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After a brief presentation of basic forms of spiritual direction and after stressing the importance of personal spiritual experience, the article describes Ignatian concept of human being in relation with God and God’s adversary and gives an overview of Ignatian spiritual exercises as a general dynamic of human spiritual journey. On this basis, the paper presents fundamental elements of spiritual direction from the perspective of Ignatian spirituality: attitude of open- ness, awareness of external events and interior movements, sharing of interior life, contemplative prayer, discernment of interior movements, recognition of one’s own weakness and of God’s acceptance, finding one’s way in the following of Christ. The article regards the particularity of the Ignatian approach to spiritual direction in the interconnection of these seven elements, in their dynamics and in the impor- tance of the examen and discernment.
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Spoločnosť Ježišova a liturgia

The stimulus for the present study is the Jubilee Ignatian Year, which will take place between 20 May, 2021 and 31 July, 2022. During this Jubilee Year, the Society of Jesus will commemorate the 500th anniversary of the injury of St. Ignatius in the battle of Pamplona and his conversion, as well as the 400th anniversary of the canonization of St. Ignatius. The study points to the historical facts that shaped the relationship between the liturgy and Ignatian spirituality. In addition to a brief historical overview of the state of the liturgy at the end of the Middle Ages and during the life of St. Ignatius, our aim was to highlight the interrelationships between the theological dimensions of the liturgy and Ignatian spirituality and the relationship between the life of the Jesuits and the liturgy, especially in the light of the official documents of the General Superiors of the Society of Jesus, Wlodimir Ledóchow-ski and Jean‑ Baptiste Janssens. “Sentire cum Ecclesia – to think with the Church”, which is an important challenge to the life and work of the Jesuits in today‘s world, is an important dimension of Ignatian spirituality.
Discernment of God’s will and its fulfillment consist one of the most important tasks of every Christian. God calls His faithful people to discern everything that is pleasing to Him (see Ephesians 5:10). “The gift of discernment has become all the more necessary today” (Pope Francis, Gaudete and exsultate, no. 167). In response to this call of God, the writings of St. Ignatius Loyola can be of great help, especially his Spiritual Exercises.In this article, I undertake the analysis of the Rules the discernment of spirits and the Rules of making a good and reasonable choice, placing them in the context of the necessary requirements for spiritual discernment and in the framework of the indispensable conditions that must be met. Deeply spiritual, universal, timeless and at the same time very precise and pragmatic instructions of St. Ignatius can serve as an extraordinary help, also for the contemporary Christians, in the process of proper discernment of the concrete will of God and its fulfillment in the power of the Holy Spirit in our everyday life.
Rozeznawanie woli Bożej i jej wypełnianie stanowią jedne z najważniejszych zadań, jakie stają przed każdym chrześcijaninem. Bóg wzywa ludzi wierzących, aby rozeznawali wszystko, co jest miłe Panu (por. Ef 5, 10). „Dzisiaj szczególnie potrzebna stała się postawa rozeznawania” (Papież Franciszek, Gaudete et exsultate, nr 167). Szczególną pomocą w odpowiedzi na to wezwanie Pana Boga są pisma św. Ignacego Loyoli, zwłaszcza jego Ćwiczenia duchowe.W niniejszym artykule podejmuję analizę ignacjańskich Reguł rozeznawania duchów oraz Reguł dokonywania wyboru, umieszczając je w kontekście potrzeby rozeznawania duchowego oraz niezbędnych warunków, jakie należy spełniać, aby było ono możliwe. Głęboko duchowe, uniwersalne, ponadczasowe, a jednocześnie precyzyjne i pragmatyczne wskazówki św. Ignacego są niezwykłą pomocą, także dla współczesnych chrześcijan, w procesie właściwego rozeznania konkretnej woli Bożej i wypełniania jej w codziennym życiu mocą Ducha Świętego.
Rules of the discernment of spirits that St. Ignatius Loyola (1491–1556) included in his Spiritual Exercises (SE) are a great gift of God for the whole Church. They meet the universal need for spiritual discernment, which is witnessed in both the Holy Scriptures and in the history of the Church. The article analyzes the text of the First rule of the discernment of spirits, which concerns the action of the good and evil spirit on the path of human spiritual regression. St. Ignatius explains in the First rule that: “In the persons who go from mortal sin to mortal sin, the enemy is commonly used to propose to them apparent pleasures, making them imagine sensual delights and pleasures in order to hold them more and make them grow in their vices and sins. In these persons the good spirit uses the opposite method, pricking them and biting their consciences through the process of reason” (SE 314). Modern man, who lives in a world marked by various spiritual and material threats, in which different types of spirits are trying to put pressure on him, needs help for their proper discernment, in order to be able to choose the path of true life, whichhas been show to us by Jesus Christ – God of Love.
Horyzonty Wychowania
vol. 21
issue 57
CEL NAUKOWY: Artykuł stanowi próbę przedstawienia cech definiujących przywództwo ignacjańskie i wyjaśnienie, co może je odróżniać od innych rodzajów przywództwa, z pominięciem utartych schematów. PROBLEM I METODY BADAWCZE: Prezentowany ignacjański styl przywództwa jest zakorzeniony w duchowości ignacjańskiej, której źródłem są Ćwiczenia duchowe Ignacego Loyoli. Stąd postawiono problem badawczy: jak przywództwo ignacjańskie może być realizowane w codziennej praktyce? Zastosowano metodę krytycznej analizy źródeł. PROCES WYWODU: W artykule podkreśla się, że przywództwo ignacjańskie jest w istocie radykalną formą przywództwa służebnego, ponieważ ignacjański lider służy nie tylko wspólnocie, ale także – a dla Ignacego Loyoli nawet bardziej fundamentalnie – misji powierzonej tejże wspólnocie. WYNIKI ANALIZY NAUKOWEJ: Została zaproponowana koncepcja ignacjańskiego przywództwa jako trójstronnej relacji między liderem, wspólnotą i misją, przedstawiając, co ignacjańskie magis i cura personalis mogą oznaczać w praktyce przywództwa, ale także określając kluczowe funkcje lidera inspirującego się Ćwiczeniami duchowymi. WNIOSKI, INNOWACJE, REKOMENDACJE: Przywództwo ignacjańskie jest rodzajem przywództwa służebnego w tym sensie, że liderzy ignacjańscy powinni przedkładać służbę wspólnocie, której przewodzą, nad własne interesy. Jednak tym, co odróżnia przywództwo ignacjańskie od przywództwa służebnego, jest wyraźne i niezbywalne nadanie priorytetu również służbie misji.
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The paper is an attempt to articulate the defining features of Ignatian Leadership and to clarify what might distinguish it from other brands of leadership without lapsing into motherhood statements and worn-out clichés. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The Ignatian leadership style that is presented is grounded in Ignatian spirituality, which is a source of the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola. Hence, the research problem was formulated: how can Ignatian leadership be implemented in everyday practice? The method of critical analysis of sources was applied. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The paper argues that Ignatian Leadership is, in fact, a radical form of servant leadership, since the Ignatian Leader is at the service not only of the Community, but also–and for Ignatius of Loyola, even more fundamentally–of the Mission entrusted to that Community. RESEARCH RESULTS: Concretely, it proposes a conception of Ignatian Leadership as a threeway relationship among the Leader, the Community, and the Mission, in the process, illustrating what magis and cura personalis might mean in one’s exercise of leadership, but also, spelling out, in light of these relationships, the key functions of the Ignatian Leader. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Ignatian leadership is a form of servant leadership insofar as Ignatian Leaders ought to prioritize serving the Community that they lead over their own interests. However, what distinguishes Ignatian Leadership from servant leadership is its explicit and non-negotiable prioritization of service of the Mission as well.
Bóg jest fundamentem i celem człowieka. Droga do Boga, od stanu niełaski do uszczęśliwiającej więzi z Bogiem, stanowi także osnowę ignacjańskich Ćwiczeń duchownych, w tym inicjującego je Fundamentu. W Fundamencie kryje się neoplatońska droga ku absolutnemu Dobru−Prawdzie− Pięknu, czyli ku Bogu. Duchowa droga, kontynuowana w Tygodniach rekolekcji ignacjańskich, obejmuje etapy: oczyszczenia, oświecenia i zjednoczenia. Droga ta jest zatem również egzystencjalną zasadą obecną w chrześcijańskim neoplatonizmie, mającą swoją recepcję w całym cyklu ignacjańskich Ćwiczeń. Artykuł dotyczy związku między teologią Fundamentu a chrześcijańskim neoplatonizmem, w odniesieniu do całokształtu Ćwiczeń duchownych.
God is the foundation and goal of man. The way to God, from the state of disgrace to a happy relationship with God, is also the “foundation” of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, including the Foundation. In the Foundation there is a Neoplatonic way to God as absolute Good− Truth−Beauty. The spiritual way, continued in Weeks of the Ignatian retreat, includes the stages of purification, enlightenment and unification. This way is thus also an existential principle present in Christian Neoplatonism, having its reception in all cycle of Ignatian Exercises. The article to concern the relationship between the theology of the Foundation and Christian Neoplatonism, with reference to the whole of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.
God is the foundation and goal of man. The way to God, from the state of disgrace to a happy relationship with God, is also the “foundation” of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, including the Foundation. In the Foundation there is a Neoplatonic way to God as absolute Good− Truth−Beauty. The spiritual way, continued in Weeks of the Ignatian retreat, includes the stages of purification, enlightenment and unification. This way is thus also an existential principle present in Christian Neoplatonism, having its reception in all cycle of Ignatian Exercises. The article to concern the relationship between the theology of the Foundation and Christian Neoplatonism, with reference to the whole of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.
God is the foundation and goal of man. The way to God, from the state of disgrace to a happy relationship with God, is also the “foundation” of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, including the Foundation. In the Foundation there is a Neoplatonic way to God as absolute Good− Truth−Beauty. The spiritual way, continued in Weeks of the Ignatian retreat, includes the stages of purification, enlightenment and unification. This way is thus also an existential principle present in Christian Neoplatonism, having its reception in all cycle of Ignatian Exercises. The article to concern the relationship between the theology of the Foundation and Christian Neoplatonism, with reference to the whole of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.
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