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Purpose: The aim of this study was the analysis of fungal air pollution in different rooms using different the air samplers. Material and methods: Air for mycological studies was collected from various hospital rooms. To monitor fungal air pollution were used samplers: SAS SUPER 100 (pbi-international), MAS 100 (Merck) and AIR IDEAL (BioMerieux). Results: We found differences in CFU/L values in depending on hospital room and the air sampler type. The CFU/L values of air samples taken by the AIR IDEAL ranged from 350 to 850 and (724.2 ± 159.9), and the CFU/L values of air samples taken by the sampler SAS SUPER 100 ranged from 160 to 800 (455.3 ± 250.73). The CFU/L values of air samples taken by the MAS 100 sampler varied from 50 to 1340 (302.5±56.6) From the air samples of both samplers was incubated 6 genera/species of fungi. Candia albicans fungi species and genus Penicillium species were most frequently isolated from SAS Super 100 sampler, and Penicillium species from the AIR IDEAL sampler. From the air samples of MAS 100 was isolated 11 types/species of fungi and in air samples of SAS Super 100 was isolated 7 types/species. Conclusions: Significant differences of CFU/L values in the tested rooms were found in depending on the used sampler. Mycological analysis of the obtained cultures from air samples suggests that there is not same isolation of fungi using the different samplers.
The article proposes to look at the idea of the infinity from the perspective of a French philosopher, Gaston Bachelard. His theory concerning the four elements is one of the twentieth century’s most interesting elementary concepts. The aim of this work is to show a manifest link between the notion of the infinity and its realizations (materializations) on the physical plane, that is to say Bachelard’s water and air. Both of these elements represent their own, specific kind of infinity, which is nonetheless very close to a man, because not only conceivable but also present in everyday life. Every single contact with the element is a touch of infinity.
This paper aims to assess the extent to which repeated attacks against sovereign Hellenic air space by Turkey along with the inevitably ensuing engagements between aircraft of the two sides follow a certain predetermined pattern of behaviour that can be detected based on a given statistical model, and if so, to what extent this pattern is predictable in terms of its intensity and the frequency of incidents. To this end, we use the Weibull statistical distribution as an appropriate tool for interpreting and quantifying the pattern of aggressive Turkish behaviour and calculating probabilities of occurrences. Based on this choice, we then proceed with a forecast of this behaviour in the near future. We provide specific mathematical formulae that can be readily used to calculate probabilities and forecast air space violations and engagements. Our models, based on historical data, assume that both Hellenic air space violations and engagement incidents will keep increasing but will inevitably reach a monthly maximum, constrained by the availability of property and human resources on the Turkish side. The conclusions drawn point to the fact that Turkey will at some point in the near future reach its capacity limits in terms of property and human resources used in such offensive exercises, and that there is very little that can be done to enhance the margins of such activities given the room provided by the Turkish economy, which seem to be prohibitive.
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Setrvávání Země v Anaximandrově univerzu

Anaximander, according to Aristotle, was said to explain the persistence of the Earth in its place in the universe on the basis of symmetry. Simplicius however asserted that the Earth was also meant to be supported by air. Although the universe exhibits marked signs of symmetry, it may be assumed that the air under the Earth – in view of its significant cosmological role – really was extended. Anaximander’s conception of a universe of concentrated circles of heavenly bodies, situated around the Earth at their centre, postulated movement of bodies under the Earth as well, in opposition to cosmologies of the time. The orbit of the heavenly bodies under the level of the Earth was, then, conditioned both by their compact structure and by an inclination and demarcation of size and distance. One may, therefore, suppose that Aristotle in reality drew on information referring to Anaximander’s symmetrical universe of circles of heavenly bodies orbiting under the surface of the Earth, which, so it seemed, did not sit on air.
The development of different branches of industry and a growing fossil fuels mining results in a considerable emission of by-products. Major air pollutants are: CO, CO₂, SO₂, SO₃, H₂S, nitrogen oxides, as well as compounds of an organic origin. The main aspects of this paper is to review and evaluate methods used for monitoring of hydrogen sulfide in the air. Different instrumental techniques were discussed, electrochemical, chromatographic and spectrophotometric (wet and dry), to select the method most suitable for monitoring low levels of hydrogen sulfide, close to its odor threshold. Based on the literature review the method for H₂S determination in the air, involving absorption in aqueous zinc acetate and reaction with N,N-dimethylo-p-phenylodiamine and FeCl₃, has been selected and preliminary verified. The adopted method allows for routine measurements of low concentration of hydrogen sulfide, close to its odor threshold in workplaces and ambient air. Med Pr 2013;64(3):449–454
Rozwój różnych gałęzi przemysłu oraz wydobywanie na coraz większą skalę kopalin powoduje wzrost stężenia produktów ubocznych w powietrzu atmosferycznym. Substancjami zanieczyszczającymi powietrze są m.in.: CO, CO₂, SO₂, SO₃, H₂S, tlenki azotu oraz związki pochodzenia organicznego. Celem niniejszej publikacji jest przegląd i ocena metod monitoringu stężeń siarkowodoru w powietrzu. Różne techniki instrumentalne, m.in. elektrochemiczne, chromatograficzne, spektrofotometryczne (mokre i suche), omówiono pod względem ich przydatności do monitorowania niskich stężeń siarkowodoru (H₂S), zbliżonych do jego progu zapachowego. Na podstawie przeprowadzonego przeglądu do badań H₂S w powietrzu wybrano metodę polegającą na pochłanianiu w wodnym roztworze octanu cynku oraz reakcji z N,N-dimetylo-p-fenylodiaminą i chlorkiem żelaza(III), przeprowadzono też wstępne badania walidacyjne. Zaadaptowana metoda umożliwia oznaczanie stężeń siarkowodoru w środowisku pracy i powietrzu atmosferycznym w stężeniach bliskich progowi zapachowemu. Med. Pr. 2013;64(3):449–454
This study considers solid planets at about 300 K and an inert atmosphere having no interaction with associated radiation. Processes considered include transfer of energy from the surface skin to underlying layers depending on thermal properties. Temperatures of the surface depend on the rates of transfer of energy between soil layers. The atmosphere is warmed at base by contact with the surface, convection and turbulence distributing higher temperatures through the air. Comparisons between theoretical and measured temperatures show a close similarity. Mean planetary temperatures are calculated, depending on thermal parameters and the intensity of light/radiation from the particular solar system.
The objective of this article is to analyse two classical elements: the air (the wind) and the earth in Sasha Sokolov’s novel A School for Fools. The antithesis of the elements creates a symbolic space in a text, which the author interprets as a confrontation of freedom (the air) with the Soviet enslavement system (the earth). In this fight, it is the wind that exhibits more power as a destructive force, bringing an eschatological sense to the text.
The paper focuses on the issue of air pollution in the industrially important Most region in the 1960s. It analyses how society and government responded to increasing environmental degradation in the region within the evolving political and economic context by examining the media and changes in legislation. Inspired by Donald Worster’s environmental history framework, the paper aims to illustrate the dynamic interplay between the expansion of industry, environmental concerns and policymaking during this crucial period. By investigating the nuances of media discourse and legislative reforms, it explores how air pollution was perceived and what actions were taken to tackle it in the region, contributing to a deeper understanding of the interconnections between society, state, and ecology in environmental contexts.
Medycyna Pracy
vol. 66
issue 1
The development of the shale industry is gaining momentum and hence the analysis of chemical hazards to the environment and health of the local population is extremely timely and important. Chemical hazards are created during the exploitation of all minerals, but in the case of shale gas production, there is much more uncertainty as regards to the effects of new technologies application. American experience suggests the increasing risk of environmental contamination, mainly groundwater. The greatest concern is the incomplete knowledge of the composition of fluids used for fracturing shale rock and unpredictability of long-term effects of hydraulic fracturing for the environment and health of residents. High population density in the old continent causes the problem of chemical hazards which is much larger than in the USA. Despite the growing public discontent data on this subject are limited. First of all, there is no epidemiological studies to assess the relationship between risk factors, such as air and water pollution, and health effects in populations living in close proximity to gas wells. The aim of this article is to identify and discuss existing concepts on the sources of environmental contamination, an indication of the environment elements under pressure and potential health risks arising from shale gas extraction. Med Pr 2015;66(1):99–117
Rozwój przemysłu łupkowego nabiera tempa, w związku z czym analiza związanych z nim zagrożeń dla środowiska i zdrowia ludzi jest niezwykle aktualna i istotna. Zagrożenia chemiczne powstają podczas eksploatacji złóż wszystkich kopalin, jednak w przypadku eksploatacji złóż gazu łupkowego jest znacznie więcej niewiadomych co do skutków stosowania nowych technologii. Doświadczenia amerykańskie wskazują na narastające ryzyko skażenia środowiska naturalnego, głównie wód gruntowych. Największy niepokój budzi niepełna znajomość składu płynów służących do szczelinowania skał łupkowych oraz nieprzewidywalność odległych skutków szczelinowania hydraulicznego dla środowiska naturalnego i zdrowia mieszkańców. Duża gęstość zaludnienia na starym kontynencie powoduje, że skala zagrożeń jest w Europie znacznie większa niż w USA. Mimo rosnącego niezadowolenia społecznego dane na ten temat są ograniczone. Przede wszystkim brakuje badań epidemiologicznych mających na celu ocenę zależności między czynnikami ryzyka, takimi jak zanieczyszczenie powietrza i wody, a skutkami zdrowotnymi w populacjach żyjących w bliskim sąsiedztwie odwiertów gazowych. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie i omówienie istniejących koncepcji na temat źródeł skażenia środowiska, wskazanie elementów środowiska najbardziej podlegających zmianom w wyniku eksploatacji gazu łupkowego i potencjalnych zagrożeń zdrowotnych. Med. Pr. 2015;66(1):99–117
This paper presents the air pollution problem in Poland and the threat to health safety posed by a smog alert. It identifies the causes and main factors affecting air pollution; the air quality in Poland was analysed and compared to other EU Member States. The health effects of harmful agents emitted into the atmosphere were also described.
Artykuł przedstawia problem zanieczyszczeniem powietrza w Polsce i zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa zdrowotnego, jakie niesie smog. Wskazane zostały przyczyny i główne czynniki wpływające na zanieczyszczenie powietrza, a także dokonano analizy stanu jakości powietrza w Polsce na tle krajów Unii Europejskiej. Ukazano również skutki zdrowotne oddziaływania szkodliwych dla człowieka czynników emitowanych do atmosfery.
This article contains information related to selected factors affecting the warehousing of goods. Physicochemical parameters such as temperature, humidity, sunlight, air that have influence (positive or negative) on the goods and people in the warehouse are identified. The next part of the article presents devices for measuring and controlling the listed parameters, with special emphasis on the CO2 and oxygen.
The Dysphoric Vision of Michel Butor: the City of L’Emploi du temps as Locus Terribilis From biblical sinful cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to modern ones like the nightmarish Prague of Kafka, the melancholic Bruges of Rodenbach or the cursed Bleston of Butor, the evil urban areas have fascinated novelists of all ages. In L’Emploi du temps, Michel Butor presents a haunting and disturbing vision of an imaginary English town, personified and considered the second main character in Butor’s novel. In order to torture its inhabitants, Bleston controls the four elements of nature and reduces them to their negative aspect of dreadful, devastating forces, which challenges the positive imagery of the air, water, earth and fire created by 20th-century philosopher Gaston Bachelard. A hostile and malicious city inspired by Manchester, Bleston seems to sum up all the fears and misfortunes of the real world metropolises in their hostile and unlivable aspect.
This article presents the essays and poems of Aleksandra Olędzka-Frybesowa, who was a renowned translator from French and also English. In her essays, Olędzka-Frybesowa specialises in the Romanesque and Gothic architecture and sculpture of Western Europe as well as European painting from Medieval Ages onwards. She is also familiar with the art of South-East Europe. Her essays cover literary criticism devoted especially to poetry, with a particular interest in French and mystical poetry, as well as haiku, which was also her own artistic activity. The author of this article analyses Olędzka-Frybesowa’s ten volumes of poems, which follow a thematic pattern, especially the theme of wind (air). The analysis provides various insights into a variety of functions of this particular theme, from reality-based meanings to mystical and ethical features. This variety of funtions of the wind theme is supported by a particular melody of the poem and its abundant use of metaphors.
The substance flow analysis is a useful tool of the environmental policy. The application of this method allows identifying the main sources of mercury and lead emissions to the environment. It makes it possible to show the most effective and the most cost-effective emission reduction methods. Heavy metals are one of the most hazardous contaminants for humans and the natural environment. The largest emission of mercury to the environment comes from the production of electricity and heat from hard coal and lignite. A significant mercury load is recovered or sent to landfills for hazardous waste as a result of the use of mercury-containing products and from dental practice. It would be advisable to prohibit the use of amalgam fillings to reduce the pressure on the aquatic environment instead of additional burdens for the energy sector. The largest lead emission to the air and water comes from the ferrous and non-ferrous metals industries. The electricity and heat generation is not as important in terms of lead emission as in the case of mercury emission.
Analiza przepływu substancji jest przydatna w prowadzeniu polityki ekologicznej. Zastosowanie tej metody pozwoliło zidentyfikować główne źródła emisji rtęci i ołowiu do środowiska. Umożliwia to wskazanie najskuteczniejszych i najefektywniejszych kosztowo metod redukcji emisji. Metale ciężkie to jedne z najgroźniejszych dla człowieka i środowiska naturalnego zanieczyszczeń. Największa emisja rtęci do środowiska pochodzi z produkcji energii elektrycznej i ciepła z węgla kamiennego i brunatnego. Znaczący ładunek rtęci podlega odzyskowi lub trafia na składowiska odpadów niebezpiecznych w wyniku użytkowania produktów zawierających rtęć i z praktyki dentystycznej. Wskazany byłby zakaz stosowania wypełnień amalgamatowych w celu zmniejszenia presji na środowisko wodne zamiast dodatkowych obciążeń dla sektora energetycznego. Największa emisja ołowiu do powietrza i wody pochodzi z przemysłu metali żelaznych i nieżelaznych. Produkcja energii elektrycznej i ciepła nie jest tak ważnym źródłem emisji ołowiu, jak w wypadku emisji rtęci.
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