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The analysis of the influence of globalization on the insurance and reinsurance markets of Eastern Europe confirms its significant importance in directing it towards steady increase, reflecting global trends. Special attention in this paper has been dedicated to the new thriving market in the insurance and reinsurance business as a basic indicator of market globalization with special attention to Eastern Europe. Namely, the business environment in Eastern Europe is especially dynamic and complex regarding the phase of altering its social-economic system. The research in this paper covers analysis of insurance and reinsurance markets of Eastern Europe with special attention on this market in the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Serbia from 2000 to 2008. The subject of this research is an overview and analysis of the reflexive relationship between the insurance and reinsurance markets of Eastern Europe and the globalization processes on both micro and macro levels. The main goal of the research is to obtain specific results about the intensity and direction of the influence of globalization processes on the course and direction of development of the insurance and reinsurance markets of Eastern Europe on the one hand, and changes in the insurance and reinsurance markets of Eastern Europe on globalization processes on the other. The basic hypothesis of this research is that there is a distinctive and strong reflexive relationship between the globalization processes and the conditions and state of the insurance and reinsurance markets of Eastern Europe. The applied methodology during the research includes analyses and synthesis methods. The research results undoubtedly confirm the significance of the relationship between globalization trends and changes in the insurance and reinsurance markets of Eastern Europe, hence providing a found and background for further research in this area.
The presented article is an attempt to answer the question about the legal character of pastoral work of parish priests and parish assistants in the light of the polish law. Analysis of labour legislations, social insurance, current tax regulations and civil law leads to conclusion that priestly ministry cannot be classified as employment contract or any other form of employment. This sort of ministry can’t be listed in any known type of legal agreement. In such a case contractus innominatus (nameless contract) should be applied to the clerical ministry. Polish law permits the use of contractus innominatus. The content of such contracts, within the boarders determined by the absolutely obligatory norms, can be freely drawn up by the parties.
In this paper the effects of the introduction of the so called “pay per use” -insurance products are examined. These products collect data of kilometers driven by policy holders. As a result of this data, policy holders can get a refund on the insurance-premium paid. Since there is a positive correlation between mileage and the risk of causing an accident the refund is granted to low-mileage drivers, so in theory the “pay per use” product is more attractive to low-mileage drivers than to long-distance drivers. The authors examine empirical evidence to find out whether or not it is mainly low-mileage-drivers who choose the “pay per use” product. Secondly, the authors examine whether there are other significant differences between characteristics of “pay per use” policy-holders and “traditional” policy- holders. Therefore a random sample of 4,000 car-insurance - clients (2,000 “pay per use” policy- holders and 2,000 “traditional” policy-holders) is reviewed. In addition the effects of the introduction of “pay per use” products are discussed, in case of a selection effect between low- and high -mileage drivers is observed.
W artykule omówiono świadczenia emerytalne związane z zatrudnieniem w górnictwie na ziemiach polskich. Górnicy, od zarania tego zawodu mając świadomość stale grożącego im niebezpieczeństwa, doprowadzili do solidarności nieistniejącej w innych branżach. Przejawem ten solidarności jest powstanie instytucji mających zapewnić środki na dalszą egzystencję również w czasie niezdolności do pracy z uwagi na wiek. Dlatego to właśnie w górnictwie najwcześniej rozwinęły się ubezpieczenia i to na nich wzorowano się, wprowadzając później ich powszechne, obligatoryjne formy.
The article discusses retirement benefits related to employment in the mining industry on Polish soil. The miners are constantly aware of the danger threatening them from the beginning of the occupation, led to solidarity does not exist in other industries. A manifestation of this solidarity is the creation of institutions that provide some means for the continued existence even during incapacity for work due to age. This is why in the mining industry at the earliest developed insurance and are the modeled itself after entering their widespread obligatory form.
Insurance supports a healthy and prosperous society, enabling businesses and individuals to protect themselves, property, and their finances against risk. As such, insurance today is not just important for the individual consumer, business client or businesses; it also has consequences for the entire economy, restoring businesses to health after natural disasters, acts of war, riots, strikes, fluctuations or financial crises, and state measures to dictate the import or export of goods. The aim of this paper is to examine the part played by insurance in the economy of the Republic of North Macedonia. This paper introduces and summarises an argument and outlines the nature of the exploration to follow. For this introductory purpose, referencing in the paper is kept deliberately light; aiming to find discussion points of relevant sources in the course of the argument as it unfolds. We argue that insurance operates not at the periphery, but also at the core of development, in both practical and conceptual terms. Research of the space that insurance occupies and the role that insurance has in general welfare is performed by using the legal platform that insurance has in place, including the Law on Obligations, the Law on Insurance Supervision, and the Law on Compulsory Traffic Insurance. Through the method of analysis, synthesis, and statistics, the author processes the official data of the Ministry of Finance presented by the National Bank, in order to provide a clear overview of the trends in the use of insurance in the Republic of North Macedonia. The results from the study show that in the time period analysed, the insurance sector is classified as the third most important segment in the financial system, and that life insurance prevails over other types of insurance.
W artykule zaprezentowano różne spojrzenia na instrument, jakim są ubezpieczenia. W toku analizy zdefiniowano ubezpieczenia z punktu widzenia ekonomicznego, prawnego oraz organizacyjno-finansowego, zwracając przy tym szczególną uwagę na te jego aspekty, które są istotne z punktu widzenia funkcjonowania rynku ubezpieczeniowego oraz zawierania transakcji na tym rynku. Przedstawiono również funkcje ubezpieczeń, które sprawiają, że ubezpieczenia są instrumentem finansowej kontroli ryzyka o szerokim wpływie na funkcjonowanie korzystających z niego podmiotów oraz całej gospodarki.
The paper presents various insights into the instrument of insurance. In the course of analysis, insurance was defined from the economic, legal and organizational and financial point of view, paying particular attention to those aspects which are important for the functioning of the insurance market and for entering into transactions on this market. The insurance functions are also presented, which make insurance a financial risk management instrument with a broad impact on the functioning of the beneficiaries and the economy as a whole.
Za cel artykułu przyjęto identyfikację barier fiskalnych rozwoju działalności gospodarczej w Polsce prowadzonej na własny rachunek przez osoby fizyczne oraz zaproponowanie rozwiązań ograniczających te bariery. Dokonano porównania obciążeń fiskalnych działalności gospodarczej prowadzonej w niewielkim zakresie w Polsce i Republice Czeskiej. Opisano znaczenie mikroprzedsiębiorstw w analizowanych gospodarkach. Analizując bariery rozwoju, zwrócono w głównej mierze uwagę na obciążenia drobnych przedsiębiorców wysokimi składkami na ubezpieczenie społeczne, Fundusz Pracy i ubezpieczenie zdrowotne. Zaproponowano, by w przypadku samozatrudnionych prowadzących działalność gospodarczą w niewielkim zakresie, wysokość opłacanych składek powiązać z wielkością przychodu. Składki na ubezpieczenie społeczne, Fundusz Pracy, ubezpieczenie zdrowotne, zdaniem autora, powinny przybrać formę ryczałtu od przychodów ewidencjonowanych.
The objectives of the article are: the identification of fiscal barriers which are limiting the development of self-employment in Poland and to propose solutions to reduce these barriers. The author compared the fiscal burden of self-employment in Poland and the Czech Republic. The text describes the importance of micro-enterprises in the analyzed economies. Analyzing the development barriers, the author paid mainly attention to burden small businesses with high social security contributions, labour fund and health insurance. The text proposes that in the case of self-employed amount of paid contributions should be linked to the level of revenues. Contributions to social insurance, labour fund, health insurance, according to the author, should take the form of a lump sum on recorded income.
Ograniczone zasoby konwencjonalnych źródeł energii oraz wzrost dwutlenku węgla w atmosferze powodują, że sięgamy do odnawialnych źródeł energii. Już od wielu lat w państwach Europy Zachodniej obserwujemy rosnące wykorzystanie energii wiatru, słońca, energii geotermalnej dla celów energetycznych. W Polsce także wzrasta zainteresowanie wykorzystaniem energii słonecznej dla produkcji energii elektrycznej za pomocą urządzeń fotowoltaicznych. Jak każde urządzenie, także i urządzenia fotowoltaiczne narażone są na różnego rodzaju zdarzenia losowe. Celem artykułu jest ocena ryzyka niezbędna przy ubezpieczeniu urządzeń fotowoltaicznych od wybranych zdarzeń losowych. Na bazie podstawowych informacji o urządzeniach fotowoltaicznych stawiamy tezę o konieczności objęcia ochroną ubezpieczeniową tego rodzaju urządzeń. W artykule wskazujemy na podstawowe elementy oceny ryzyka ubezpieczeniowego, tj. przedmiot ubezpieczenia, zakres odpowiedzialności, sumę ubezpieczenia.
Limited resources of conventional energy sources and an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes that we turn to renewable energy sources. Already for many years in Western European countries, we observe the use of wind, solar and geothermal energy. Also in Poland for many years, there is interest in using solar energy for the production of electricity using photovoltaic devices. The article discusses the development of solar energy using photovoltaic, and indicates areas of insolation in Poland. Based on the basic information about the photovoltaic devices, we put the thesis of the need for insurance coverage of photovoltaic devices located on the construction site. In the article, we point to the basic elements of the evaluation of insurance risk in the subject, extent of liability, the sum insured.
Artykuł dotyczy wybranych zagadnień współpracy banków z towarzystwami ubezpieczeniowymi. Opisano główne zalety oraz stopień rozwoju tego typu powiązań w wybranych krajach Europy. Następnie przedstawiono najważniejsze problemy związane z bancassurance w Polsce, obrazując je na konkretnych przykładach liczbowych. Na zakończenie omówiono rekomendację U wydaną przez KNF oraz jej potencjalny wpływ na rynek bancassurance.
This article applies to selected issues of cooperation of banks with insurance companies. The main advantages and degree of development of such relations in selected European countries were described. Then the main problems associated with bancassurance in Poland were presented on the example of practical cases. At the conclusion the recommendation U issued by KNF was presented and its potential impact on the bancassurance market.
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