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The aim of the article is to show the possibility of using the idea of autobiographical narrative in the process of learning a foreign language. The article is composed of two parts, the former presenting the theoretical background of autobiographical narratives in the light of latest glottodidactic literature, the latter presenting the results of the author’s autobiographical narrative research conducted in the year 2012 amongst the students of Classical and Mediterranean Philologies of Wroclaw University (Institute of Classical Studies). The writing of this article was inspired by the published work of Dorota Werbinska22 and her study conducted amongst the students of English Philology as well as the students of non-philological fields of study like managerial studies and elementary education with English. The main objective of the article is to show the possibility of using the autobiographical study in the more effective process of teaching foreign languages.
Linguistica Pragensia
vol. 33
issue 2
The paper presents the initial findings of a research project that investigates the origins of Italian ATAP NNs, such as parolaN chiaveN (keyword) or luogoN simboloN (place.symbol — symbolic place). This study is based on a meticulously chosen sample of 1,924 NN types that include 47 different modifiers as their rightmost constituent, sourced from Google n-grams frequency lists (2020), which represent the most extensive diachronic linguistic data currently available. While recent literature suggests that Italian ATAP NNs emerged in the latter half of the 20th century and gained significant productivity only after 2000, our data indicate that this process occurred approximately 50 years earlier, particularly for a notable subset of N2-based semi-schematic constructions. With respect to the theoretical frameworks of Construction Morphology, Relational Morphology, and Diachronic Construction Grammar, the analysis of the data provides an insight into the interaction between the fully schematic ATAP NN construction and various semi-schematic constructions (N2-based families). Moreover, the study attempts to identify key diachronic stages in the development of the pattern.
Several authors have recently pointed out that under certain conditions, a language can have both left-headed and right-headed compounding patterns. As contemporary Italian N-N compounds seem to encompass this phenomenon, the present article aims to examine parameters that determine or indicate the head position in these cases. Our hypotheses are based on a qualitative sample drawn from the Gradit dictionary and are further verified by a quantitative study about “mirror compounds” (radiogiornale vs. giornale radio) on the ItWac corpus. The position of the head in N-N compounds is claimed to show a strong correlation with “tight” and “loose” orthography. In conclusion, possible explanations of this phenomenon as well as open questions for future research are suggested.
vol. 6
issue 1
The purpose of the article is to examine the relationship between television language and spoken Italian, applying the problem of the subjunctive as a reference point, frequently replaced by the indicative in colloquial contexts. Despite the fact that television language is now considered a reflection of Italian varieties and spoken-spoken language, there is still a heterogeneous language of the type transmitted. As such, it constitutes a set of various styles and registers, characterized by different linguistic phenomena from those of unattended speech. The effect of the study is to show that although in the field of Italian diametric varieties television language has more in common with spoken than written Italian, the dynamics of the processes that take place in both are still not the same.
The author describes the standard tourist itinerary across the city of Wrocław, especially the sites that concern the Italian presence in Wrocław or the merits of the Italian people regarding the region and its capital (artists, architects, exponents of the Church, soldiers, immigrants, etc.). He expresses the opinion that knowledge about elements of history associated with those of the same origins as the tourist group may help guides to interest and involve the group more and to improve the quality of their work. He briefly describes the preparation of the guides for their work and their sources of information, and presents the necessity of choice and selection of the material, depending on the current target audience.
In the analysis of grammatical terminology, we can identify a methodological description of the verbal category of tense common to both Italian and Romanian. That could be taken to account for the fact that these two languages feature the same main moods and tenses, but with some different nuances from the point of view of verbal or temporal aspect. Our study aims to present and analyse such differences between Italian and Romanian, with a major focus on those encountered in the verbal category of tense. The present paper is intended to view tense from the morphosyntactic vantage point (verbal tenses of the finite moods), with the lexical stance (adverbs, prepositional phrases) to be documented in subsequent research.
This paper presents a qualitative analysis of narrative sequences extracted from a sample of semistructured interviews to a group of former Second World War partisans living in the Camonica valley (in the province of Brescia), for a total of roughly 15 hours of recordings. The analysis combines the interpretative frameworks of conversation analysis and interactional sociolinguistics with the study of reported speech and of the strategies of voice representation in dialogic and narrative texts. Special attention is devoted to the use of code-switching as a ‘contextualisation cue’ (Gumperz 1982) in order to mark portions of reported speech and set them off from the surrounding talk or from the main flow of a narrative episode, even in the absence of explicit recourse to verba dicendi or other quotation devices. Our findings show that code-switching may serve as a quotative marker, whereby speakers index the beginning of the reported utterances and shape the characters alternating in a dialogic sequence by drawing on the various linguistic resources at their disposal.
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Intensifying affixes across Italian and English

This paper concentrates on the (dis-)similarities in meaning and uses of intensifying affixes across Italian and English nouns and adjectives adopting an integrated approach that brings together research on intensifiers (Paradis 2008), on intensifying and evaluative morphology in Italian and other languages (Grandi 2002; Montermini 2008) and on the morphopragmatics of Italian and other languages (Dressler and Merlini Barbaresi 1994). Specifically, we carried out a qualitative investigation into (partly) comparable corpora so as to have a means to support or revisit statements from encyclopaedic monolingual dictionaries which are typically used for categorial comparison in morphology (e.g. GRADIT, for Italian), as well as statements and current descriptions from the literature. As will be seen, this shall enable us to concentrate on the multiple dimensions along which intensifying affixes may differ or overlap both intra- and cross-linguistically, with special attention to quantity, degree, ±boundedness, the semantic shift from quantity to degree, and the interaction between semantic (degree) and pragmatic intensification.
The aim of this article is to demonstrate the differences appearing in French and Italian scientific texts and their translations into Polish. The specificity of the scientific text causes enormous difficulties faced by novice translators. On the one hand, one must faithfully reflect the merits of work, and, on the other hand, take care of the appropriate style of the target text. As Stanisław Gajda [1982] states, each discipline produces a completely separate language termed “scientific sublanguage”, and the basic difficulty in the case of translation by people not familiar with the scientific language seems to be the recreation of the specific nature of the scientific language of the source text in the target text. The multidimensionality and interdisciplinary nature of scientific translation should also be considered because only on the basis of interdisciplinary knowledge can the translator choose the appropriate translation strategy.
The author describes the standard tourist itinerary across the city of Wrocław, especially the sites that concern the Italian presence in Wrocław or the merits of the Italian people regarding the region and its capital (artists, architects, exponents of the Church, soldiers, immigrants, etc.). He expresses the opinion that knowledge about elements of history associated with those of the same origins as the tourist group may help guides to interest and involve the group more and to improve the quality of their work. He briefly describes the preparation of the guides for their work and their sources of information, and presents the necessity of choice and selection of the material, depending on the current target audience.
This article describes the interactional patterns and linguistic structures associated with other-initiated repair, as observed in a corpus of video recorded conversation in the Italian language (Romance). The article reports findings specific to the Italian language from the comparative project that is the topic of this special issue. While giving an overview of all the major practices for other-initiation of repair found in this language, special attention is given to (i) the functional distinctions between different open strategies (interjection, question words, formulaic), and (ii) the role of intonation in discriminating alternative restricted strategies, with a focus on different contour types used to produce repetitions.
The article aims at analyzing diachronically and synchronously two of the Italian translations of Adam Mickiewicz's epic poem "Pan Tadeusz". The first rendition, dated on the beginning of the 20th century, when the standardized Italian had only began to form, was done by Clotilde Garosci. The second translation was done by Silvano De Fanti in the 21st century. By analyzing the renditions of blue, green and their hues in both translations, the article allows one to follow the words' transformation in the semantic field across the century.
The dissemination of pro-Russia ideologies and associated visual motifs has become widespread and transversal, encompassing various communities within the digital ecosystem. This trend has been linked to the related cognitive warfare that targets public opinion, manipulates information, and undermines the credibility of democratic institutions. Regarding the Italian context, the period from 2019 to 2023 saw a dramatic increase in the number of actors promoting pro-Russia narratives. They included members of the novax and no-greenpass movements, conspiracy theorists, far-right organizations, neo-Nazi groups, and ultras. Concurrently, the digital ecosystem has contributed the spread of violent content and anti-establishment propaganda online. In order to identify and explore the Italian digital ecosystem affected by pro-Russia ideologies, this study exploits a combination of exponential discriminative snowball sampling and social network analysis techniques on the Telegram instant messaging service. Through this approach, this research provides insight into the organizational structure and dynamics of the network, identifying key actors and their relationships, and the dissemination patterns of pro-Russia and anti-establishment propaganda. This study proposes a new research methodology to study digital ecosystems permeated by cognitive warfare campaigns and provides a deeper understanding of the mechanisms through which such content is propagated, enabling the development of effective strategies for countering disinformation and promoting fact-based discourse.
The article provides a cognitive analysis of phraseological units with the heart component in comparative terms. The purpose of the analysis is to show the similarities and differences in expressing emotions (positive, neutral and negative) between two languages originating from different linguistic groups: the Croatian language (South Slavic group) and the Italian language (from the group of the Romance languages). Phraseological units are analysed on the basis of three criteria: identical in both languages; partially adequate in both languages; idiomatic for one language. The research presents the motivation of phraseologisms and aims to prove that the heart is related to human emotional life and is a container for feelings.
Light verb constructions (LVCs) permeate the oral and written productions of native (and non-native) speakers of typologically different languages (e.g., Indo-European, Afro-Asiatic, and Sino-Tibetan languages, among others). From a cross-linguistic perspective, LVCs share basic combinatory and predicative features. However, semantic and morphosyntactic contrasts are visible even in closely related languages such as Spanish and Italian. Therefore, this paper aims to show some of the most significant asymmetries existing between Peninsular Spanish light verb constructions and their equivalent forms in Italian. The ultimate goal of this research is to highlight some of the systematic contrasts that affect specific semantic classes.
Metaphor, although by many still associated exclusively with poetic and artistic language, is a ubiquitous phenomenon. According to Lakoff and Johnson (1980), it plays a key role in understanding of the world. Metaphors, the use of which we often do not realise, also facilitate everyday communication. The aim of this research is to answer the question: in what way metaphors change in the process of translation? The analysis covers selected examples of metaphorical expressions taken from the original novel by Aldous Huxley “A Brave New World” in English, and its translations in Italian and in Polish. The comparison of the three language versions is intended to show similarities and differences both on the lexical and cognitive levels, as well as to identify the translation techniques used.
Natural languages differ not only in lexis, but also, or perhaps above all, in grammar. The importance of certain grammatical forms or their frequency of use can vary among languages. There are languages that use them or describe them differently.In the contemporary Polish grammar we will not find information about the subjunctive mood. However, when comparing it with other languages, such as Italian, we will notice certain analogies and phenomena in Polish which are not formally described, and yet they resemble the subjunctive. Nonetheless, a researcher, who will consult older studies, may discover that the description of the Polish grammar changed quite significantly and may be able to find some new insights.This text is an attempt to show that, despite the lack of a formal description, Polish uses the subjunctive, by confronting it with Italian language.
Języki naturalne różnią się nie tylko leksyką, ale także, a może przede wszystkim, gramatyką. Znaczenie niektórych form gramatycznych lub częstotliwość ich używania może różnić się w zależności od języka. Istnieją języki, które ich używają w inny sposób lub opisują je inaczej. We współczesnej gramatyce języka polskiego nie znajdziemy informacji o trybie łączącym. Jednak porównując język polski z innymi językami, np. włoskim, dostrzeżemy pewne zjawiska w języku polskim, które nie są formalnie opisane, a jednak przypominają tryb przypuszczający. Niemniej jednak badacz, który skonsultuje się ze starszymi opracowaniami, może odkryć, że opis gramatyki polskiej zmienił się dość znacząco i być może uda mu się dokonać nowych spostrzeżeń. Tekst ten jest próbą pokazania, że mimo braku opisu formalnego, język polski posługuje się trybem łączącym, co uwidacznia porównanie go z językiem włoskim.
Le lingue naturali differiscono non solo nel lessico, ma anche, o forse soprattutto, nella grammatica. L’importanza di alcune strutture grammaticali o la loro frequenza d'uso possono variare tra le lingue. Ci sono lingue che le usano o le descrivono in modo diverso. Nella grammatica polacca contemporanea non troviamo informazioni sul modo congiuntivo. Tuttavia, cercando di confrontarla con altre lingue, come l’italiano, notiamo alcuni fenomeni nella lingua polacca che non sono formalmente descritti, eppure assomigliano al congiuntivo. Tuttavia, un ricercatore, che consulterebbe studi precedenti, potrebbe scoprire che la descrizione della grammatica polacca è cambiata in modo abbastanza significativo e potrebbe essere in grado di effettuare alcune nuove osservazioni. Questo testo è un tentativo di mostrare che nonostante la mancanza di una descrizione formale la lingua polacca usa il congiuntivo, ciò si evince in base ad un confronto con la lingua italiana.
The article discusses the short-lived emergence of Italian futurism in Rijeka, just after the end of World War I, in the context of the political adventure of Gabrielle DʼAnnunzio, who, with the help of his supporters, an ardite, tried to annex the city to the Kingdom of Italy. At that moment, the avant-garde spirit of Italian futurism could manifest itself here in all its main features: activism, antagonism, nizilism and agonism. In addition to the founder of Italian futurism, Filippo Tommas Marinetti, Mario Carli, Guido Keller and Giovanni Comisso stayed and worked in Rijeka during 1919. The article seeks to describe their actions on the basis of newspaper reports in the Rijeka daily La Vedetta dʼItalia.
Italian Coordinate compounds (CC) made up by two nouns are usually considered a highly regular compounding type. Among various subtypes of CCs described in general linguistics, Italian CCs pertain to the so-called hyponymous (or karmadhraya) type, where the interpretation of the compound corresponds to the intersection of the meaning of its components. This article, based on the data retrieved from the ItWac corpus, aims to find out whether Italian has also other – peripheral – subtypes of CCs, especially hypernymous CCs as co-compounds (dvandvas) or intermediate-denoting compounds. For they are likely to be headed, hyponymous CCs are demonstrated to be preferably situated in between Coordinate and Attributive compounds in a qualitative analysis. A proposal of complex typology of Italian CCs is presented in the conclusion.
This paper investigates the Czech translation counterparts of the Spanish / Italian causative construction with the causative verb hacer / fare + verb. On the basis of two parallel corpora, a typology of Czech equivalents is proposed. In contrast to the general divide between analytic/synthetic translation constructions, the research uncovers a number of various recurrent patterns. The paper shows the quantitative distribution of the defined types of patterns. It demonstrates that between the two opposite poles of expressiving causativity, i.e. through morphological causativization and syntactic causative construction, there are languages, such as Czech, that display a wider range of structural possibilities. Although some types clearly dominate, the overall range of patterns is much larger.
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