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. Geoturystyka jako nowa forma turystyki wiąże się ze specyficznymi motywacjami turystów, związanymi z przeżyciami estetycznymi i poznawczymi, które są podstawą przygotowania odpowiedniej oferty turystycznej. Sudety wraz z Przedgórzem stanowią najbardziej złożony pod względem budowy geologicznej region w Polsce, dzięki czemu posiadają duży potencjał geoturystyczny. Badania w tym zakresie pozwalają wyróżnić regiony mogące pełnić istotną rolę w tworzeniu produktu geoturystycznego. Podejmowane są też różnorodne inicjatywy umożliwiające rozwój geoturystyki (np. stowarzyszenia, ścieżki edukacyjne, trasy podziemne, atlasy i mapy, przewodniki, ośrodki edukacyjne oraz geopark). Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie rzeczywistych i potencjalnych produktów geoturystycznych Sudetów, składających się na jego unikatową ofertę.
deve­lopment strategies of municipalities located in the Sudetes. Material and methods. The study involved 44 Sudetes municipalities. The officially accepted strategies of municipality development and tourism development were analysed in the context of strategic and ope­ra­tional objectives, vision of the municipality and its mission, SWOT analysis, and key tasks. The authors collated the results with the development of the tourist function. Results and conclusions. The role of tourism is mentioned in most of the analysed documents owing to the attractive natural and cultural environment. Up to 89% of the studied municipalities involved tourism in SWOT analyses and 73% of them presented tourist attractions widely in their development strategies. However, the municipalities rarely employ their values to create advanced tourist products; these are included only in 25% of the documents. Unfortunately, they can be mostly classified as potential ones. The municipalities with a downward trend of tourism function show the smallest interest in tourism development. Others present different approaches to it.
issue 11
Artykuł ten jest poświęcony projektowanym badaniom turystyki dziedzictwa literackiego na Dolnym Śląsku, Łużycach Wschodnich i w Sudetach. Autor przedstawia to dziedzictwo, a przede wszystkim jego część związaną z polską kulturą i pamięcią zbiorową z perspektywy turystycznych praktyk i zasobów. Rozważa zarówno istniejące szlaki i atrakcje turystycznoliterackie, jak i potencjał regionu w tym zakresie. Jako przedmiot planowanych badań uwzględnia fakty literackie oraz takie zagadnienia kultury literackiej, jak obiegi piśmiennicze, biografie pisarzy, instytucje i czasopisma, ale również narracje i utekstowione idee. Analizując te zjawiska, korzysta głównie z geokrytyki i podejścia regionalistycznego.
Background. Natura 2000 is a conservation network developed in all EU member countries. It is designated to support the long-term survival of most valuable and threatened species and habitats. Almost half of the Sudetes area, where tourism is one of the significant functions, is included in that network. The main aim of the paper was to evaluate the role of Natura 2000 sites for the socioeconomic development of the Sudetes municipalities, especially for tourism development. Material and methods. The research materials were the main planning and strategic documents for the local development (117 documents in total). The research was conducted in 44 Sudetes municipalities. The authors took into account the attitudes towards Natura 2000 areas and the comprehensiveness of the approach to the problem. Results and conclusions. The local authorities find Natura 2000 sites an im­por­tant opportunity for local development. However, their role is not usually precisely explained. Neutral attitude dominates in the analysed documents. Generally, Natura 2000 sites are not perceived as a threat for tourism development in the analysed municipalities.
Dobków is a medium-size village in the West Sudetes which for long did not benefit from tourism development in the region. Owing to the activity of local leaders, numerous initiatives have been implemented in Dobków since 2005, aimed at the revitalization of the rural space, promotion of local traditions and tourist values, and creation of attractive tourist products. While developing the latter, major emphasis is put on regional geoheritage, especially the legacy of ancient volcanism, and visitor’s experience of rural environment authenticity. Nowadays the main effort is directed towards adapting an old farmstead for a centre of regional education, which – after completion – will serve as a major visitor centre in the region. The case study of Dobków shows that consequent expansion of educational space is among the key components of creativity in a village.
Background. The main aim of the paper was to analyse the current situation of tourism development in the Sudety Mountains municipalities. This led the authors to establish the prospects of the future growth possibilities. Butler’s Tourism Area Life Cycle theory was applied. Material and methods. The main research method was based on statistical data of the Central Statistical Office of Poland, with reference to entities in the REGON register and newlybuilt tourism accommodation establishments. Results and conclusions. The results show that there are no municipalities at the exploration stage, and there are only two at the involvement stage. The most important tourist and spa resorts (Karpacz, Szklarska Poręba, Kudowa-Zdrój, Polanica-Zdrój) are at the maturity stage, which is the result of slowing dynamics of the tourist economy. Unfortunately, the majority of the analysed municipalities are on the decline.
Background. The Hedonic Price Method helps develop a hierarchy of ski resorts, where the criterion is the ratio of the ski pass price to the quality of the service. Using a properly selected research sample and the nonlinear estimation method, one can estimate the impact of ski resorts attributes on ski pass prices. The estimated ski pass prices allow to compare the effectiveness of ski resorts in different countries. Material and methods. Data for the analysis, relating to the ski season of 2015/2016, were attributes of 245 ski resorts in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. The quality index was constructed with the method of hedonic prices and nonlinear least squares estimation. Results. The average quality of Polish ski resorts is significantly higher than that of Czech and Slovakian ones. However, prices in the Polish resorts are highest in relation to the offered quality. In Poland, there are the largest number of ski resorts characterized by excessive (in relation to the offered quality) prices of ski passes. Conclusions. The features that most strongly affect the price of ski passes in Polish, Czech, and Slovakian ski resorts are: the proportion of fast and modern detachable chairlifts, the upper station altitude, and the ski season duration.
Věstník české menšiny (The Journal of the Czech Minority) was the only one Czech-language newspaper in Sudetenland after secession of borderlands. It was issued between 1938 and 1940 in Nový Jičín and represents a unique source for understanding the position of the Czech minority that remained in Sudetenland and pragmatic strategies of local journalists, artists and elites. This paper initially presents the so far neglected Věstník, focusing on the poetry published.
„Věstník české menšiny” byl jedinými českojazyčnými novinami v Sudetech po odtržení pohraničí. Byl vydáván v letech 1938 až 1940 v Novém Jičíně. Reprezentuje unikátní pramen poznání postavení české menšiny, která zůstala v Sudetech, a pragmatické strategie místních novinářů, umělců i elit. Tento příspěvek iniciačně představuje doposud odmítaný „Věstník” se zaměřením na publikovanou poezii.
he present sketch deals with the image of the inhabitants of the Silesian and Czech Karkonosze Mountains to be found in works by 18th-century travel writers and geographers of the Enlightenment era representing both the Prussian (J.C.F. GutsMuths, J.H.F. Ulrich, J.E. Troschel and E.F. Buquoi) and pro-Habsburg point of view (F. Fuß). Notwithstanding the affiliation to this or that political and, consequently, confessional group, in their works all authors clearly drew on the models provided by Swiss scholars and writers, primarily A. von Haller as well as J.J. Scheuchzer, which can be seen in implicit and explicit references included in the analysed texts. When analysing the various works, the author tries to demonstrate the presence of these references with regard to the ways of presenting people living in the mountains, their condition, work and customs, which, according to the present author, quite closely follows the models found primarily in A. von Haller’s poem The Alps.
Przez długi czas zalesione stoki sudeckie uważane były za stabilne środowisko geomorfologiczne z zakonserwowanymi formami i utworami pokrywowymi odziedziczonymi po plejstoceńskim środowisku peryglacjalnym. Badania, w szczególności te z ostatniej dekady, częściowo zmieniły ten pogląd. Stoki piętra leśnego kształtowane są przez współwystępujące procesy denudacyjne (ruchy masowe, spłukiwanie, spływ śródpokrywowy, pełzanie gruntu) i biogeomorfologiczne (przewracanie drzew i wyrywanie brył korzeniowych). Część z nich działa stale, inne mają charakter epizodyczny i są wywoływane wyjątkowymi zdarzeniami meteorologicznymi – nawalnymi opadami i huraganowym wiatrem. Różna jest także skala przestrzenna ich występowania. Pełzanie, spływ śródpokrywowy i saltacja wykrotowa obejmują duże połacie stoków, podczas gdy odpadanie i spływy gruzowe mają lokalny charakter. Nowymi elementami rzeźby są przede wszystkim pary form: jama – kopiec, będące efektem przewracania drzew i degradacji brył korzeniowych. Ponadto powstały nowe generacje utworów pokrywowych, a struktura osadów plejstoceńskich jest przekształcana na drodze bio- i pedoturbacji. Dużą rolę odgrywa czynnik antropogeniczny, zwłaszcza erozja liniowa na obnażonych powierzchniach dróg leśnych i szlaków zrywkowych.
Forested hillslopes in the Sudetes have been long considered as a stable geomorphic environment, typified by landforms and cover deposits inherited from the periglacial environment. The results of recent research show that such an extreme view is no longer tenable. Slopes under forest are continuously shaped by coexisting denudational (mass movements, surface wash, throughflow, soil creep) and biogeomorphological processes (treethrow and detachment of root plates). Some processes operate on a permanent basis, others are episodic and are triggered by extreme weather events such as heavy rains and strong wind. They also differ in terms of the spatial scale of occurrence. Creep, throughflow and treethrow affect large parts of hillslopes whereas particle fall and debris flow have highly localized nature. New landforms due to Holocene processes are mainly pit-and-mound associations, resultant from tree fall and decay of root plates. New generations of cover deposits have come into being, whereas the structure of Pleistocene deposits is subject to alteration due to bio- and pedoturbations. An important role is played by human interference, with linear erosion on bare surfaces of roads and logging tracks being particularly significant.
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