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The university district in Toruń belongs to one of the first Polish complex examples of a university campus – a popular phenomenon in the post-war period. The idea to build an academic ‘town’ or ‘district’ appeared at the very beginning of the university’s existence. Binding decisions in the matter were not made until 1963, in connection with the world celebration of the 500th anniversary of the patron’s birth, planned for 1973. The investment was located in Bielany, the town’s peripheral district situated in the north-west part of Toruń. The Department of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology was to prepare the urban and architectural plan, whereas Docent Ryszard Karłowicz became the main designer. The spatial form of the campus is original and it does not follow any direct models. It is a concept bearing the optimal functional features, following the characteristic world tendencies in western architectural practice in the first post-war decades. The design of a homogeneously shaped system with a visible functional division was based on grouping scientific-didactic buildings and residential-social buildings along two perpendiculars to the axis. Both axes were connected by the buildings of the library, the Main University Office Building (Rektorat) and the university aula – the centre of the university in the scientific, administrative and cultural sense. On account of the magnitude of the venture, the investment process was divided into three stages: 1967–70, 1971–75, and 1976–80. The work was planned so as to create the whole complex until 1973. Undoubtedly, it was feared that after the end of the Copernicus celebration there might be insuficient funds for subsequent stages. That is why it was important to construct a general university complex, some didactic buildings, and necessary social buildings in the first stage of the construction. The works lasted over 5 years. The ceremonial opening of the campus took place on 2 October 1973. The schedule of the construction process was based on the so-called association network PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique). This special method of planning, earlier used in Poland only in theoretical designs of residential districts, was designed in the USA for space projects. Later the association network PERT was used in civilian projects, for example to carry out major construction investments. Thanks to the method, despite delays typical of the socialist economy, all buildings planned in the first stage of the construction of the campus were completed.
The aim of the article is to present the core law curriculum at the Faculty of Law, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń in 1945–1962, that is at the beginning of the functioning of the Faculty. The author discusses the origins and changes in the teaching of law in the analysed period.
Der Artikel wurde der Frage der Grundausbildungsprogramme für Recht an der Juristischen Fakultät der Nikolaus-Kopernikus-Universität Toruń in den Jahren 1945–1962, also in der Anfangsphase der Arbeit der Fakultät gewidmet. Die Verfasserin schildert darin die Genese und die Änderungen des Rechtsunterrichts in der besprochenen Zeit.
This article encompasses a historical and problem-based review of research on fantasy and the fantastic undertaken since the 1960s at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. It presents initial studies of non-veristic literature, so publications of Artur Hutnikiewicz on Stefan Grabiński, Andrzej Stoff on Stanisław Lem and Jan Mirosław Kasjan on the folk tale with magical components. While discussing the development of research on fantasy undertaken by next generations of scientists, the article also points to a shift in cultural studies, which started to undertake concepts such as media studies, film studies, literary and cultural comparative studies. This shift enriched the analyses with considerations on the reception of cultural texts, fandoms, digital games and the new media. It delineates new research directions and methodological tendencies that cross the borders of conventional literary studies that initiated the Toruń thought regarding fantasy.
Artykuł zawiera historyczne i problemowe omówienie badań nad fantastyką i fantastycznością podejmowanych od lat sześćdziesiątych XX wieku na Uniwersytecie Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Przedstawione zostały początki studiów nad literaturą niewerystyczną, obejmujące prace Artura Hutnikiewicza o Stefanie Grabińskim, Andrzeja Stoffa o Stanisławie Lemie oraz Jana Mirosława Kasjana o ludowej bajce magicznej. W trakcie omówienia rozwoju badań fantastyki podejmowanych przez kolejne pokolenia naukowców zaprezentowany został także zwrot w kierunku studiów kulturoznawczych, podejmujących między innymi zagadnienia związane z medioznawstwem, filmoznawstwem oraz komparatystyką literacko-kulturową i wzbogacających refleksję o zagadnienia związane z problematyką odbioru tekstów kultury, fandomem, grami cyfrowymi oraz nowymi mediami. Zwrot ten wyznacza nowe kierunki badań tudzież tendencje metodologiczne, wykraczające poza tradycję literaturoznawczą, która zainicjowała toruński namysł nad fantastyką.
The article entitled " The list of doctoral theses of the Faculty of Theology at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń in the years 2003-2010" is a summary of doctoral theses stored in the University Archive. The list includes the following elements: the name and surname of the author, the information on whether the author is a lay person or a cleric one, the title of the thesis, the name of the supervisor, the names of the reviewers, the date of defence, the number of pages and the archival reference number. Additionally, footnotes include the information about the works which were published, presenting their full bibliographic description.
The formal students associations have a long-aged tradition. They have existed since the down of the university. In the post-war Poland one of the above mentioned associations was the Polish Students’ Association (Zrzeszenie Studentów Polskich, ZSP) that was established in the year 1950. In the course of its history ZSP had changed significantly due to the current socio-political situation. The Toruń’s branch of the ZSP had been active at the Nicolaus Copernicus University since the year 1950 up to the year 1989. Among its objectives one may found the multi-level support for students activities, e.x. organizing scientific and cultural activities and promoting the pro-state conduct. In Toruń ZSP run various student clubs, published student-edited newspapers and took students artistic group under its wing. The ZSP activities in Toruń in the years 1950 –1989 were virtually constant. Yet in the year 1973, due to the change of the state politics, all Polish youth organizations were unified into the Socialistic Union of Polish Students (Socjalistyczny Związek Studentów Polskich, SZSP) led by the Party. However the new organization took on all the responsibilities of ZSP; and that is whyit differed from its predecessor only by its name. Yet in the year 1982 SZSP changed its name to ZSP. It resulted from the competitive activities of the Independent Students’ Association (Niezależne Zrzeszenie Studentów, NZS). However after the year 1982 the ZSP’s activities were less prominent than in the earlier period. The ZSP in Toruń ended its organizational life in the year 1988, when its competences and responsibilities were taken over by the students council.
Formale Studentenvereinigungen haben eine alte Tradition. Sie existierten seit der Entstehung der Universitäten. Eine der in der Nachkriegszeit, seit 1950 in Polen tätigen Organisationen nannte sich Vereinigung der Polnischen Studenten (Zrzeszenie Studentów Polskich, in Abkürzung ZSP). Im Verlauf ihrer Geschichte, hat man sie – je nach Stand der inneren, politisch-gesellschaftlichen Lage – grundsätzlichen Veränderugen unterzogen. Eine Sektion dieser Vereinigung war – neben anderen Studentenorganisationen – an der Nikolaus Kopernikus Universität seit dem Jahr 1950 aktiv. Zu ihren Hauptaufgaben gehörte die Unterstützung der Studentenbewegung in jeder Hinsicht, u. a. im Bereich der organisierung von wissenschaftlichen und kulturellen Aktivitäten. Sie sollte auch auf die Entwicklung einer das Staatswohl fördernden Einstellung der Studenten einwirken. In Thorn hat die ZSP verschiedene Studentenklubs organisiert, studentische Zeitschriften herausgegeben und studentische Künstlergruppen unter seine Fittiche genommen. In den Jahren 1950 –1989 waren die Aktivitäten der ZSP relativ konstant. Doch im Jahre 1973, aufgrund einer Änderung der politischen Zustände, wurden alle polnischen Organisationen im Rahmen einer der Regierungspartei untergeordneten Sozialistischen Union der Polnischen Studenten (Socjalistyczny Związek Studentow Polskich, in Abkürzung SZSP) gleichgeschaltet. Die neue Organisation hat alle Aufgaben seines Vorgängers übernommen und in diesem Sinne hat sie sich von ihm nur durch den Namen unterschieden. Im Jahre 1982, infolge der Konkurrenz mit dem neu gegründeten Unabhängigen Studentenbund (Niezależne Zrzeszenie Studentów, in Abkürzung NZS), hat sie wieder ihren alten Namen angenommen. Ihre Tätigkeit hat aber das frühere Niveau nicht erreicht. Infolge der Übernahme der Kompetenzen des ZSP durch den neu berufenen Rat der Studentischen Selbstverwaltung hat sich die Vereinigung im Jahre 1988 aufgelöst.
The article contains a list of bachelor’s and master’s theses at the Faculty of Theology of  Nicolaus Copernicus University stored in the University Archive. The list covers the years 2001-2010. The theses are arranged in chronological and alphabetical order by the annual date of the final exam and the name of author's work in a given year. The information included in the catalogue comes from the UsosWeb system. Additionally, this article presents the tables; the first one contains data on the number of graduated students along with their supervisors, and the other one the number of the written works in different years. As the catalogue is an archival aid, the author also included currently valid rules for the use of theses in the Archive of  Nicolaus Copernicus University.
In the introduction, this paper refers to two previous actions aimed at extracting dugout boats from the bottom of Lake Lednica (in 1960 and 1982). The main part of the text presents the third action, carried out in 2016 by underwater archaeologists and students from the Department of Underwater Archaeology, Nicolaus Copernicus University. The paper explains the subsequent stages and procedures of investigations. All the difficulties and complications that arose from the circumstances of the deposition, the raw material from which the boat was made and the size of the object are emphasised. As shown by the 1997 study, the boat is made of wood from the lime tree. The boat is now 930 cm in length and 86 cm in width. The bow looks like a slightly oval pyramid; the stern was formed in the shape of a small overhang and could have been about 1 m longer. The dugout has three bulkheads: the first is the same height as the sides, the second one is shorter than the sides by about 6 cm and the third, formed stepwise (?), starts at the same height as the starboard and keeps this height to the crack, after which it is gradually lowered, going down about 5 cm below the port. The average thickness of the starboard is 5.5 cm, while the port is 4.5 cm thick. The thickness of the bottom at the stern break, ranges from 4 cm to 8.5 cm; in other breaks, it reaches as much as 19 cm. The dugout boat is poorly preserved. It has at least nine transverse cracks and one longitudinal crack ending at the first bulkhead. Part of the damage dated certainly back from the period of the destruction of the bridge; however, a thin layer of sediments covering the side or bulkhead wood did not protect the dugout from the anchors of modern fishing boats. The boat was dated using the C14 method (680 ± 120 BP); calibrated, this points to a very wide range of dates, between 980 and 1454. However, a stratigraphic analysis indicates that the boat fell to the bottom sometime between the period the bridge was completed (964) and the last major repair of the bridge captured by dendrochronological analyses (1023). The first stage of the action consisted in the underwater exploration of the bottom deposits with a water-type ejector. This was used for removing the sediments filling the inside of the boat and those within a belt of a small width on the outside of the sides of the dugout, so that they were clearly visible to a height of approx. 10 cm. The boat was filled with a layer consisting of a large number of strongly compacted chips, which produced a few artefacts: 11 potsherds, five bone fragments and a handle of a wooden cup that was preserved in two fragments. After the whole boat had been cleaned, underwater measurements were taken, which enabled the detailed drawing documentation of the dugout in situ. The second stage consisted in cleaning the area outside the boat with 25–30 cm wide and approx. 40 cm-deep trenches running along both sides of the boat and below them. The sides were cleaned gradually, in 2 m long-fragments, to prevent uncontrolled suction of the boat from the bottom and to reduce the possibility of accidental damage. After completing the exploration of each fragment, separated from the others with natural cracks, the released parts were slipped onto a properly prepared tin ‘trough’, surfaced using a buoyancy balloon and transported close to the shore.In the third stage of the campaign, special frames were prepared for each of the nine elements. After the individual parts had been put on the frames in water, they were brought to the surface with them, secured and transported to the Conservation Laboratory in Toruń. After completing all conservation and reconstruction procedures, the dugout boat will be made available to visitors at the Museum of Polish History in Warsaw.
W roku 2018 ukazał się pierwszy przewodnik po zasobie archiwum uniwersyteckiego pt. Archiwum Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu Informator o zasobie archiwalnym. Stan na dzień 31 grudnia 2017 roku, pod red. A. Supruniuk i W. Krajniak, którego autorami są pracownicy Archiwum. Informator składa się z trzech zasadniczych części: wstępnej (przedmowa, wstęp, kalendarium, wykaz skrótów), zasadniczej (prezentacja zasobu) i uzupełniającej (wykaz podzespołów, spis ilustracji, bibliografia, streszczenie w języku angielskim, indeks rzeczowy). Został on bardzo starannie przygotowany pod względem merytorycznym i graficznym. Na szczególną uwagę zasługuje rozbudowany i wartościowy wstęp, który pozwala zrozumieć budowę i sposób korzystania z pomocy, a przede wszystkim przybliża dzieje Archiwum i jego zasób. Część zasadniczą Informatora stanowi charakterystyka zasobu, która pozwala zapoznać się ze zgromadzonymi archiwaliami. Opis poszczególnych podzespołów zawiera osiem szczegółowych informacji, w tym o ich zawartości, uzupełnionej o zakres chronologiczny poszczególnych serii akt. Całość dopełnia przemyślany i przygotowany bardzo starannie aparat uzupełniający. Wartość publikacji podnosi znacząco jej szata graficzna i staranne wydanie, w tym liczne fotografie, które znakomicie ilustrują poszczególne części. Przygotowanie pierwszego przewodnika po zasobie archiwum uniwersyteckiego wymagało od autorów podjęcia kilku problemów o znaczeniu priorytetowym dla archiwistyki akademickiej, w tym przede wszystkim dotyczącego struktury zasobu tego typu archiwum. Publikacja znajdzie swoje trwałe miejsce w dorobku polskiej archiwistyki nie tylko z uwagi na pionierski charakter, ale przede wszystkim wysoki poziom merytoryczny zawartych w nim informacji.
In 2018, the first guide to the resources of the university archives was published Archives of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Information on archival resources. As of December 31, 2017, edited by A. Supruniuk and W. Krajniak, whose authors are employees of the Archives. The guide consists of three main parts: the introductory part (preface, introduction, calendar, list of abbreviations), the basic part (the presentation of the resource) and the supplementary part (a list of components, a list of illustrations, bibliography, summary in English, material index). It has been very carefully prepared in terms of content and graphics. Particularly noteworthy is the extensive and valuable introduction, which allows you to understand the structure and method of using the help section, and above all it introduces the history of the Archives and its resources. The main part of the Guide is the characteristics of the resource, which allows you to get acquainted with the collected archives. The description of individual components contains eight detailed pieces of information concerning their content, supplemented with the chronological scope of individual series of files. The whole is completed by a well thought-out and carefully prepared supplementary apparatus. The value of the publication is significantly increased by its graphic design and careful edition, including numerous photographs that perfectly illustrate individual parts. The preparation of the first guide to the university archive resource required the Authors to take up several problems of priority importance for academic archival studies, including first and foremost the structure of this type of archival resource. The publication will find its permanent place in the achievements of Polish archival studies not only because of its pioneering nature, but above all, owing to the high substantive level of information contained therein.
2018 erschien der erste Führer durch den Archivbestand Archiwum Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu Informator o zasobie archiwalnym. Stan na dzień 31 grudnia 2017 roku (Archiv der Nikolaus-Kopernikus-Universität in Thorn. Ein Führer durch den Archivbestand. Stand vom 31. Dezember 2017), hrsg. von A. Supruniuk und W. Krajniak, dessen Autoren zugleich Archivmitarbeiter sind. Der Führer besteht aus drei Hauptteilen: dem einleitenden (Vorwort, Einleitung, Zeittafel, Abkürzungsverzeichnis), dem Hauptteil (Schilderung des Bestands) und dem ergänzenden Teil (Verzeichnis von Aktenteilen, Abbildungsverzeichnis, Bibliografie, Zusammenfassung in der englischen Sprache, Sachregister). Er wurde sehr sorgfältig vorbereitet, und zwar aus sachlicher und grafischer Sicht. Eine besondere Aufmerksamkeit verdient die ausgebaute und wertvolle Einleitung, die es erlaubt, den Aufbau und die Nutzungsmöglichkeiten dieses Lehrbuchs zu nachvollziehen, und vor allem die Geschichte des Archivs und sein Bestand schildert. Den Hauptteil des Führers bildet die Charakteristik des Bestands, dank der es möglich ist, sich mit den gesammelten Archivalien vertraut zu machen. Die Beschreibung der einzelnen Aktenteile enthält acht detaillierte Informationen, darunter ihren Inhalt, ergänzt durch die chronologischen Rahmen der einzelnen Aktenreihen. Die Ganzheit wird mit einem durchdachten und sorgfältig vorbereiteten ergänzenden Apparat abgeschlossen. Den Wert der Publikation steigert eindeutig ihr grafisches Layout und eine sorgfältige Ausgabe, darunter zahlreiche Fotografien, die die einzelnen Teile sehr gut bebildern. Die Vorbereitung des ersten Führers durch den Bestand des Universitätsarchivs verlangte von den Autoren die Bereitschaft, einige für die akademische Archivkunde gravierende Probleme aufzunehmen, darunter vor allem in Hinblick auf die Struktur des Bestands eines solchen Archivs. Die Publikation findet ihren nachhaltigen Platz in der polnischen Archivkunde nicht nur wegen ihres Pioniercharakters, sondern auch wegen ihres hohen Sachniveaus der angeführten Angaben.
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