wrong indicators in measuring human development levels in countries. This paper aims to investigate whether the inclusion of employment as a criterion in the HDI would yield a different ranking of nations. Design/methodology/approach - In this study, estimates of the proposed Employment-adjusted Human Development Index (E-HDI) are provided for seventy-seven countries for the 2000-2007 period, and comparisons are made both for changes in the human development index (HDI) and rankings over time in each country and for differences between the E-HDI and the UNDP’s HDI across countries. Findings - The experience of a relatively large number of 77 sample countries has offered promising results for the path to improve the current status of the HDI, and hence, to overcome its weakness in terms of ranking of countries. The additional indicator, i.e. employment, improves the explanatory power of the HDI and makes significant contributions to its reliability. Research limitations/implications - The major limitation of the present study has been the lack of data for a number of the human development indicators for the rest of the countries in the world. Practical implications - The employment-adjusted index has great potential to make the HDI more operational. Social implications - By means of E-HDI, the human development performance of the countries can be better evaluated and compared with other countries by using additional information obtained from the employment position of their citizens. Originality/value - This will be the first paper in the literature that incorporates employment into the HDI..
The Human Development Index (HDI) has played an influential role in the debate on human development (HD) for many years. However, no index is perfect and neither is the HDI of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). This paper aims to construct a new composite index for the development performance of a sample of 30 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries by adding a fourth indicator, namely the unemployment index, to the calculation of HDI. The addition of the unemployment factor to the HDI as a new indicator has the potential to make the index more comprehensive and present a suitable approach for assessing the development performance of countries.
Many developing countries attained high growth rates in different periods but income differences did not reduce significantly in these periods due to increase in income inequalities. Therefore, the key objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between income differences, trade and institutions in developing countries. This study has used panel data of the year 2000 to 2014 to explore the relationship between these variables. This study is based on sampling of two groups; 25 middle income countries and 24 low income countries. Pooled OLS, panel fixed effect and Driscoll and Kraay techniques were used in this study. The results showed the negative relations of imports, a significant role of political institutions and insignificant role of economic institutions in income distribution with GDP per capita among low income and middle-income countries. Moreover, the current study suggested that governments in developing countries should focus upon improving the performance of political and economic institutions in order to improve their prospects of getting investment opportunities.
The Human Development Report published by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) introduced new measures to evaluate progress in reducing poverty and empowering women: Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI), Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), Gender Inequality Index (GII), Gender Development Index (GDI). In the paper GDI and GII indicators are presented and analysed, what is supplemented with a detailed analysis of the individual components of these indices for Poland. Additionally, this article wants to evaluate reduction of gender inequality in Poland.
Raporty Rozwoju Społecznego (Human Development Report) publikowane przez agendę Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych zajmującą się Planowaniem Rozwoju (United Nations Development Programme - UNDP) wprowadziły nowe wskaźniki, których celem jest mierzenie zmian zachodzących w poszczególnych krajach w zakresie walki z ubóstwem i równouprawnienia kobiet: Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI), Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), Gender Inequality Index (GII), Gender Development Index (GDI). Artykuł wymienia i komentuje dostępne oszacowania GII oraz GDI dla Polski. które uzupełniono szczegółową analizą poszczególnych składowych tych indeksów. Celem artykułu jest ocena szybkości i kierunku zmian zachodzących w Polsce, które mają doprowadzić do równości płci.
Knowledge and know-how of calculation methods of indicators and indices allow to evaluate, compare and correlate if not fully then to a considerable extent the situation in different countries and regions of the world. Moreover, in countries with "transitional economy" to which Russia and other countries of former Soviet Union are attributed to, the situation has significantly changed and it is necessary to adjust the directions and perspectives of development considering the changed environment.The article characterizes a position of Russia and other CIS's countries (Commonwealth of Independent States) on the international rating of Human Development Index and Networked Readiness Index.
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Towards cultural diversification in sociolinguistics

This paper takes as its point of departure the fact that the loci of many sociolinguistic theories originate from Western, industrial, and ideologically monolingual (and often Anglophone) societies such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and many of the European nation states. This fact leads to a theoretical bias. After an explanation of the problem, this paper proposes ways to decolonise biases in sociolinguistics in practical terms. In general, it is suggested that researchers reach out and collaborate in all kinds of ways. Specific solutions suggested include, amongst others, redetermining what ‘good’ academic English and research constitute, using translation as a tool, proactively soliciting manuscripts, stimulating writing and research cooperation between authors with various backgrounds, making introductions to sociolinguistics broader in their cultural/linguistic focus, providing writing help, and diversifying editorial boards of journals.
Celem opracowania jest dokonanie skrótowej i bardzo uproszczonej – ze względu na objętość tekstu – analizy relacji pomiędzy zakresem państwa w gospodarce (zakresem ingerencji państwa) a jakością systemu gospodarczego. Pytanie badawcze, na które została podjęta próba odpowiedzi, jest następujące: czy istnieje zauważalna korelacja (nie przesądzając kierunku tej korelacji) pomiędzy jakością systemu gospodarczego, a głębokością czy zakresem oddziaływania państwa na ten system? Opracowanie składa się z trzech części. W pierwszej dokonano krótkiej analizy kategorii „dobra gospodarka” i „dobry system gospodarczy” w aspekcie historyczno-teoretycznym. W części drugiej przedstawiono założenia i uproszczenia niezbędne do przeprowadzenia badań empirycznych. Część trzecia zawiera wyniki tych badań oraz wnioski z nich wynikające.
The objective of the study is to carry out the simplified and shortened – on grounds of the length of text – analysis of the relations between the range of the state in the economy (the range of the state’s intervention) and the quality of an economic system. Research question to which we attempt to answer is: is there a noticeable correlation (not pre-empting if it is negative or positive) between the quality of an economic system and a range of the government intervention in this system. The publication is composed of three parts. The first part contains a short analysis of the idea “good economy” and “good economic system” in the historical and theoretical aspect. In the second part we present the assumptions and simplifications necessary to carry out the empirical research. The third part contains the results of the study and the derived conclusions.
Human development is defined as the development enabling an enlargement of people’s choices to live valuable life. Human Development Index measures progress in this area. It evaluates achievements in three dimensions: long and healthy life, knowledge and decent standard of living. Sub-Saharan Africa is the low-income region with the majority of its population living in extreme poverty. Preconditions for the substantial progress in human development are less favourable there than in other developing regions. Although some achievements have been reached since the beginning of the 21st century, they are less unambiguous if they are compared with other regions. The aim of this paper is to identify and assess the progress in human development in Sub-Saharan Africa in comparison with selected developing regions within the 2000-2015 period. Conclusions of the paper are based on a review of relevant scientific and statistical sources, as well as on own statistical analysis.
Rozwój społeczny definiuje się jako rozwój umożliwiający poszerzenie dostępnych ludziom wyborów pozwalających na przeżycie wartościowego życia. Wskaźnik Rozwoju Społecznego mierzy postęp w tej dziedzinie, ocenia osiągnięcia w trzech wymiarach: długie i zdrowe życie, wiedza i dostatni standard życia. Afryka Subsaharyjska to region o niskich dochodach, w którym większość ludności żyje w skrajnym ubóstwie. Warunki wstępne dla istotnego postępu w rozwoju społecznym są tam mniej korzystne niż w innych regionach rozwijających się. Chociaż wiele w tej kwestii zostało osiągnięte od początku XXI wieku, to rezultaty nie są jednoznaczne, zwłaszcza jeśli porównuje się je z innymi regionami. Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja i ocena postępu w rozwoju społecznym w Afryce Subsaharyjskiej w porównaniu z wybranymi regionami rozwijającymi się w latach 2000-2015. Wnioski artykułu są wynikiem przeglądu odpowiednich źródeł naukowych i statystycznych, a także przeprowadzonej własnej analizy statystycznej.
Brazil is one of the countries with the largest inequalities in the social, socio-economic and above all the regional sectors. Despite being the 10th global economy, Brazil did not succeed in decisively minimizing social, urban-rural and regional contrasts. Recently indicators registered an improvement but globa-lization could aggravate social exclusion and inter- as well as intra-regional dis-parities. The Southeast region with São Paulo, motor of industrialization, and the South, marked by European immigrants and relatively sound social conditions, are leading in nearly all sectors, while the Northeast – especially Maranhão, Alagoas and Piauí – show poverty and enormous infrastructural deficiencies. Concerning regional development, there still exist ―four Brazils‖: Southeast/South, Middle-West, Northeast and North (Amazonia). The Southeast and South represent the ―first Brazil‖ turning the country into a global player. The Middle-West is the region with major progress because of the impetus of agrobusiness with soybean cultivation. Today, the Amazon region is pending between rapid incorporation into the national economic area and a regional policy for protecting the indigenous population and the biodiversity of tropi-cal forests. In spite of all regional planning measures of the government, the Northeast holds the position of a ―fourth Brazil‖ with unequal conditions of property, clientelism and is turning to be a looser of globalization.
Até a atualidade, o Brasil é um dos países do mundo com as maiores desigualdades nos setores social, sócio-econômico e sobretudo regional. O país é a décima economia mundial mas não conseguiu, até então, minimizar decisivamente os contrastes sociais, urbano-rurais e regionais. Recentemente registrou-se melhora dos indicadores, mas a globalização pode agravar a exclusão social e as disparidades inter e intra-regionais. As Grandes Regiões Sudeste – o motor da industrialização – e o Sul, marcado pelos imigrantes europeus e condições sociais relativamente sólidas, lideram em quase todos os setores, enquanto o Nordeste, sobretudo os Estados Maranhão, Alagoas e Piauí, apresentam pobreza excessiva e enormes déficits de infraestrutura. No desenvolvimento regional continuam a existir ―quatro Brasis‖: Sudeste/ Sul, Centrooeste, Nordeste e Norte (Amazônia). Sudeste e Sul formam o ―primeiro Brasil‖, que faz do país um global player. O Centro-Oeste é a região de maior ascensão devido ao avanço do agrobusiness no plantio da soja. O Norte, a região da Amazônia, encontra-se hoje entre incorporação rápida no espaço econômico nacional e uma política regional, que deve proteger tanto a população indígena quanto a biodiversidade das florestas tropicais. Apesar de todas as medidas de planejamento regional do governo, o Nordeste é considerado o ―quarto‖ Brasil devido ao clientelismo e às condições desiguais de propriedade, tornando-se perdedor da globalização.
This paper provides an introduction to the enhanced study of the relationships occurring between the choice of the country, to which Polish citizens emigrate, and the level and quality of life in the country of emigration. In the first part of the article the author focused on the major causes of departures of Poles out of the country and the effects of emigration for Poland. Next, the directions of departures of Poles to the EU countries for a temporary stay longer than three months in the period 2004–2012 have been analyzed. In the last part of the paper the author made the preliminary analysis of the relationship between the number of people emigrating to a given country and its level of the socio-economic development. In order to determine the level of the development the Human Development Index has been used.
The concept of inclusiveness has been known in the economics for many decades, but it has gained more and more importan-ce in recent years due to the deepening of income inequalities and inequality in the distribution of benefits from economic growth. The postulates to combat these inequalities are particularly intensified in the period of 2008-10 after the financial cri-sis, but also now due to the unprecedented events in the global economy in 2020-21 related to the pandemic. In 2020, the first year of the pandemic, 1 percent of the world's population owned more than half of the world's wealth, and the HDI or Gini indicators showed a drastic increase in social inequality, even in traditionally egalitarian countries. Data for 2021 show that the COVID pandemic is fostering the rich and the deepening stratification of wealth in the world. Today, a new billionaires class is doubling its wealth, while at the same time 163 million people live below the poverty line. The pandemic has therefore given a new meaning to the problem of pro-inclusiveness of economic growth. Today, the postulate of inclusive growth appears as a necessity and an urgent problem to be solved. The aim of the presented article is an attempt to show the growing importance of the inclusiveness postulates in economy in the perspective of the third decade of the 21st century, against the background of many misunderstandings and controversies that this paradigm still arouses. The article integrates two parts - (1) description of the concept of "inclusive economy" and the reasons for its growing importance; (2) dilemmas and controversies related to inclusive growth in the opinion of the students of the Executive MBA Program of the West Pomeranian Business School in Szczecin.
Pojęcie inkluzywności jest znane w ekonomii od wielu dekad, ale nabiera coraz większego znaczenia w ostatnich latach za sprawą pogłębiania się nierówności dochodowych i nierówności w dystrybucji korzyści ze wzrostu gospodarczego. Szczególne nasi-lenie postulatów walki z tymi nierównościami przypadają na okres po kryzysie finansowym 2008-10, ale także obecnie ze względu na bezprecedensowe zdarzenia w gospodarce światowej w latach 2020-21, związane z pandemią. W 2020 roku, pierwszym roku pandemii, 1 proc. populacji świata było właścicielem ponad połowy ogólnoświatowego majątku, a wskaźniki HDI czy Giniego wska-zywały na drastyczne zwiększanie nierówności społecznych nawet w państwach tradycyjnie egalitarnych. Dane za rok 2021 z kolei donoszą, że pandemia COVID sprzyja bogaczom i pogłębiającemu się rozwarstwieniu bogactwa na świecie. Dzisiaj nowa klasa bilio-nariatu podwaja swój majątek, podczas gdy w tym samym czasie 163 mln ludzi żyje poniżej progu ubóstwa. Pandemia więc nadała problemowi proinkluzywności wzrostu gospodarczego nowego znaczenia. Dzisiaj postulat wzrostu włączającego jawi się jako ko-nieczność i pilny problem do rozwiązania. Celem prezentowanego artykułu jest próba ukazania wzrostu znaczenia postulatów inkluzywności w ekonomii w perspektywie trzeciej dekady XXI wieku, na tle wielu nieporozumień i kontrowersji jakie ten paradygmat nadal wzbudza. Artykuł integruje w so-bie dwie części – (1) opis pojęcia „gospodarka inkluzywna” i przesłanek wzrostu jego znaczenia; (2) dylematy i kontrowersje związa-ne ze wzrostem inkluzywnym w opinii słuchaczy Programu Executive MBA Zachodniopomorskiej Szkoły Biznesu w Szczecinie.
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