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The presented list of the local diets (sejmiki) was based on the analysis of three sources, the city court books of Sieradz, the Pawiński Files Teki Pawińskiego and Pstrokoński Files Teki Pstrokońskiego. In the case of the first one I made use of a collection of accounts where lauda, local diets universals, protestations and confederation acts were included. In the case of Teki Pawińskiego and Teki Pstrokońskiego there were the 19th century copies from the above mentioned city court books of Sieradz and Piotrkow that no longer exist. The collation allowed to prepare the chronology of Sieradz diets and to eliminate mistakes particularly as far as surnames are concerned. The records concerning local diets, including lauda, were included in city court books, which was to confirm the validity of acts and to constitute the source of knowledge about decisions taken before. In the case of the town of Sieradz both lauda and protestations as well as manifestations of political nature related to local diets were included in account books ,which was similar to the practice followed in Wielkopolska. The list does not comprise all the local diets that took place during the reigns of two monarchs Michal Korybut Wisniowiecki and Jan III Sobieski as their lauda have not survived until the present. The local diets in the Sieradz voivodship were called by the monarch, while the elective ones by the voivod or the castellan of Sieradz, who twice called the nobility to gather at local diets. Occasionally the local diets lauda lacked the place or date of transcription or two different ones were stated.
The rotunda that once performed the function of a stronghold chapel has been discovered in 1968 during archaeological investigations carried on area belonging to the stronghold and castle at Sieradz. It had been built within the system of fortifications constructed of timber and earth around the castle which existed here in a period from the late ninth to the la te fo u rteenth century. Since the bricks used for its erection were joined by means of lime mortar the rotunda in question may be regarded as an unique monument of( Polish architecture dating back to the mid-thirteenth century. The portion of walls exposed to daylight is ranging as high as to 3 m above the foundation level. Its nave has been erected on circular plan (with a 10 m diameter). Of architectural details the following were preserved: a stepped opening parapet, probably of a window, a vault corbel and the wood flooring. The shape of the apse is still not known. From the conservator’s viewpoint the essential problem consists in durable preserving the wall relics which should form a p a rt of th e future archaeological site. In his article the author puts forward two proposals as to possible solutions, taking into account both the preservation and exhibition standpoints. The first of the above variants suggests the full exposure of building from a pit while the other its leaving in situ together with all archaeological profiles preserved and thus revealing the stratification of both th e stronghold and castle. In both cases a light-weight construction shelter should be provided above the object under which space could also be found for reconstruction of the natural setting of rotunda as, for instance, the defensive bulwark, from the 13th century, beams forming the flooring, and s.o. For the purpose of open- air exhibition within the same archaeological site should also be used the profiles and timber constructions discovered in other pits. In th a t way could be shown the separate stages of transformation of a stronghold into a castle and a fullest possible picture history of Castle Hill at Sieradz provided with its main accent in the form of brick-built rotunda.
The article presents the history of the elements of the former Tatarczy Market Square, which constitute an important part of the history of the Sieradz’s Old Town. The article deals with the history of elements of the Sieradz’s Old Town, such as stockade, gates, street system, the former Dominican Monastery and craft. The history of the Tatarczy Market Square is episodic and unique – it points to necessity to popularize information about this place and continue exploring its story. During the work, the methodology appropriate for historical and interpretative research was used. The information on the spatial development of Sieradz and the history of individual fragments of the Old Town was collected and analyzed. To get to know this story, the available archival references, literature and archaeological research were used. An analysis of these sources allows us to draw conclusions about the history of this part of the city. The article also discusses the role of historical urban spaces and the need and ways of presenting their history by architectural and urban planning activities. For this purpose, the revitalization of the Small Market Square in Bystrzyca Kłodzka and the concept of transforming the Tatarczy Market Square in Sieradz were presented. The amount and value of the information collected on the Tatarczy Market Square proves how important it is to take care of historical spaces, stop negative transformations, explore their secrets and, above all, save them from oblivion. The collected knowledge about the Tatarczy Market Square certainly requires supplementing with archaeological research on a large scale. Nevertheless, it does indicate some directions of research that should be continued. Disseminating the history of the Tatarczy Market Square will allow for a greater understanding of the history of the Old Town in Sieradz. Its inconspicuousness and mystery combined with the number of elements that made up this place make it unique and worth exploring.
W artykule przedstawiono historię elementów dawnego Tatarczego Rynku w Sieradzu, które stanowią istotną część dziejów Starego Miasta. W tekście zarysowano dzieje obwarowań miejskich i bramy, sieci ulicznej, zespołu kościelno-klasztornego oraz rzemiosła. Wielowątkowość historii rynku oraz unikatowość jego elementów wskazuje na potrzebę rozpowszechniania tych informacji i dalszego zgłębiania dziejów Tatarczego Rynku. W trakcie pracy posłużono się metodologią właściwą dla badań historyczno-interpretacyjnych – zebrano i zanalizowano informacje na temat rozwoju przestrzennego Sieradza oraz historii poszczególnych fragmentów obszaru staromiejskiego. W tym celu wykorzystano dostępne materiały archiwalne, wyniki badań archeologicznych oraz literaturę przedmiotu, których analiza pozwoliła na wysnucie wniosków przybliżających historię tej części miasta. W artykule poruszono także kwestię roli historycznych przestrzeni miejskich oraz potrzebę i sposoby przybliżenia ich historii za pomocą działań architektoniczno-urbanistycznych. W tym celu przestawiono efekt rewitalizacji Małego Rynku w Bystrzycy Kłodzkiej oraz koncepcję przekształcenia Tatarczego Rynku w Sieradzu. Ilość i wartość zebranych informacji na temat Tatarczego Rynku udowadniają, jak ważne jest dążenie do zadbania o historyczne przestrzenie, powstrzymanie negatywnych przekształceń, poznanie ich tajemnic, a przede wszystkim ocalenie ich od zapomnienia. Zebrana wiedza na temat Tatarczego Rynku z pewnością wymaga uzupełnienia o badania archeologiczne na szeroką skalę. Niemniej jednak wyznacza pewne kierunki, w które należałoby się zwrócić. Upowszechnianie dziejów Tatarczego Rynku pozwoli na większe zrozumienie historii Starego Miasta w Sieradzu. Jego niepozorność i tajemniczość połączona z liczbą elementów, które tworzyły to miejsce, czyni je wyjątkowym i wartym dalszego odkrywania.
In the days of the First Polish Republic Sieradz was the capital of the voivodeship and the county, the seat of the district and magistrate courts as well as the offices of the district authorities. In the sixteenth century it was the most significant city of the voivodeship of Sieradz. However, over the years its role has decreased considerably. In the first half of the seventeenth century Sieradz belonged to a group of medium-sized cities. In the early thirties of the seventeenth century about 2200–2300 people lived in Sieradz. But after the wars of the mid-seventeenth century the number of its inhabitants fell to 1100–1200 people. In the mid-seventies of the seventeenth century Sieradz was inhabited by about 550–800 people. In the middle of the next decade, the number of the residents of the city was only about 450. At the beginning of the eighteenth century town slowly began to overcome the demographic crisis and in 1703 its population was estimated at 900–925 people. During the Great Northern War Sieradz had been affected by all possible misfortunes of war. This led to a further decrease in the number of its inhabitants. In 1716 there were only 630 residents of the city. In the end of 1723 and the beginning of 1724 Sieradz was inhabited by only a little over 400 people. Only at the end of the existence of the First Polish Republic the number of its inhabitants has increased significantly. Censuses from the years 1789–1793 show that about 1250 people lived in Sieradz at this time. This means that compared to the turn of the years 1723 and 1724 its population had almost tripled.
The practice of erecting side altars in one sacred space dates back to the 6th century and is associated with the growing cult of martyrs and patron saints as well as the desire to show the high status of wealthy families, orders and individual churches. Although the appearance of altars has changed over the centuries, the Baroque era developed a unique style of „theatrical scenery”, which for some time, dominated sacred art. The side altar dedicated to St. Joseph from the minor basilica in Sieradz fits into the eighteenth-century style and shows the devotion of the People of God to the cult of the Guardian of the Holy Family in this part of the diocese, closely related to the sanctuary in Kalisz. Recent restoration works has become an occasion to revive the cult and promote the image of the Saint.
Praktyka stawiania ołtarzy bocznych w jednej przestrzeni sakralnej sięga VI w. i jest związana z rozwijającym się kultem męczenników i świętych patronów oraz chęcią ukazania wysokiego statusu zamożnych rodzin, zakonów i poszczególnych kościołów. Choć wygląd ołtarzy zmieniał się przez wieki, to epoka baroku wypracowała niepowtarzalny styl „scenografii teatralnych”, który zdominował na pewien czas sztukę sakralną. Ołtarz boczny św. Józefa z bazyliki mniejszej w Sieradzu wpisuje się w osiemnastowieczny styl i ukazuje przywiązanie Ludu Bożego do kultu Opiekuna Świętej Rodziny w tej części diecezji, ściśle związanej z sanktuarium w Kaliszu. Ostatnio przeprowadzone prace konserwatorskie stały się okazją do ponownego rozwinięcia kultu oraz promocji wizerunku świętego.
The following article presents the 17th-century library inventories from the Dominican monasteries in Gidle, Łęczyca, Łowicz, Piotrków Trybunalski and Sieradz. The inventories of the monasteries from Łęczyca, Łowicz, Piotrków and Sieradz are part of the chartularies of the aforementioned monasteries, held today in the Archives of the Polish Province of the Dominicans in Krakow, while the inventory of the monastery in Gidle is part of a ledger of that monastery and is in the Diocesan Archive of Włocławek. The inventories of the Order of Preachers completely ignore the publishing addresses of the prints, sometimes they include the author's surname without his first name, or just the other way round; sometimes there is the author’s full name without the book title; if the title is included, it is always shortened and without the author’s name. In some cases only the nickname of the writer is mentioned. The inventories of the monasteries in Gidle, Łęczyca, Sieradz, Łowicz and older register of the Piotrków monastery do not have the numbering of the individual entries, only almost every entry begins with a new line. Such numbering was added to the newer inventory of the monastery in Piotrków Trybunalski. The older inventories of Łęczyca and Łowicz did not use any criterion for presenting the books (so it was probably the way the books were arranged on the shelves of the library). However, in the Piotrków inventory and both inventories of Sieradz, the books were divided according to the print format: in folio, quartq, octavo, sedecimo and duodecimo. The books within the formats were arranged randomly: the works of the same author were mentioned in several places. The newer inventories of these monasteries were better organized, as the works held in Łęczyca, Łowicz and Piotrków were also divided according to the print format. In the inventories of all these monasteries the books written by the same author were generally put in one place (although it was not always so), and there was also a tendency to put the works of the same type together: Bibliae and comments on the Bible, concordances, Summae, Sermones, Contiones, Postillae and  Homiliae, history, legends of the saints, the books by the Fathers of the Church, liturgics, works of dogmatic, moral and speculative theology, polemics, dictionaries, works of philosophy and rhetoric, ancient authors. Moreover, the newer inventory of Łowicz includes Libri seculares, although among them are also church writings; and the inventory of Piotrków contains Libri oratorum. Almost all the inventories, except the Gidle one have the information about the manuscripts and damage of volumes. The inventories differ significantly in the number of works they include.
W artykule omówione zostały podstawy ekonomiczne funkcjonowania klasztoru dominikanów w Sieradzu w początkach XVII wieku. Najważniejszym źródłem do opracowania tego zagadnienia jest wykaz dochodów klasztoru zawarty w kopiariuszu klasztoru sieradzkich dominikanów przechowywanym w Archiwum OO. Dominikanów w Krakowie. W skład uposażenia sieradzkiego klasztoru dominikanów na początku XVII wieku wchodziły przywileje, z których najważniejszymi były prawo pobierania piątej miary słodu z młyna królewskiego, prawo połowu ryb w rzece Warcie oraz dochody z jatek rzeźniczych. Ponadto dominikanie czerpali dochody z posiadanych w mieście domów na zasadach wieczystej renty gruntowej. Duże znaczenie dla gospodarki klasztornej miały również znajdujące się w posiadaniu klasztoru ogrody oraz łąki. Jednak najwyższy udział (około 92 % rocznych dochodów) w systemie utrzymania sieradzkich dominikanów miały renty zabezpieczone najczęściej dobrami ziemskimi. Analizowane źródło nie zawiera pełnych informacji o dochodach klasztoru. Nie uwzględnione w nim zostały bowiem dochody uzyskiwane z działalności duszpasterskiej oraz kwesty w okręgu klasztornym. Na podstawie zgromadzonych danych można jednak stwierdzić, iż w początkach XVII stulecia klasztor znajdował się w dobrej kondycji materialnej, która umożliwiła jego szybki rozwój w tym okresie.
The article presents economical basis of the Dominican monastery in Sieradz at the beginning of the 17th century. The main source for the subject is the register of the monastic income found in the monastic cartulary kept in the Archives of the Dominican Fathers in Cracow. The income of the Dominican monastery in Sieradz at the beginning of the 17th century consisted of privileges, the most important of which was the right to collect one fifth of the malt measure from the royal mill, the right to catch fish in the Warta river and the profits from the butchery. Moreover the Dominicans earned income from the perpetual ground rent from town houses they owned. Gardens and meadows in the possession of the monastery were also of great significance for the monastic economy. However the greatest share (about 92%) in the upkeep of the Dominicans in Sieradz was earned from rents secured against land property. The analysed source does not contain full information about monastic income. Income from pastoral activity and collections in the monastic district was not registered. On the basis of the gathered data, however, it can be stated that at the beginning of the 17th century the monastery was in a good financial condition, which facilitated its fast development at that time.
This article aims to present and evaluate Polish-German fights in the vicinity of a bridge (not existing today) between Miłkowice and Popów, which took place on 5 September 1939. The first part highlights the general situation in the broadly understood place of the battle during the first days of the war, while the second part describes the course of the battle itself, largely as related by its participants, both Polish and German. The authors only add some information that the direct participants did not have, and supplement the relations by describing the fights in the air and the situation of Polish sub-units on the western bank of the river Warta. The last part provides the authors’ conclusions. The article is a result of research conducted by the authors concerning the September 1939 fights in the present districts of Turek and Poddębice. It refers to a text about defending a ford in Uniejów on 6–7 September 1939, published in “Biuletyn Uniejowski”. The authors made use of some previously unknown documents, which allowed them to formulate conclusions different from those presented earlier in literature.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie oraz ocena walk polsko-niemieckich w rejonie nieistniejącego dziś mostu na Warcie pomiędzy Miłkowicami a Popowem, stoczonych w dniu 5 września 1939 r. Artykuł ten składa się z kilku części: pierwsza to ogólne nakreślenie sytuacji w szeroko rozumianym otoczeniu placu boju w czasie pierwszych dni wojny, w szczególności walk obronnych oddziałów Armii „Łódź”, atakowanych przez 8. Armię Wehrmachtu, część druga natomiast to opis przebiegu samej bitwy, opowiedziany w dużej mierze słowami ich uczestników, tak z polskiej, jak i z niemieckiej strony. W części tej ingerencja autorów ogranicza się jedynie do uzupełnienia wiadomości, których bezpośredni uczestnicy bitwy nie posiadali. W analizowanych walkach wzięły udział: ze strony polskiej 6 Pułk Strzelców Konnych z Kresowej Brygady Kawalerii Armii „Łódź”, ze strony niemieckiej Oddział Wydzielony „Gruppe Adelhoch” z 30 Dywizji Piechoty 8. Armii. Opis walk został przez autorów poszerzony o kwestie wykraczające poza bezpośrednie starcie, a mianowicie o bój powietrzny oraz losy polskich pododdziałów na zachodnim brzegu Warty. Autorskie wnioski przedstawiono w podsumowaniu. Artykuł ten stanowi efekt wspólnych badań autorów nad walkami na terenie współczesnych powiatów tureckiego i poddębickiego we wrześniu 1939 r. i nawiązuje do opublikowanego w poprzednim numerze „Biuletynu Uniejowskiego” tekstu, dotyczącego walk o utrzymanie przeprawy mostowej w Uniejowie w dniach 6‒7 września 1939 r. Oprócz wykorzystywanych już w historiografii źródeł autorzy sięgnęli także do dokumentów, dotąd nieznanych, które choć zachowane szczątkowo, pozwalają na sformułowanie wniosków innych niż uprzednio przyjęte w piśmiennictwie.
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