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This article undertakes the problem of rationality presented in works of behavioral economists. Paper is divided in three sections. In the first, there are described roots of behavioral economics, which can be mainly found in work of Herbert A. Simon, the creator of bounded rationality concept. Second part is focused on the problem of economic experiments, mainly those conducted by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky. In the last part there are described implications of those experiments to the real-world policies (such as economic or social policy). This problem is mostly considered as the idea of libertarian paternalism depicted by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein.
The aim of the article is critical look at the argumentation flowing from the side of the rationality behaviors critics in the market events. The theoretical deliberations are leading in wider reference to the homo oeconomicus conception. The author argues that the applicability of the homo oeconomicus presumption is not the result of its realism but the result of the comparative usefulness which bring its applicability to the microeconomics models.
Nowadays tourism is one of the most important branches of the national economy. Its importance is noticeable both at the global and local level area. Share of GDP, in exports and in employment is increasing. Rapidly grooving numbers of tourist. Tourist becames a regular part of livestyle. Take consideration of rationality in these areas of social and economis activity taking as a starting point homo economicus it seems so important. In this article attempts perception of nationality in the tourism economy an three levels : tourist demand, supply - service and social.(
This article attempts to define the categories of rationality, which correspond to the main assumptions of the social economy. From this perspective, made a critical analysis of one of the leading ideas of rationality represented by representatives of mainstream economics. Characteristics of the social economy has shown that one-dimensional analysis is not sufficient and should refer to the achievements of other social sciences. It requires redefinition of rationality, which must meet the combined criteria of economic and social development, taking into account a wide range of values. Issues raised in the article is not exhaustive, but it can be a voice for further discussion on this topic.
The paper presents fundamental, selected opinions of the rationality issue in context of economic theory of utility. Main aspects of the rational behaviour generated by precursors of utilitarianism are shown. Also a fresh approach of behavioral economics is described, with its derogations from strict rules of conduct rational homo oeconomicus. In the article criticism relating to the presentation of a model of economic phenomena can be found.
Most economic models are prescriptive and based on expected utility theory. Decisions taken on the basis of these models ought to be completely rational and consistent with axioms of the expected utility theory. Prospect theory (PT) is an alternative theory of choice under risk and increasingly used to explain deviations from the traditional paradigm of rational agents. It is important to understand the concept of the PT and its cumulative representation, as well as how it is measured and whether and to what extent PT supports real decisions under risk. This article explores these questions and deliver some axiomatic research review of Cumulative Prospect Theory (CPT) as a framework for decision under risk.
Przedmiotem rozważań podjętych w artykule jest problematyka racjonalności postępowania konsumentów na współczesnym rynku. Tematyka racjonalności konsumpcji i zachowań konsumentów zyskuje coraz większe znaczenie we współczesnej ekonomii, zarówno na poziomie mikro-, jak i makroekonomicznym. Ocenę racjonalności odniesiono do wiedzy ekonomicznej polskich konsumentów, subiektywnej oceny poziomu tej wiedzy, poznania źródeł wiedzy ekonomicznej konsumentów, ich oceny pod kątem wiarygodności i stopnia wykorzystania, a także do potrzeby i gotowości jej pogłębienia. Podstawą źródłową prowadzonych analiz były ogólnopolskie badania bezpośrednie oraz przegląd literatury przedmiotu.
The subject of considerations taken up in the article is the issue of rationality of consumers’ behavior in the modern market. Issues of rational consumption and consumer behavior are becoming increasingly important in modern economics, both at the micro- and macro-scale level. The assessment of rationality was referred to the economic knowledge of Polish consumers, to subjective assessment of the level of this knowledge, to the recognition of sources of consumers’ economic knowledge, their assessment in terms of credibility and degree of usage as well as to the need and readiness to its deepening. Source data base for the analysis was nationwide direct research and literature review on the subject.
This article raises the problem of rationality management of personal finances, discussing issues such as the selection of theories of rationality in economics, the essence of the process of managing of personal finances, the concept of rational management of personal finances. This article aims to systematize approaches of rationality in relation to the management of personal finances.(
The concept of a social market economy has both liberal and Christian roots. That is why it is aimed at rationality, effectiveness and ethics.
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Racjonalność kryzysu

The financial crisis which started in 2008 led to the worst economic crisis since the 1930s. The crash of the speculative bubble in the real estate and derivatives market caused negative consequences in the real sphere too. The mechanism of the American financial crisis shows great resemblance to the Japanese one at the beginning of the 1990s. In both cases the government supported expansive monetary policy combined with the easy credit lay at the heart of the crisis. With the deregulation of the banking sector, the conditions were favorable to high risk investments. As a consequence, both in the USA and in Japan speculative bubbles expanded bringing comparable effects. The parties involved in the processes leading to the afore-mentioned crises acted, looking from the individual perspective, in a rational way. They may have been certain that their investments were rational and safe. This, as it turned out, false sense of security was created by the policy of American and Japanese governments respectively.
Rationality is a characteristic of any business activity. However, it still constitutes a ground for never-ending consideration, especially in relation to service economics. It is due to the fact that economic laws, which are applied in the field, are subject to rapid changes. The dilemma is establishing defined regularities that carry the traits of scientific generalizations characteristic of the field of services. They are recurrent relations between particular components of a service process. It is duty of a service decision-maker to establish a system of proceedings, which will ensure relatively full realization of preset goals connected with obtaining utility values out of the services at an every stage of the providing process. The aim of this article is to produce depiction of a rationality problem in a service business activity.
The expected utility model (EU) and the mean-variance model (M-V) are the most common approaches to analyzing choices under uncertainty. These two models produce the preference relations which are only consistent under additional restrictions. Although the mean-variance preferences has been important in financial economics, such a concept of risk is not consistent with others. However, the decision makers select alternatives by comparing their risk, and various risk measures are employed. The main aim of the paper is to compare various concepts of measure of risk aversion and present some conditions providing consistency in the two approaches.
Autorzy wykorzystują złożony wskaźnik rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego, zwany wskaźnikiem ALK (BDI), do analizy sytuacji gospodarczej w 22 krajach europejskich OECD w latach 1999-2017. Wskaźnik obejmuje 45 zmiennych społecznych i ekonomicznych w podziale na cztery grupy: 1) oceny bieżącej sytuacji społecznej i politycznej, 2) przewidywania i oczekiwania społeczne, 3) wewnętrzna sytuacja ekonomiczna, 4) czynniki zewnętrzne. Ze względu na oddziaływanie oczekiwań społecznych i czynników zewnętrznych można wyróżnić cztery typy krajów: niezależne racjonalne, zależne emocjonalne, zależne racjonalne i niezależne emocjonalne. Najbardziej niebezpieczne dla rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego jest znalezienie się w grupie krajów zależnych emocjonalnych, charakteryzujących się niską stopą inwestycji i wysokim udziałem konsumpcji w PKB, do której to grupy niebezpiecznie zbliża się gospodarka Polski.
The authors use a composite socioeconomic development indicator, called ALK (BDI) index, to analyze the economic situation in 22 European OECD countries in the period of 1999-2017. The indicator includes 45 social and economic variables contained in four groups: 1) assessments of the current social and political situation, 2) social predictions and expectations, 3) internal economic situation, 4) external factors. With respect to the impact of social expectations and external factors, four types of countries can be distinguished: independent rational, dependent emotional, dependent rational, and independent emotional. The most dangerous for socio-economic development is being in a group of dependent and emotional countries, characterized by a low investment rate and a high consumption share in GDP, which is dangerously approached by the Polish economy.
The rational management of credit risk constitutes the base for construction of the safe and credit portfolio of the bank. Principles of the credit risk management were established in legal documents for the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, of which the implementation to internal procedures is for the bank compulsory. A credit policy is a base of the credit risk management, in frames which priority directions of the credit share, adapted for appetite for the risk accepted by the supervisory board of the bank, are being established for. A system of internal limits, constituting the basic tool of the diversification of credit in many diameters is also an indispensable element of the structure of the secure credit portfolio. All these issues were discussed in the present article.
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki autorskiego badania racjonalności zachowań konsumentów. Jego celem było określenie ogólnych zasad modelowania zachowania konsumentów w systemach społeczno-gospodarczych na potrzeby budowy wieloagentowych modeli symulacyjnych. Przedmiotem badania były decyzje dotyczące zakupu wybranego produktu żywnościowego. Informacje niezbędne do analizy zachowań w sytuacjach decyzyjnych zgromadzono na podstawie ankiety. Do analizy zachowań konsumentów zastosowano metodę AHP, która pozwala sprowadzić złożony problem decyzyjny do skończonego zbioru kilku wariantów decyzyjnych, wykorzystując zarówno dane ilościowe, jak i jakościowe. Artykuł ma charakter empiryczny i poznawczy.
The article presents results of authors own study of rationality of consumer behavior. Its main objective was to determine general principles of consumer behavior modeling in socio-economic systems that are necessary for building multi-agent simulation models. A subject of research was purchase decisions concerning chosen food product. Data necessary for analysis of behavior in decisive situations were collected from questionnaires. To analyse the data, analytic hierarchy process (AHP) has been used. This method enables the fragmentation of the complex decision problem and the creation of final ranking. AHP uses quantitative data, as well as qualitative data. The article has an empirical and cognitive character.
In Adam Smith’s Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations the term ‘rational’ occurs only twice. Neither of these uses assigns the property of rationality either to human beings or to economic agents. Despite that, Smith is widely recognised as the founder of modern mainstream economics, a science which is defined by the assumption of the rationality of an economic agent. This paper aims to locate and discuss the notion of rationality which is implied by Smith’s work. To achieve that a double-track approach is taken. First, the current paper reconstructs Smith’s general view on human nature which was presented mainly in his earlier book The Theory of Moral Sentiments. This is followed by a discussion of Smith’s theses on selected mechanisms which drive the economy as presented in The Wealth of Nations.
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