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This paper considers issues referred to forming contemporary White guard’s songs in Russia today. It discusses intertextual links of those songs with songs formed in 1917-1921, and texts formed in another historical periods (before the October Revolution, and the 60-s of the 20th century). Particular attention is focused on folklore elements and style typical to church songs in the context of the cancelling censure, as well as adaptation of the songs to new political situation.
The Polish version of the article was published in “Roczniki Humanistyczne,” vol. 57 (2009), issue 3. This paper seeks to prove that there are no grounds in the Poetics to ascribe to Aristotle the views identified with the literary theory of drama because he does not identify drama with a verbal work. On the contrary, the spectacular dimension of tragedy is for Aristotle one of the distinctive feature of tragedy vis-à-vis epos, which for him is only – to use our modern terms—a literary work. Thus, the visual element (ὄψις or ὄψεως κόσμος) is not only very important for Aristotle, but it is even a necessary component of tragedy. Indeed there are some remarks in the Poetics that suggest tragedy may exist without ὄψις, but this is only regarded as a hypothetical situation, analogical to the one when he argues that tragedy may exist without characters. In fact, however, both ὄψις and characters are regarded by Aristotle as necessary components of tragedy. He makes his considerations assuming both components. At the same time, he treats tragedy not as a text but a theatrical work in which mimesis can be conducted by the “acting persons” (πράττοντες). They are understood not as literary figures, but as stage embodiments of the heroes whose psychophysical ontic paradigms are actors.
The following article deals with a possibility of finding some parallels between oratory art and staging. They are often hidden in a text structure, but also an old practice allows us to point many similarities between both arts. Some ancient, medieval treatises were chosen for the further analysis.
Takis Würger’s novel Stella, published in 2019, has received mostly unenthusiastic reviews from literary critics because, in their opinion, it does not do justice to Stella Goldschlag's historical persona. Rather, the text merely turns a tragic conflict into Holocaust kitsch. In order to examine this judgement, the article analyses the poetics of the novel. This analysis reveals two things: the text does not in fact strive for a historically accurate portrayal of Stella Goldschlag, but reflects on the different ways of accessing the historical phenomenon. In this sense, Stella may be seen as an passable attempt to write modern literature about the Holocaust for today's generation. It does not, however, do so consistently because it oscillates between the genre of the historical novel and allegory. The fictitious narrator, Friedrich, also proves inconsistent. His mixture of naivety and pathos indeed tends towards kitsch.
This article argues that the time is ripe to reacquaint sociology and surrealism. Taking inspiration from surrealism’s emphasis on making the ordinary strange through bizarre, lively and sometimes haunting methods might result in a more poetic and playful sociology. The article looks at how this might be applied in practice through drawing on a variety of examples of social research that share some of the tenets of surrealism, not least the latter’s focus on social justice. This enables discussion of a number of methodological concerns stemming from feminist and post-structuralist thought, including the troubling of narrative coherency and the notion of “voice.” Infusing sociology with “a surrealist spirit” requires opening up and moving away from rationality in ways that allow for the exploration of contradictions, irreverence, humor, and paradox.
The essay focuses on the operations to which Tadeusz Różewicz submits his (poetic and other) texts. These involve various kinds of transformations, as a result of which Różewicz’s poems become multiple texts and are revealed to be, in a sense, variants with no clear “original.” Skrendo describes the ways in which these transformations take place and considers their consequences.
Tematem szkicu są działania, jakim poddaje swoje teksty – zwłaszcza poetyckie, ale nie tylko – Tadeusz Różewicz. Polegają one na różnorodnych przekształceniach, w wyniku których wiersze Różewicza stają się tekstami wielorakimi, okazują się swego rodzaju wariantami bez oryginału. Autor opisuje sposoby dokonywania owych przekształceń oraz zastanawia się nad ich konsekwencjami.
The purpose of the article is to consider to what degree the changes that have taken place in literature (the turn toward cybernetic literature) have directly influenced both literary criticism and poetics understood as a scholarly discipline and academic subject. Based on various examples, I reflect on whether the Polish philology students of today are equipped with tools for studying “techsts,” and also whether the creation of new tools is needed. The student perspective adopted here is meant to permit an analysis “from below” of the influence of new media on culture, and the question of how literary works are experienced by their audience in the (post-) digital age.
Artykuł ma na celu rozważenie, czy zmiany, które dokonały się w obrębie literatury (zwrot w stronę literatury cybernetycznej), mają bezpośredni wpływ zarówno na krytykę literacką, jak i poetykę rozumianą jako dziedzina naukowa oraz przedmiot wykładany na uniwersytecie. Na podstawie różnych przykładów autorka zastanawia się, czy student filologii polskiej zostaje wyposażony w narzędzia do badania tzw. techstów, a także czy koniecznie jest powstawanie jakichkolwiek nowych narzędzi. Przyjęta tu perspektywa studencka ma pozwolić na oddolną analizę problemu wpływu nowych mediów na kulturę oraz kwestii odbioru dzieł w dobie (post)digitalnej.
Acta Ludologica
vol. 7
issue 1
Digital games have come a long way since their origins as pure entertainment and can no longer be easily brushed aside as a frivolous pastime. The past decade or so has seen the introduction of many narrative-intensive games that take the joy of watching a great story unfold and combine it with a sense of agency in the audience, in this case, the player, thus giving us a new form of dramatic narrative. Despite the seeming appropriateness, however, attempts at conjoining Aristotle’s Poetics to digital game scholarship have been contentious. This paper aims to show that there is great merit in viewing narrative games through the lens of the terms and mechanisms discussed by Aristotle, more specifically his outlining of the ground rules for the desired form of tragedy. Additionally, a more indepth definition of words like hamartia, catharsis, and mimesis and their application will show the appropriateness of such a method in arguing for the artistic and aesthetic worth of this new medium that is known for obfuscating the more familiar structures of other narrative forms. To support the argument, the paper relies on recent digital game discourse and uses Naughty Dog’s award-winning, and highly contentious game, The Last of Us Part II, to demonstrate how it fits the mould designed by Aristotle and why it deserves the title of tragedy.
vol. 7
issue 1
Digital games have come a long way since their origins as pure entertainment and can no longer be easily brushed aside as a frivolous pastime. The past decade or so has seen the introduction of many narrative-intensive games that take the joy of watching a great story unfold and combine it with a sense of agency in the audience, in this case, the player, thus giving us a new form of dramatic narrative. Despite the seeming appropriateness, however, attempts at conjoining Aristotle’s Poetics to digital game scholarship have been contentious. This paper aims to show that there is great merit in viewing narrative games through the lens of the terms and mechanisms discussed by Aristotle, more specifically his outlining of the ground rules for the desired form of tragedy. Additionally, a more indepth definition of words like hamartia, catharsis, and mimesis and their application will show the appropriateness of such a method in arguing for the artistic and aesthetic worth of this new medium that is known for obfuscating the more familiar structures of other narrative forms. To support the argument, the paper relies on recent digital game discourse and uses Naughty Dog’s award-winning, and highly contentious game, The Last of Us Part II, to demonstrate how it fits the mould designed by Aristotle and why it deserves the title of tragedy.
Tematy i Konteksty
vol. 8
issue 3
The article deals with the subject of the application of poetics in everyday school life and it essentially focuses on its presence in upper secondary schools. On the basis of his experience, the author makes a general observation that poetics is only apparently in a good condition at school, whereas it is actually subject to the schematic structural method, which constrains, rather than facilitates, an in-depth reading of a text. In consequence, the author suggests that a Polish teacher should constantly make an effort to correct the present system, not yielding to the overimposed patterns of thinking or examinations standards.
Prezentowany artykuł podejmuje temat funkcjonowania poetyki w codziennej rzeczywistości szkolnej, przede wszystkim zaś skupia się na jej obecności w szkole ponadgimnazjalnej. Autor, opierając się na własnych doświadczeniach zauważa, że poetyka jedynie pozornie znajduje się w szkole w dobrej sytuacji, tak naprawdę jest podporządkowana schematycznej metodzie strukturalnej, która bardziej zniewala niż sprzyja pogłębionemu spotkaniu z tekstem. Autor artykułu proponuje zatem, by nauczyciel polonista nieustannie podejmował trud korygowania obowiązującego systemu i nie poddawał się narzuconym schematom myślowym i egzaminacyjnym.
The study intends to investigate the relations between Philip Sidney and the continental intellectual circle (mainly that of Protestant scholars and aristocrats) on the basis of Sidney’s correspondence. The study is focused especially on the Czech cultural milieu. Sidney’s „grand tour“ over continent is crucial for the formation of his concept of poetry. The poesy is, against Sidney, among all forms of learning the best suited to move the soul to virtue through the beautiful and delightful images of moral example, playing its important role in society.
This essay is an analytical study of a ten-poem sequence of sonnets written by Morgan in the seventies of the twentieth century. In it the late Scottish Makar creates a sophisticated poetic map of the city’s dynamic architectonic and sociological mutations by means of sophisticated language patterns. The poetic strategies used by Morgan in this cycle of sonnets aim at rendering the social and political problems of a modern city through equally advanced and amorphous linguistic operations. A detailed analysis and interpretation of all ten sonnets creates a poetic map of Glasgow with its characteristic and randomly chosen places, populated by people who find it difficult to accommodate there. Morgan’s sequence of sonnets becomes a refined and compound structure which, while relying on traditional motifs and patterns of Renaissance sonnets, transforms most of them and creates their modern unconventional lyrical equivalents.
Artykuł niniejszy to studium sekwencji dziesięciu sonetów napisanych przez szkockiego poetę narodowego Edwina Morgana na początku lat siedemdziesiątych XX wieku. W artykule tym autor próbuje prześledzić sposoby odwzorowania współczesnej rzeczywistości szkockiej metropolii w końcu dwudziestego wieku za pomocą kanonicznej formy sonetu, stworzonej w trzynastym wieku głównie do wyrażania uczuć wysokich takich jak miłość. Szczegółowa analiza wszystkich dziesięciu wierszy cyklu potwierdza oryginalną tezę, iż złożoność uwarunkowań ekonomicznych, społecznych i politycznych w jakich funkcjonuje współczesny Glasgow, determinuje użycie równie skomplikowanej materii językowej do jego właściwego literackiego odwzorowania.
Este trabajo consiste en un análisis comparativo a nivel léxico llevado a cabo entre las dos primeras traducciones latinas -en sentido estricto- de la Poética de Aristóteles, que, en efecto, no son sino las versiones de Guillermo de Moerbeke y Giorgio Valla. Tras establecer la trayectoria de las primeras traducciones de esta obra aristotélica, aportaremos brevemente algunos datos acerca de estos dos autores y ofreceremos una visión general del estilo y rasgos más característicos de sus obras. Asimismo, estableceremos un análisis comparativo fundamentalmente léxico, tomando como ejemplos una serie de pasajes oportunos y controvertidos que ayuden, mediante su comparación, a destacar aquellos rasgos particulares de cada traductor y a observar, por tanto, en qué aspectos se acercan o alejan entre sí ambas versiones y cuáles son sus convergencias y divergencias con respecto al texto griego. Nuestra intención es arrojar luz sobre algunas cuestiones de cierta relevancia para alcanzar una comprensión más amplia, por un lado, de los influjos que se puedan o no establecer entre las distintas versiones latinas de la Poética y, por otro lado, de la línea evolutiva latente en la interpretación y recepción de esta obra aristotélica.
This work consists of a lexical comparative analysis between the two first Latin translations of Aristotle’s Poetic: Guglielmo Moerbeke’s and Giorgio Valla’s translation. After path of first translations from The Poetic has been set, we are briefly going to give some information about those authors and provide a general approach of their style and features. Likewise, we will set a lexical comparative analysis, by highlighting appropriate text extracts as example, such that, by comparison, we can discriminate particular features of each author and observe which points are closer or distant of each other, and which are convergences and divergences with respect to the Greek text. Our intention is to shed light on some questions, in order to get wider understanding about, on one side, influences among different Latin translations of The Poetic, and, on the other side, of evolutionary line which we can find in the understanding and reception of this Aristotelian work.
Niniejszy artykuł jest oparty na analizie komparatywnej w zakresie słownictwa, przeprowadzonej na podstawie dwóch pierwszych tłumaczeń łacińskich dzieła Poetyka Arystotelesa, które w zasadzie są wersjami Guillermo de Moerbeke i Giorgio Valla. Po naszkicowaniu trajektorii pierwszych tłumaczeń w/w dzieła Arystotelesa, przedstawiamy zwięźle nie tylko określone dane dotyczące tych dwóch autorów, lecz również ogólną charakterystykę stylów i cech typowych dla ich twórczości. A zatem, eksponujemy tu analizę porównawczą, głównie w zakresie leksyki, wzorując się na przykładach zaczerpniętych zarówno z fragmentów stosownych jak i kontrowersyjnych, które by pomogły, za pośrednictwem porównań, wyróżnić szczególne cechy każdego tłumacza i co za tym idzie, zdiagnozować, w których aspektach obie wersje tłumaczeń są zbieżne, a w których się różnią, tj. jakie są między nimi podobieństwa i jakie rozbieżności w odniesieniu do tekstu greckiego. Naszym zamiarem jest wyjaśnić niektóre ważniejsze kwestie celem lepszego zrozumienia nie tylko wzajemnych wpływów, które mogłyby mieć miejsce między różnymi wersjami łacińskimi Poetyki, lecz także ukrytej ewolucji w zakresie interpretacji i recepcji omawianego tu dzieła Arystotelesa.
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