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The author compares the references to the Jewish prayer El Male Rachamim (Hebrew for ‘God Full of Mercy’): El Male Rachmim by Wiktor Gomulicki, Julian Tuwim’s Ghetto from Notatnik poetycki and a post-war drawing by Bronisław Linke El male rachmim. There are intertext, intersemiotic and interpersonal relations happening between them (Tuwim included Gomulicki’s work in Księga wierszy polskich XIX wieku [A Book of Polish Verses of the 19th Century]; Linke illustrated Bal w Operze [Ball at the Opera]; a note in Ghetto announces text My, Żydzi polscy [We, Polish Jews]). What is happening with the motif wandering through cultural and character codes? Does the turning point of the Extinction indeed change it?
Autorka porównuje nawiązania do żydowskiej modlitwy El Male Rachamim (hebr. ‘Boże Pełen Miłosierdzia’): wiersz El mole rachmim Wiktora Gomulickiego, Ghetto Juliana Tuwima z Notatnika poetyckiego i powojenny rysunek Bronisława Linkego El mole rachmim. Zachodzą między nimi relacje intertekstualne, intersemiotyczne i interpersonalne (Tuwim umieścił utwór Gomulickiego w Księdze wierszy polskich XIX wieku; Linke ilustrował Bal w Operze; zapiska Ghetto zapowiada tekst My, Żydzi polscy). Co dzieje się z motywem wędrującym przez kody kulturowe i znakowe? Czy cezura Zagłady istotnie go odmienia?
The article brings an edition of two Zenon Przesmycki’s documents (a typescript and a manuscript) that are kept in the collection of the National Library. They contain descriptions of Norwid’s artistic works that once belonged to Wiktor Gomulicki. Their greater part is now considered to be lost. The first of these documents gives a list of 20 artistic works by Norwid rawings, engravings, and one photography of a drawing) that about 1904 belonged to Gomulicki, and the other one – descriptions of 40 Norwid’s drawings bought by Wanda and Aleksander Naumann from Wiktor Gomulicki in 1916. The documents allow reconstructing the Norwidian collection the author of Wspomnienia niebieskiego mundurka had gathered, and which then became dispersed, and one part of which, preserved till today, is constituted by works bought by the famous collector, Dominik Witke-Jeżewski; now in the collection of the National Museum in Warsaw. The editorial study of Przesmycki’s texts is preceded by introductory remarks, in which a characteristic of Wiktor Gomulicki’s collection, the circumstances of gathering it, and then of its dispersion are given.
The article discusses the problem of translation as a conflict between the original text and its translation. Using the categories that were worked out in the contemporary translation studies, the author tries to show all the difficulties that appear during the process of interpretation. The main object of interest is a Polish translation of one of the poems of the Russian poet Nekrasov − “Kolej żelazna” [“Railway”], written in 1874. In the article, translation is treated as a process of negotiating meanings between the original text and its translations.
W artykule omówiono problem tłumaczenia jako konfliktu między tekstem źródłowym a przekładem. Korzystając z kategorii wypracowanych we współczesnych badaniach translatorskich, autorka stara się pokazać wszystkie trudności pojawiające się podczas tłumaczenia. Głównym przedmiotem zainteresowania jest polski przekład jednego z wierszy rosyjskiego poety Niekrasowa, Kolej żelazna, z 1874 roku. W artykule przekład jest traktowany jako proces negocjacji znaczeń między tekstem źródłowym a jego tłumaczeniami.
The article brings an edition of two Zenon Przesmycki's documents (a typescript and a manuscript) that are kept in the collection of the National Library. They contain descriptions of Norwid's artistic works that once belonged to Wiktor Gomulicki. Their greater part is now considered to be lost. The first of these documents gives a list of 20 artistic works by Norwid (drawings, engravings, and one photography of a drawing) that about 1904 belonged to Gomulicki, and the other one – descriptions of 40 Norwid's drawings bought by Wanda and Aleksander Naumann from Wiktor Gomulicki in 1916. The documents allow reconstructing the Norwidian collection the author of Wspomnienia niebieskiego mundurka had gathered, and which then became dispersed, and one part of which, preserved till today, is constituted by works bought by the famous collector, Dominik Witke-Jeżewski; now in the collection of the National Museum in Warsaw. The editorial study of Przesmycki's texts is preceded by introductory remarks, in which a characteristic of Wiktor Gomulicki's collection, the circumstances of gathering it, and then of its dispersion are given.
For the admirers of works by Cyprian Norwid and Pantaleon Szyndler, as well as for the researchers of their legacy, it may prove valuable to reflect on the reception of two portraits of Norwid by Szyndler. Their national reception in the 1880s, as well as at the beginning of the 20th ury, is intertwined with he reception of the figure and work of the author of Quidam is “not-so-late grandchildren”, as well as with he fate of the artist who, by immortalising Norwid on canvas twice just a few years before his death, not only provided an extremely poignant image of the poet in the last years of his life, but above all created a work of extraordinary artistic value. In this article, the author cites a number of statements on the two portraits of Norwid that were appreciated by the Polish ublic before Norwid’s actual work was “discovered”. In particular, Portret Cypriana Norwida [Portrait of Cyprian Norwid] (1882) became a significant source of the unparalleled recognition Szyndler enjoyed. After the artist’s death 905, he was described not only as “an excellent expert in painting the human body, especially women”, or as a painter whose paintings “enjoyed great critical acclaim for the warm colouring inherent in them”, but “the plasticity of his portraits, of which the portrait of Cyprian Norwid is one of the best” was emphasised.
Dla miłośników twórczości Cypriana Norwida i admiratorów dziel Pantaleona Szyndlera oraz badaczy ich spuścizny, wartościowym poznawczo może okazać się pochylenie nad odbiorem dwóch norwidowskich portretów, których autorem był Szyndler. Ich krajowa recepcja w latach 80. XIX wieku, a także na początku wieku XX. splata się z odbiorem postaci i twórczości autora Quidama wśród nie tak późnych wnuków, jak i z losami artysty, który uwieczniając Norwida na płótnie dwukrotnie na kilka lat przed jego śmiercią, dal nie tylko niezwykle przejmujący obraz poety w ostatnich latach jego życia, ale przede wszystkim stworzy! dzieło o niezwykłej klasie artystycznej. W artykule przywołuję szereg wypowiedzi poświęconych dwóm portretom Norwida, które zostały docenione przez polską publiczność, zanim „odkryto" twórczość autora Vade-mecum. Zwłaszcza Portret Cypriana Norwida (1882) stał się znaczącym źródłem niebywałego uznania, którym cieszył się Szyndler. Po śmierci artysty w 1905 roku pisano o nim nie tylko jako o „znakomitym specjaliście w malowaniu ciała ludzkiego, zwłaszcza kobiet”, czy też jako o malarzu, którego obrazy „cieszyły się dużym uznaniem krytyki za właściwy mu ciepły koloryt", ale podkreślano „plastykę portretów, z których jednym z najlepszych jest portret Cypriana Norwida".
The article presents a catalogue of commentaries and critical remarks made by Piotr Chmielowski on the poetry of Wiktor Gomulicki (penname Fantazy). The article attempts to reconstruct the set of criteria and the system for evaluation applied by the critic in dealing with the successive collections of poems written by Fantazy. These criteria are indicative of rather one-sided and petrified perception of Gomulicki’s poems by the critic maintained and expressed in the successive editions of his Zarys literatury polskiej z ostatnich lat szesnastu. Still, the commentaries given by Chmielowski contain some interesting precognitions and intuitions that proved to be substantial in reevaluation of the opinions on the poetry of the nineteenth century in general made by present-day literary critics. Additionally, there seems to be a particular dialogue between the critic and the poet going on for years that could have influenced the alternations in the workshop and the thematic scope in the poems of the latter.
Studia Slavica
vol. 18
issue 2
This article deals with the essayist and critical work by Wiktor Gomulicki who is best known for his literary fiction and poetry, as well as literary criticism, essays on history, and a rich collection of varsaviana. It is, however, less known that he was a keen observer of the changes which the Polish painting was undergoing at that time. He took part in the four most important debates of the day: “on the identity of national art”, “advocates of idealism versus advocates of realism”, “the episode of Warsaw impressionism”, “dispute about the values of symbolic and proto-expressionist art.” In each of them, Gomulicki unwaveringly expressed his favour for the superior role of “the idea” in painting, which translated into his adverse view of realist-naturalist tendencies and impressionism, while at the same time he supported academic idealist painting and, later, symbolism – whose traces he found in Władysław Podkowiński’s work. Gomulicki’s views on art are expressed in a number of literary forms (such as reports from exhibitions, reviews, polemics, whistle-blowing features) and characterised by the opalescence of function (from postulation to operation to cognition and assessment), cycle grouping, and the so-called literary style of reception, consisting in “reading” a painting as if it were a novel, with the “story” taking precedence over the “form.
The article discusses Juliusz W. Gomulicki’s attribution of the sonnet Loneliness as a poem by Norwid, which led the editor to include it among the poet’s lyrical works. In this piece, however, neither the specific development of the theme of loneliness, nor elements of style, argumentation and construction seem to confirm this.
Artykuł dotyczy weryfikacji przyjętego przez Juliusza W. Gomulickiego jako wiersz Norwida sonetu Samotność i umieszczonego przez tegoż edytora w kanonie lirycznym poety. Ani sposób ujęcia problematyki samotności, ani elementy stylu, ani przebiegu myśli oraz jej konstrukcji nie potwierdzają wskazanej przez edytora Pism wszystkich atrybucji.
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