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The article describes the activities of the Roman Catholic Church in Poland for creating health security at the beginning (March 2020) of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Those activities illustrate the coordinated collaboration of state with church, which enjoys a significant public opinion-forming power and influences the behaviour of a major part of the society. The authors conclude that creating health security implies the need to refer to the benefits arising from the collaboration of state with church. The article provides conclusions which may prove useful in different political and religious contexts.
A major challenge over the pandemic period was to establish the criteria for recognizing COVID-19 as an occupational disease. The European Center for Disease Prevention and Control has attempted to estimate the incidence of COVID-19 in individual occupational groups and economy sectors in the European Union and the United Kingdom, and to identify possible factors increasing the transmission of the virus at workplaces. Legal regulations of various countries in the world allow COVID-19 to be recognized as an accident at work and/or an occupational disease. In Poland, an occupational disease is defined as a disease caused by harmful factors occurring in the work environment or connected with performing a given job, included in the official list of occupational diseases. When assessing occupational exposure in the healthcare sector, it should be considered that healthcare workers include all persons in contact with patients or their biological material, as well as employees who are not medical professionals but who share a common space with patients due to the nature of their work. The latter group includes administrative and technical employees, control and rescue service workers, people supporting medical staff, and employees of nursing homes. In the case of non-medical occupations, the decision to recognize COVID-19 as an occupational disease should be made on an individual basis, after confirming a significant risk of contracting a SARS-CoV-2 virus infection at the workplace and in the absence of evidence of a non-occupational source of infection. An assessment of occupational exposure should always include evaluating the possibility of SARS-CoV-2 transmission.
Undoubtedly, the end of 2019 will be recorded in the annals of modern human history as a time which resulted in an unprecedented event. This is because this year, the global epidemic of the SARS-CoV-2 virus broke out. This virus, on the other hand, leads to the development of an acute infectious disease of the respiratory tract, known as COVID-19. Therefore, the state of epidemic threat that was initially introduced in Poland, and then transformed into the current epidemic state, requires a particular reaction from the state authorities and also, it would seem, an appropriate response to the situation by the citizens themselves. In such exceptional circumstances, the obligation arises for the state to protect the life and health of its citizens, both in the area of enacting the relevant law and its implementation. However, there is a remedy for the growing number of new cases of COVID-19 and deaths in this context, namely the possibility of performing preventive vaccinations against this disease. This article aims to analyze and evaluate the legal regulations on preventive vaccinations against COVID-19 introduced in Poland. In this regard, reference is made to the basic assumptions used in the constitutional model of health care inPoland. In this context, the principle of equal access to health care services financed from public funds and the constitutional exceptions to the principle of equal access to benefits, such as children, pregnant women, disabled and elderly people are discussed, as well as the principle of the active role of the state in combating epidemic threats. These considerations are complemented by an outline of the statutory and sub-statutory solutions in the health care model. The analysis also covers legal solutions adopted with regard to the COVID-19 epidemic, and presents the distribution of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines as well as restrictions, orders and bans in connection with the epidemic. In addition, the compliance of the distribution of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines with the constitutional model of health protection is assessed, with the criteria for assessing this distribution in the context of establishing the state of the epidemic being singled out.
Objectives: The study provides the reader with the presentation of one of participatory instruments - social consultations at the level of gmina administrative district. The aim of the article is to determine if the participatory instruments at the level of the basic unit of Polish local self-government were limited at the time when some new legal steps were undertaken by the Polish authorities during the coronavirus crisis (April-July 2020). Material and methods: In this particular study theoretical analysis and legal methods (including formal legal method) were applied to approach the raised questions and to formulate conclusions. Results: In Poland, during the so-called ‘lock-down’ (April-May 2020), the most popular participatory instruments at the local level - social consultations were able to work. If opinions and projects submitted for consultations were not intended to be held in person, the electronic system was working, therefore the inhabitants of gmina were able to send an electronic version of a prepared form. If the consultations were intended to be held personally, they should have been rescheduled. In the context of the latest events concerning COVID-19 crisis, we may observe the development of the activities of administrative and local bodies which are in connection with the idea of the so-called ‘digital state’. Conclusions: The diversity of forms of public participation gives a real opportunity to shape the policies of a state, region, or local government. Polish local self-governmental bodies develop some new tools and forms of communication. Information and communication technologies provide municipalities with the freedom of participation in a decision-making process, and give a real opportunity to faster exchange of information and answers to the local problems.
In response to the new threats caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus employers began to take preventive measures, such as the SARS-CoV-2 virus tests, which generally led to the processing employee health data. Therefore, it became important to determine whether the employee is obliged to disclose to the employer knowledge about his health. The article addresses the issue of the scope of an employee’s informational autonomy during the period of threat of the SARS-CoV-2 virus
W odpowiedzi na nowe zagrożenia spowodowane wirusem SARS-CoV-2 pracodawcy zaczęli podejmować środki profilaktyczne, takie jak m.in. stosowanie testów na obecność wirusa SARS-CoV-2, co na ogół prowadziło do przetwarzania danych dotyczących zdrowia pracowników. Istotne stało się zatem ustalenie, czy pracownik jest zobowiązany do ujawnienia pracodawcy wiedzy nt. swojego stanu zdrowia. Artykuł dotyczy problematyki zakresu autonomii informacyjnej pracownika w okresie zagrożenia wirusem SARS-CoV-2.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the rights and obligations of parents resulting from the care of the child, limited for the purposes of the research conducted to the issue of protecting the child's health and ensuring its safety. Such a limited duty of care is analyzed in the context of the implementation of compulsory education in the situation of an epidemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19). The issues raised in the article are part of the discussion on the determination of the limits of parents' interference in the necessity for the child to fulfill the compulsory schooling in a situation of an epidemic, when direct contact of a child attending school may cause a significant risk of infection. In a broader sense, the considerations deal with the problem of the child's health safety and family members who are less resistant to disease, assessed in terms of two general clauses: the best interests of the child and the good of the family.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza praw i obowiązków rodziców wynikających z pieczy nad osobą dziecka, ograniczonych na potrzeby prowadzonych badań do kwestii ochrony zdrowia dziecka i zapewnienia mu bezpieczeństwa. Tak zawężony obowiązek pieczy analizowany jest w kontekście realizacji obowiązku szkolnego w sytuacji stanu epidemii spowodowanej wirusem SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). Poruszana problematyka wpisuje się w dyskusję nad ustaleniem granic ingerencji rodziców w konieczność realizacji przez dziecko obowiązku szkolnego w sytuacji stanu epidemii, gdy bezpośredni kontakt dziecka uczęszczającego do szkoły może powodować znaczne ryzyko zakażenia. W ujęciu szerszym rozważania podejmują problem bezpieczeństwa zdrowotnego dziecka i mniej odpornych na zachorowanie członków jego rodziny ocenianych pod kątem dwóch klauzul generalnych: zasady dobra dziecka i zasady dobra rodziny.
Wprowadzenie. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie trudności doświadczanych przez matki podczas pierwszej fali pandemii COVID-19. Zakładano, że w czasie pandemii nasilą się trudności związane z godzeniem życia zawodowego i rodzinnego, nastąpią zmiany w relacjach między matką a dzieckiem, zmieni się podział obowiązków rodzinnych między rodzicami dziecka. Cel. Zapytano o główny problem: Jakich trudności związanych z życiem rodzinnym w czasie pandemii wywołanej wirusem SARS-CoV-2 doświadczają badane matki? Materiał i metody. W badaniu zastosowano podejście jakościowe. Źródłem danych badawczych są wywiady z matkami. Wyniki. W czasie pandemii trudności matek miały zróżnicowany charakter. Wyniki badań wskazują zarówno na negatywne, jak i pozytywne (od pogorszenia do poprawy relacji) konsekwencje zmiany relacji między matką a dzieckiem, próby łączenia życia zawodowego z rodzinnym oraz podziału obowiązków między partnerami. Badane matki zgłaszają wzrost napięcia i stresu w wyniku pojawiającego się konfliktu między pracą zawodową a życiem rodzinnym, ograniczonego wsparcia ze strony partnera oraz trudnej, pełnej trudnych emocji relacji z dzieckiem. Na drugim kontinuum znajdują się matki, które pomimo trudnej sytuacji starały się godzić życie zawodowe z rodzinnym, otrzymywały wsparcie ze strony partnera, dzieliły się po równo obowiązkami związanymi z opieką nad dzieckiem i prowadzeniem gospodarstwa domowego. Wnioski. Pandemię należy rozpatrywać w kategoriach sytuacji trudnej. Niejako wymusiła ona na matkach skonstruowanie nowej codzienności związanej z rolą matki i pracownika jednocześnie. Dotychczasowe próby równoważenia obu sfer życia prowadzące do zachowania równowagi (work-life balance) nie zawsze okazywały się skuteczne w czasie pandemii. W wielu przypadkach pandemia doprowadziła do zresetowania dotychczasowego modelu rodziny i stworzenia go na nowo.
Introduction. The article aims to present the difficulties experienced by mothers during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was assumed that during the pandemic, difficulties related to reconciling work and family life would intensify, there would be changes in the relationship between mother and child, and the division of family responsibilities between the child’s parents would change. Aim. The main problem was: What difficulties related to family life during the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus are experienced by the examined mothers? Material and methods. The research used a qualitative approach. The source of the research data are interviews with mothers. Results. During the pandemic, mothers’ difficulties varied in nature. Research results indicate both negative and positive (from deterioration to improvement of relationships) consequences of change in the relationship between mother and child, attempts to combine work and family life, and the division of responsibilities between partners. The surveyed mothers report an increase in tension and stress as a result of the emerging conflict between work and family life, limited support from the partner and a difficult, full of difficult emotional relationship with the child. On the second continuum are mothers who, despite a difficult situation, tried to reconcile work and family life, received support from their partner, shared the responsibilities of caring for the child and running the household equally. Conclusion. We should consider the pandemic in terms of a difficult situation. In a way, it forced mothers to construct a new everyday life related to the role of mother and employee simultaneously. So far, existing attempts to balance both spheres of life leading to maintaining balance (“work-life balance”) have not always proved effective during the pandemic. In many cases, the pandemic has led to a reset of the existing family model and re-creation.
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