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Analyzing the conditions of Polish agriculture should be noted that agricultural land in Poland occupy 16,8 million ha, representing 54,0% of the total land area. In terms of agricultural area Poland ranks third in Europe after France and Spain. In comparison with other Member States, Poland has considerable resources of agricultural land, which per capita is approximately one 0,7 ha and the area of arable land in Poland is equivalent to about 20% of EU agricultural area. It should be emphasized that Poland is no way to becoming an important country in the agricultural markets in Europe. The natural conditions and determine the organizational and economic opportunities of Polish agriculture in the competitive struggle with other Member States. Large labor resources and low environmental pollution and promote the diversity of production management capabilities in accordance with the system friendly to the environment or making production of biomass for energy purposes. Undoubtedly, it strengthens the Polish position in the competitive struggle. This issue should however look systemically, taking into account beyond the support of the EU, the state intervention. The decision process for increasing the competitiveness of agriculture must be adapted primarily to natural conditions and economic organization of the country and each region. Indeed, these conditions determine the specificity and intensity of Polish agriculture and its competitiveness relative to other EU countries.
The consumption of twelve energy carriers covered by the analysis in 2000-2011 was estimated with the use of a method ensuring comparability of data on energy input in the analysed period. In 2011, this consumption was by 4.2% lower than in 2000. The consumption of liquid fuels decreased by 10.9%, but the consumption of diesel oil increased by 13.4%. Thermal energy consumption was also lower by 10.0%. But, the consumption of solid fuels increased by 5.3 %, gas fuels by 62.5 % and electricity - by 2.0%. In 2011 the prices for purchasing the analysed energy carriers increased by 12.2 to 193.4%. The price of diesel oil increase by 92.6%. In 2011 the energy costs in agriculture in current prices were by 94.5% higher than in 2000. The energy costs per 100 ha of agricultural land in 2000-2011 increased by over twofold (by 125%), and as regards the surface of arable land - by 152%. The structure of energy costs incurred in agriculture is predominated by diesel oils, whose share in 2000-2011 ranged from 67.9% to 81.5%.
Based on selected papers from the Newsletter of the Polish Economic Society No. 2(61) from April 2013, titled “Paradoxes of the futurology of 2050”, the author pictures the overall context within which Polish agriculture will operate in 2050, and encourages the study of papers in futurology. The future condition of agriculture will depend on global demographic change, climate-change related weather phenomena, the rising costs of substitutes that replace the dwindling natural resources, the evolution of the structures and ways of functioning of the European Union, and the continued growth of the national economy.
Mineral fertilizers are considered to be a driving force for production in the present day agriculture. In Poland, from among 2.5 mln tons of compound mineral fertilizers, expressed in a pure ingredient, above 2 mln tons is used in domestic agriculture. Since 1992 has been a growing tendency in the usage of such fertilizers. The main aim of this analysis is to present multifarious forecasts concerning the use of mineral fertilizers in Poland in 2014–2025. Three ways of building a future prediction have been used in the conducted research: extrapolation, adaptation and causal prediction. The analyses pinpoint that till 2025 the estimated growth in the use of mineral fertilizers is going to fl uctuate around 9–23.5% in comparison with the average score in 2010–2013. It is important to mention that in the most probable and sustainable scenario of a transformation in agriculture, this growth is going to amount to about 15%.
Nawozy mineralne są we współczesnym rolnictwie niezbędnym środkiem produkcji. Z wytwarzanych w Polsce 2,5 mln ton NPK w przeliczeniu na czysty składnik ponad 2 mln ton jest zużywane w krajowym rolnictwie i począwszy od roku 1992 zużycie to wykazuje tendencję rosną- cą. Głównym celem opracowania jest przedstawienie prognoz zużycia nawozów mineralnych w Polsce na lata 2014–2025. W prowadzonych badaniach wykorzystano trzy sposoby budowy projekcji, tj. predykcję ekstrapolacyjną, adaptacyjną i przyczynową. Wyniki badań wskazują, że do roku 2025 przewidywany wzrost zużycia nawozów mineralnych będzie oscylował w granicach 9–23,5% w porównaniu ze średnią z lat 2010–2013, przy czym w najbardziej prawdopodobnym, zrównoważonym scenariuszu przemian w rolnictwie wzrost ten wynosił będzie ok. 15%.
Transformation to a market economy in 1990 year and accession to the European Union in 2004 year had a big impact on the functioning of our agricultural sector and the organization of farms in Poland. The aim of the paper is try to determine the organization changes and process of production concentration in Polish agriculture on the background of selected countries in EU. The results indicate that the concentration and specialization of production is necessary for economic and organizational reasons. This underpins the increase in productivity, improvement of the economic condition and easier sale of agricultural products. Unfortunately, these processes are also associated with an increase in pressure from agriculture on the natural environment.
L’articolo si propone di rispondere alla domanda se e fino a che punto la regolazione giuridica delle cooperative agricole, della loro organizzazione e del funzionamento riesca a far fronte alle sfide poste in Polonia all’agricoltura moderna. Nella parte conclusiva, l’Autrice ha affermato tra l’altro che, dopo l’adesione della Polonia all’Unione Europea, l’attività delle cooperative agricole si concentra non solo sull’attività di produzione, ma è orientata anche a sostenere l’operato dei cooperatori-produttori agricoli. Di conseguenza, l’attività intrapresa favorisce lo sviluppo dell’agricoltura stessa, iscrivendosi allo stesso tempo nel quadro delle politiche dell’UE. Il legislatore, inteso a disciplinare le cooperative agricole, la loro organizzazione e il funzionamento, si impegna a rispondere alle sfide poste all’agricoltura moderna, benché, ed è fuori dubbio, siano necessarie ulteriori modifiche legislative.
The aim of the article is to answer the question whether and to what extent the legal regulation of agricultural cooperatives, their organisation and functioning respond to the challenges of modern agriculture in Poland. It has been shown that following Poland’s accession to the European Union, the activity of Polish agricultural cooperatives has been focused not only on production but also on supporting the activity of co-op-producers of agricultural produce. As a result Polish agriculture has being developing well and, at the same time, in line with EU policies. By regulating agricultural cooperatives, their organisation and functioning, the legislator seeks to respond to the challenges of modern agriculture, although there is no doubt that further legislative changes are necessary.
vol. 18
issue 1
The objective of the paper is to present the results of negotiations on the EU budget for 2014-2020, with particular emphasis on the Common Agricultural Policy. Authors indicate the steps for establishing the budget, from the proposal of the European Commission presented in 2011, ending with the draft of UE budget agreed at the meeting of the European Council on February 2013 and the meeting of the AGRIFISH on March 2013 and then approved by the political agreement of the European Commission, European Parliament and European Council on June 2013. In this context, there will be an assessment of the new budget from the point of view of Polish economy and agriculture.
Celem publikacji jest zaprezentowanie wyników negocjacji nad budżetem UE na lata 2014-2020 ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wspólnej polityki rolnej. Autorzy wskazują na kolejne etapy ustalania budżetu, od propozycji Komisji Europejskiej w 2011r., kończąc na projekcie budżetu uzgodnionym na spotkaniu Rady Europejskiej w lutym 2013r. i grupy AGRIFISH w marcu 2013r., a następnie zatwierdzonym porozumieniem politycznym Komisji Europejskiej, Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady Europejskiej w czerwcu 2013r. W tym kontekście, zostanie dokonana ocena nowego budżetu z punktu widzenia interesów polskiej gospodarki i polskiego rolnictwa.
Przemiany w polskim rolnictwie i na wsi są w ostatnich latach silnie związane z WPR. Pomimo intensywnie zachodzących przeobrażeń, modernizacja nadal wymaga ogromnych nakładów inwestycyjnych. Niniejszy tekst zawiera wstępną ocenę propozycji kształtu WPR na lata 2014-2020 przedstawionej przez KE. Projekty KE porównano z obecnie obowiązującymi regulacjami. Następnie oceniono proponowane zmiany z punktu widzenia obecnego kształtu WPR i potrzeb modernizacyjnych polskiej wsi i rolnictwa. Wyniki badań przemian w rolnictwie i na obszarach wiejskich umożliwiają wskazanie in-strumentów WPR mogących mieć znaczny wpływ na modernizację. Wstępna ocena pro-pozycji KE pokazuje, iż kształt WPR nie byłby optymalny dla Polski. Choć zmiany nie są rewolucyjne, to mogą spowodować znaczące przesunięcia wsparcia różnych grup rolników i mieszkańców wsi. Doświadczenia z wdrażaniem WPR w Polsce wskazują na to, iż jest niezbędne precyzyjne dopasowanie wsparcia do indywidualnych potrzeb konkretnych grup beneficjentów.
In recent years transformation in the Polish agriculture and rural areas has been strongly associated with the CAP. Despite intensive changes, the modernisation still requires huge investments. This paper presents a preliminary assessment of the EC’s proposals for CAP in the period 2014-2020. Based on the comparison with the current CAP the key changes proposed are presented. They are then assessed in the perspective of the modernisation and developmental needs of the Polish agriculture and rural areas. The preliminary assessment of the EC’s proposals shows that they are not optimal for Poland. Although the changes in the CAP are not revolutionary, they can lead to significant shift of the support among different groups of beneficiaries creating losers and winners. The already gained experience with the implementation of the CAP in Poland, shows that the support must precisely fit to the individual needs of specific groups of beneficiaries if it is to be effective and efficient.
Celem rozważań jest identyfikacja wyzwań związanych z inteligentnymi wsiami w polskim i europejskim systemie prawnym. Rozwój koncepcji inteligentnych wsi jest bardziej widoczny w nowej Wspólnej Polityce Rolnej po 2023 r. Zakłada ona rozwój wielu mechanizmów prawnych, które razem będą tworzyć inteligentną wieś. W artykule wskazano przede wszystkim wyzwania prawne, ale także społeczne i ekonomiczne. Ich identyfikacja została wsparta przykładami wdrożeń innowacyjnych wsi w wybranych krajach europejskich. Przedstawione w artykule wyzwania uwzględniają również kwestie globalizacji i europeizacji koncepcji inteligentnych wsi. Jednocześnie odniesiono się do możliwych zagrożeń wynikających z przyjętych rozwiązań, a także ich wpływu na konkurencyjność rolnictwa. Wskazano, że inteligentne wsie są jednym z przekaźników innowacji w rolnictwie i cyfrowego rozwoju obszarów wiejskich.
L’articolo si propone di identificare sfide fondamentali relative ai villaggi intelligenti negli ordinamenti giuridici polacco ed europeo. Nella nuova politica agricola comune dopo il 2023 lo sviluppo della concezione di smart village è più accentuato. Essa prevede di sviluppare vari meccanismi giuridici che nell’insieme porteranno a creare questo tipo di villaggio. Nell’articolo sono state messe in risalto soprattutto sfide giuridiche, accanto a quelle sociali ed economiche, supportate da concreti esempi provenienti da Paesi europei scelti. Nel contesto delle sfide discusse si è tenuto conto anche delle questioni riguardanti la globalizzazione e l’europeizzazione. Si è fatto altresì riferimento a possibili minacce risultanti dalle soluzioni adottate, nonché ad un loro impatto sulla competitività dell’agricoltura. È stato anche appurato che i villaggi intelligenti agiscono da cassa di risonanza per promuovere l’innovazione nel settore agricolo come anche l’innovazione digitale delle zone rurali.
The aim of the considerations was to identify the challenges related to smart villages arising in the Polish and European legal systems. The expansion of the smart villages concept has become more apparent the new Common Agricultural Policy which provides for the development of different legal mechanisms which, put together, will help to create a smart village. The legal, but also social and economic challenges related to this proposal have been indicated and supported by examples of the implementation of innovative villages in selected European countries, taking into account the influence of globalisation and Europeanisation on the very concept of intelligent villages. Further to that, potential threats from the adopted solutions, as well as their impact on the competitiveness of agriculture have been highlighted. It has also been shown that intelligent villages constitute one of the transmitters of innovation in agriculture and digital rural development.
Family farm sector in Polish agriculture is characterised by a very negative area structure. Acceleration of ownership changes in agriculture, especially via transfer of agricultural holdings to this sector from the Agricultural Property Stock of the State Treasury, which was set up mainly on the basis of property from liquidated state-owned farms (PGR), was to contribute to strengthening the sector and improvement in its structure. This paper aims to evaluate the implementation of the goal. The research covers the 1990-1996 period, i.e. up to finalisation of primary distribution of Agricultural Property Stock. The analysis covered the main assumptions on how to distribute the property stock and effects of realisation of these assumptions. Later, changes in ownership, legal and area structure were analysed, especially changes in the individual farm groups, which were at that time described as family farms. Conducted analysis demonstrated that the planned effects were reached only to a small degree. Family farm sector has decreased. There has been a clear polarisation in the area structure of this sector. Average area of a farm in the sector increased only slightly. However, the sector of large-area farms owned by private or legal persons has increased significantly (beside cooperative farms, which existed prior to system transformation period).
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