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Der Beitrag widmet sich dem Thema der kommunikativen Deviationen in Interviews im Ukrainischen und Deutschen. Dabei werden die Deviationen sowohl in den Presseinterviews als auch in den populärsten Videointerviews auf YouTube untersucht. Die Deviationen werden in die von der Position des Adressanten, des Adressaten sowie des Zuschauers aufgeteilt. Die Aufmerksamkeit wird der Sprach- und der kommunikativen Kompetenz der Kommunikanten als der Hauptursache der Deviationen in den Interviews gelenkt. Die Deviationen werden als eine der Voraussetzungen der erfolgreichen Kommunikation bestimmt.
The article is devoted to the topic of communicative deviations in the interviews in Ukrainian and German languages. Communicative failures are investigated in press releases as well as in the most popular video recordings on YouTube. The deviations are viewed from the position of the speaker, the addressee, and the spectator. Particular attention is paid to the language and the communicative competence of the communicants as the main cause of deviations in the interviews. The deviations are determined as one of the prerequisites for comprehending successful communication.
Im vorliegenden Beitrag handelt es sich um eine kontrastive Analyse von Bauprinzipien in den deutschen und ukrainischen informationsbetonten Paralleltextsorten aus fraktaler Perspektive anhand renommierter gleichrangiger Tageszeitungen. Je nach der Textdimension lässt sich Zwei- bzw. Dreifraktalstruktur in den untersuchten Textsorten unterscheiden. Meldungen weisen α- und ω-Fraktale, Nachrichten und Berichte noch φ-Fraktal auf. Darüber hinaus stehen diese drei Textsorten in fraktaler Relation zueinander. Es dürfte also angenommen werden, dass Selbstähnlichkeit ein universales Bauprinzip in informationsbetonten Textsorten ist. Bedingt ist solch eine Baustruktur vor allem durch extralinguale Faktoren, wobei Zeit- und Platzmangel eine entscheidende Rolle spielen.
The present paper focuses on a contrastive analysis of the structural principles in the German and Ukrainian news text types from a fractal perspective based on the material from the equivalent quality daily newspapers. Depending on the text size two- or three-fractal structures may be singled out in the news texts under study. The text type note has α- and ω-fractals, news articles and reports have additionally φ-fractal. Furthermore, these three text types are in a fractal relation to each other. It might be assumed that self-similarity is a universal building principle in news text types. Such a structure is caused especially by extralinguistic factors, where time and space play a crucial role.
Some methodological problems of a new dictionary project are discussed here. It is also argued against the suggestion that the Ukrainian word banuš ‘a sort of mamaliga’ is a derivative of Turkish bal ‘honey’.
The article deals with problems of contrastive stylistics in Ukrainian and Polish languages. The analysed words are of the same origin but have diff erent stylistic meaning in the aforementioned languages. The diff erences in functional and expressive stylistic meanings as well as causes of this phenomenon are investigated.
The article is devoted to the painting “Cossack Mamai”, the most popular figure in Ukrainian folk arts of the Romanticism period. In particular, it describes the Cossack’ courage, his image presented as the knight, praised in numerous Ukrainian Baroque panegyrics, his fights against the infidels, and other Cossack attributes, which correlate with verbal and painted images. It is difficult, however, to determine exactly what was first – paintings of “Mamai” of the early 19th century or Romanticist texts, since there was, obviously, a mutual influence. Poetry of Ukrainian Romanticism contains the collective image of nameless Cossack, reconsidered Cossack Mamai, featuring some typical Romanticist characteristics.
W artykule przedstawiono analizę lingwistyczną ukraińskiej reklamy politycznej, w szczególności – stosowanych w niej sloganów wyborczych. Badanie pole-gało na wybraniu, zestawieniu i analizie reklamy politycznej, która pojawiała się w prze-strzeni medialnej Ukrainy w 2019 roku, i przewidywało analizę zawartości werbalnej komunikatów politycznych z uwzględnieniem szaty graficznej, tj. obrazu (zdjęcia, gra-fiki). Analizie poddano slogany stosowane w kampanii wyborczej prezydenta Ukrainy Wołodymyra Zeleńskiego w maju 2019 roku. Przykładowy materiał źródłowy obejmuje slogany polityczne z przestrzeni medialnej Ukrainy, np. Кінець епохи бідності; Кінець епохи брехні; Кінець епохи жадібності; Зе!Президент – слуга народу; Все буде ЗЕшибісь! i in. Praca ma na celu wykazanie, w jaki sposób i za pomocą jakich środ-ków językowych kandydaci na wysokie stanowiska państwowe „docierają” do wyborców i przekonują ich do oddania na nich głosów. Wstępne wnioski wynikające z przeprowa-dzonego dotychczas oglądu materiału dowodzą, że im bardziej nacechowany emocjonalnie język przekazu wyborczego, tym bardziej elektorat jest zainteresowany osobą kandydata. Wyjątkowym i typowym dla języka analizowanej kampanii wyborczej było wykorzystanie nazwiska kandydata Zełeńskiego (od przymiotnika zielony), m.in. pierwszej sylaby зе- w różnych wariantach, w tym także stosowanie w wyrazach niepoprawnych, pejoratywnych (np. ЗЕшибісь) czy też w obraźliwych konstrukcjach tworzonych od nazwiska kontrkan-dydata Petra Poroszenki (Зустрінь весну без пороху).
This article provides a linguistic analysis of Ukrainian political advertising, particularly the election slogans used in it. The study assumes the selection and compilation of examples of political advertising that appeared in the media space of Ukraine in 2019 and provides for an analysis of the verbal content of political messages, taking into account the graphic design, i.e. image (photos, graphics). The slogans used for the President of Ukraine (May 2019, President Volodymyr Zelenskyj) were chosen. The sample source material encompasses political slogans in the Ukrainian media e.g. Кінець епохи бідності; Кінець епохи брехні; Кінець епохи жадібності; Зе!Президент − слуга народу; Все буде ЗЕшибісь! and others. The paper analyses how, and by what language means, candidates for high state positions ‘reach’ voters and convince them to vote for them. Preliminary conclusions prove that the more emotionally marked the language of the electoral message, the more the electorate is interested in the person of the candidate. A unique and typical feature of the language of the campaign under analysis is the use of the surname of a candidate, Zelenski (coming from the adjective zielony [green]) as well as the use of its first syllable зе- in numerous variants thereof, including in incorrect and pejorative words (e.g. ЗЕшибісь) and in insulting phrases formed on the basis of the opponent’s, Petro Poroszenko’s surname (Зустрінь весну без пороху).
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Syllable Structure of Ukrainian. An Ot Perspective

This paper aims at presenting an OT account of the basic syllable structure of Ukrainian. Among the specifically Ukrainian syllable-driven processes that are considered are onset maximisation, prothesis, voice assimilation, as well as the behaviour of clusters of obstruents agreeing and disagreeing in voicing, sonority plateaus and extrasyllabic sonorants. Optimality Theory is shown to successfully handle dialectal variation in the application of prothesis, as well as the transparency effects in voice assimilation.
In the 30s of 19th century the Ruthenian (Ukrainian) national movement in the Austrian Galicia was dominated by the dilemma of so called azbuchna vijna (Ukrainian „alphabet war”). The dispute among the national activists was about the change the Cyrillic script to the Latin alphabet adopted from Polish language. This paper presents the arguments of Greek-Catholic father Josyph Levytskyi, who was the most influential critic of the idea of latinization. He published his ideas in a small booklet that was distributed together with the Polish weekly „Rozmaitości” . Levytskyi stressed on long history of the Cyrillic alphabet and its uniqueness. Moreover, he claimed that new alphabet will not make Ruthenian literature more European and will only give the Poles another reason to call Ruthenian language a variety of Polish. On the other hand, Levytskyi did not appraised very much the usage of grazhdanka by the „Rus Trinity” and criticised the new orthography, which was based on phonetic principle. Key words: Latin, Cyrillic, Ukrainian, alphabet war, Levytskyi.
The aim of this paper is to show the stylistic diff erentiation of texts in teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language. Basing on the texts from diff erent student books, as well as those the author uses herself, the paper analyzes diff erences on each level trying to describe what should be in texts, what the teacher should modify and how to work with diff erent types of materials. The situation in Ukraine is the reason for a growing interest in this country and its language. This is the reason for the growing need for new students books, texts books and materials being interesting and modern which enable students to learn the language. Therefore, the author provide the readers with the suggestions how to prepare texts for foreign language students and how to work with the materials, such as articles, books, poems etc.
The problem of the Ukrainian language in light of the annexation of Crimea and the war in DonbasThe problem of Ukrainian language in public discourse has been present since 1991, when Ukraine regained its independence. The problem is difficult, largely due to the historical past, mainly Soviet. For 26 years of independence Ukraine has not developed a unified and correct approach to solve this problem. In this article was an attempt to analyze how the annexation of Crimea and the war in Donbas influenced the language problem in Ukraine. The analysis covers four main aspects: everyday life (interpersonal communication), commercial (press market, books and electronic media, advertising), formal and official (functioning of the state, judiciary and education system) and symbolic (identity). Problem języka ukraińskiego na Ukrainie na tle aneksji Krymu i wojny w DonbasieProblem języka ukraińskiego w dyskursie publicznym obecny jest od czasu odzyskania niepodległości przez Ukrainę. Problem jest trudny i złożony, co w znacznym stopniu jest spowodowane przeszłością historyczną, głównie radziecką. Przez 26 lat niepodległości Ukraina nie wypracowała jednolitego i właściwego podejścia do rozwiązania tego problemu. Kwestia językowa jest poważnym wyzwaniem dla państwa ukraińskiego i jednym z ważniejszych problemów ukraińskiej polityki wewnętrznej. Ma ona cztery podstawowe aspekty: codzienny (komunikacja międzyludzka), komercyjny (rynek prasy, książek i mediów elektronicznych, a także reklam), formalno-urzędowy (funkcjonowanie państwa, zwłaszcza sądownictwa i systemu edukacji) oraz symboliczny/tożsamościowy. W artykule podjęto próbę analizy, w jaki sposób aneksja Krymu i wojna w Donbasie wpłynęły na kwestię językową na Ukrainie.
Artykuł analizuje prace ekonomistów zajmujących się wpływem COVID-19 na rozwój gospodarczy krajów europejskich. Pandemia COVID-19 już wyrządziła poważne szkody ukraińskiej gospodarce, pomimo stosunkowo łagodnych skutków dla zdrowia publicznego. Autorzy przeanalizowali wpływ COVID-19 na działalność niektórych sektorów ukraińskiej gospodarki, a mianowicie: gastronomii, nieruchomości, sądownictwa i innych. Bezpośredni wpływ pandemii na gospodarkę miał miejsce poprzez wstrzymanie krajowej aktywności gospodarczej w sektorach dotkniętych zamknięciem, a także niższy popyt na ukraiński eksport i niższe przekazy z zagranicy. Ograniczenia w podróżowaniu prawie całkowicie zatrzymały turystykę lokalną i międzynarodową. Efekty drugiej rundy wynikają z obniżenia dochodów gospodarstw domowych,przekierowania wydatków rządowych i zakłócenia planów inwestycyjnych przedsiębiorstw, co skutkuje niższym popytem na szeroką gamę towarów i usług. Na przykład zmniejszone zapotrzebowanie na energię elektryczną spowodowało zakłócenia w bilansie systemu energetycznego i mniejsze zapotrzebowanie na węgiel. Zaproponowano „Prognozę na lata 2020–2021”, opracowaną przez ekspertów na podstawie uogólnionych zgodnych założeń uzyskanych po wypełnieniu ankiety. Ujawniono stanowisko Związku Ukraińskich Przedsiębiorców w sprawie zmniejszenia obciążeń podatkowych ukraińskich przedsiębiorstw w czasie pandemii COVID-19 i konieczności podjęcia radykalnych działań wspierających biznes. Autorzy zidentyfikowali krótko- i średnioterminowe działania, które mogą poprawić sytuację finansową firmy po zwolnieniu z kwarantanny. Zaproponowano kilka scenariuszy wyjścia z okresu pokryzysowego dla ukraińskiej gospodarki.
The article analyzes the works of economists who deal with the impact of COVID-19 on the economic development of European countries. The COVID-19 pandemic has already inflicted severe damage on the Ukrainian economy despite relatively mild public health implications so far. The authors analyzed the impact of COVID-19 on the activities of certain sectors of the Ukrainian economy, namely: catering, real estate, the judiciary and more. The direct impact of the pandemic on the economy has been channelled through stopped domestic economic activity in sectors affected by the shutdown, as well as lower demand for Ukrainian exports and lower remittances from abroad. Travel restrictions almost completely stopped local and international tourism. Second round effects stem from reduced household income, redirection of government spending and disruption of investment plans of companies, resulting in lower demand for a wide range of goods and service. For example, reduced electricity demand caused disruptions in energy system balance and lower demand for coal. “Forecast for 2020–2021” has been proposed, developed by experts on the basis of generalized consensus assumptions obtained from the results of the survey. The position of the Union of Ukrainian Entrepreneurs on reducing the tax burden on Ukrainian enterprises during the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to implement radical measures to support business has been revealed. The author has identified short- and medium-term measures that can improve the financial situation of the business after their release from quarantine. Several scenarios for overcoming the post-crisis period for the Ukrainian economy have been proposed.
The aim of this paper is to identify the image of Ukrainians in the headlines found in the Polish electronic press. This study uses content analysis as an initial tool for outlining the content of the headlines as well as for classifying them according to the main feature. The analytical data consist of the headlines published on Polska Times website (www.polskatimes.pl) between 2015-2019 and tagged “Ukrainian” or “Ukrainians” (N=194). In reference to previous studies, this paper aims to expand existing knowledge regarding the role and functions of press headlines by examining the Polish electronic press. The quantitative analysis shows that, although informative headlines still dominate, their proportion has been declining since 2017 (from 50 to 35 per cent). At the same time, the proportion of enigmatic, or intriguing headlines has been increasing (from 21 to 30 per cent). An engaging, often rhetorical question appears in about 11 per cent of the research material. Moreover, the percentage of poetic and stereotypical headlines is relatively small (on average about 9 per cent each year). Historical disputes are also rarely mentioned in the research corpus (about 5 per cent each year). The length of the headlines, which in the entire analyzed period was between 76 and 88 characters including spaces, did not change significantly. In conclusion, this study makes it possible to record the main strategies of the Polish electronic press related to showing Ukrainians, whose visibility in Poland was increasing between 2015 and 2019. This is clearly confirmed by the more than six-fold increase in the number of headlines compared to 2015 and 2019.
A missing chain? On the sociolinguistics of the Grand Duchy of LithuaniaThe article critically assesses the theory of communicative networks and its applicability in the study of multilingualism as found in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL). The author analyzes foundations for postulating the existence of a speech community in the GDL and adduces counterarguments against viewing this community as a linguistic alliance of the Balkan type. The article offers new sociolinguistic and areal-typological methods of the study of language contacts. The author substantiates a systematic approach toward the problem of the ethnic attribution of Ruthenian. Based on the literary, linguistic, and cultural parameters, the author offers to drop the term ‘Old (Middle) Belarusian’ or ‘Old (Middle) Ukrainian’ in reference to this language. Brakujące ogniwo? Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie w świetle socjolingwistykiW artykule poddano krytycznej analizie teorię sieci komunikacyjnych i jej zastosowanie w badaniach nad wielojęzycznością na terenie Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego (dalej WKL). Autor rozpatruje podstawy zarówno postulowania istnienia wspólnoty językowej w WKL, jak i kontrargumenty przemawiające przeciwko postrzeganiu tej wspólnoty jako sojuszu językowego na wzór bałkański. Artykuł podaje nowe metody socjolingwistyczne i przestrzenno-typologiczne w badaniach kontaktu języków. Autor uzasadnia systemiczne podejście do zagadnienia etnicznej atrybucji języka rusińskiego. Na podstawie wskazań literaturoznawczych, językoznawczych i kulturowych postuluje zaniechanie posługiwania się w odniesieniu do tego języka terminami ‘staro-(średnio-) białoruski’ lub ‘staro-(średnio-)ukraiński’.
The paper is an introduction to teaching the Polish language and culture to native users of closely related languages. The presented synthesis is intended for teachers interested in improving their competence in teaching Polish to East Slavs and those who have just started their adventure in Slavic glottodidactics. The paper grew out of a desire to make teaching Polish to East Slavs (mainly Ukrainans) as effective as possible due to the rapidly increasing need because of a large number of war refugees from Ukraine. Based on their experience in teaching Polish to native users of East Slavic languages, the authors pay particular attention to the Slavic intercomprehension phenomenon and its influence on the glottodidactic process. They also address the problem of the key grammatical mismatches and introduce several good practices.
Analysis of the Russian doctrine, strategic thought and practice in the Ukrainian conflict shows that the Kremlin has developed the concept of “new wars” or “new generation of wars”. In this concept one can find the “information wars”, “reflective governance” and “mutiny wars”. In the matter of fact it is the reaction to the western concept of “information warfare” and “hybrid war”. The Ukrainian conflict is probably kind of a training ground of the Russian special services, both military (GRU) and the SVR. In the concept of “new wars” special services has to play the main role as a useful tool but also as an intellectual background.
This article offers an analysis of the lexical material of a video clip taken from the program "Klyuchevyi moment" of the Ukrainian TV channel "Inter" aired 16.07.2008). It examines the speech of the heroine Natalia, a middle-aged women from the village Kuryn' in Bakhmach district, Chernihiv region. The article is focused on the analysis of lexical units that we think of as Russian words or dialect/colloquial elements. On the basis of 8 lexicographical sources coming from the period between the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 21st centuries, we have come to the conclusion that one can distinguish of the phenomenon of Surzhyk nad the determination, for the better understanding of the phenomenon of Surzhyk and the determination of the characteristics of the video clip, a linguistic inquiry of residents of Kherson. Kharkiv and Chernivtsi was conducted.
Scholars’ attention has recently concentrated on the sociolinguistic situation of the former Soviet States, and Ukraine in particular. Here, besides the national language(s), Russian still covers some of its former domains. Nevertheless, the kind of Russian spoken in Ukraine often presents specific language features that may induce the sociolinguist to speak of a Ukrainian variety of Russian. This article aims both at highlighting some socio-cultural aspects that contributed to the shaping of the contemporary language situation and analyzing typical (recurrent) language features distinguishing the Russian spoken by the majority of Ukrainians from the standard Russian.
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Socjolingwistyczny status surżyka

The paper presents the phenomenon of Surzhyk as a specific mixed sociolect in Ukrainian-Russian bilingualism. The first part describes the process of the rise of Surzhyk as a result of the expansion of Russian on Ukrainian, and the difficulties one encounters when classifying the term within the theory of language contact. The second part focuses on the current social attitude toward the phenomenon, and the role played by the media in the shaping of the social opinion regarding the competition of public use languages in the Ukraine. The summary contains a prognosis of the development and/or functioning of the phenomenon in practice.
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