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The article deals with the conformity to the Polish constitution of legal regulations concerning appeals against decisions (resolutions) of the presidium of Polish Accreditation Committee. This measure plays a special role in the process of improving the quality of education in Polish universities and achieving educational standards applicable both in the European and global scientifi c community. The main objective of its functioning is to carry out mandatory assessments of the quality of education and to provide opinion on applications to establish new fi elds of study. There is no doubt that the Committee, through these activities, signifi cantly infl uences the form of higher education in Poland. Its decisions determine the legal situation of both the university, lecturers and students, and undoubtedly impinge on their constitutional rights and freedoms. Under the constitution, settlements of the Committee should be subject to direct judicial review. The question arises of whether the adopted mechanisms of review of the resolutions of the presidium of the Committee meet the constitutional standards. Answering this question required deliberations in the context of the Constitution, ordinary legislation, as well as the jurisprudence of administrative courts, including case law of the Supreme Administrative Court and the Constitutional Tribunal. The fi nal section presents conclusions and de lege ferenda postulates.
The opinion presents Sejm’s draft position in the proceedings before the Constitutional Tribunal concerning constitutionality of the procedure for the creation of common and military courts (Ref. No. K 27/12). A group of Deputies and the National Council of the Judiciary, initiating the proceedings, challenged the transfer to create and dissolve common and military courts to – respectively – the Minister of Justice and Minister of National Defence. In the Sejm’s view, the procedure for creation common courts does not infringe constitutional standards, but the provision authorising the creation of military courts does not comply with the Constitution due to the lack of necessary guidelines.
The development of artificial intelligence raises many ethical and legal challenges. The discussion concerns mainly the issues of competition and consumer protection law, personal data protection law, civil liability, contract law, however the key issue, so far neglected in the literature, may be the problem of systemic nature connected with the question of the necessity to regulate AI at the constitutional level. Such a need arises from the recognition of the role that AI will soon play in the state and society. Safeguarding human rights will require the introduction of a fundamental norm that expresses the idea of the superior position of humans over machines (autonomous systems). However, such a seemingly obvious norm, understood literally, is not at all certain when superhuman efficiency (also intellectual) of machines is taken into account. As a consequence, such a norm – derived from human dignity – may stand in unresolvable opposition to the needs of the technological system. The search for a new constitutional model that responds to these challenges should begin today.
In the author’s view the possibility of submitting documents and applications by air carriers to the President of the Civil Aviation Authority in a language other than Polish raises serious due to its lack of conformity with Article 27 of the Constitution. Other provisions of the proposed amendment do not raise doubts about their constitutionality. In accordance with the proposal all administrative cases filed and pending before appropriate bodies (mostly the President of the Civil Aviation Authority) are subject to the new provisions which will be inserted in Aviation Law Act.
Before I proceed to further detailed and developed arguments, I would like to present the main research problem involving the following question: how did the Border Protection Forces evolve in the years 1945–1965 from the perspective of the legal system and the constitutional law in particular. The constitution referred to above is not the basic law “as such”, in common parlance, but it is the constitution present in the course of the evolution of the legal status of the Frontier Protection Forces. This article is mainly focused on this constitution, although, apart from that, it contains the spectrum of legal and constitutional schemes adopted in different periods of the functioning of the Border Guard Forces in their constitutions. It is therefore immanent to present the process of the functioning of the Border Guard Forces – the origin and evolution of legal norms in the light of the constitution and the whole system of law, as well as the changes taking place in the system of law in the time-space between 1945 and 1965. Taking into account the defined objectives, it turned out to be necessary to present the work from a historical perspective. The chronology of facts is important for the discussed subject matter, as it helps to systematize the deliberations. The structure of the work has been adapted to the above principles of this publication. It begins with a legal-historical part introducing the subject of the tradition of constitutionalism in Poland. It presents the reasons for the creation and the process of subordination of border formations to various institutional solutions, and systematizes the legal and organizational transformation of the Border Protection Forces created in 1945 as a separate type of troops by the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Internal Affairs as part of the People's Army of Poland. The Border Protection Forces repeatedly revised its structural-bureaucratic subordination from the Ministry of National Defence through the Ministry of Public Security to the Ministry of the Interior and vice versa. The general research method became a legal-historical method to reconstruct the past state of affairs, the evolution of the legal status of the Border Protection Forces.
This text is about Polish Constitution from 1997 and the division of powers (legislature, executive, judiciary). Also, Executive system have got division on President and Prime Minister. Sometimes these divisions can involve conflicts, but they are necessary. In article author also make comparisons between polish and french political system. This article i san updated verion of a text published in: Instytucje współczesnego prawa administracyjnego. Księga jubileuszowa prof. Józefa Filipka, Kraków 2001.
Human dignity is one of the most fundamental ideas in the entire international human rights system. As from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in 1948, the concept of the human dignity become used as a tool to protect the basic needs of humans. The other formal instruments of international human rights also make reference to dignity. Whereas international law widely accepted the inherence of dignity, controversies still arise around the source of the dignity. Polish lawmakers, on the other hand, have no doubt about the fact the concept of dignity comes from natural law. Poland, in her Constitution, refers to the teaching of John Paul II about the source, value and meaning of human dignity. There is no doubt that concept of human dignity, even when it is controversial, is the most widely accepted by all religions and political society in the world.
The article makes a presentation of the relation between legal acts belonging to the so-called foreign orders and the national law at the level of regulation contained in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and the problem of application of the EU law by the Polish administrative authorities. The ratified international agreements and acts of the EU law are sources of administrative law and must be applied by the public authority of Member States. The article deals with two issues: the relationship between the international law and national law in the light of the Polish Constitution and application of the EU law by public administration in Poland. These issues can be dealt with separately but have a number of tangent points. The author does not aspire to present a comprehensive discussion of these issues, but intends to point out some aspects. It has been argued that the standard of application of international law by public administrations (which is also the accession treaties) and the EU law depends on how the constitution regulates the issue of international law relation to the domestic law. In Polish jurisdiction (the Constitutional Court and the Polish Supreme Administrative Court) the practice of respecting the principle of primacy of the EU law as well as the principle of a community of interpretation of this law has been established.
The development of civil society is indicated as one of the imperatives of contemporary politics in democratic states. Its pillars are social and civic participation as well as self-government. Activity within civil society can be group-based or take the form of individual civic activity, manifested in the attitude and civic awareness of its members. Civil society is associated with the creative attitudes of community members who are empowered to make decisions. The idea of civil society should therefore be understood as a real possibility of active participation of citizens in broadly understood public matters. Public administration creates or limits the essential conditions for citizens’ participation in building a democratic order (or disorder) by enabling processes and activities that fall within the scope of social participation.
The article presents considerations and multifaceted analyses of the conditions and motives of judicial decisions taken after the judgment of the TSUE 19 November 2019, in the context of how Poland’s judiciary system functions. It begins by explaining how to perceive and understand the essence of legal corruption in terms of the use of law, power and professional position. The possibilities of the intentional use of judicial power for specific needs and purposes is discussed in this context. The next part of the paper is devoted to a critical analysis of selectively interpreted right to a tribunal enshrined in art. 45 of the Polish Constitution in connection with other values enshrined therein. The right of every citizen to a fair and public hearing of their case, without undue delay by a competent, independent, impartial and independent court, is presented in terms of the constitutional perspective, the principle of equal treatment and non-discrimination. The problem outlined here is considered from the point of view of protection against the arbitrariness of authorities and the possibility of appealing against personnel decisions enabling employment to be taken up in selected positions in state institutions. Attention is paid to the privileged legal position of judges over other citizens. The issues described and the arguments presented in this article are entirely overlooked in the literature, as well as in public debate. What follows is an explanation of how TSUE rulings are interpreted differently by various public authorities. Reference is also made to the dictum of the Supreme Court judgment of 5 December 2019, which was issued in its Labour Law and Social Security Chamber. That process initiated specific actions and activities taken by individual groups of Supreme Court judges. Finally, the resolution of the combined three chambers of the Supreme Court on 23 January 2020, the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal of 20 April 2020, and divergent decisions regarding the implementation of the TSUE’s position of 8 April 2020 are discussed.
The academic conference “Local government in Poland – past, present, and future” was held on 14 April 2023 at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw and was organised by the Constitutional Law Academic Circle and the Warsaw Seminar on Axiology of Administration. The scope of the conference covered important, from the point of view of the functioning of the state, issues concerning the history, development and future of local government. It is worth emphasizing the fact of a multi-faceted view on the discussed issues. The report provides an overview of the papers presented by the speakers.
Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa „Samorząd terytorialny w Polsce – przeszłość, teraźniejszość, przyszłość” odbyła się 14.04.2023 r. na Wydziale Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie. Została zorganizowana przez Koło Naukowe Prawa Konstytucyjnego oraz Warszawskie Seminarium Aksjologii Administracji. Zakres konferencji obejmował istotne, z punktu widzenia funkcjonowania państwa, zagadnienia dotyczące historii, rozwoju oraz przyszłości samorządu terytorialnego. Warta podkreślenia jest wieloaspektowość spojrzenia na omawianą problematykę. Sprawozdanie w sposób przeglądowy przedstawia referaty wygłoszone przez prelegentów.
This article is about Polish Constitution and agreement on the topic of polish integration within European Union in future. Polish Lawyers try to make more coherence between Polish and European Union Laws. They try to make some necessary unifications . Most of Poles and especially polish political and juristic elites want to be part of European Union. But doubts within topic of law still remain.
This paper points out the most important international and internal acts which refer to prisoners’ rights in the context of the principle of humanity. The first part describes the Polish situation with regards to constitutional principles of human dignity and freedom from unfair treatment. The second part focuses on international standards, and is divided into two groups: UN standards and European standards. This leads to the conclusions contained in the third section about respecting these articles in contemporary Polish penitentiary law and prisons.
Wolność myśli, sumienia i wyznania to jedna z podstawowych wolności jednostki, która musi być i jest chroniona przez prawo międzynarodowe i krajowe, co ukazano na przykładzie polskiej konstytucji. Pod pojęciem wolności sumienia kryje się prawo wyboru przez jednostkę ludzką swojego światopoglądu i prawo do jego zmiany. Wolność wyznania daje jednostce prawo do uzewnętrzniania i manifestowania poglądów i przekonań przysługujących jednostce w kwestiach religijnych indywidualnie i zbiorowo, prywatnie lub publicznie. Można tę wolność ograniczać, ale musi to być określone w ustawie i tylko w szczególnych okolicznościach. Polska w tym zakresie jest zgodna z prawem międzynarodowym.
Freedom of thought, conscience and religion is one of the fundamental freedoms of individual, which has to be and is protected by international and national law, as shown on the example of the Polish Constitution. Freedom of conscience includes both the right of individual to choose the worldview and the right to change it. Freedom of religion ensures the right to express and manifest the views and convictions on religion individually and collectively, privately or publicly. Considering derogation of freedom of thought, conscience and religion, international law states that it may be restricted, but only in specific circumstances and under the legal act. The Polish Constitution is in line with international law in terms of restricting the above freedom.
The notion of the nation has an interdisciplinary character. It is a subject of research, of such disciplines like ethnology, history, sociology, social psychology, anthropology, political science and others. That notion is also a legal term. Polish Constitution uses the notion of the nation in various meanings. On the one hand, the Constitution emphasises ethnic-cultural dimension of the Polish nation pointing out common history, descent, cultural tradition and language. On the other hand, the Constitution describes the nation in political category as the whole of Polish citizens, showing the nation as a subject of supreme power in the state and ways of its exercising. Therefore, reconstructing the notion of the nation on basis of constitutional regulations, one should take into account not only literal read but also the place, the context and the function of norms concerning the nation, which put emphasis on ethnic or political dimension of this notion.
Studia Iuridica Lublinensia
vol. 32
issue 3
Artykuł dotyczy problematyki o dużej doniosłości z punktu widzenia współczesnych wyzwań. Celem podstawowym jest identyfikacja problemów i instrumentów prawnych, które mają podstawowe znacznie w perspektywie określonych w ustawie o Narodowym Banku Polskim (NBP) oraz w art. 227 ust. 1 Konstytucji RP jego zadań dotyczących ochrony wartości pieniądza i utrzymania stabilnego poziomu cen. Istotne w tym kontekście jest zrozumienie problemu wartości pieniądza w ogóle i właściwe podejście do statusu prawnego NBP w kontekście budowania ładu pieniężnego oraz prawnych możliwości jego działania w tym zakresie. Niewątpliwie istotnym atrybutem NBP w tym zakresie jest prawnie gwarantowana jego niezależność od wszelkich organów państwa oraz wyartykułowanie w ramach systemu prawa jego podstawowych form działania. Podstawowe znaczenie dla problemu określonego w tytule artykułu ma niewątpliwie zrozumienie w praktyce działania NBP podstawowych instrumentów prawnych w zakresie ochrony wartości pieniądza. Należy do nich w szczególności zaliczyć: ustalanie i realizację polityki pieniężnej, zapobieganie nadmiernej inflacji oraz wzrostowi cen towarów i usług, a także wykorzystanie stóp procentowych w procesie stabilizacji wartości pieniądza i kształtowania cen. Oddzielnym problemem staje się kwestia emisji pieniądza, zwłaszcza gdy mamy do czynienia z jego dodrukowywaniem. W konkluzji należałoby stwierdzi, że troska o ład pieniężny jest kluczowym elementem budowania podstaw ładu gospodarczego, finansowego, socjalnego i prawnego w państwie. Chociaż artykuł koncentruje się i opiera na prawie polskim, to jednak posiada również wartość poznawczą ujmowaną w perspektywie ponadnarodowej. W pracy zastosowano przede wszystkim metodę dogmatyczną, a w mniejszym zakresie także inne metody.
The article concerns an issue of great significance from the point of view of contemporary challenges. The primary objective is to identify problems and legal instruments which are of fundamental importance in the perspective of the central bank’s tasks concerning the protection of the value of money and the maintenance of a stable price level, as defined in the Act on the National Bank of Poland (the NBP) and in Article 227 (1) of the Polish Constitution. In this context, it is important to understand the problem of the value of money in general and to give due consideration to the legal status of the NBP in the context of building monetary order and the legal possibilities of its operation in this area. Undoubtedly, an important attribute of the NBP is its legally guaranteed independence from all state authorities and the formulation of its basic forms of action within the framework of the legal system. Fundamental to the problem identified in the title of this article is undoubtedly an understanding of the basic legal instruments used by the NBP to protect the value of money. These include in particular: the determination and implementation of monetary policy, the prevention of excessive inflation and the increase in the prices of goods and services, as well as the use of interest rates in the process of stabilizing the value of money and price formation. The question of issuing money, especially when we are dealing with money overprinting, becomes a separate problem. In conclusion, it should be stated that concern for monetary order is an essential element in building the foundations of economic, financial, social and legal order in the state. The work uses primarily the dogmatic method and, to a lesser extent, other methods as well.
The notion of the nation has an interdisciplinary character. It is a subject of research, of such disciplines like ethnology, history, sociology, social psychology, anthropology, political science and others. That notion is also a legal term. Polish Constitution uses the notion of the nation in various meanings. On the one hand, the Constitution emphasises ethnic-cultural dimension of the Polish nation pointing out common history, descent, cultural tradition and language. On the other hand, the Constitution describes the nation in political category as the whole of Polish citizens, showing the nation as a subject of supreme power in the state and ways of its exercising. Therefore, reconstructing the notion of the nation on basis of constitutional regulations, one should take into account not only literal read but also the place, the context and the function of norms concerning the nation, which put emphasis on ethnic or political dimension of this notion.
One of the most crucial principles of democratic regime is the concept of civil society. The implications of such concept are also visible within the area of labour law as the right to strike has been perceived as its core element. The primary purpose of the presented article is to consider whether the application of the doctrine of civil society automatically disables for a recognition of lockout for the employers’ organizations within the Polish legal system as well as international standards. The presented paper will mainly rely upon the legal dogmatic analysis of the provisions of Polish Constitution from 1997 and international regulations. The author will also use the elements of the comparative analysis between Polish standards amd norms enacted by the Council of Europe and the European Union. The innovative approach of the paper is the complex analysis of the Polish solutions from the intenational perspective in terms of equality between labour and the capital.
Jedną z nadrzędnych dyrektyw ustroju demokratycznego jest koncept społeczeństwa obywatelskiego. Koncepcja ta pociąga za sobą istotne implikacje także w obszarze prawa pracy, gdyż przysługujące pracownikom prawo do strajku uważane jest za rdzeń społeczeństwa obywatelskiego. Podstawowym celem niniejszego artykułu jest udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy przyjęcie koncepcji społeczeństwa obywatelskiego wyklucza prawną ochronę lokautu. Powyższe rozważania zostaną przeprowadzone w oparciu o dogmatyczno-prawną analizę przepisów Konstytucji RP z 1997 roku oraz najważniejszych regulacji prawa międzynarodowego. Autorka wykorzysta także elementy analizy komparatystycznej dla porównania polskich rozwiązań ze standardami wypracowanymi w ramach Rady Europy oraz Unii Europejskiej. Nowatorskie podejście niniejszego artykułu opierać się będzie na przeprowadzeniu kompleksowej analizy polskich unormowań z perspektywy międzynarodowej przez pryzmat zapewnienia równości między pracą a kapitałem.
The feature of contemporary world is interdependence of both individuals and all societies. Therefore, there is demand for an attitude of solidarity in both domestic and international dimension. The subject matter of solidarity is an important issue in teaching of John Paul II. According to the Polish-Pope it is the rule of solidarity which is one of the foundations of Christian concept of social and political organization and peace around the world. Therefore, the Pope during his pontificate repeatedly appealed both for solidarity between countries and solidarity of individual societies with their neediest members – the homeless, the unemployed, the sick, the disabled, former prisoners etc. International and domestic solidarity is also present in Polish Constitution, which defines foundations of political, economic and social system of state. Polish Constitution, on the one hand, says about the need of cooperation of Polish nation with all countries to the good of humankind, and, on the other hand, defines the obligation of solidarity with others as an unshakeable foundation of Poland. This obligation concerns not only citizens but first and foremost all bodies of public authority. Constitutional rule of solidarity and social justice requires equality in material dimension, that is equalizing of chances of those members of society which for some reasons are in a worse social and economic situation. Therefore, Polish Constitution contains many regulations which oblige bodies of public authority to eliminate social inequalities. Nonetheless, when the state does not discharge of that obligation, individual legal claims don’t arise from these regulations. This is so because the realization of social justice, which is a sign of solidarity reigning in society, is no always possible in full extent.
Experiences related to the global financial crisis of 2008 and to subsequent turbulence in the financial market, and also to threats connected with the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrate the evolution of the aims of the functioning of central banks. The goal of monetary stability, which means attempting to ensure low inflation, has proved insufficient. As a part of building a new architecture of financial regulation and supervision (at international, European, and national level), the mandate of central banks has been strengthened and supplemented with activities aimed at ensuring the stability of the financial system, understood as a state of affairs in which systemic risk does not accumulate. The aim of this article is to analyze the systemic role of the NBP (Polish Central Bank) from the point of view of the contemporary evolution of the role of central banks within the financial safety net.
Doświadczenia globalnego kryzysu finansowego z 2008 r. i kolejnych turbulencji na rynku finansowym, w tym także i zagrożeń związanych z rozprzestrzeniającą się epidemią Covid-19, dowodzą ewolucji celów funkcjonowania banków centralnych. Cel stabilności monetarnej, co oznacza dbałość niski poziom inflacji okazał się celem niewystarczającym. W ramach budowania nowej architektury regulacji i nadzoru rynku finansowego (na poziomie międzynarodowym, europejskim i krajowym) mandat banków centralnych został wzmocniony i uzupełniony o działania na rzecz stabilności systemu finansowego rozumianej jako stan, w którym nie dochodzi do kumulacji ryzyka systemowego. Celem artykułu jest analiza ustrojowej roli NBP z punktu widzenia współczesnej ewolucji roli banków centralnych w sieci bezpieczeństwa finansowego.
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