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Rising consumption of energy is an integral part of economic growth - the larger share of industrial activity and services in the GDP the larger the demand for energy. Southeast Asia, and especially Singapore, has been at the forefront of economic growth for decades. Coupled with geological make-up of the region of unevenly spread energy resources countries are forced to satisfy their needs with imports. Most important is import of crude oil. Persian Gulf countries forming the Gulf Cooperating Council are the main partners supplying crude to Association of South East Asian Nations. Singapore as the only country in ASEAN without any natural resources is currently dependent on imports of energy resources from the Persian Gulf countries.
W ostatnich czasach wyraźnie wzrosło zainteresowanie potencjałem innowacyjnym gospodarek. Toczy się intensywna dyskusja nad tym, czy potencjał innowacyjny określonego kraju jest określony jedynie przez czynniki lokalne, czy też kształtuje się pod wpływem pozycji zajmowanej w globalnej sieci biznesowej i międzynarodowej współpracy gospodarczej. Poza tym brakuje badań uwzględniających innowacje pozatechniczne - pomimo ich dużego znaczenia. Artykuł próbuje wypełnić tę lukę istniejącą w badaniach empirycznych, skupiając uwagę na roli importu dóbr i usług jako czynnika określającego potencjał innowacyjny poszczególnych krajów, z uwzględnieniem innowacji pozatechnicznych. Badanie obejmujące 28 państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej w okresie 2007-2017 pokazuje, że międzynarodowa transmisja wiedzy poprzez import ma pozytywny wpływ na liczbę zgłaszanych do opatentowania lub zarejestrowania wynalazków, projektów i znaków towarowych oraz na eksport produktów o wysokim poziomie technologicznym. Te ustalenia pozwalają lepiej zrozumieć rolę handlu międzynarodowego w stymulowaniu zdolności innowacyjnej gospodarek.
A remarkable increase in the attention devoted to national innovative capacity (NIC) has been noticed over the last decades. There is a strong debate whether a country's national innovative capacity is solely determined by local factors or it is also influenced by global network position and international economic activities. Furthermore, despite its importance, there is a lack of studies which take the variables of non-technological innovations into account. This paper aims to fill the empirical research gap by focusing on import of goods and services as an input of NIC and engaging non-technological innovations as an output in NIC models. An investigation of 28 European Union member states in the period of 2007-2017 shows that the international transmission of knowledge through import spillovers has a positive effect on trademark applications, design applications and exports of high-tech products. The findings help to better understand the role of international trade in enhancing national innovative capacity
Celem artykułu jest ocena dynamiki importu i eksportu wybranych surowców wtórnych metalicznych oraz niemetalicznych w Polsce w latach 1997-2008. Podjęto także próbę określenia korelacji pomiędzy wielkością importu i eksportu poszczególnych grup surowców wtórnych i określenia wpływu wielkości PKB na dynamikę importu i eksportu surowców wtórnych. (fragment tekstu)
The objective of the study was the dynamic import and export of some secondary raw materials in years 1997-2008. The influence of the gross domestic product on the import and export volume of secondary raw materials was also analyzed. The data presented in this article have been prepared on the basies of the yearbook "Environment Protection" published by Central Statistical Office of Poland. The positive correlation between value of the gross domestic product and the volume of following material export: plastics, waste paper and cardboard waste, textile waste has been found. The influence of the gross domestic product on the volume of import cullet was observed. The decrease of import and export volume of rubber scrap was reported. The negative correlation between value of the gross domestic product and volume of export of metallic raw materials has been found. (original abstract)
W artykule przedstawiono — wykorzystując statystyki International Energy Agency oraz British Petroleum — prognozy w zakresie zapotrzebowania krajów Unii na gaz ziemny oraz wskazano źródła zaopatrzenia w ten nośnik energii. Z dostępnych danych wynika, że popyt państw UE na gaz ziemny do 2020 r. odczuwalnie wzrośnie, nawet o 40% w stosunku do poziomu z 2003 r. W przypadku Polski zapotrzebowanie na gaz również ulegnie zwiększeniu, ale w mniejszej skali i nadal krajowa energetyka bazować będzie przede wszystkim na węglu. Ponieważ produkcja własna zaspokaja jedynie ok. 1/5 łącznego zapotrzebowania państw UE na gaz (w przypadku Polski 32% w 2005 r.), Unia stoi wobec perspektywy importu coraz większych ilości gazu, w tym zwłaszcza spoza jej obszaru. Niepokój unijnych ekspertów budzi duży udział importu z Rosji w globalnym imporcie gazu, przekraczający w przypadku 9 krajów członkowskich 75% (w Polsce w 2005 r. wskaźnik ten wyniósł 65,4% lub 92%, jeśli pod uwagę weźmie się wszystkie kraje obszaru dawnego ZSRR). Dlatego wiele państw UE – w tym Polska – stoi przed potrzebą dywersyfikacji źródeł zaopatrzenia w gaz ziemny, mającej zwłaszcza na celu zmniejszenie zależności od dostaw gazu z kierunku wschodniego. Służy temu budowa kolejnych połączeń sieciowych oraz terminali LNG. (abstrakt oryginalny)
W 2013 r. UE i USA rozpoczęły negocjacje zmierzające do zawarcia umowy o Transatlantyckim Partnerstwie Handlowo-Inwestycyjnym (TTIP) i utworzenia największej na świecie strefy wolnego handlu. Ze względu na uwarunkowania historyczne, znaczące różnice potencjałów produkcyjnych oraz asymetrię protekcji rynków, jednym z najtrudniejszych obszarów trwających rokowań jest sektor rolny. W tym kontekście znaczenia nabierają analizy potencjału i zdolności konkurowania na rynkach regionalnych i międzynarodowych producentów artykułów rolnych i spożywczych sygnatariuszy Porozumienia. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie poziomu i struktury asortymentowej handlu zagranicznego produktami rolno-spożywczymi Polski z USA w latach 2004-2015. Dla grup produktów mających największe znaczenie w strukturze wymiany handlowej Polski z USA wyznaczono wskaźniki pokrycia importu eksportem (CR – Coverage Ratio) oraz indeksy handlu wewnątrzgałęziowego Grubela–Lloyda (IIT – Intra- -Industry Trade). W badaniach wykorzystano dane Urzędu Statystycznego Unii Europejskiej (Eurostat).
In 2013 the EU and the US has began talks on Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) going to the establishment of the world’s largest free trade area. Due to the historical conditions, significant differences in the production potential and the asymmetric level of protection of the markets, agricultural issues are one of the most difficult areas of the TTIP negotiation. Considering this fact, the analysis of international competitive capacity of agri-food producers from the countries signing the TTIP Agreement, both on a regional and global scale, is more and more important. The aim of the paper is to present the volume and structure of foreign trade in agri-food products between Poland and the US in 2004-2015. Coverage Ratios (CR) and the indices of Intra-Industry Trade (IIT) were calculated for product groups of the greatest importance in the structure of Polish-American trade. Data of the European Statistical Office (Eurostat) were used in the research.
Przystąpienie do UE nowych krajów miało wpływ na geograficzną i towarową strukturę ich wymiany handlowej. Dotyczy to m.in. państw Grupy Wyszehradzkiej. Grupę tę tworzą: Polska, Republika Czeska, Słowacja i Węgry, współpracujące od 1991 r. Położenie geograficzne, ścisła współpraca, identyczny staż członkostwa w UE skłaniają do porównania konkurencyjności ich gospodarek poprzez porównawczą analizę ich poziomu i struktury, jak i dynamiki wymiany handlowej. Celem artykułu jest pokazanie możliwości zastosowania modeli danych panelowych do analizy zmian wartości importu krajów Grupy Wyszehradzkiej. W obliczeniach wykorzystano dane pochodzące z raportów Międzynarodowej Organizacji Pracy (International Labour Organisation) za pośrednictwem bazy danych brytyjskiej firmy Euromonitor: Global Market Information Database (GMID).
The EU accession of new countries had influence on geographic and commodity trade structure. This concerns i.a. Vysehrad Group States. Geopolitical location and close cooperation as well as similar membership stage of the countries provoke to compare the competitiveness of their economies by a comparative analyzing their level and structure as well as trade. The aim of the article is to show possibilities of using data panel models in analyze of import value changes of Vysehrad Group States. Area and commodity trade structures of surveyed countries were exposed in created data panels. The results permit comparing the import sensitivity to export value changes taking into consideration identification possibilities of non-observed factors. (original abstract)
The rapid increase in import dependency of exports and current account imbalances in many countries over the last two decades led many researchers to argue that they may be correlated and the increase in IDE may be the main cause of current account imbalances. This argument is important because historical evidence suggests that large and persistent current account imbalances often lead to subsequent corrective crisis. If the increase in IDE is a major cause of current account imbalances, reducing it becomes an important policy option to prevent further crisis. While there is a large literature on both global value chains (the main cause of IDE) and current account imbalances, the literature that investigates the link between them is very new and limited. This paper aims to contribute to this limited literature. (original abstract)
W artykule przedstawiono informacje dotyczące wartości eksportu i importu dzieł sztuki w wybranych krajach świata. Podstawą przeprowadzonych badań były dane OECD dotyczące handlu zagranicznego (według sekcji HS) w latach 1996—2006. Wartości eksportu i importu dzieł sztuki zostały przedstawione w układzie dwuwymiarowym. Wskazano, że Stany Zjednoczone i 15 krajów Unii Europejskiej są największymi eksporterami i importerami dzieł sztuki. Ponadto, szczególną uwagę zwrócono na relacje eksportu do importu omawianych dóbr.(abstrakt oryginalny)
In the article the information concerning work of art export and import values in the chosen countries were presented. The base of the conducted surveys were data from OECD concerning foreign trade (by HS section) in 1996—2006. The values of work of art export and import were presented in a two-dimensional system. The author pointed out that the United States of America and 15 European Union Member States are the biggest exporters and importers of works of art. What is more, the particular attention was paid to the relation of the export to import of discussed goods. (original abstract)
The Chinese economy is one of the most dynamically developing subjects of the world economy in the 21st century. One can observe more and more active participation of China in international division of labour and globalization processes, especially international trade and transfer of capital. A considerable change of China's position in contemporary world economy results from economic reforms and high economic growth. China's membership in the World Trade Organization is also an important stimulus for its integration with the world economy. The development of international trade and capital relations of China in the beginning of the 21st century has been presented.
issue 6
Bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe jest jednym z podstawowych zagadnień współczesnego świata, ponieważ żywność zaspokaja podstawowe potrzeby ludzkie. Zmiany klimatu i rosnące ceny żywności wpływają negatywnie na bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe krajów. Celem artykułu było określenie stopnia bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego krajów UE28 w latach 1999-2017 w kategoriach zależności od handlu zagranicznego żywnością. Metodą wybraną do obliczenia wskaźnika zależności od handlu żywnością jest formuła Johnstona (1992). Zgodnie z wynikami obliczeń spośród krajów UE28 jedynie Belgia, Bułgaria, Dania, Francja, Hiszpania, Holandia, Irlandia, Litwa, Polska i Węgry są krajami posiadającymi bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe w tym sensie, że ich zależność od importu żywności jest mniejsza niż zależność od eksportu żywności.
Food security is one of the most important issues in the contemporary world because nutrition is one of the basic needs of people. The changing climate and rising food prices affect negatively food security of the countries. The aim of this article was to determine the degree of food security in terms of food trade dependence for EU28 countries in the period 1999-2017. The method chosen was to calculate Food Trade Dependency Index (TDI) based on the Johnston's formula (1992). According to the research results, only Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Hungary, Ireland, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland and Spain have food security in the EU28 in the sense that their import dependence in food products is lower than export dependence.
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy eksportu i importu dzieł sztuki w 15 krajach Unii Europejskiej w latach 1996—2004. Analizę przeprowadzono na podstawie danych uzyskanych z OECD według nomenklatury handlu zagranicznego HS 1996 Rev. 2 dla działu 97, obejmującego dzieła sztuki, przedmioty kolekcjonerskie i antyki. Zebrane dane statystyczne pozwoliły na rozpoznanie najważniejszych kierunków przepływu dzieł sztuki w krajach UE. W tym aspekcie omówiono przepływ sztuki poza wspólny obszar celny oraz w wybranych państwach członkowskich UE. (abstrakt oryginalny)
This article introduced the results of analysis of works of art's export and import in 15 EU member states in years 1996-2004. The analysis was conducted on the base of data received from OECD according to the foreign trade nomenclature HS 1996 Rev. 2 for the 97 section, which contains the works of art, the collector's items and antiques. Collected statistical data allowed recognizing the most important directions of works of art flow in the EU Member States. In this aspect was also discussed the art flow beyond the common custom area and in particular EU member states. (original abstract)
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie procesu umiędzynarodowienia firmy e-commerce wraz z mechanizmem tego procesu, opartym na rozwoju doświadczalnej wiedzy firmy. Zgromadzone w wywiadach pogłębionych dane jakościowe zaprezentowano w formie studium przypadku, opisującym przebieg procesu internacjonalizacji młodego mikroprzedsiębiorstwa e-commerce zajmującego się handlem produktów materialnych. Na podstawie opisu procesu umiędzynarodowienia przedstawiono mechanizm tego procesu oparty na rozwoju wiedzy internacjonalizacyjnej, której źródłem jest internacjonalizacja wewnętrzna, zewnętrzna i łączona, a także wiedza o rynkach zagranicznych pozyskiwana od partnerów z sieci biznesowej firmy. Opisany proces umiędzynarodowienia może służyć jako podstawa do dalszego teoretyzowania procesu internacjonalizacji firm e-commerce.
Paper aims at presentation of internationalization process of e-commerce firm, including its mechanism basing on development of the firm’s experiential knowledge. Qualitative data collected in the in-depth interview are presented as a single case study describing the progress of the internationalization of a young e-commerce micro-enterprise, engaged in trade of tangible goods. On the basis of this description, a mechanism of the internationalization has been depicted. It shows the development of experiential knowledge from the interplay between the inward and outward internationalization, as well as from knowledge acquired from the relation network. The described process of internationalization may serve as a background for further theorization of a process of internationalization of e-commerce firms.
In this paper we focused attention on the business problems caused by changes in economic and political system of the country. The impact of these transformations is greater, if the company carries out operations abroad, because apart from the changes taking place in their own country, the company must take into account changes in the country co-operator environment. So the reasons for such changes can be internal and external, and the effects posed by these transformations can be for the company both positive and negative. The negative effects of the changes assumed define the term risk. In this article attention will be focused on those risks that may be most acute for import-export company.
The paper aims to discuss the changes in Poland's foreign trade with Germany between 1995 and 2010. It also attempts to analyze the level of import penetration rate of the Polish market by German goods. The data quoted in the paper indicate that Germany are our main supplier of the commodities. In researched period, share of this country in Polish imports and exports maintains at the similar level 25-30%. Generally, about 11% Poland's total demand for the industrial products in 2010 was supplied with commodities imported from Germany. The most important goods imported from this country are: transport equipment, machinery, chemicals, basic metals and fabricated metal products. Also the import penetration rate is the highest for these groups of products (transport equipment - 24,5%, machinery - 18,5%, chemicals - 20,1%).The high import penetration rate seems to be correlated with the share of a particular commodity group in imports from Germany. Value of this rate can be in 64% explained by the share of the commodity group in the Poland's imports from the researched country.
Albania has experienced a difficult transition period, characterized by efforts to establish an economic system oriented towards the free market. Despite the difficulties encountered during the transition process, Albania has made progress in the macroeconomic stability and structural reforms. Nowadays, the economy of our country has become an integral part of initiatives for liberalizing and facilitating trade with countries of the European Union. Active participation in these initiatives increases the possibilities of our economy to be specialized and simultaneously requires commitment towards increasing competitiveness. For each country, foreign trade indicators reflect the level of economic development and mutual profit, which is why the analysis and evaluation of commercial indicators have a special importance. Albania now faces a new challenge of increasing the competitiveness in the international market and the aim of entering the European Union. As it is widely known, foreign trade is a very important factor that affects the growth of a country and reflects the increase of competitive ability. Foreign trade developments constitute an important component of overall economic developments in general and the external sector in particular. Foreign trade is of particular importance for the economies of small dimensions, such as that of our country. The performance in export of Albanian goods plays an important role in the perspective and sustainable development of the country’s economy, as well as in the trade balance in order to be able to face the European competition. The export growth rate in several years is an important indicator on the progress of which, one can judge the stability and sustainability of the economy in general and its ability to compete in the EU market, but it also reflects in a very direct and close way the conjuncture of European common market.
Polish and German is considered one of the most important and most interesting economies in the European Union. The paper presents the value and dynamics of trade turnover of Polish and Germany in the years 2005–2015. The general upward trend in export can be noticed with the decline recorded only in 2009. Pro-innovative activites, implementation of new technologies and offering innovative products by Polish and Germany companies constitute a real strength. In addition to that it becomes more and more important for German and Polish enterprises to consider environmental protection and sustainable development requirements.
A group of stray finds from the locality Obory, distr. Piaseczno, acquired by the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw in 2002 comprises some more than twenty copper alloy pieces, dating mostly from phases B1–B2/C1. The artefacts had been collected from an area of about 1 hectare although most had been discovered in a cluster less than 0.5 ha in area. Some of these objects are partly melted or bear traces of fire. One of the more remarkable items in this set is the brooch, obviously an imported form (Fig. 1:1). The piece does not bear traces of fire, a part of its foot and catchplate and the pin are missing, its surviving length is 5.5 cm. The 6-coil spring with an upper chord is secured by a hook (at present damaged) and enclosed by a narrow and a thin support plate (Stützplatte). The lightly expanded relatively strongly curved triangular bow continues to a circular disc-like crest. The solid foot tapers lightly to the catchplate; the latter originally was openwork in form, probably with large rectangular apertures. The bow and foot are ornamented on the dorsal face and along the edges with finely engraved lines. The brooch from Obory is very similar to specimen discovered at a Przeworsk culture cemetery at Konopnica (Fig. 1:2) on the middle Warta river, unfortunately, another incomplete find. The next nearly identical and – happily – intact brooch is known from Nitriansky Hrádok (Fig. 1:3a.b), south western Slovakia. In this 6.6. cm specimen the foot ends abruptly; the catchplate is of openwork design reminiscent of a ladder, with two “meander rungs”. Two further similar brooches are known from the Przeworsk cemetery at Siemianice (Fig. 2:2a.b), on the upper Warta river, and from a gravefield at Tišice (Fig. 2:1) in the Bohemian Basin. Both are visibly larger (10.5 and 10.4 cm respectively), have an 8-coil spring, slightly narrower head, profiled hook and a long foot in elaborate openwork design crowned with a small round knob. The brooch from Siemianice occurred in a well-known grave assemblage together with a bronze jug type Eggers 122, datable to the younger stage of phase A3, ie end of the second half of 1st century BC or, at the latest, to the turn of the era. With a “classic” Almgren 18a brooch the deposit from Tišice is one of the diagnostic assemblages for phase A of the Roman Period in Bohemian Basin (so-called horizon of type Plaňany beakers), correlated to 35/25–10/5 BC. The specimens from Konopnica and Nitriansky Hrádok cannot be dated more closely. The brooches of interest (cf fig. 3) present a certain difficulty even at the stage of classification. Without doubt they are a foreign form in the Germanic environment. In their general morphological attributes they correspond to the group of the youngest late La Tène brooches (geschweifte Fibeln). The dominant plastic element – ie expanded triangular bow with a distinct constriction before passing into the knob – visibly recalls stylistic features of Gaulish Kragenfibeln, which correspond to Almgren type 239. Some researchers propose to place the brooch forms in question specifically or more broadly in the group of Kragenfibeln, or to the group of early “prototype” forms (Vorform Bern-Gergovia; cf fig. 4:3–6), from which derive Kragenfibeln “proper”, or, ultimately, to the group of late La Tène brooches type Weisenau-Hörgertshausen – prototype of the Bern-Gergovia variant. Weisenau-Hörgertshausen brooches are dated to phase LT D2, possibly, its older stage. Bern-Gergovia brooches come on record around the mid-1st century BC just before the emergence of the horizon of the oldest variant of “proper” Kragenfibeln, ie, the Goeblingen-Niederolm brooch variant (cf fig. 4:1.2). Other researchers, presumably following in Peter Glüsing’s footsteps, classify the forms in question to the group of East Alpine brooches, Almgren type 18. In his detailed typology Stefan Demetz classifies the specimens of interest as a separate variant 18b2a, said to have developed as a result of stylistic impact from the Kragenfibeln environment. Included in the same variant are three further – unpublished – brooches: two from Magdalensberg in Karinthia and one from Karlstein in south-eastern Bavaria. Yet another brooch, similar both to the variant 18b2a and to Kragenfibeln, is known from Bregenz in Voralberg (Fig. 4:7). However, this rather fragmented piece evidently represents the Bern-Gergovia variant of early Gaulish Kragenfibeln. According to Demetz, brooch forms from Gaul and Raetia similar to variant 18b2a are prototypes (Vorlaüfer) or oldest variants (Frühformen) of the fully evolved Kragenfibeln wholly unrelated to eastern specimens. The large brooch from Besançon in Burgundy may be an intermediate form (Fig. 4:3), considered by Michele Feugère as derivative of the Kragenfibeln “proper”. The direction charted by Demetz was recently taken up by Ronald Bockius and Piotr Łuczkiewicz, who without substantiating their claim in a satisfactory manner, and contrary to the views of Demetz and Feugère, have included in variant 18b2a also three brooches from western Gaul, forms evidently corresponding to prototypes of the Bern-Gergovia variant of Kragenfibeln, or possibly, to the local early variants of Kragenfibeln (cf fig. 4:3–6). Consequently it is a vital question which view is correct – that of Astrid Böhme-Schönberger (variant of type geschweifte brooches, from which proper Kragenfibeln developed), or that of Stefan Demetz (variant of Almgren type 18, developed under influence from Kragenfibeln). The resolution of this dilemma now depends on the publication of brooches from Magdalensberg and Karlstein. Until this happens we can only say that the published ”barbarian” specimens of brooches discussed above represent two distinct forms, visibly differing in size and style of the openwork design of the catchplate and the terminal of the foot namely, the Obory-Konopnica-Nitriansky Hrádok and the Siemianice-Tišice form. The former may without much hesitation be referred to prototypes of Kragenfibeln, variant Bern-Gergovia (Feugère variant 10a2 or Metzler type 10b). Less clear on the other hand is the position of forms having an elaborate openwork design of the catchplate and a knob at the end of the foot – elements clearly recalling the style of type Weisenau-Hörgertshausen brooches (Metzler type 4c). If we accept the dating of the Bern-Gergovia variant as the third quarter of the 1st century BC (ie, approximately, onset of phase A3 in Przeworsk culture and the Tišice horizon in the Bohemian Basin) and take note of the early typological attributes of Siemianice-Tišice variant brooches (profiled hooks and “garland” support plates) we shall narrow down the chronology of “barbarian” brooches of both variants to the oldest horizons of the phases in question. The discussed brooches (which I propose to distinguish as type Siemianice-Besançon, from the find-spots of the two earliest-published specimens) offer interesting insight on the exchange between central European “barbarians” and the inhabitants of the Western Celtic region at the close of the La Tène Period. The influx of these brooch forms to Poland may be linked with the Przeworsk settlement activity in the Wetterau region, ie, in the immediate neighbourhood of the domains of the Treverii. It is accepted quite generally that Przeworsk archaeological material from this region, dated mostly to phase A2, may be linked to the participation of this folk in the tribal league of Ariovistus. Type Siemianice-Besançon brooches would indirectly confirm a thesis put forward by Mathias Seidel that the later traces of Przeworsk settlement in Wetterau dating from the latter half of the 1st century BC are the effect of influx of further groups of settlers from the East rather than evidence of the survival of unacculturated peoples from older waves of settlement. The question of provenance of the two other Kragenfibeln discovered in Poland (Fig. 3) is altogether different. Both – one of them discovered in the Przeworsk culture area, at Juncewo, distr. Żnin, the other in the Bogaczewo culture area, near Węgorzewo is known from the collection of parson Pisanski – are “classic” Trier-Wincheringen forms, the variant which is restricted in its distribution definitely to the area of north-eastern Gaul, between the Rhine, Moselle and Meuse, region inhabited by the Celtic Treverii. The variant is visibly younger than Vorform Bern-Gergovia, in use mainly during the middle and late reign of Augustus and early Tiberius. Neither of these two brooches can be dated more closely and must be tied to the horizon of brooches of western provenance which began flowing to the Central European Barbaricum as early as 1st century AD and are recorded in assemblages of evidently early Roman character. Contrary to earlier views, in case of Kragenfibeln “proper” their influx from the south and their association with the Amber Route, if not altogether unfeasible, is highly unlikely.
International payment imbalances are usually discussed in the context of the U.S. - China relations. However, it is worth noticing that apart from China also Germany and Japan and many other countries (mainly raw-material exporters, such as Russia, Saudi Arabia, etc.) belong to surplus countries. Germany and Japan are characterized by specifi c features among which high international competitiveness in comparison to other countries prevails. It is their competitiveness that accounts for their success and their vital role in international payment imbalances both in the EU and globally.(original abstract)
The aims of this article are the analysis of the structure of Poland's trade with Germany, the position of Germany as the supplier and the customer of Poland, and the revealed comparative advantage in turnovers with the most important trade partner of our country. The analysis refers to the period 1995-2011. The data presented in the paper indicate that the share of the Germany in Polish export and import decreased in researched period. But Germany is still the most important Poland's trade partner. The main subjects of our trade are: machinery and different equipment, transport equipment and chemicals. The calculations (RCA and CRCA) indicate that Polish trade with Germany is not necessarily in accordance with the revealed comparative advantage. For example: the biggest part of Polish export to Germany are machinery and different equipment but the value of CRCA in this case is below zero (it means: unfavourable).
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie polskiego handlu usługami z krajami Unii Europejskiej w okresie dwóch pierwszych lat po akcesji Polski do UE. Przytoczone w artykule informacje zostały opracowane na podstawie najnowszych danych uzyskanych z NBP ilustrujących bilans płatniczy Polski w handlu usługami z Unią. Pokazana wielkość przychodów i rozchodów Polski z tytułu wymiany usługowej z krajami unijnymi uwzględnia jedynie te transakcje usługowe, które mają miejsce między rezydentem danego kraju a jego nierezydentem i nie odzwierciedla prawdziwej wielkości wymiany usługowej, która występuje w czterech postaciach. Rynek unijny ogrywa najistotniejszą rolę w eksporcie z Polski usług budowlanych i w imporcie do Polski usług ubezpieczeniowych, podczas, gdy najmniejszy udział Unia ma w polskim obrocie patentami i opłatami licencyjnymi. Struktura polskiego importu, jak i eksportu usług do krajów unijnych jest podobna, zdominowana przez podróże, usługi transportowe i pozostałe usługi biznesowe. W badanym okresie 2004-2005 Polska osiągnęła całkowite dodatnie saldo obrotu usługowego z Unią, ale była importerem netto w większości pozycji usługowych. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The aim of the article is to present Poland's trade in services with the European Union during the first two years after Poland accession to EU. Information presented in the article were elaborated on the base of the newest data obtained from the National Bank of Poland showing Poland's balance of payments trade in services with EU. The presented size of Poland's revenues and expenses in virtue of services exchange with European Union Member States takes into consideration only those services' transactions that occur between resident and non-resident and do not reflects the real size of services exchange, which occurs in four forms. EU market plays the most important role in the export of building services from Poland and in import of insurance services to Poland. But EU has the smallest share in polish turnover as far as patents and license fees turnover are concerned. The structure of Polish services' import and export to EU Member States is similar, and is dominated by travels, travel services and other business services. In the examined period 2004-2005 Poland has achieved positive balance of services turnover with EU in total. But Poland was the net importer in the most of services positions. (original abstract)
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