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Russia’s aggression against Ukraine is perceived by many as simply an adventuristic endeavor of Vladimir Putin and the result of his desire to maintain his personal power in Russia itself and extend his influence beyond its borders. Proponents of such views try to explain Vladimir Putin’s appeal to Russian chauvinism and its ideologues as purely situational and populist, and present the current regime in Russia as opportunistic and lacking a clear ideology and ideological goals. This paper however argues that Vladimir Putin’s policy towards Ukraine, including the war unleashed against it, stems from his doctrinal views, which have been unequivocally outlined by him over the years in various speeches and articles, but ignored by the world due to a flippant attitude towards them. These views have not only a historical dimension, but also an ethnological one, as they are based on a certain and very specific understanding of Russian and Ukrainian ethnicities, which is an arbitrary combination of primordialist and constructivist arguments. Along with the presentation of these views themselves, the article demonstrates the discrepancy between the propaganda myths resulting from them and the actual facts about Russian and Ukrainian political and ethnic history.
The article found that the Ukrainian diaspora was an integral component of Ukrainian ethnic integrity. Numerous public, cultural and educational institutions created by emigrants in their places of residence stood guard over Ukrainian national interests and, despite all obstacles, conducted fruitful cooperation with Ukrainians in the Motherland. In order to preserve and develop the Ukrainian language, representatives of the diaspora paid great attention to the release of the Ukrainian printed word into the world. Due to total censorship in the Ukrainian SSR, Ukrainians abroad contributed to the publication abroad of many Ukrainian works that were banned in Ukraine. By means of international tourism, international student exchange, and world radio broadcasting, contacts between Ukrainian and foreign youth were gradually established, and the spheres of communication expanded. The main task of the Ukrainian diaspora was to preserve the ethnic and cultural identities of the Ukrainian nation, and consolidate the scattered emigration forces for the sole purpose of preparing a political and professional basis for the acquisition of an independent, cathedral Ukrainian state.
The article considers the сonceptual and theoretical foundations of research on social and cultural processes in the environment of the titular nation of the Ukrainian SSR during the 1960s and 1970s. It is characterized by the semantic content of concepts of “titular nation” and “indigenous people” in the Ukrainian SSR, identified primarily with Ukrainians, who were united by a single language, faith, spirituality, national traditions, customs, culture, ethnic origin and ancient residence on the territory of Ukraine, the official name of which was determined by their nationality. The conceptual components of the research are interpretation of the following concepts of: “Ukrainian ethnos”, “Ukrainian ethnic territory” or “Ukrainian ethnic land”, “national majority”, “national minority”, “nation-state”, “nonconformism”, “counterculture”, “sixties”, “dissidence”, “Ukrainian diaspora”, etc. Research of the conceptual and theoretical foundations of the outlined topic makes it possible to resolve controversial issues which have not been adequately covered in historical science, also makes it possible to specify the process of national self-expression of Ukrainians through cultural space, and allows to get new assessments, judgments and conclusions.
В данной статье исследуется советская политика идеологизации, русификации культурно-образовательного пространства украинской нации конца 1950-х – 1960-х гг. и характеризуется становление и развертывание движения шестидесятников. Несмотря на всеобъемлющий контроль советского тоталитарного государства над мышлением человека, молодой творческий украинский актив продолжал оставаться той живой интеллектуальной силой, которая была способна адекватно анализировать общественно-политические процессы в Украине и стремилась к кардинальным изменениям в обществе того времени. Очерченный период ознаменовался появлением шестидесятников – нового поколения украинской национальной интеллигенции, выступившей в защиту национального языка, образования и культуры, свободы искусства. Вопреки сложным тогдашним общественно-политическим обстоятельствам в творческой жизни УССР произошло заметное культурное продвижение, насыщенное разнообразным спектром взглядов, идей и стремлений. В Украине проходил необратимый процесс национального самоопределения украинцев через культурно-образовательное пространство. Нонконформистские настроения в украинской среде положили начало постепенному переходу к новым демократическим нормам и стандартам жизни украинской нации.
This article examines the Soviet policy of ideologization and, russification of the cultural and educational space of the Ukrainian nation in the late 1950s – 1960s and characterizes the formation and development of the movement of the Sixtiers. Despite the comprehensive control of the Soviet totalitarian state over human thinking, the young creative Ukrainian activist continued to be a living intellectual force that was able to adequately analyze socio-political processes in Ukraine and sought radical change in society at that time. This period was marked by the emergence of the Sixtiers – a new generation of Ukrainian national intelligentsia, who defended the national language, education and culture, freedom of artistic creativity. Despite the difficult socio-political circumstances of the time, a significant cultural progress took place in the creative life of the Ukrainian SSR, saturated with a diverse range of views, ideas and aspirations. In Ukraine, there was an irreversible process of national self-determination of Ukrainians through the cultural and educational space. Nonconformist sentiments in Ukrainian environment began a gradual transition to new democratic norms and standards in the life of the Ukrainian nation.
Zakres problematyki naukowej wybranego tematu artykułu determinuje połączenie metodologicznego i integracyjnego podejścia dyscyplinarnego. Logika badań polega na ustaleniu wzajemnego związku między tworzeniem geostrategii a pielęgnowaniem humanitarnej aury narodu. W oparciu o koncepcję humanitarnej aury narodu L. Kostenki analizuje się współczesne trendy wpływające na kształtowanie się nowoczesnej geostrategii Ukrainy, a w ramach rozwoju jej modelu polityczno-prawnego nakreśla strategiczne priorytety narodowe. Kontekst pracy nasycony jest potrzebą wypracowania polityki infrastrukturalnej państwa, która jest interpretowana jako lokomotywa zrównoważonego rozwoju Ukrainy, kształtowanie modelu inwestycyjnego i innowacyjnego państwa, w oparciu o realizację opracowanej geostrategii. Kontekstowo poruszane są kwestie narracji strategicznej w zakresie neopolityki i dekonstrukcji stereotypów, eksportu i ekspansji ukraińskiej przestrzeni kulturowej.
The range of the scientific problem of the chosen topic of the article determines the combination of methodological and integrative disciplinary approaches in order to solve it. The logic of the research involves the establishment of a mutual connection between the creation of geostrategy and the nurturing of the humanitarian aura of the nation. On the basis of L. Kostenko’s concept of the humanitarian aura of the nation, modern trends that influence the formation of modern geostrategy of Ukraine are analyzed, and strategic national priorities are outlined within the framework of the development of its political and legal model. The context of the work is imbued with the need to develop the state infrastructure policy, which is interpreted as the locomotive of sustainable development of Ukraine, the formation of the investment and innovation model of the state, on the basis of the implementation of the developed geostrategy. Contextually, the issues of strategic narrative in terms of noopolitics and deconstruction of destructive stereotypes, export and expansion of the Ukrainian cultural space are discussed.
Діапазон наукової проблеми обраної теми статті зумовлює об’єднання методологічних та інтеграційних дисциплінарних підходів з метою її розв’язання. Логіка дослідження передбачає встановлення взаємного зв’язку між творенням геостратегії та плеканням гуманітарної аури нації. На підставі концепції гуманітарної аури нації Л. Костенко аналізуються сучасні тенденції, які впливають на формування сучасної геостратегії України, а також в рамках розроблення її політико-правової моделі намічаються стратегічні національні пріоритети. Контекст роботи просякнутий необхідністю розбудови державної інфраструктурної політики, яка інтерпретується в ролі локомотиву стійкого розвитку України, формування інвестиційно-інноваційної моделі держави, на засадах реалізації розробленої геостратегії. Контекстуально заторкуються питання стратегічного наративу в розрізі ноополітики і деконструкції деструктивних стереотипів, експорту та експансії українського культурного простору.
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