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vol. 20
issue 1
The paper is embedded in the following fields: strategic management in terms of behavioural strategy concept, adaptability construct, and micro-foundations realm as well as organizational theory and psychology. Moreover, the paper concerns to some extent a multi-level approach in strategic management involving individual, team, and organizational level. The aim of the paper is to contribute to extend, on one hand, the ascertainment set in the field of behavioural strategy as behavioural strategy encompasses a mindboggling diversity of topics and methods and its conceptual unity has been hard to achieve (Powell, Lovallo, Fox 2011, p. 1371), and on the other hand, to order mixed approaches to adaptability especially to gain insights on micro-level adapting processes (individual adaptability and adaptive performance) in terms of the multi-level approach. The method that has been used is literature studies and the interference is mostly deductive. The structure of the manuscript is four-fold. The first part involves the considerations in the field of adaptability and adaptive performance at the individual level. The issues of adaptability and adaptive performance at the team level have been presented in the second part. The third part encompasses the organizational adaptability assertions. Finally, the conclusion, limitations of the considerations highlighted as well as the future research directions have been emphasized. The overarching key finding is that the behavioural strategy concept may constitute the boundary spanner in exploring and explaining adaptability phenomenon at different levels of analysis.
The evolution of consumer priorities focused on time-saving transactions, a personalized approach and the general move away from price as the sole and most important determinant of the quality of products and services have resulted in intensification of dynamic changes in e-commerce. This determined the need for technology which would effectively meet the requirements set by the market. Such a technology are intelligent program agents. The authors, through the award of selected applications of this class of systems in the analyzed market, indicate adaptability as a key for their efficient and effective functioning. This article presents different approaches to the issue of adaptability, which is a response to the need for agents to adapt to dynamic changes in the environment of e-commerce. Such a requirement is clear both from the need to modify their behavior in response to stimuli from the environment in which they operate and from the interaction with other agents in multi-agent systems.
Ewolucja priorytetów konsumenckich, ukierunkowana na oszczędność czasu transakcji, spersonalizowane podejście i ogólne odejście od ceny jako jedynego i najważniejszego wyznacznika jakości produktów i usług spowodowały nasilenie dynamiki zmian zachodzących w handlu elektronicznym. Zdeterminowało to konieczność zastosowania technologii, która w sposób efektywny sprostałaby wymogom stawianym przez analizowany rynek. Technologią taką są inteligentni agenci programowi. Autorzy, poprzez wyróżnienie wybranych zastosowań systemów tej klasy w obszarze analizowanego rynku, wskazują na cechę adaptacyjności jako kluczową dla sprawnego i efektywnego funkcjonowania tych systemów. Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje różne podejścia do kwestii adaptacyjności, która jest odpowiedzią na konieczność dostosowania się agentów do dynamiki zmian zachodzących w środowisku e-commerce. Wymóg taki wynika zarówno z potrzeby modyfikowania swojego zachowania w reakcji na bodźce płynące z otoczenia, jak i z interakcji z innymi agentami w systemach wieloagentowych.
Research background: The COVID-19 pandemic has affected higher education globally and disrupted its usual activities, according to differing perspectives. The ability to adapt to online activities was an important factor for many researchers during the pandemic period. Purpose of the article: In this article, the authors are studying the ability of the students to adapt to online activities, and also the direct and indirect effect on their academic performances. Methods: The data was collected with a questionnaire and the respondents are students from Romanian Universities. The analysis was made with an econometric model by using the PLS-SEM methodology. The goal of the paper was to find and analyse the factors used to perform academic online activities during the pandemic period. Findings & value added: The results of the paper validate the research hypotheses formulated in the introductory part and confirm that the students' academic performances are a direct result of many factors, such as: system parameters, personal demand, personal commitment, and regulatory environment. The identification of the exogenous variables with significant impact on the students' performances through online activities could help the management of the universities to implement the positive aspects and to reward them for their efforts while preventing from resilience to change. The higher education system has to acknowledge that flexible online learning opportunities are needed by students to fit their coursework around their employment and family responsibilities.
The adaptability of children to the school environment and their potential to succeed there is closely linked to the development of their cognitive and social skills. These are primarily linked to personal factors -physical maturity as well as mental or emotional maturity and the environment in which those children grow up. This fact is evident in children growing up in disadvantageous socio-economic conditions. In general the school readiness of children from socially-disadvantaged backgrounds is affected by the specific environment, the primary family and a number of other factors. A significant support of psychosocial development and successful adaptability at the start of the compulsory education is the preschool education, especially for children growing up in disadvantageous socio-economic conditions. The presented study focused on the effect of pre-school education on school readiness in first grade children. 24 children from socially disadvantaged environment were tested twice - for first time shortly after the beginning of their first grade and for the second time before the end of the first grade. The children were then divided into two groups - those who attended pre-school education and those who started school without any pre-school education programme. The attendance thus made the independent variable in the research design. There were three research questions - what is the impact of pre-school education on: Q1: general cognitive functioning (tested using the Intelligence Image Scale), Q2: on the ability to acquire the reading skills (tested using the Reversal test by Edfeldt) and Q3 on the social maturity of the children (tested using the Vineland scale of adaptive behaviour) The results of the study suggest that pre-school education has significant effect on social skills and this effect increases during the first year. The reading skills were better in children who attended the pre-school education however this impact decreases over time. There was no statistically significant difference between cognitive functioning in both groups of children. No negative effects of pre-school education were identified. The results are in partial contradiction to other research and literature - specifically the outcome in cognitive functioning was unexpected. This can be attributed to limited number of participants. However we suppose that the results support the importance of pre-school education. Its impact could be further studied using longitudinal studies as well as focusing in more detail on the individual aspects of social exclusion and its effects on school readiness.
issue 51/52
Like the majority of African countries, contemporary Kenya is a mosaic of cultures and languages shaped throughout the centuries. The Akamba discussed in this article live in the Machakos County and are one of the most numerous ethnic groups in Kenya. Amongst the many characteristics of their culture, the ones most relevant to the topic are: collectivism, avoidance of uncertainty, hierarchy, orientation towards the future (long-term orientation), variety of traditionally undertaken tasks. These characteristics of their culture have influence for adaptability to the changing and difficult living conditions: in this case, thanks to the methods of obtaining water and the ways to store and protect it.
The article reveals the essential characteristics of risk society in the social-psychological context. The current studies in sociology, philosophy and psychology concerning the psychological security of the person in conditions of traumatic events of risk society are analyzed. The necessity of studying the psychological conditions for effective innovative practice in a situation of social transformations is proved. The specific features of an innovative creative personality are analyzed. Based on the analysis of different scientific sources the strategies for overcoming the challenges of social-psychological adaptation in terms of ambiguity of the society are identified: 1) personality’s realization of the sense of his/her own life in a new environment and desire for its implementation; 2) individualization of the life scenario design that ensure readiness for action in a situation of choice; 3) «over-situation activity» which has the potential to revive the lost and to form the new values and meanings through search activity; 4) «active non-adaptability», that assumes transcendental openness to new experiences and is the basis of creative, research, innovative activity; 5) «autotelic» lifestyle, according to which the main driving force is not external, but internal motivation of the personality caused by deep feelings and real needs. The attention is focused on the need of searching the optimal solution to the problem of the personality’s information security in the context of uncontrolled manipulative influence of modern information and computer technologies. The need for forming in the personality the ability to overcoming, transforming behavior, to self-regulation that provides a sense of security, as well as transgressive orientation is identified. The psychological recommendations for optimization of the creative innovative activity in risk society are formulated. It is determined that individuals with high creative potential who use creative strategies to overcome difficult life situations are more able to effective innovative activity. It is emphasized that the strategic benchmark of modern education should be awakening in a person innovative qualities, creativity and ability to comprehend and create a new one. For further research the problem concerning the transformative transgressive strategy of the person in conditions of risk society is proposed.
The article is devoted to the study of professional crises and their conditioning with the qualities of a person. The article presents the results of an empirical study of the influence of personal qualities on professional crises of employees of trading companies. It is assumed that in the process of professionalisation employees of trading companies go through a crisis of professional growth. Personality qualities influence the degree of dissatisfaction with basic needs and the level of general social frustration. During the crisis of professional growth, different qualities of a person – such as dominance, high intellect, normative behaviour, courage, as well as sensitivity, dreaminess and anxiety, radicalism and nonconformism – are influenced. This influence affects almost all the basic needs and spheres of life of employees of a trading company: the need for security and self-expression, and social needs, which are manifested in discontent with relationships with people, their social-economic status, and social status. A particular influence on the transactions in the group of subjects is provided by such personality traits as anxiety, suspiciousness, and intellect. Depressiveness, bad mood, and gloomy feelings intensify the crisis of professional growth, provoking discontent with relations with colleagues. Due to the developed intellect, employees of trading companies feel the discontent with the level of wages more sharply, which intensifies the crisis of professional development.
Adaptiveness is one of the most significant features of the supply chain that affects the results of its functioning. The capability of the supply chain to adapt to all, more and more demanding conditions is one of the main factors that guarantee long-term competitiveness and success. R. Kalakota, M. Robinson and P. Gundepudi consider inventory visibility, fulfilment velocity and coordination versatility as three fundamental pillars of adaptive supply chains, also termed as 3V in the literature. The chief objective of this paper is the identification of features that a supply chain should have in order to be called adaptive, as well as the verification of their compliance with the 3V principle. The review of the available literature sources that focus on the subject of the major features of adaptive supply chains (in particular having a decisive effect on their adaptive capabilities) has resulted in certain common elements. The authors of all the described approaches emphasise the two features: visibility and velocity. The third, frequently indicated, feature is also versatility or variety (that can be treated as one of the elements of the versatility of the supply chain). Visibility involves ensuring access to the information for all participants in the supply chain, also customers. Velocity, in turn, refers to the reaction time of the supply chain to all sorts of events and the time of implementing necessary changes. The third element is versatility. It primarily involves balancing the operational capability of a supply chain with market requirements, in particular delivering suitable products and services of the required quality and in the ordered volume. It is also vital to adjust the offer to the individual needs of customers.
A city is a cluster of buildings and areas of activity. The spaces between urban structures are often treated as a side effect, an accidental phenomenon present due to the location of buildings. However, in contrast to the buildings that have their functions established once they are erected, urban voids contain the potential for rapid change of use constituting an important element of both planned and unplanned activities. Empty spaces are possibilities for future arrangements and evolution of needs that are often unknown at the time of construction. The main objective of the article is to define the concept of ‘urban void’ and to analyze the hidden potential of it. The author emphasizes the need to create empty spaces as deliberately as architecture itself, including them in the urban tissue.
vol. 41
issue 5
This paper presents a test of the relationship between organizational culture as a crucial indicator of organizational effectiveness and customer satisfaction using service-unit data from two health resorts. Ensuring survival of the service organisation in the long run requires adaptations which are oriented towards achieving maximum customer satisfaction. This study intended to unveil the effect organisational factors have on customer service orientation from the customer and employee point of view within a two health resort service setting. The finding suggests that when trying to predict the comparative degree which organisational effectiveness factors have in satisfying customers' needs, performance, adaptability and mission can be of the highest importance. Some effects like performance were uniform for employees and customers, while others varied depending on the organisation and the customer or employee group. Furthermore, findings suggest that service performance and organisation mission of the service organisation predict customer satisfaction based on established and proven health services. In this context there is no room for innovation, despite the fact that employees and customers do not share similar views about the impact of organisational effectiveness. Developing an effective service organisation can provide a competitive advantage to the organisation. Critical for the success of the service organisation is that organisational agents have a clear view of the existing organisation effectiveness and a clear view of the customer expectations in this area.
Most learning difficulties are rooted in the individual learner’s perspective. As a common practice, modern educational systems are formed on the basis of a set of standardized didactic methods, which are then used repeatedly in the teaching of the whole population. However, every learning group consists of individuals with different cognitive model and individual learning process. The key to provide effective knowledge absorption is to adapt the set of teaching methods and use it in such a way that the individual characteristics of the learner are taken into account to the highest, reasonable extent. This paper addresses the problem of defining the personalization and adaptability of the learning process in the context of tutoring systems. The authors propose a methodological apparatus for identifying and acquiring the user’s individual characteristics and transforming it into a set of tools and instruments that can provide adaptability in tutoring systems.
Większość problemów związanych z nauczaniem odnosi się do perspektywy uczącego się. Obecne systemy edukacyjne stanowią zbiory ustandaryzowanych metod dydaktycznych, które następnie stosowane są w powielarny sposób w nauczaniu całych zbiorowości. Grupy składają się jednak z indywidualności, a każda z nich reprezentuje odmienny model kognitywny oraz indywidualny proces uczenia się. Kluczem do efektywnego uczenia się jest takie dostosowywanie zestawu metod dydaktycznych, aby uwzględniały indywidualne cechy uczącego się oraz były w stanie adaptować się z czasem do poziomu osiąganych postępów i zmieniających się potrzeb. W artykule podjęto problem adaptacyjności w inteligentnych systemach wspomagających nauczanie. Autorzy proponują instrumentarium do identyfikacji indywidualnej charakterystyki użytkownika, a następnie transformacji i wykorzystania jej w tworzeniu mechanizmów umożliwiających uzyskanie procesu uczenia dostosowanego do aktualnych, indywidualnych potrzeb użytkowników systemu.
W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki postępowania badawczego zmierzającego do identyfikacji poziomu adaptacyjności struktur organizacyjnych polskich przedsiębiorstw. Przedstawiono także założenia i istotę zmiany struktury organizacyjnej interpretowanej jako proces jej adaptacji. Na podstawie ankiet skierowanych do kierownictwa badanych przedsiębiorstw zidentyfikowano stan odpowiedniości i luki strukturalnej. Stan odpowiedniości strukturalnej potwierdzający wysoki poziom zdolności adaptacyjnych badanych przedsiębiorstw w większym stopniu dotyczy cech struktur organizacyjnych i cech kontekstu organizacyjnego oraz kontekstu konstytuowanego przez mikrootoczenie krajowe i makrootoczenie. Stan luki strukturalnej wskazujący na niższy poziom zdolności adaptacyjnych dotyczy stanu cech struktur i cech kontekstu konstytuowanego głównie przez mikrootoczenie międzynarodowe.
The article attempts to answer the question to what extent the environment condition reflects the position of the organizational structures in Polish enterprises. Research showed a state of the structural gap in the adoption of structures and international microenvironment. However, the structural adaptability includes features of the organizational context and characteristic of other components of its environment.
vol. 14
issue 4
Background: This article examines the adaptability of logistics services providers (LSPs), which has been relatively rarely tackled in the literature on supply chain management. We examined the impacts of LSPs' adaptability on logistics outsourcing performance, as well as on satisfaction and loyalty of their customers. Methods: We formulated specific research hypotheses and assessed them using structural equation. The data was obtained via IT survey of 110 companies using LSPs. Our analyses were conducted in the SPSS and R software packages. Results: Based on the estimated path coefficients from the structural equation model, we found evidence of a dependency between the adaptability of LSPs and their logistic services performance, as well as customer satisfaction and loyalty. Conclusions: Our results confirm the importance of adaptability for the development of logistics outsourcing relationships, primarily due to the strong direct impact of LSP adaptability on logistics services performance, as well as the impact of this factor on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, when struggling to improve relations with customers, LSPs should take adaptive actions that can enhance performance outcomes.
Wstęp: Niniejszy artykuł poświęcono stosunkowo rzadko podejmowanej w literaturze przedmiotu problematyce adaptacyjności usługodawców logistycznych. Celem zrealizowanych badań była ocena wpływu adaptacyjności usługodawców logistycznych na performance obsługi oraz satysfakcję i lojalność klientów. Metody: Sformułowano hipotezy badawcze, które zweryfikowano wykorzystując modelowanie równań strukturalnych. Badania przeprowadzono z zastosowaniem metody ankiety elektronicznej wśród 110 przedsiębiorstw zlecających obsługę logistyczną. Analizę oraz interpretację pozyskanych w ten sposób danych przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem pakietu SPSS oraz programu R. Wyniki: Na podstawie oszacowanych współczynników ścieżek w modelu równań strukturalnych odnotowano zależności pomiędzy adaptacyjnością usługodawcy logistycznego a performance obsługi oraz satysfakcją i lojalnością klientów. Wnioski: Uzyskane w toku analizy statystycznej wyniki pozwoliły na pozytywną weryfikację postawionych hipotez badawczych. Potwierdzono, że działania adaptacyjne usługodawców mają bezpośredni pozytywny wpływ na performance obsługi, i co ważne – zależność ta jest bardzo istotna dla umacniania współpracy, ponieważ dzięki poprawie obsługi wyraźnie wzrasta satysfakcja klientów, kreując ich lojalność wobec usługodawcy.
Poziom adaptacyjności podstawowych jednostek administracyjnych w Polsce (gmin) ma bezpośredni wpływ na wielkość niekorzystnych konsekwencji powodzi, a tym samym na poziom ryzyka powodziowego w gminach. W ramach badań wyselekcjonowanych zostało 15 cech gmin, które kształtują proces ich adaptacji do zagrożenia powodziowego oraz pozwalają diagnozować ich adaptacyjność. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie metodyki prowadzenia badań empirycznych mających na celu pozyskanie danych obserwowalnych (wskaźników) z wykorzystaniem badań ilościowych. Wskaźniki te umożliwiają ocenę poziomu adaptacyjności gminy do zagrożenia powodziowego. Badania empiryczne z wykorzystaniem kwestionariusza ankiety pozwoliły uzyskać dane niedostępne w domenie publicznej, a które są niezbędne, by zdiagnozować wszystkie cechy gminy wpływające na ocenę jej adaptacyjności do zagrożenia powodziowego. Przygotowaną ankietę wykorzystano do zbadania 18 gmin zlokalizowanych w zlewni Nysy Kłodzkiej o największym zagrożeniu powodziowym. Niemniej narzędzie badawcze ma charakter uniwersalny i może mieć zastosowanie przy analizie dowolnych zagrożeń naturalnych.
The level of adaptability of basic administrative units in Poland (municipalities - gminy) has a huge impact on the extent of adverse consequences caused by floods, and therefore on the flood risk in municipalities. As part of the research, we selected 15 characteristics of the municipalities which shape their adaptability processes and allow a diagnosis of the municipalities’ adaptability to be made. The article aims at presenting the methodology of empirical research seeking to obtain observable data (indicators) using quantitative studies. These indicators make to possible to assess the level of the municipalities’ adaptability to flood risk. The empirical research with the use of the questionnaire produced the results which – by preparing a questionnaire –enabled us to obtain data which are unavailable to the general public, but are vital in identifying all characteristics of a municipality which impact its adaptability assessment. The questionnaire was applied in an adaptability research of 18 municipalities located in the Nysa Kłodzka basin, which are most at risk of flooding. Nevertheless, the research tool is a universal one and could be used for analysing any type of natural hazards.
Celem artykułu jest prezentacja grupy badanych, tzw. „młodych bezdomnych” jako wyodrębnionej na mapie miejskiej ulicy, specyficznej grupy wykluczonych. Autorka poszukuje w tej grupie pewnych cech swoistych dla adaptabilności, dających diagnostyczne możliwości przewidywania rezyliencji, będących stałym rdzeniem płynnej tożsamości a zarazem stwarzającym możliwości działań na trzech poziomach profilaktyki w lokalnym systemie profilaktyki i resocjalizacji. Kontekstem rozważań staje się koncepcja ekologicznego modelu Urie Bronfenbrennera.
This article includes the analysis of possibility specific adaptability and resilience predict with „youth homeless” group in Local System of Prevention in context of Urie Bronfenbrenner developmental ecological model.
Protokół od dawna uważany jest za zbiór międzynarodowych reguł kurtuazyjnych wywodzących się z francuskich i hiszpańskich dworów królewskich XVI–XVIII w.. W ostatnim czasie stał się narzędziem podświadomej perswazji nie tylko w dyplomacji, ale także w biznesie i świecie społecznym. Te od dawna ustalone zasady ułatwiają nie tylko oficjalnym przedstawicielom narodów, ale także ich ludowi współistnienie w pokoju i harmonii. Tworzy przestrzeń i wyznacza ramy, w których mogą zachodzić interakcje offline i online. Stanowi jeden z najważniejszych instrumentów, dzięki którym z powodzeniem funkcjonuje złożony i delikatny mechanizm polityki zagranicznej. Rok 2020 przyniósł wiele zmian, z którymi wszyscy musimy się zmierzyć i na które musimy zareagować. Sam protokół i specjaliści od protokołu nie są z nich wyłączeni. Programy delegacji, konferencje i wszelkie oficjalne i towarzyskie spotkania stały się niekonwencjonalne. Rozwój wydarzeń online i hybrydowych wymaga umiejętności adaptacji zarówno w stosunkach międzynarodowych, jak i protokołach. Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu krótkie zbadanie protokołu według definicji i ukazanie jego złożoności z naukowego punktu widzenia. Protokół jako interdyscyplinarna nauka stosowana: innowacyjne podejście zapoczątkowane przez profesjonalnego eksperta posiadającego praktyczne doświadczenie w tej dziedzinie.
Protocol has long been considered to be the set of international courtesy rules primarily rooted from the French and Spanish royal courts of the 16–18th century. It has recently become a means of subconscious persuasion not only in diplomacy but also in the business and social world. These long-established rules facilitate not only the official representatives of nations but also for their people their co-existence in peace and harmony. It creates space, and sets the framework where offline and online interactions may take place. One of the most significant instruments that makes complex and delicate mechanisms of foreign policy work successfully. The year of 2020 brought many changes we all must face and react to. Protocol itself and protocol professionals are not exempt. Meetings, delegation programs, conferences and all official and social engagements have become unconventional to the end. The rise of online and hybrid events demands the skill of adaptability both in international relations and in protocol. The present article aims to briefly examine protocol by definitions and to show its complexity from a scientific perspective. Protocol as applied interdisciplinary science: an innovative approach initiated by a professional expert having elaborate practical experience in the field.
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