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Aging is a significant characteristic of modern world’s population despite some regional differences. It strongly influences both the political sphere and the mental one, which are profoundly interrelat- ed. Aged democratic societies contrary to the ones governed by authoritarian regimes tend to impose a characteristic input of social demands to the system claiming a conversion towards solutions which might be less acceptable to the younger part of the population. This poses a threat of young adults’ mi- gration and in the same way some intensification of a new social burden. Older societies because of their average mental construction present more rational elective preferences, rely more on recommendation and habits, fossilizing the political stage. On the other hand, the political factor may affect the mental sphere of aging societies as well both because of physical/economic reasons and direct psychological im- pact. In the first case the matter of dispute lies mostly in fear and frustration caused by limited abilities of self-defense whereas the direct impact boils down to such outputs as strengthening stereotypical stig- matization, the feeling of marginalization or anxiety of a person whose contextual world is fading away.
Attention in the article is focused on the basic concepts in the gerontological sense, namely: aging, old age and elderly people. The in-depth analysis concerned three areas of issues: aging of society, aging in society and proposals of preparation for old age. Aging is a process that affects everyone and should be prevented. Demanding and even challenging older people is one of the methods.
The article aims to assess the demand for the places in social homes for the elderly among persons aged 75+ up to the year 2035. To this end, the proportion of the disabled in the selected subpopulation is estimated to approximate the demand for the beds. The findings indicate that a significant increase in the demand for institutional support is likely, driven by the growing subpopulation of older persons in Poland.
The paper describes the state of population aging in Poland and one voivodeship (Kujawsko-pomorskie) in the early 21st c., as well as showing how the process will develop in the next future, limited by the beginning of the 2030s. Using the economic and biological age groups to describe the structure of popula- tion with respect to aging, we need to note that the shares of age groups are similar in the voivodeship and in the country, both today and throughout the Central Statistical Of- fice’s most recent population projection. The similar shares of the working age group and retirement age group in the analysed areas translate into almost identical potential support ratios for the country and the mentioned administrative unit and into their future trends. Population aging considered in the cross section of urban and rural areas makes it evident that the process consequences (e.g. for the labour market, the social policy) will affect the urban population more strongly than the rural population.
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Aging in a Big Town

The subject of this article is a big city social Policy towards old people with an example of Warsaw. The author was inspired to write this text with her partici- pation in a workgroup “Exclusion of elderly persons,” which prepared a diagnosis and formulated initial suggestions to the Social Strategy for Warsaw 2009–2020. It seems, that regardless the differences between big towns, basic goals and assumptions for the policy towards senior citizens are similar in the majority of metropolitan communities. Due to the fact that any proposal concerning social policy should be preceded by a diag- nosis, the article begins with the description of demographic situation of big Polish towns (above half million population) and with a diagnosis of the situation of senior citi- zens in Warsaw. Demographic and socio-economic data were obtained from the Central Statistical Office publications.
Horyzonty Wychowania
vol. 16
issue 40
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present article was to make a narrative review about the relation of cognitive functions and neurotrophic factors with aging. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The research problem concerns the issue of aging and the changes in cognitive and biochemical functioning that may occur in this process. The article uses the method of critical analyzes as well as the analyzes of the reference literature. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The first section of the article discusses population aging, the second addresses changes related to cognitive functions during aging. The third part show biochemical aspects that can directly influence the cognitive functions already mentioned, and on aging in general. RESEARCH RESULTS: The result of this review points out that the world population is aging in an accelerated way and during this process of aging there are several changes in the organism of the elderly, among which stand out the cognitive and biochemical, one being directly related to the other. In this case, there is a relation of the neurotrophic factors, which may be responsible for the changes in cognitive functions, specifically spatial memory alterations. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: It is necessary that more studies be carried out with this population, which may trace the elderly with cognitive impairment that may be suggestive or conclusive of a neurodegenerative disease. In addition, biochemical data may contribute to the search for new therapeutic models or early identification for Alzheimer’s disease or other associated dementias.
Background: It is thought that at least one medication is taken by up to 60% of elderly people. What is more, in US elderly people living in the community take on average four medications, while home-care residents take averagely seven drugs a day. The above-mentioned facts, in the light of current demographic changes of the structure of population, indicate the growing cost of ambulatory drug therapy of the elderly. Aim of the study: To analyze the costs of one month of ambulatory drug therapy in the group of elderly aged 80 and over following hospital discharge. Moreover, the relation between the number of pills and drugs taken in general, concomitant illnesses and costs of therapy were assessed. Materials and methods: The retrospective analysis of medical documentation of 116 patients aged 80 and over was performed. The costs of therapy were calculated accordingly to the prices published in The Drug Index. Co-morbid illnesses were classified accordingly to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). Analysis in the age subgroups was performed. Results: Mean age was 85.2 ± 4.2y-rs, group consisted of 62 women and 27 men; 27 patients were excluded from further analysis. Mean number of prescribed drugs was 7.6 ± 2.9 (min.–max.: 1–16), mean number of prescribed pills was 8.8 ± 4.3 (min.–max.: 0–23). Patients in the examined group suffered from 5.8 ± 2.0 chronic diseases averagely. Mean cost of one month of ambulatory drug therapy was 135.9 ± 95.7 PLN (min.–max.: 1,96–625,9 PLN). Significant relations between the costs of ambulatory drug therapy and the number of chronic diseases (r = 0.51, p < 0.0001) as well as the number of pills (r = 0.68, p < 0.001) and drugs (r = 0.74, p < 0.001) were observed. The differences in the subgroups were observed. Conclusions: The high co-morbidity observed in the elderly results in the need for taking a great number of drugs and consequently causes high costs of ambulatory drug therapy. When planning ambulatory treatment, it is important to analyze the patients’ and their families’ financial situation, and when necessary provide economical support.
Senior policy is a priority challenge for social policy in the face of dynamical changes in demographic processes in Poland. The authors undertook an attempt to present the assumptions, implementation status and planned directions of the senior policy in Warmia and Mazury, as well as to assess them basing on the analysis of key strategic documents in this area.
The process of aging society is one of the most important challenges in the coming decades in Poland. An increasing number of elderly people in the structure of Polish society has serious organizational, financial or economic consequences and requires real measure. They can be implemented in different. In this context, it seems important to analyse German experiences, which in terms of technological solutions in the geriatric care are richer than Polish experiences. The article presents a brief overview, showing the issues related to telecare in the care of the elderly in Poland and Germany.
The study is linked to our previous research that focused on the analysis of attitudes of middleaged people towards aging in relation to their level of self-control and life satisfaction. The aim of the presented study was to find out the relationship between positive and negative attitudes of middle-aged people towards aging on one side and their level of self-control and self-care on the other. The sample consisted of 121 respondents (82 women and 39 men) between 40 and 50 years of age. Three methodologies were used in the research: RAQ (Gething, 1994, Scale tracing attitudes to processes of aging), Scale of self-control (SCS) (Tangney, Baumeister, Boone, 2004) and questionnaire monitoring the level of self-care (Lovaš, 2010). Analysis consisted of descriptive analysis, correlation analysis and one-way dispersion analysis. The results supported that respondents with negative attitude to aging show lower level of self-control and also lower level of self-care and, vice versa, that respondents with positive attitude show higher level of self-control and self-care – as confirmed by the analysis. The results revealed medium level of relation between self-control and self-care. Generic differences proved true only in the case of self-care.
Prezentovaná štúdia1 sa týka výskumu postojov strednej generácie k procesom starnutia vo vzťahu k miere sebakontroly a celkovej životnej spokojnosti. Naším cieľom bolo zistiť vzťah medzi pozitívnym a negatívnym postojom k starnutiu ľudí v strednom veku a mierou starostlivosti o seba a sebakontrolou. Vzorku tvorilo 121 (39 mužov a 82 žien) respondentov/tiek vo vekovom rozpätí 40 - 50 rokov. Vo výskume boli použité 3 metodiky: RAQ (Gething, 1994, Škála zaznamenávajúca postoje k procesom starnutia), Škála sebakontroly SCS (Tangney, Baumeister, Boone, 2004) a dotazník monitorujúci mieru starostlivosti o seba (Lovaš, 2010). Pri analýze bola použitá deskriptívna štatistika, korelačná analýza a jednovchodová analýza rozptylu. Výsledky ukázali, že respondenti s negatívnym postojom vykazujú nižšiu mieru sebakontroly a v súvislosti s tým aj nižšiu mieru starostlivosti o seba, a naopak respondenti s pozitívnym postojom vykazujú vyššiu mieru sebakontroly a vyššiu mieru starostlivosti - čo analýza potvrdila. Výsledky poukazujú na strednú mieru vzťahu medzi sebakontrolou a starostlivosťou o seba. Rodové rozdiely sa preukázali len v starostlivosti o seba.
Introduction. Physical activity is known to be an important factor influencing health throughout human life. This issue has become crucial for public health due to the aging of the population in both developed and developing countries. Aim. is to present a literature review on the forms of physical activity undertaken by the elderly, as well as on issues related to physical activity and the population aging. Material and methods. The study was prepared on the basis of a review of Polish and foreign literature. The following databases and data sources were used: EBSCO, ScienceDirect and Google Scholar. An additional source of data were the websites of the Central Statistical Office. Strictly defined key phrases were used during the collection of literature. The work has been divided into thematic subsections on the aging of the society, the impact of physical activity on health and the main topic, i.e. forms of physical activity selected by the elderly. Analysis of the literature. The number of elderly people in Polish society has increased by almost 3.7 million over three decades. Therefore, an important topic is prophylaxis aimed at increasing the number of days in good health, largely covering the broadly understood activation of the elderly. The available data indicate that only 12% of elderly people undertake physical activity once a week. The most common form of spending free time actively is walking (as many as 73% of people in this population declare this form of physical activity in one of the presented studies). Conclusion. Organized forms of physical activity are undertaken much less frequently by the analyzed age group mainly due to financial limitations and limited availability of sports infrastructure
Population aging is a natural social process. Nevertheless the increase in the population of the elderly (including those of an advanced age – above 85 years old) in the last decade in Poland is unusually high. The rapid increase in the number of older people and their percent-age in the total population is associated with specific social and economic consequences. These have to be faced both by the central government as well as local authorities. In the article author concentrated on the question of the knowledge of local authorities about demo-graphic changes and perceptions of their consequences. The aim of the study was to assess the level of knowledge of local government representatives on the ageing of the local community and the interpretation of changes caused by this process. In addition, the author has identified the measures that local governments have declared to undertake to increase awareness of aging and its consequences. In the article the results of a survey conducted in July 2015 in 77 of the 119 non-metropolitan municipalities of Pomeranian province has been used.
This article deals with the relationships between seniors’ lifestyles and their health and quality of life with respect to the determinants and consequences of aging. As found, considering the complex and dynamically changing set of factors determining individuals’ lifestyles the elderly “withdraw from life” too early and too far. This worrying finding brings into attention active recreation as an approach allowing people to maintain physical fitness, mental health and social activity, and thus being capable of postponing the most severe effects of aging. Before presenting the potential of active tourism as a useful instrument of active recreation, the social consequences of aging and the special character of „seniors” as a social group are discussed in terms of what enables and what restricts the use of free time. This provides a background for showing the functions of tourism as an activity having a beneficial effect not only on physical and mental health, but also on the social interaction of elderly people. Active recreation effectively compensates for losses caused by economic inactivity and withdrawal from certain social roles by building various social relations (including intergenerational) and breaking isolation, as well as by initiating a learning process based on new experiences and contacts, and developing interests and skills that strengthen the feeling of independence, self-confidence and self-esteem. Active tourism, adjusted to the needs and capabilities of elderly people, may make a measurable contribution to better quality of their lives.
The problem of municipalities under 200 inhabitants is discussed. There are 1,500 such municipalities (24%) in the Czech Republic. Many of them came to existence after 1989 when the independence of communes was considered part of the democratisation process regardless of the population number. This paper aims at a statistical evaluation of municipalities with fewer than 200 inhabitants and presents their geographical distribution, demographic development and analysis of their aging. In general, 70% of these very small municipalities have been growing since 2001. The smallest of them have the highest percentage of the population decline and are the most endangered by aging. Very small municipalities with the highest population growth are situated mainly in the vicinity of larger towns, the ones with the highest population decline are located mainly in peripheral areas at the border of regions.
This article documents evidence from a qualitative study in which 67 in–depth interviews and a focus group discussion were conducted with aging and old market women. The study focused on what ‘old’ means, how aging and old market women redefine the meaning of ‘old’ to gain economic independence. The findings indicate that the meaning is still greatly attached to physical changes; there are differences in how different individuals respond to the changes, some challenge the gender stereotypes and prejudice attached to old age and show resilience. Indicators of resilience among market women included: an active economic lifestyle, asset ownership, the freedom to socialize and ability to make decisions about what it is they value, and ability to earn an income. Indeed, aging women in market trade have reduced dependence. To these women, seniority in age was no longer a challenge, nor a source of distress; rather, a motivator for pushing forward. Based on the findings, the authors recommend extension of social security grants to enable even more old persons to start and maintain economically rewarding ventures.
The article deals with the topic of supporting the elderly in Poland. The text presents selected aspects of this issue: the problem of aging of the society, the attitude of Poles towards seniors, senior policy, the issue of family and institutional care over the elderly. The article also contains recommendations on helping the oldest members of the society.
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Aging and/with Literature

The review article focuses on the problem of aging as reflected in American literature and culture. The author discusses a book by Anna Gaidash "Discourse of Aging in American Drama" (2019) in detail, stressing its interdisciplinary character.
The article deals with one of late poems by Bulat Okudzhava (Mne ne nravitsja moj siluet...), in which in the first place various auto-intertextual associations are reviewed. Although in a superficial embodiment of an aged poet who is dissatisfied with himself a clear bitter reckoning with his own work can be perceived, the outcome, however, which can be discerned on the next level, is a deeper and by all means positive conception of the sense of life of an artist, hardly correlating to time (and thus aging).
Članak razmatra jednu od kasnijih pjesama Bulata Okudžave Mne ne nravitsja moj siluet…, pri čemu se prije svega spominju razne autointertekstualne veze. Rezultat toga je, iako se u površnom prikazu ostarjelog i samim sobom nezadovoljnog pjesnika može razaznati očit gorak obračun s vlastitim stvaralačkim radom, na drugoj se, višoj razini može naći puno dublja i u svakom slučaju pozitivna predodžba smisla života jednog umjetnika s neznatnim osvrtom na vrijeme (istarenje).
The aging of population is a common problem in the modern economy and finance. Reverse mortgage is one of alternative ways of raising citizens’ standard of living after retiring by obtaining financial benefits accumulated in a residential property. The aim of the study is to evaluate a role of equity release service in providing additional household income for senior citizens illustrated by the case of a reverse mortgage. This type of service consists in transformation of non-liquid, tied-up in property capital into liquid financial resources. Thanks to capital conversion, senior citizens can supplement retirement benefits without a need to leave their property. The research hypothesis verified in the study stated that benefits paid as equity release in the form of a reverse mortgage provided greater support for women than for men. That hypothesis was rejected.
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