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Zapiski Historyczne
vol. 77
issue 1
Posthumous inventories and inheritance sections constitute one of the most important sources in the research on social-economic history. The richness and variety of information included there allows their use in the analysis of a wide spectrum of problems: from the questions of production and consumption, down to the problems of wealth, the increase in prices, ways to spend money or the practical dimension of the legal rules. Its advantage is its mass availability and a relatively objective full record of wealth heritage presented in an official clerical form. The aim of the article is to join the research on inheritance among the rural population in the Pelplin fiefdom, to show the practical enforcement of inheritance law and to outline the material conditions of life of its inhabitants. The following were analyzed: the circumstances of drawing inventories in the monastery (legal significance, participants, appraisers), the layout of documents, elements of contents, the manner the inventory was conducted and the final share of inheritance (the so-called Chełmno half, the status of the main inheritor, the heirship of women, inheriting movables and inmovables). The research comprises the questions concerning ownership, inmovables (residential buildings, outbuildings) and movables (animal inventory, household facilities, household equipment) which were part of the analyzed estates, as well as the problem of debts of the population reflected in the source. The author used about 50 representative posthumous inventories and inheritance registers from the 18th century, collected in the Diocese Archive in Pelplin. The author also used the contracts of life-annuity, last wills, act of transferring the ownership of farms and inspection, sale contracts, which complement the inventories. In total the sources used by the author consisted of a few hundred documents mainly from the archive of the Monastica group.
The paper tells the story of the statue of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception situated on the Cathedral Square in Pelplin. The decision to set it up was made in connection with the nomination and consecration of Bishop Jan Marwicz in 1857 and to honour the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary announced in 1854. The proposal to erect the monument was initiated by the Chelmno Cathedral Chapter and the task was taken over by the Figure Building Committee selected by the chapter. At the request of the Committee the design was prepared by a famous architect from Cologne, Vincenz Statz, one of the constructors of the Cologne cathedral during the years 1840–1880 and the architect of over a hundred neo-Gothic churches and chapels in the Rhineland. The statue itself was made by a sculptor, Peter Fuchs, also active in Cologne. Bishop Marwicz officially consecrated the figure on October 8, 1858. In the fall of 1939 the Germans demolished the statue together with other monuments decorating the town. After the war the damaged statue was unearthed and restored but in a more modest visual form. It was put back in its former place in 1954. It is the most beautiful decoration of the Cathedral piazza which today bears the name of the Marian Square and certain Marian services are celebrated there.
Przedmiotem artykułu są losy pelplińskiej figury Niepokalanego Poczęcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny (NMP), usytuowanej na Placu Katedralnym w Pelplinie. Decyzję o jej ustawieniu podjęto w związku z nominacją i konsekracją biskupa Jana Marwicza w 1857 roku oraz dla uhonorowania ogłoszonego w 1854 roku dogmatu o Niepokalanym Poczęciu NMP. Propozycja wzniesienia pomnika wyszła z grona kapituły katedralnej chełmińskiej, zaś organizacją zajął się wyłoniony z niej Komitet Budowy Figury. Na zamówienie komitetu projekt wykonał słynny architekt z Kolonii nad Renem, Vincenz Statz, jeden z budowniczych tamtejszej katedry w latach 1840-1880 i architekt ponad stu kościołów i kaplic, wznoszonych w stylu neogotyckim w Nadrenii, natomiast samą figurę wykonał, również działający w Kolonii, artysta rzeźbiarz Peter Fuchs. Uroczystego poświęcenia dokonał biskup Marwicz w dniu 8 X 1858. Jesienią 1939 roku Niemcy figurę zburzyli wraz z innymi pomnikami, zdobiącymi miasto. Po wojnie uszkodzoną statuę odkopano i po restauracji, ale już w skromniejszej postaci wizualnej, ustawiono na dawnym miejscu w 1954 roku. Stanowi on najpiękniejszą ozdobę Placu Katedralnego, dziś noszącego nawę Placu Mariackiego, i miejsce niektórych nabożeństw maryjnych.
L'articolo tratta del martirio dei preti di Pelplin, di cioe le vittime delta seconda guerra mondiale, morti in nome della fedelta a Dio ed alla loro vocazione. Tutti che hanno subito la morte dalle mani dei nazisti per causa del loro odio verso la fede, hanno conservato la fede ed hanno dato agli altri la testimonianza delta fedelta a Dio. Le varie forme delta fedelta a Dio e alla loro vocazione si puo intravedere da tutti i candidati all'onore di martirio. Dagli uni dominava un ministero sacramentale, dagli altri un lavoro intellettuale, ancora dagli altri una preoccupazione per i poveri e bisognosi. ,,Vi sono diversita di carismi, ma uno solo e lo Spirito; vi sono diversita di ministeri, ma uno solo e il Signore; vi sono diversita di operazioni, ma uno solo e Dio, che opera tutto in tutti" (1 Corinzi 12,4-6). Si presenta la fedelta a Dio ed alla Nocazione sacerdotale: coll'assistenza per i poveri sull'esempio di vita e martirio di Rev. Antoni Henryk Szuman ( 1882-1939); coll'edilizia degli oggetti sacrali di Rev. Konstantyn Krefft ( 1867 -1940); col paziente subire di picchiate ed umiliazioni di Rev. Paweł Prabucki (1893-1942). Pure anche un lavoro intellettuale e una forma di fedelta a Dio. Ce ne hanno dato un esempio il Rev. Józef Roskwitalski (1893-1939) e Rev. Piotr Sosnowski  (1899-1939). La difesa della castita e intoccabilita della natura umana davanti al martirio e stata una forma di fedelta presentata da Rev. Reginald Krzyżanowski (1894-1939) e Rev. Jan Lesiński (1908-1940). Rev. Bernard Łosiński (1865-1940) ha dato un esempio di un uomo umile, particolarmente davanti alla morte. Rev. Jan Hamerski (1880-1939) ha sperimentato una particolare forza di proclamazione della parola di Dio. Rev. Cyryl Karczyński (1884-1940) fu un eccezionale propagatore della cultura popolare polacca. Infine Rev. Franciszek Nogalski (1911-1939) ha dato la sua vita per gli altri, e Rev. Stefan Radtke (1890-1940) s'e dimostrato veritiero dichiarando davanti degli oppressori di essere un sacerdote. Dei martiri presentati sono come una risposta ai dubbi dell'uomo contemporaneo che si chiede sulla possibilita e lo stato di una familianta dell'uomo con Dio. G li esempi di vita dei martiri che umanamente parlando si sono trovati in una situazione senza uscita, sono un ammonimento su come non abbattersi davanti al male ed alla violenza trionfanti.
In the work titled „Miles Christi – Bishop Casimir Joseph Kowalski, Ordinary Chełmno Diocese”, among other things, there was presented the influence of the first after war ordinary on the development and rebuilding of Chelmno Church in a very difficultafter-occupation period. The description of bishop’s activity was preceded by the presentation of his way from childhood till the moment he settled in Pelpin. Bishop Kazimierz Joseph Kowalski was born in March 2, 1896 in Gniezno, then grew up in the house fulfilled with the spirit of piety and patriotism. He was involved in the Wielkopolska Uprising. After that, he took priestly vows and graduated from the Seminary in Poznań in 1922. When he took the holy orders, he went abroad to study philosophy. In 1935 the priest was nominated to be a dean of seminary in Poznań. After the war, he returned to Poznań. Chelmno diocese was one of the oldest Polish dioceses. It was devastated like never before under the occupation during World War II. In April 12, 1946 in Rome there was published the bull appointing priest Kazimierz Joseph Kowalski to the position of 56th ordinary of Chelmno diocese. The act of the acceptance of the rule took place in June 30, 1946.Thepriest chose as the motto of his bishop’s way words: Miles Christi. At the very beginning of his service, he gave three addresses: to priests, the faithful and the young. Then he started to organize works at The Seminary. In 1959 he organized the Diocesan Synod. He also took care of the ill and the suffered. He became famous as a big Marian advocate and a bard of Marian cult. During his ruleit is preaching the word of God that was perhaps his the most important duty. The bishop took a very active part in the works of the Polish Episcopate. He was the first ordinary in Chelmno diocese who participated in works of the Second Vatican Council (1962 – 65). Bishop Kazimierz Joseph Kowalski died in May 16, 1972 in Czestochowa.
Szkoła Muzyki Kościelnej w Ratyzbonie, założona w 1874 r. przez F.X. Haberla, od początku swego istnienia zyskała międzynarodowe znaczenie, zwłaszcza w katolickich krajach Europy. Tu kształciło się wielu wybitnych kompozytorów religijnych, do których z pewnością zalicza się F. Nowowiejski, w roku 1900 uczestnik 26. edycji kursu muzyki kościelnej. Pobyt kompozytora w Ratyzbonie dokumentują niezwykle pochlebne świadectwa, wystawione przez tamtejszych mistrzów Haberla i Hallera oraz cykl artykułów zatytułowanych O znaczeniu Ratyzbony dla ruchu kościelno-muzycznego, zamieszczonych w „Muzyce Kościelnej” w latach 1933–1934, autorstwa F. Nowowiejskiego. W artykułach zawarto cenne informacje na temat historii szkoły, propagowanych przez nią idei oraz absolwentów. Teksty przesycone są osobistymi refleksjami kompozytora na temat miasta oraz tradycji, pobrzmiewa też w nich duch muzyki.
School of Church Music in Regensburg founded in 1874 by F.X. Haberl, from the beginning of its existence has gained an international importance, especially in the Catholic countries of Europe. In this place many prominent religious composers were educated including F. Nowowiejski, in the year 1900 participant 26 – of that edition of church music course. The composer's stay in Regensburg is documented by extremely flattering certificates issued by the local masters Haberl and Haller and a series of four articles entitled About the significance of Regensburg for a church-music movement, appearing in “Church Music” in the years 1933-1934 by F. Nowowiejski. The articles contain valuable information about the history of the school, ideas promoted by it and their graduates. They feature personal reflections of the composer associated with the atmosphere of the city, its tradition, and the sound of music.
Die Kirchenmusikschule in Regensburg, gegründet im 1874 von Franz Xaver Haberl, gewann von Anfang an eine internationale Bedeutung, vor allem in den katholischen Ländern Europas. Hier bildeten sich viele hervorragende Komponisten religiöser Musik, unter anderem Feliks Nowowiejski, Teilnehmer der 26. Auflage des Kirchenmusik- Kurses im Jahre 1900. Sein Aufenthalt in Regensburg wird durch schmeichelhafte Zeugnisse, die ihm die Meister der Kirchenmusikschule Haberl und Haller ausgestellt haben, belegt sowie durch Nowowiejski`s Beiträgen unter dem Titel O znaczeniu Ratyzbony dla ruchu kościelno-muzycznego (Über die Bedeutung von Regensburg für die kirchlich – musikalische Bewegung), die in der Zeitschrift „Muzyka Kościelna“ („Kirchenmusik“) in den Jahren 1933-34 erschienen. Sie beinhalten wertvolle Informationen über die Geschichte der Schule, propagieren Ideen und Schulabgänger, sowie die persönlichen Reflexionen des Komponisten über die Stadt, ihre Tradition und dort erklingende Musik.
In 1836, the Bishop of Culm, Anastazy Sedlag, suggested to the Prussian authorities that the bishop seat be moved from Pelplin to Culm. The translocation was also meant to include diocese institutions in Pelplin. On the basis of his calculations, one can find that the creation of a diocese capital in Culm would cost 14,850 thalers less than the completion of construction and adaptation works in Pelplin. It should be noted that the translocation expenses amounted to 62,750 thalers. The twelve-year period of Pelplin functioning as the seat of bishops did not influence its economic growth. Priests employed in the diocese administration experienced numerous difficulties in access to food products and means of transport. The ministry of religious affairs, education and medicine rejected the above mentioned Bishop Sedlag`s plans. The decision was supported by the argument of the amount of capital invested in the adjustment of the infrastructure of Pelplin to the needs of diocese institutions. Besides, diocese construction funds had been almost used up by that time. However, a decision was made to create a post office in Pelplin, as well as to reconstruct selected stretches of roads.
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