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vol. 2
issue 1
The interview focuses on Ġorġ Mallia´s views on the major challenges in the educational system and touches on the topics of media literacy, new media and power and utilization of social media. It deals with the ongoing discussion about the traditional linear model of education and introduces the theory of a hypertextual system. The given topics also refer to the transformation and shifts brought to society with the introduction of social networks, digital games and also other different new media. It points out social media can be a massive support to actual learning which has an impact, especially for the younger generation.
The study is based on building a functional multimedia workshop in which mentally disabled people can work. An important aspect of the study is to describe the created system so that it could be used in institutional practice. The project is innovative as it introduces new media to art education in institutional work. The emphasis of this project is also on the possibility for people with multiple handicap to participate in activities.
Internet, mobile phone are certainly not new interpersonal medium of communication because they have been effectively adopted on a huge scale to practice of everyday interaction for years. Style of virtual discussion and internet manners that can be found not only in colloquial conversation and behaviour but also in formal language due to its level causes specialists’ concern of many scientific disciplines. What is more availability of electronic medium, anytime and everywhere, causes losing track of time and generally accepted rules that regulate rhythm of social life. That is why the article is to remind these rules and to appeal to teachers, form teachers, and above all to parents in order to pay attention to culture of communication using mass media which for the younger generation is an essential part of their life not only communicative life.
The present time is a period of dynamic development of new media, which should be accompanied by a more profound reflection over their impact on human development. The research on the impact of new media on children seems to be important as children become increasingly exposed to the virtual world, at the same time exploring reality. The time and commitment with which they “absorb” media images is bound to take its toll on a child’s psyche, which manifests itself in the imaging. The article presents the research on drawing activity of children from 3 to 12 years old in the context of changes occurring in these activities brought about by the visual language of new media. The fact that this extensive research has been carried out over an interval of 10 years (in 2004 I carried out an analysis of 4180 drawings of children and youth aged 3 to 18 years, while in the study repeated in 2014 I examined 2134 drawings of children aged 3 to 12 years), makes it possible to compare the results of the two studies, and also to confront them with descriptions of children’s drawings found in the specialized literature. In this way, the obtained characteristics may be referred to the visual language used to construct the new media image. Qualitative and quantitative analyses, as well as a comparison of the results, have allowed not only changes in the children’s drawing activities to be determined, but also indicate the direction of these changes. For the research, it was also important to find arguments in favour of media education with reference to visual education and defined as training, that pertains to the entire contemporary iconosphere.
Facebook discussion threads are often associated with a controversial exchange of views. This study deals with these threads. In the theoretical part the author aims to look at Facebook as a separate internet medium that requires active interaction from its users. He deals with Marshall McLuhan’s and Erving Goffman’s theories and aims to work with the evolution of the social network. In the practical part the author focuses on Facebook discussion threads themselves and on their participants. To cope with his research problem, he employs two qualitative methods, discourse analysis of Facebook’s discussion threads and semi-structured interviews with debaters. He tries to distinguish whether there are any interaction patterns, discourse terminology used by debaters within discussion threads and he also aims to describe Facebook discussion threads from an overall perspective. In semi-structured interviews with Facebook debaters the main goal is to reveal the motivation to present their opinion online and reflection of the social platform itself.
Wszechobecne obrazy zdominowały współczesną rzeczywistość, a przestrzeń medialna zdaje się być tego najlepszym dowodem. Przejawy okulocentryzmu spotykamy na każdym kroku - czytając gazety, przeglądając strony internetowe i prywatne blogi trafiamy na obszerne fotorelacje i sesje zdjęciowe. Kierowców „atakują" bilboardy, pasażerów linii miej­skich reklamy na przystankach. I nawet w domowym zaciszu, mimowolnie przeglądamy tysiące zdjęć udostępnionych przez innych na portalach społecznościowych.
All current images dominate contemporary reality, and the media space seems to be the best proof. Signs of 'okulo­centryzm' are met at every turn- by reading a newspaper or a magazine, looking through sites and private blogs we are encountering extensive photo reports and photo sessions. Drivers are attacked by the huge billboards, advertisements assail urban passengers at bus stops. And even in the home, a sheltered place, involuntarily we look through thousands of images shared by others on social networks.
Nowoczesne narzędzia komunikowania implikują nowe – adekwatne do istoty zaistniałych przemian technologicznych – formy i sposoby wypowiedzi dziennikarskich. Dotyczy to także rynku mediów religijnych, w tym periodyków katolickich. Otóż aby skutecznie realizować zadania prasy katolickiej, trzeba uwzględniać fakt doskonale znany refleksji teologicznej, określany łacińskim zwrotem fides ex visu. Wyrażenie oznacza, że wiara rodzi się również z „patrzenia”. Wobec tego forma podawcza treści religijnych, aby była skuteczna, musi uwzględniać kondycję człowieka homo videns i dlatego musi mieć wzgląd na obraz, a konkretnie na możliwości, jakie oferuje komunikacja ikoniczno-werbalna. W artykule dokonano analizy reprezentatywnych form i funkcji wypowiedzi obrazowo-słownych, niosących przekaz sensów religijnych, które obecne są na łamach dwóch wiodących tygodników katolickich, mianowicie „Gościa Niedzielnego” oraz „Tygodnika Powszechnego”.
In the age of modern communication tools, in order to successfully carryout the tasks of the Catholic press, one must take into account the fact of well-known theological reflection as fides ex visu. The journalistic form of the transmission of religious content must also take into account the coherent conditions of human reception. Theoretical background creates visual theology. The article explores the specific visual expressions of religious expression that have been published in leading Catholic journals such as “Gość Niedzielny” and “Tygodnik Powszechny”. The author wonders how the impact on the recipient and how the media content is presented, and how it is being intensified through verbal-visual or visual-verbal communication.
Rynek wydawniczy w epoce nowych mediów to przestrzeń równie wielu szans co zagrożeń dla popularyzacji książki. Nie wszystkie są oczywiste, a ich konsekwencje proste do przewidzenia. Podobnie jak sama książka, która wraz ze zmianą, czy raczej zróżnicowaniem swojej postaci, może być rozumiana jako: przedmiot, produkt, dobro, obiekt, medium, treść, tekst, relacja, usługa. Niniejszy artykuł ukazuje współczesny rynek książki w Polsce w świetle globalnych zmian w zakresie produkcji i dystrybucji wydawniczej. Kluczowe dla ich zrozumienia jest rozważenie roli książki i sposobu jej istnienia. W tekście podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytania, co zyskuje, a co traci książka za sprawą nowych, cyfrowych mediów, a wraz z nią autor i czytelnik w zmiennych rolach podmiotów tworzących i poznających.
The publishing market is in the world of new media space as many opportunities as the threats for the popularization of the book. Not all of them are obvious, and their consequences are simple to foresee. Like the book itself, which with the change, or rather the differentiation of its character, can be understood as: object, product, good, medium, content, text, relation, service. This article discusses the contemporary book market in Poland in the light of global changes in publishing production and distribution. The key to understanding them is to consider the role of the book and its way of life. Answer the question of what is gaining and losing the book through the new digital media, and with it the author and the reader in the changing roles of the forming and learning entities
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie zjawiska oporu jako kategorii poznawczej w szkolnej edukacji polonistycznej oraz zaakcentowanie niebagatelnego znaczenia nowoczesnych technologii cyfrowych i medialnych w zwalczaniu narastającej niechęci uczniów do czytania lektur szkolnych. Należy zauważyć, że współczesne media mogą mieć pozytywny wpływ nie tylko na zwiększenie poziomu atrakcyjności zajęć szkolnych, ale przede wszystkim na efektywniejszy rozwój intelektualny ucznia oraz kształtowanie jego zainteresowań czytelniczych. Tekst stanowi ponadto próbę charakterystyki przyczyn, skutków oraz sposobów ujawniania się oporu w obszarze edukacyjnym. W prowadzonych badaniach opór potraktowano jako kategorię interdyscyplinarną, dlatego zjawisko to jest opisywane z perspektywy różnych dziedzin nauki: psychologii, socjologii oraz filozofii.
The purpose of the paper is to present the phenomenon of resistance as a cognitive category of teaching the Polish language at schools as well as to emphasize the importance of modern digital and media technologies to eradicate the growth of students’ resistance against obligatory reading list. It is important to notice that contemporary media may not only have a positive influence on the growth of lesson attractiveness but also on more effective intellectual student development and development of his/her reading interests. The article is also the attempt to characterize the causes, effects and measures of exposing the resistance in educational area. In scientific research, resistance is treated as an interdisciplinary category, thus, the phenomenon is described from the perspective of different scientific fields: psychology, sociology and philosophy.
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