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Święty Józef patron Krakowa

The largest and oldest Carmelite sanctuary of St. Joseph was found, in prepartition Poland, in Krakow - Podzamcze in the no longer existing church of St. Michael the Archangel and St. Joseph4. The monastery was erected in 1611-1637 within the defensive walls of the city, with Bishop Piotr Tylicki’s approval and be nefactors’ support. On 26 October 1636 the bishop of Krakow, Jacob Zadzik, consecrated the church and the main altar under the title of St. Michael the Archangel and Joseph betrothed to the Blessed Mother.
Największe i najstarsze karmelitańskie sanktuarium św. Józefa zostało ufundowane w nieistniejącym kościele św. Michała Archanioła i św. Józefa, powstałym na Podzamczu w Krakowie. Klasztor został zbudowany w latach 1611- 1637. w obrębie murów obronnych miasta, za aprobatą biskupa Piotra Tylickiego i przy wsparciu dobroczyńców. W dniu 26 października 1636 roku biskup krakowski Jakub Zadzik, konsekrował kościół i ołtarz główny pod wezwaniem św. Michała Archanioła i św. Józefa oblubieńca Najświętszej j Matki Bożej.
The year 1912 – that is a time when dreams of regaining national sovereignty and launching new irredentist activities began to be reborn in the Polish society (in connection with the political turmoil in Europe auguring an imminent outbreak of the “great war”), was associated with a few important historical anniversaries, namely: the 300th anniversary of the death of Rev. Piotr Skarga, the 100th anniversary of the death of Hugo Kołłątaj, the 100th anniversary of the birth of Zygmunt Krasiński and Józef Ignacy Kraszewski, and finally the 100th anniversary of the expedition of Napoleon’s Great Army on Moscow; it was particularly the latter event that was being associated with the hopes of ‘resurrecting’ Poland within its pre-partition borders. The above-mentioned anniversaries created an excellent opportunity for the Poles to manifest – wherever possible – that is chiefly on the territory of autonomous Galicia and among the émigré circles – their patriotic feelings. For the individual political factions, these jubilee celebrations constituted an excellent pretext to intensify the struggle for the proverbial “rule of the souls”. In the year 1912 in Kraków it was primarily the memory of the author of Nie-Boska komedia and Irydion (23 February), and secondly (25–27 September) that of the author of the famous Kazania sejmowe /Diet Sermons/, that were being celebrated. The latter of the two celebrations had, above all, the character of a religious holiday. Whereas in connection with the homage paid to the memory of Zygmunt Krasiński, there appeared clear accents and allusions as well as ideologicalpolitical polemics, no scholar researching the post-partition history of the Poles can pass by with indifference. To put things in a nutshell, for the Kraków conservative-conciliatory circles which eagerly took over patronage over the organization of the celebrations associated with the 100th anniversary of the birth of the “third national poet-bard”, this holiday became an excellent opportunity to recall the warnings of the author of Nie-Boska komedia against the dire consequences of all socially radical ideologies (in the contemporary Galician realities, this meant above all, a warning against the socialists grouped around Ignacy Daszyński) and also against propagating the idea of “deed-work” rather than “deed-struggle” (as all irredentists who were then setting up unions and Polish Rifle Squads seemed to require).
After World War II Poland became a Soviet puppet state. It enforced serious system changes, including changes in the politics of publishing and education. On October 1, 1951 the Ministry of Culture and Arts published The List of Books Subjected to Withdrawal (Wykaz książek podlegających wycofaniu) and the librarians were appointed by the party authorities as responsible for clearing bookshops and libraries of ideologically harmful books. The article presents the course of the abovementioned action on the basis of Cracow libraries with particular focus on the Municipal Public Library run by Józef Korpała. The party authorities carried out their policy on libraries and librarians ruthlessly and consequently which was shown by the political pressure exerted on director J. Korpała to subordinate to callous rules of censorship
The introduction of new rules in the area of land management and the new city management rules lead to key changes in the structure of land use and management of city land. The main objective of the article is to depict the changes of land management in the city of Krakow in the years 2005 − 2012. The spatial analysis of the change process was carried out in the scale of the whole city.
1. Die Klosterkirche der unbeschuhten Karmelitinnen Zum Heiligen Josef. Ein glücklicher Auftakt und somit die charakteristische Einführung in das 20. Jh. für den Kirchenbau von Krakau war die Errichtung der Karmeliterinnen St. Josephs-Kirche an der Lobzowska-Straße 40, in der die Architekten (Tadeusz Stryjeński (1849-1943) - Projektant der Kirche und Franciszek Mączyński (1874-1947) - Ausführer des Bauprojektes mit eigenen Verbesserungen) die historisch- eklektizistischen Formen d.h. die mittelalterlichen Formen vor allem des sog. Übergangsstils vereinfachten. Die Kirche, die in den Jahren 1903-1905 errichtet wurde, steht inmitten vom Baukomplex des Klosters, dessen Grundriss das Quadrat ist49. Der Kirchenbau ist ein dem Gesamtbau des Klosters eingefügter Längsraum. Hinter dem Chor liegt das Oratorium des Konvents. Das Material Backstein (mit Verwendung von Stein) erinnert an die Baukunst eines der besten Architekten jener Zeit, nämlich Teodor Talowskis (1857-1910), der viele Kirchen in Südpolen, aber auch viele Bürgerhäuser nicht nur in Krakau im ausgehenden 19. Jh. baute. Die Architektur der Karmeliterinnen St. Josephs-Kirche ist immer noch im Malerischen begriffen. Aber die Vereinfachung der historischen Formen führt zu ihrer „Beruhigung” und dadurch zur Wuchtigkeit des Ausdrucks. Bemerkenswert ist die in dieser Zeit (in der Anlage) noch seltene ausgewogene Proportionierung des Baukörpers. Das methodische Prinzip jener Zeit ist der Kontrast. Im Kontrast zu den gedrungenen und wuchtigen Formen des Baukörpers stehen z.B. die sich verjüngenden obeliskenförmigen und pylonenartigen Türmchen, die nicht nur die Eingangsfassade der Kirche flankieren, sondern auch an den Ecken des Querhauses der Kirche stehen. Die ingravierten weißen Steine an der Fassade in der Zahl von Zehn erinnern an das Gebot des Karmelterinnenordens: Bete täglich den Rosenkranz und sind zugleich ein Vanitativmotiv.2. Die Klosterkirche der unbeschuhten Karmeliter Zur Unbefleckten Empfängnis Mariens, in der Rakowicka-Straße. Der Bau der Kirche begann im Herbst 1907 nach dem Entwurf von Tadeus Stryjeński und sollte von ihm ausgeführt werden. Wegen der hohen Preise, die seine Baufirma gestellt hat, verzichtete man auf dieses Vorhaben und der Bau wurde dem Krakauer Baumeister Kazimierz Brzeziński anvertraut. Die Kirche wurde aus Backstein mit Verwendung von Stein (das Fundament aus Polygonalmauewerk gebaut. Die Kirche erhebt sich uber einem rechteckingen Grundriss (40 x 21). Sie ist eine dreischiffige Basilika. An den Gemeinderaum schließt das „zweiteilige“ Presbyterium (es scheint eingezogen zu sein und sein zweiter Teil ist etwas niedriger als der erste Teil und im Altarbereich polygonal geschlossen). Die Kirche wurde in zwei Bauabschnitten gebaut: der erste Bauabschnitt 1907-1910; im zweiten Bauabschnitt 1929-1932 um den Gemeinderaum erweitert. Das Hauptschiff ist von den Seitenschiffen durch spitzbögige Arkaden geteilt. Die Fenster sind im Hauptschiff mit Spitzbogen, im Presbyterium mit Rundbogen geschlossen. Zu beiden Seiten des Presbyteriums liegen Annexe (rechts eine Kapelle, links die Sakristei). Zwischen der Sakristei und dem Seitenschiff liegt der Turm, der 50 m hoch ist. Das Äußere der Kirche: Sie besteht aus drei Separatteilen, mit Separatsatteldächern gedeckt. Der Baukörper ist von den Strebepfeilern eingefasst: am Presbyterium sind die Stufenpfeiler, am Gemeinderaum die massiven stufenlosen Strebepfeiler, die mit Zickzackornament versehen sind. An der Fassade stehen die Strebepfeiler schräg an den Ecken. Das Kranzgesims unter dem Dach hat die Zickzackformen. Die Kirche hat zwei Frontone (Frontwände): die Vorderwand der Vorhalle ist mit einem Staffelgiebel geschlossen und die Stirnwand des Gemeinderaumes (hinter ihm) ist mit einem dreieckigen Giebel geschlossen. Der Eingang zur Kirche führt durch ein rechteckiges Portal (mit zweiflügeligen Türen und dem Oberlicht darüber).
Na początku XX w. powstały w Krakowie dwa kościoły karmelitańskie: kościół pw. Opieki św. Józefa, przy ul. Łobzowskiej 40, zbudowany w latach 1903-1905, oraz drugi kościół, pw. Niepokalanego Poczęcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny OO. Karmelitów Bosych, przy ul. Rakowickiej 18, wznoszony w dwóch etapach: w latach 1907-1910 i 1929-1932.
The significance of caricature for the aesthetics of modernity was declared by Baudelaire in mid-nineteenth century Paris, while the uniqueness of the coffeehouse as a hub of modernist literary movement was discussed at large in the context of the turn of the century Vienna. This article is about the symbiotic interaction between these two: the medium of caricature and the socio-cultural institution of the café and their joint contribution to the process of fostering modern urban identities in fin-de-siècle Krakow, a self-declared suburb as much of Vienna as of Paris. It examines the affinities between café and caricature and it identifies a special type of caricature which, produced in a café, serves as a visualisation of a concept, an argument in a debate or a display of skills, rarely entering collectors’ portfolios or cabinets of drawings. Unrecognised so far in art-historical literature, the café caricature - ephemeral, fugitive, contingent - better than any other medium fits the definition of modernity as described by Baudelaire. There are at least two ways to approach the interconnectedness of café and caricature. One, is to look at this relationship in the context of liberal modernity, identified with experiment, synaesthetic impulse, performativity and subversion. Another way, more political, is to admit that, in spite of the concurrency with rebellion, both café and caricature served also as malleable tools of the disciplining of modernity. Both were parading subversion while hiding at the same time their inimical adherence to rituals and formulas, and both were perfectly suited to essentialise and ostracise the Other through the excuse of reforming urban society under the veil of anti-philistine laughter.
In the second half of the 18th century, musical education in Poland was poor. The Commission of National Education (1773–1793) did not take music into account in its projects. The individual willing to change the situation was Father Wacław Sierakowski (1741–1806), provost of the Wawel Cathedral in Krakow. He played a significant role in the musical life of the city as an organiser of public concerts and founder of a private music school. In 1795–1796, he published a three-volume musical textbook, The Art of Music for Young Polish People (Sztuka muzyki dla młodzieży krajowej), one of the first musical textbooks in the Polish language. In Sierakowski’s publication the stress was put on the social and national value of music. The first volume also featured Sierakowski’s petition from 1792, intended for submission before the Sejm (Polish Parliament), in which the author propounded the idea of the state taking over musical education and establishing a major statesponsored music school in Krakow (Alumnatus Vocalistarum). These plans were never carried out as the third partition of Poland ensued in 1795.
In diesem Artikel werden die Geschichte und die Bestände der Bibliotheken vorgestellt, die sich in ausgewählten Krakauer Museen befi nden. Charakterisiert wurden die Bücherbestände der einzelnen Bibliotheken. Die Titel der wichtigsten Werke werden angeführt, die sich in den Sammlungen der erwähnten Bibliotheken befi nden. Und es wird darauf verwiesen, was für eine Leserschaft diese Bestände nutzt.
The presence of Jews in the representations of Galician cities was both one of the results of the introduction of their equal rights, and its consolidation. Jews present in municipal governments took care about matters relevant not only for their community. They engaged in key projects directed at all citizens, regardless of faith and nationality. The voting system (due to the specific division into circles and curiae) preferred the richest and the best-educated. In consequence, the Jewish community was commonly represented in city councils by those coming from families of assimilated representatives of intelligentsia, merchants and bankers. Obviously, the greatest percentage of white-collar employees could be observed in bigger cities, being seats of courts, barrister’s chambers, notary offices, secondary schools and higher education institutions. Therefore, from that time on, their voice could be heard in the public space and had to be taken into account.
Indicators describing the migration of population and revenues of local administrative units of the Krakow Metropolitan Area are presented and compared in this paper. A review of ideas on how to determine the number of Polish metropolitan statistical areas is also presented. The rank of Polish metropolitan statistical areas in world city rankings made by international publications is examined. Revenues of gminas from their own sources and total revenues of gminas are studied in the paper. Changes in revenue over time and location-dependent differences in revenue are analysed. However, the available data only allow for an examination of gminas without separating urban gminas from rural ones Substantial differences exist in the influx of revenue, both in terms of temporal and spatial changes. In order to summarise and evaluate the relevant social and economic processes, net migration of population and total revenue of gminas in the study area have been analysed. Furthermore, a classification of areas has been developed to describe the relevant areas as being of a certain type
The article covers the issue of the initiative of organising care for small children at care homes in Krakow in the first half of the 19th century. Krakow’s civic-minded townspeople, referring to examples from all over Europe and facilities organised in Warsaw, implemented a project setting up a care shelter in Krakow. The analysis of archive material indicates that towards the end of the 1830s and the beginning of the 1840s, in Krakow, one could speak of the beginnings of a movement aimed at extending care over children of working families, including helping to feed them, morally educate them and provide for them with a basic education. Members of Krakow’s Charity Society actively participated in this work, recruiting people interested in creating care shelters, and drawing up projects for such institutions. In the end, care shelters were established and operated in the second half of the 19th century on the initiative of the private individuals who founded the Committee for Shelters for small children in Krakow. It must be noted that these included members of the Charity Society.
Artykuł prezentuje najważniejsze wyniki badań mających na celu sprawdzenie rzeczywistych cen mieszkań na rynku wtórnym w Krakowie. Zaprezentowano w nim mapę cenową zawierającą graficzną prezentację średnich cen transakcyjnych mieszkań własnościowych zanotowanych na krakowskim rynku wtórnym w 2008 r. Mapa cenowa Kraków 2008 została przygotowana przez Dział Badań i Analiz firmy Emmerson S.A. na podstawie analizy bazy 1,2 tys. transakcji kupna/sprzedaży mieszkań własnościowych zgromadzonej i udostępnionej przez Emmerson Evaluation. Oparta została więc o dane rzeczywiste w odróżnieniu od najbardziej rozpowszechnionych analiz wykorzystujących dane ofertowe. Prezentacja mapy, wyników i najważniejszych wniosków poprzedzona została krótkim przypomnieniem różnic między cenami ofertowymi i transakcyjnymi.
The article presents the major results of the research conducted with the intention to diagnose real prices of “second-hand” flats in Krakow. The presented map shows average transaction prices (freehold flats only) registered on the Krakow secondary market in 2008. It has been prepared by the Emmerson Market Research Department on the basis of approx. 1,200 sale/purchase transactions monitored by the property valuers of Emmerson Evaluation. Contrary to other similar publications based on offering (initial) data, it presents updated real market value of dwellings in the city. In the beginning of the article, the author has briefly summarized the main differences between offer (initial) prices and transaction (final) ones.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba oceny przemian zachodzących w ciągu ostatnich 160 lat (1848-2008) na obszarze wybranych jednostek przestrzennych, wchodzących w skład terytorium miasta Krakowa. Spośród różnych jednostek przestrzennych uwzględnionych w badaniach taka możliwość istnieje w przypadku tylko 1 jednostki – tj. byłej dzielnicy administracyjnej Podgórze. W przypadku pozostałych: (tj. - innych byłych dzielnic administracyjnych, obecnie uwzględnianych jako podstawowe geodezyjne jednostki ewidencyjne, jednostek katastralnych – tj. dawnych wsi i miast przyłączanych sukcesywnie do Krakowa, obrębów ewidencyjnych itp.) porównywalność w tak długim okresie – nie jest możliwa i wymaga odrębnych badań, względnie dość żmudnych przeliczeń, nie zawsze możliwych do realizacji z racji dostępności do materiałów i źródeł o historycznym już znaczeniu. Zachowanie dawnych dzielnic administracyjnych w przyszłości jako podstawowych geodezyjnych jednostek ewidencyjnych umożliwi śledzenie procesu przemian użytkowania ziemi w dłuższym okresie czasu i pozwoli na zróżnicowanie przestrzenne badanego zjawiska
The paper aims at evaluation of changes in land use that took place within last 160 years (1848-2008) in selected administrative areas of Cracow. The research included several such spatial – administrative entities but only in case of former administrative district of Podgórze, such evaluation has been feasible. In case of the other (i.e. former administrative districts; presently fundamental land survey registration entities, cadastre entities , i.e. former villages and towns included in the City of Cracow, registration districts etc.), comparability in such long term is not possible and would require further research or arduous calculations, not always feasible, tough, as the access to data and sources of historic significance is limited. Further observation of the process of land use transformations in the longer period of time, is possible if former administrative districts are retained as fundamental land survey registration entities and it also allows for spatial differentiation of the analyzed phenomena.
This article is dedicated to three Cracovian families, very recognizable in the Polish society: the Estreichers, the Zolls and the Stuhrs. The (auto)biographical stories written by the representatives of those families became the basis for the analysis of their relation with Krakow. Three selected cases have many characteristics in common such as a strong sense of their family identity, public activities of many members of the families, their connections with Krakow as an academic, cultural and scientific center which are accented with emphasis. Those cases are the great examples of the best recognized symbol of the city (which is earnestly sought by the local government and the creators of brands of the city), that is a human. From this point of view, man is shown as a member of his basic environment which is the family (home).
Main objective of the essay under consideration was investigation and characterized most important source materials stocked at the Archive of the Cracow’s Dominican Province to present the history of their studium generale during the Modern period. Also, the current knowledge of a.m. period of studium generale was screened- out and some searching hypothesis were proposed concerning the history of the Cracow’s Dominican studium generale. The searching time frame have been limited to XVI up to XVII century. Taken into consideration, the current status of research works performed so far, one ought to stated that the Modern Epoch has not been searched out with the same consciousness compare to the Medieval one. As the most important printed source materials, one ought to account the documents issued by the general and provincial chapters of the Convent. The documents of the provincial chapters have been listed and screened by Father Fabian Madura, and were stocked as the typescript formats at the Cracow’s Dominican Convent Library.Based on the searched source materials of General Chapter of Dominican Convent at Cracow, it is possible to present the general overview of the convent education system and its changes in due time. Due to the records found it would be possible to identify – position and name – the Dominicans nominated to the Convent stadium generale. The most important manuscript stocked at the Cracow’s Dominican Convent Archive as the education system is concern, is so called Liber Studii Generalis cracoviensis (rkps 20). This manuscript covers the list of friars who have been nominated to work at stadium generale. A.m. document has to verify and compare with other sources.Taken into consideration above mention facts, it seems to be as most important searching activities to describe the convent society of the Cracow’s Dominicans. At the essay some detailed searching hypothesis were presented, such as searching and reviewing the personnel of studium generale, the convent, intellectual culture both teachers and scholar, legal aspects related to the convent’s education system, links and cooperation between the Cracow’s University and studium generale and the Dominicans activities both sacrum and profanum.
Main objective of the essay under consideration was investigation and characterized most important source materials stocked at the Archive of the Cracow’s Dominican Province to present the history of their studium generale during the Modern period. Also, the current knowledge of a.m. period of studium generale was screened- out and some searching hypothesis were proposed concerning the history of the Cracow’s Dominican studium generale. The searching time frame have been limited to XVI up to XVII century. Taken into consideration, the current status of research works performed so far, one ought to stated that the Modern Epoch has not been searched out with the same consciousness compare to the Medieval one. As the most important printed source materials, one ought to account the documents issued by the general and provincial chapters of the Convent. The documents of the provincial chapters have been listed and screened by Father Fabian Madura, and were stocked as the typescript formats at the Cracow’s Dominican Convent Library.Based on the searched source materials of General Chapter of Dominican Convent at Cracow, it is possible to present the general overview of the convent education system and its changes in due time. Due to the records found it would be possible to identify – position and name – the Dominicans nominated to the Convent stadium generale. The most important manuscript stocked at the Cracow’s Dominican Convent Archive as the education system is concern, is so called Liber Studii Generalis cracoviensis (rkps 20). This manuscript covers the list of friars who have been nominated to work at stadium generale. A.m. document has to verify and compare with other sources.Taken into consideration above mention facts, it seems to be as most important searching activities to describe the convent society of the Cracow’s Dominicans. At the essay some detailed searching hypothesis were presented, such as searching and reviewing the personnel of studium generale, the convent, intellectual culture both teachers and scholar, legal aspects related to the convent’s education system, links and cooperation between the Cracow’s University and studium generale and the Dominicans activities both sacrum and profanum.
Biuletyn Historii Sztuki
vol. 76
issue 2
The paper aims at shedding some new light on Pantaleon Szyndler’s painting Bathing Girl displayed for 120 years at the Gallery of Polish 19 th -Century Art at Kraków’s Cloth Hall. The year 1880 has been pointed to as its creation date. The history of the painting, displayed subsequently in Paris, Kraków, St. Petersburg, and Berlin has been reconstructed. Moreover, successive transformations of the composition carried out by the painter have been pointed to. This is followed by the opinions of 19 th -century art critics on Szyndler’s work. Bathing Girl and other Szyndler’s works on Oriental topics are presented in the context of Orientalism in European painting of the 19 th century. A broader approach was used when the question of the influence of the Old Masters, particularly the works by Rembrandt and the 16 th -cenutry Venetian School was tackled. The Author also aimed at demonstrating that Szyndler’s friend and master Cyprian Kamil Norwid could have inspired the painter with such fascinations.
The article discusses the ministry of Krakow Bernardines in the years 1918-1939.
Artykuł omawia działalność duszpasterską OO. Bernardynów z Krakowa w latach 1918-1939.
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The article presents the life of the Camaldolese Order in Bielany, Krakow.
Artykuł przedstawia życie kamedułów w klasztorze na Bielanach w Krakowie.
In the autumn of 2009 the Jagiellonian Library became the depositary of a large, valuable and interesting collection of printed books from the library of the Camaldolese Monastery in Bielany (Krakow). The work on processing the collection began almost immediately after all the prints had been taken over by the Jagiellonian Library. Two groups of employees have been involved in the work, both from the Resource Processing Department and the Antique Books Department, in line with the natural division into modern and old prints. The Camaldolese collection from Bielany has been enclosed in the monastery and unavailable to most readers; now the very books which for many years have been the source of knowledge, assistance and cognitive tools to a narrow circle of monks may be accessed by all interested persons. In the next year, after basic processing of the collection, the books will create an extremely interesting research opportunity.
Od jesieni 2009 roku Biblioteka Jagiellońska stała się depozytariuszem obszernej, cennej i bardzo interesującej kolekcji druków pochodzących z biblioteki Klasztoru Ojców Kamedułów na krakowskich Bielanach. Opracowanie księgozbioru zostało rozpoczęte niemal bezpośrednio po przejęciu wszystkich druków przez Bibliotekę Jagiellońską. Do opracowania zaangażowano dwie grupy pracowników, rekrutujących się z Oddziału Opracowania Zbiorów bądź z Oddziału Starych Druków, zgodnie z naturalnym podziałem na druki nowe i starodruki. Biblioteka kamedułów z  Bielan była przez stulecia zamknięta za  klauzurą i niedostępna dla większości czytelników, lecz teraz książki, które przez wiele lat stanowiły źródło wiedzy, pomoc i środek poznawczy dla wąskiego grona zakonników, mogą w rozmaity sposób służyć wszystkim zainteresowanym. W przyszłym roku, po zakończeniu podstawowej części opracowania tego zbioru, otworzy się niezwykle interesujące pole badawcze, jakim będzie możliwość pracy nad całością kolekcji.
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