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Global changes in the information society are placing ever greater emphasis on professionals in all areas of human activity and in the area of ICT (Information and Communications Technology) especially. This article provides methodology how to measure knowledge level requirements on ICT specialists in business, ICT and non ICT skills in graduates of tertiary education level. It shows also an example of data collecting in academic sphere and among business unites. Practical experiences from the five years research are presented at the end of in this contribution. These results are successfully applied for human resource management and innovation management in competences of ICT professionals in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Czech Republic.
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The Role of ICT in the Smart City Concept

The concept of a smart city enables the effective implementation of public services despite the negative consequences related to population growth in large cities. City authorities, in the face of growing demand for public services, often use a wide range of smart city instruments in various areas of operation. Despite the fact that a large part of innovative solutions is widespread and used, such as intelligent transportation systems or e-office, new opportunities are still emerging which are aimed at improving the quality of life for city dwellers. The aim of the article is to define the role of ICT in smart city management. The subjects of analysis are innovative instruments used in technologically advanced cities as well as contemporary challenges facing city management. The functioning of the city depends to a large extent on access to the communication network, mobile devices as well as on infrastructure connected with them. Therefore, it is necessary, on the one hand, to ensure the capacity of connections and network communication, and, on the other hand, to involve citizens in the process of creating new solutions.
The paper aims to determine how information and communication technology influences contemporary culture and examines the nature of this relationship. The analysis is based on socio-cultural research combined with socio-metric and humanistic studies, along with an eclectic approach. The author uses qualitative methods, in addition to system analyses, discourse analyses, secondary analysis, and participant observation. Digital and communication technology is changing the nature of interpersonal relations in today’s world, Wassilew says. Social networking sites on the internet make it possible to strengthen old and create new interpersonal ties, and they also contribute to the development of an information society. Technology used in interpersonal communication changes the way in which people look at the world around them. This eventually leads to new lifestyle patterns, in addition to economic, political and cultural changes, Wassilew says. According to the author, the paper’s findings can be used in business, marketing, logistics, organization and management strategies, and in the design of IT and communications systems.
vol. 45
issue 3
In the last decade, educational researchers have been intensively searching for new, innovative teaching approaches. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has a great didactic potential and project COLOS (Conceptual Learning of Science) encourages the use of ICT in the contemporary educational process. In this paper we present the conceptual learning of Physics. With experimental research we investigated the effectiveness of such learning in Slovenian secondary school. Two groups of third-year students who were enrolled in an introductory Physics course participated in the study. In the experimental group students were taught through the conceptual learning and in the control group a traditional expository instruction was used. We examined the knowledge of students after carrying out lessons specifically on the topic of Electricity. Five thinking processes were assessed - Knowledge (Recall), Analysis, Comparison, Inference and Evaluation. We found that the conceptual learning was more effective than the traditional instruction.
Les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC), depuis leur émergence dans les années 1990, poursuivent leur essor dans les pays de toutes les régions du monde, permettant à un nombre croissant de personnes d’être connectées. Selon le rapport de l’Union Internationale des Télécommunication (IUT) de fin 2012, au cours de ces dernières années, les TIC ont continué à se développer de manière constante à travers le monde, comme en témoigne la progression de tous les indicateurs clés. Ainsi, l’objet de notre contribution dans le cadre de la 19èmeConférence Scientifique Internationale du Réseau PGV, est de dresser un état des lieux de la société de l’information dans le monde, tant dans les pays développés que dans les PED et de mesurer l’évolution de la fracture numérique au niveau mondial
IS / ICT is dictating the world in terms of service provision, and more so in education and the financial sector such as electronic money transfer. The article has provided a review of Information Science (IS) in the light of its wider interpretation in different walks of life. The current state of IS / ICT provision is also addressed, with the need to focusing attention in improving the country's capacity in meeting global demand for services. Qualitative interpretation of themes was used in helping to provide critical approach in unravelling issues for the good of the nation. Recommendations pointed to an enhancement in the infrastructural capacity, and also human resources to address on-going demands. IS / ICT capacity around the world is changing and so too is the need for the country to build on its human resource potential to address threats posed, from within and outside of the country, while at the same time focusing attention in enhancing the green economy.
The topic Theoretical Concepts, Sources and Technical Background of E-learning is discussed in a project of the Czech Science Foundation. A research team from three Czech universities (University of Ostrava, Charles University in Prague and University of West Bohemia in Pilsen) is working on the project. Its aim is to summarise theoretical concepts, to analyse sources of content, to assess methodological background and to search for technical solutions how to transfer some titles of current courseware into electronic version and to evaluate the efficiency of procedure. The methodology of transformation can help authors of study materials (not only e-learning), they may benefit from old instructional programmes.
Artykuł zawiera krótką charakterystykę trzech podstawowych procesów podejścia Common Criteria. Autorzy opisują, jak proces rozwoju bezpieczeństwa technologii informacji jest zorganizowany w eksperymentalnym laboratorium SecLab w Instytucie EMAG. Badany proces obejmuje analizę użyteczności produktu informatycznego, opis jego środowiska działania i czynniki ryzyka. Prowadząc analizę w ten sposób, autorzy opracowują specyfikację wymagań i dokonują wdrożenia funkcji bezpieczeństwa produktu informatycznego. W części obejmującej wnioski końcowe autorzy przedstawiają dalsze kroki wdrażania funkcji bezpieczeństwa w odniesieniu do konkretnych produktów informatycznych.
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Future is T-Smart

The English word "smart" evokes a lot of stimulating and positive meanings concerning brains. This word is utilised for identifying advanced and innovative high-tech projects, where Information Communication Technologies (ICT) play the core role. The project named Terni Smart-City Project (T-SMART) wants to get the town of Terni as a experimental laboratory for new technologies in production and distribution of energy, in alternative mobility, in services for consumers and citizens. It is an innovative and global planning asking the convinced and active participation of all the members of Society.
Pour illustrer les changements et les problèmes posés par la question du développement inégal des connaissances entre les secteurs, nous analysons le domaine de l’éducation. Actuellement, les systèmes éducationnels doivent être des systèmes ouverts, car les activités transnationales et interdisciplinaires deviennent beaucoup plus importantes et la base pour des systèmes éducationnels strictement nationaux est infirmée. L’interaction économique, éducationnelle et culturelle entre les institutions éducationnelles et la vie économique dans différents pays est renforcée. Le contenu et la signification sociopolitiques de ces processus sont ambigus, mais ils suivent la nouvelle institutionnalisation de l’éducation qui est étroitement liée au développement de la société informationnelle.
The need to balance available resources and the quality of assistance provided is stimulating the development of "eHealth" or "Online Healthcare", or rather, the use of instruments based on information and communication technology to support and promote the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of illnesses and the management of health and lifestyles.
W artykule postawiono tezę, w myśl której utrzymanie w przyszłości pozycji konkurencyjnej na rynku systemów informatycznych wspierających procesy informacyjno- -decyzyjne użytkownika będzie wymagać rozwiązań opartych na koncepcji prosumpcji. Nie ograniczy to działań dostawców rozwiązań IT jedynie do technologicznych zmian w obrębie swoich produktów, lecz przede wszystkim wymusi reinżynierię kluczowych procesów biznesowych. Podjęta problematyka została opisana z perspektywy ewolucji modelu biznesowego firmy CONSORG S.A.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are the chance for improve the effectiveness of healthcare system. Using the ICT technology by healthcare entities can improve quality of medical services, at the same time achieve cost efficiency by medical organization and by all healthcare system. Present article shows possibilities of using the ICT technology by healthcare entities. Authors focus on the process of settlement medical services by healthcare entities with National Health Fund.
The objective of the article is researching of dependence between scientific and research activity and development of information infrastructure in terms of the knowledgebased economy. In the first part of the paper the author focuses on divergences in literature in defining the information infrastructure. Then the author characterizes the scientific knowledge in respect of social utility and presents the roles of science in a different models of innovation process. The last part of the article concerns for the system of scientific information and a special role of the Internet in development of information infrastructure for science needs.
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki rozpowszechnienia agresji elektronicznej wśród gimnazjalistów z lekką niepełnosprawnością intelektualną uczęszczających do szkół specjalnych (N=100). Pojęcie agresji elektronicznej obejmuje używanie technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych (np. telefonów komórkowych lub komputerów podłączonych do Internetu) jako narzędzi do realizowania agresji. Ograniczone kompetencje społeczne i specyfika nowych mediów mogą mieć znaczenie dla bezpieczeństwa niepełnosprawnych intelektualnie użytkowników Internetu. Więcej niż połowa respondentów (53%) przynajmniej raz w życiu stała się sprawcą agresji elektronicznej, a 65% było ofiarą wrogich działań zrealizowanych za pomocą Internetu lub telefonów komórkowych. Piętnaście procent uczniów z lekką niepełnosprawnością intelektualną doświadczyło cyberbullyingu, potencjalnie najgroźniejszej formy agresji elektronicznej, a co piąty okazał się sprawcą systematycznego i intencjonalnego krzywdzenia za pomocą nowych mediów. Wyniki badań pokazują relatywnie wysoki stopień zaangażowania uczniów niepełnosprawnych intelektualnie w agresję elektroniczną, zarówno w roli ofiar, jak i sprawców. Artykuł zawiera również porównanie wyników zaobserwowanych w grupie uczniów z niepełnosprawnością intelektualną do ich rówieśników ze szkół ogólnodostępnych.
The article deals with the topic of online aggression (cyberbullying) among mildly intellectually disabled adolescents attending special middle schools (N=100). Electronic aggression is a broad semantic concept encompassing the use of modern information and communication technologies as tools of aggression (e.g. mobile phones or computers connected to the Internet). Limited social competences and the specificity of new media can have influence on online safety of intellectually disabled Internet users. Fiftythree percent of the respondents have at least once in their life performed one electronic (online) aggression act, whereas 65% fell victim to a form of aggression performed over the Internet or a mobile phone. Fifteen percent of the intellectually disabled pupils experienced cyberbullying – potentially, the most harmful form of electronic aggression. Every fifth pupil admitted to the cyberbullying perpetration. What the data show is relatively high level of involvement of the pupils with mild intellectual disability in electronic aggression, both being a victim and/or a perpetrator.
Actuellement, les entreprises qui veulent s’affirmer sur le marché mondialisé ont besoin des technologies de l’information et de la communication car elles sont un facteur de croissance et de compétitivité. Mais, il ne suffit pas d’informatiser la fabrication ou les services pour créer une économie forte et compétitive: il faut aussi des travailleurs très qualifiés pour utiliser les nouveaux systèmes. C’est pourquoi, les pays de l’Union européenne (UE) s’attendent à une augmentation de la demande de travailleurs hautement qualifiés, notamment dans le domaine des technologies de l’information et de la communication, au cours des années à venir. Les Etats membres de l’UE devront utiliser leurs politiques pour limiter la fuite des cerveaux vers d’autres pays, pour stimuler l’émigration circulaire et pour attirer les cerveaux. Donc, ce problème a plusieurs aspects. D’un côté, les Etats membres devront favoriser la création des nouvelles entreprises pour freiner la fuite des cerveaux. De l’autre côté, la politique migratoire sélectionnée peut faciliter l’entrée de migrants qualifiés. Dans ce contexte, les politiques qui encouragent les étudiants en mobilité internationale à rester sur le territoire à l’issue de leurs études, sont aussi importantes. Dans cette contribution, on analysera la situation dans la République slovaque de point de vue de la politique migratoire nationale axée sur la capacité d’attirer des travailleurs hautement qualifiés
L’évolution du processus de globalisation sans précédent, le niveau élevé des technologies d’information et de communication ainsi que l’impact persistant de la crise créent un milieu économique de plus en plus incertain et perturbé auquel les entreprises doivent s’adapter rapidement et efficacement. L’économie de la connaissance est considérée depuis plusieurs années comme facteur-clé de la compétitivité des Etats, des régions et des entreprises. De nos jours, selon certains, elle représente un moyen de surmonter les effets de la crise. Cependant, le fond de la notion indiquant l’économie de la connaissance ou l’économie du savoir n’est pas clairement défini et les auteurs perçoivent différemment ce qu’elle contient effectivement. Quelles connaissances sont essentielles pour une modification nécessaire du raisonnement économique des individus qui permettrait un redémarrage des entreprises et par conséquent une reprise de l’économie plus dans le sens du développement que de la croissance? Notre communication représente une recherche de réponses qui différent en fonction des approches théoriques concernant l’évolution de l’économie et de la société en général
Rozwój technologii i narzędzi internetowych niesie ze sobą wiele możliwości i szans, od wykorzystania których w dużym stopniu jest uzależniony rozwój współczesnych podmiotów gospodarczych. Celem artykułu jest ocena stopnia i specyfiki wykorzystania internetu w działalności polskich przedsiębiorstw z uwzględnieniem porównań międzynarodowych. Przeprowadzona analiza wskazuje na pewne problemy polskich firm z pełnym wykorzystaniem funkcjonalności internetu, ale też zwraca uwagę na niedostatki w zakresie jakości dostępnych danych i sugeruje ostrożność w ich interpretacji oraz kontynuację badań w tym zakresie.
Progress of technology and growing number and complexity of Internet tools brings numerous possibilities, that modern companies must properly take advantage of in order to grow. The goal of this paper is to provide an analysis of the degree in which the Internet use plays a role in activities of Poland-based companies, including comparing them to international companies. The analysis shows certain problems polish companies face when it comes to proper application of possibilities given by the Internet, while at the same time shows imperfection and incompleteness of available research data, suggesting careful approach to any interpretations and necessity of ongoing research.
The integration of ICT in language learning has become essential in today’s teaching-learning environment because the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on language learning has been recognized globally. Nowadays, there is a great variety of the technology in language teaching and learning: Radio, TV, CD Rom, Computers, C.A.L.L., the Internet, Electronic Dictionary, Email, Blogs and Audio Cassettes, Power Point, Videos, DVD’s or VCD’s. So when the world is fast becoming a global village, the use of modern technological gadgets to improve language learning has become very important as well as in teaching English as EFL. This paper aims at analyzing the necessity of IC technology to language teaching and bringing out the problems faced by its users to make teachers of English aware of the strategies to exercise them in an effective manner.
The aim of this article is to address the issue of social capital and new media - concepts recently operating in the public and scientific discourse. Awareness of the importance of the existence of social capital is still low, and the impact of new media on our lives still requires research in this area. Compared to other countries, the level of trust and civic engagement in Poland is very low, so it is worth considering the possibilities to improve the situation, even with the help of new communication technologies. The purpose of this article is to determine whether the new media, especially the Internet are used to create social capital. The analysis will be subject to subjective assessment of the use of new media in the area of social capital.
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