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The aim of this research was to examine the impact of two specific negative emotions of anger and fear on intergroup attitudes. In Study 1 we measured emotions of anger and fear and in Study 2 we evoked these emotions incidentally, that is independently of any intergroup context. In both studies we measured attitudes towards the ingroup (Polish) and the outgroup (Gypsies).We expected that fear would lead to more positive ingroup attitudes and anger to more negative outgroup attitudes. The results of the correlational study (Study 1) confirmed the predictions regarding anger and decreased outgroup evaluations, and the experimental study (Study 2) revealed that fear enhanced positivity towards the ingroup, but anger increased negativity towards the outgroup. The impact of fear and anger on social attitudes in the specific context of a negatively self-stereotyped ingroup is discussed.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the problem of anger in the context of selected psychotherapeutical approaches. Anger is a primarily adaptive emotion, indispensable to the correct functioning of a human being, providing protection and security, as well as regulating interpersonal contacts. However, it can become an unadapted emotion through association with previous traumatic experiences, thus making a healthy reaction more difficult. It is unadapted anger that often becomes the focus of psychotherapeutic work. Many approaches to unadapted anger and the multitude of aspects of this phenomenon allow to better understand a person who reacts with anger to events affecting them. They also enable the therapist to select the most adequate form of help.
The present study was designed to verify hypothesized predictor effects for five anger-related variables, i.e. trait anger, anger expression-out, anger expression-in, anger control-out, and anger-control-in. A sample of 138 students completed measures for FFM personality traits (NEO-FFI), self-esteem (SES), shyness (RCBS), and anger (STAXI-2). The study confirmed the effects of neuroticism and agreeableness as being the chief personality predictors of anger; however, for the domain of anger expression-in, an unexpected role of extraversion was revealed. Furthermore, introducing self-esteem and shyness changed some effects of FFM traits. Entering self-esteem as an additional predictor improved the predictability of anger control-in. Additionally, a mediation effect of shyness was revealed for the relation between extraversion and anger expression-in.
The article is focused on the theme of anger in Kamila Janiak’s poetry – its forms, types, and understanding that transpire as she develops her poetry. A paradigm of reception assumed herein as a departure point is the category of a “piss-off” (Polish vulgar noun wkurw, a strong sensation of anger), which is synonymous with intense and politically motivated indignation. The author of the article, however, attempts to show that Janiak’s poetry has been for a long time defined by other affective registers; emotions and moods in a way supressed – restricted, unfulfilled, most of all: incapable of climaxing and of “exploding.” The said state of affairs should be connected with the structure of individual and collective subjectivity appearing in Janiak’s poetry, namely, a subject that is shattered and (also politically) dispersed, lacking any devices to develop a coherent narrative, with hardly any access to political forms of anger which frequently cannot exist without consistent narrative. Instead of being expressed by one’s indignation, the said subject resorts to “little fits of pique” (a diminutive złostki is used here by Janiak), a series of minor, yet rapidly accumulating irritations, which do not find their outlet. This state of being affectively shattered may be seen in existential categories, but also political and generational ones.
The subject of the analysis in this article are words that describe negative emotions of sadness, anger and fear: nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs containing the following roots: -smut-, -zł- and -strach-. The source of the factual material is the book by Katarzyna Grochola Upoważnienie do szczęścia and its translation into Russian. The collected factual material includes a total of 42 examples of sentences with lexemes with the meaning of sadness, anger and fear, containing the aforementioned roots and includes 9 exponents of sadness, 10 – of anger and 23 examples in which the emotion of fear is named.The syntax roles of the analysed lexemes and their Russian text equivalents are usually con- vergent in the sentences of both languages, which results from the fact that the lexemes are in most cases translated by means of dictionary equivalents, retaining the morphological identity.
The different emotional perceptions of reality have created in literature three specific modes: lyric, drama and epic. Epic works correspond more to the prose of life and reflect its presentation in literature, both fictional and aesthetical. It is clamed, that nowadays rage is booming and anger is fashion (Johannes Lehman). Then comes the question how modern authors present these phenomena in their works and how it is perceived. The novel by Daniel Kehlmann “F” (2013) could be seen as a material for the possible explanations of the emotion “anger” in relation to the cultural-historical background of modern time. The examples analyzed indicate that the rage of the protagonists comes from the inadequacy of solving their sexual, intellectual, economic, artistic and religious problems and is mostly named but not described.
So far, many studies have confirmed the existence of a negative relationship between empathy and aggressive behaviour. Researchers are still searching for answers on how empathic behaviour may be an inhibitor of aggressive behaviour of people of all ages. This study con-ducted on a sample of Polish adolescents related to the search for an association between the level of cognitive and affective empathy and different dimensions of aggression. The results confirmed that cognitive empathy has a stronger association with the behavioural dimension of aggression (physical and verbal), however, the emotional dimension of empathy correlates with the experience of affective aggression (anger) or cognitive (hostility). In addition, the results confirmed the existence of gender differences in experiencing both empathy and aggression.
Do tej pory wiele badań potwierdziło istnienie negatywnego związku pomiędzy empatią azachowaniami agresywnymi. Badacze wciąż poszukują odpowiedzi na pytanie, na ile zachowania empatyczne mogą być inhibitorem zachowań agresywnych ludzi wróżnym wieku. Badania polskich adolescentów dotyczyły poszukiwania związku między poziomem empatii poznawczej iafektywnej, aróżnymi wymiarami agresji (poznawczym, afektywnym ibehawioralnym). Uzyskane rezultaty potwierdziły, że empatia poznawcza ma silniejszy związek zbehawioralnym wymiarem agresji (fizyczną iwerbalną agresją), natomiast wymiar emocjonalny empatii koreluje zdoświadczaniem agresji afektywnej (gniewem) czy kognitywnej (wrogością). Dodatkowo, rezultaty potwierdziły istnienie różnic płciowych wdoświadczaniu zarówno empatii jak i agresji.
The present article studies Ælfric of Eynsham’s homily based on the biblical books of Maccabees. It uses Barbara H. Rosenwein’s concept of an “emotional community” to elucidate Ælfric’s treatment of anger and violence in the process of adapting the biblical source in his Old English homily. His presentation and characterisation of characters draws upon the hagiographic technique of polarisation. He makes vivid contrast between fury-driven persecutors and the just Hebrew, whose conduct is a commendable example of self-master over emotion. The argument of the article is that Ælfric handles his representation of anger and violence to enhance the figurative, tropolotical exposition of the homily.
The purpose of this paper was to examine the verbal expression of anger in Croatian comedy films and also to find textual and prosodic elements that provoke the viewer’s exhilaration. On the textual level analysis includes elements with which anger causes exhilaration and shows that such anger most often expresses superiority and is also unexpected which often occurs as a result of exaggeration. Due to the specific genre of comedy, i.e. its guaranteed lack of seriousness, the viewers are not aware of high presence of anger in film comedies. Comedy requires a different insight to life situations and a reinterpretation that leads to pleasant emotions.
The purpose of this paper was to examine the verbal expression of anger in Croatian comedy films and also to find textual and prosodic elements that provoke the viewer’s exhilaration. On the textual level analysis includes elements with which anger causes exhilaration and shows that such anger most often expresses superiority and is also unexpected which often occurs as a result of exaggeration. Due to the specific genre of comedy, i.e. its guaranteed lack of seriousness, the viewers are not aware of high presence of anger in film comedies. Comedy requires a different insight to life situations and a reinterpretation that leads to pleasant emotions.  
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O gniewie. Z filozofii emocji

Anger is one of the strongest and negative feelings and from ancient times was defined as one of the most important people’s vices. Theme of anger is omnipresent in the culture and manifests itself in different ways - anger has many faces. However it is always associated with the problem of human nature. The main part of this paper is devoted to the presentation of philosophical attitude - description and interpretation - to the anger. In Western culture two main views on anger were formulated by Aristotle and stoics. It is emphasized that the most unequivocal disapproval of anger we can find in Seneca. In On anger and On mildness Seneca condemned anger as shameful lost of self-control and muddle-headedness. An important and difficult to describe type of anger is ressentiment. Finally, the paper indicates the virtue of mildness which can help us to avoid the threats from the fault of unreasonable and vicious anger.
Gniew jest jedną z najsilniejszych emocji negatywnych i od starożytności uznawany był za jedną spośród głównych ludzkich wad. Temat gniewu jest wszechobecny w kulturze i manifestuje się na różne sposoby - gniew ma różne oblicza. Pozostaje jednak zawsze związany z problemem natury ludzkiej. Główna część artykułu jest poświęcona prezentacji - opisowi i analizie - filozoficznego podejścia do gniewu. W kulturze Zachodu dwa główne poglądy na gniew zostały sformułowane przez Arystotelesa i stoików. Najbardziej jednoznaczną dezaprobatę gniewu przedstawił Seneka. W O gniewie i O łagodności uznał on gniew za przynoszący wstyd brak opanowania i pomieszanie wewnętrzne. Ważnym, lecz trudnym do opisania rodzajem gniewu jest resentyment. Ostatecznie artykuł wskazuje na cnotę łagodności jako mogącą nas uchronić przed niebezpieczeństwami spowodowanymi błędem nierozumnego gniewu.
Verbum Vitae
vol. 34
This article draws attention to the most important aspects of the theme of anger as found in contemporary reflections on the spiritual life. The issues discussed are questions of terminology, the problem of the nature of anger, and the importance of anger within Christian spiritual life. The reality of anger as a destructive force raises the question of how to counter it: What is a wise strategy for reducing its destructive power? What possible correctives or remedies are also in accordance with genuine Christian spirituality? In contrast, when anger is given a positive interpretation (“righteous/holy anger”), the article presents certain conditions or criteria that can help clarify when it is possible to talk about the positive role of anger in Christian spirituality.
Artykuł zwraca uwagę na wybrane aspekty gniewu we współczesnej refleksji nad życiem duchowym. Poruszone są kwestie terminologiczne, problem natury gniewu oraz znaczenie gniewu dla chrześcijańskiego życia duchowego. Gniew jako siła destrukcyjna budzi pytanie o sposoby mądrej, zgodnej z duchowością chrześcijańską strategii lub wypracowania środków zaradczych mających na celu obniżenie jego destrukcyjnej siły. Z kolei w interpretacji pozytywnej („gniew słuszny/święty”) ważne są warunki pozwalające doprecyzować, kiedy rzeczywiście można mówić o pozytywnej roli gniewu w duchowości chrześcijańskiej.
The paper discusses populist appeals to emotions in political communication, considering their role in the proliferation of political polarisation and radicalisation. Revisiting the Emotional Rescue Model of anger, enthusiasm, and fear, we considered pride and compassion low-arousal alternatives to populist storytelling. In the experiments, we tested how participants (n=364) respond to appeals to pride and compassion in their brain activity, emotional expressions, prosocial behaviour, attitude change, and memorisation. In the paper, we primarily discussed the results of the fMRI (neuroimaging) study and compared them with the previous studies on authentic pride, compassion, empathy, and reappraisal. Considering similarities in the activation of the superior and middle temporal gyri, temporal pole, inferior frontal gyrus, and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, we argue that compassionate political narratives should be the most effective low-arousal alternative to populist storytelling. Moreover, stimulation of the reappraisal-related network in that group suggests that participants reframed emotional negativity into prosocial acts of caring and helping, also re-evaluating their attitudes.
Studia Gilsoniana
vol. 6
issue 2
The central goals of this essay are three: (1) to situate St. Thomas’s moral psychology within his cosmology, with special emphasis on the notion of virtual quantity; (2) to illuminate and confirm that moral psychology through an examination of Achilles as Homer present him in the Iliad; (3) to suggest that if St. Thomas’s picture of the psychological landscape can be validated by reference to Homer, then so, too, might his metaphysical portraiture bear more credence than it is typically awarded. Particular attention will be given to Achilles’ anger and the psychological distinctions by which St. Thomas makes such anger and its attendant acts intelligible.
The paper tackles the question of the relevance of emotions in ethics. It argues that emotions are discerning and thus inherent components of morality and they deserve a place in adequate ethical projects. The paper engages into a conversation with Martha C. Nussbaum and Thomas Aquinas. Specifically, it presents accounts of compassion and anger to illustrate the discerning nature of these emotions and the moral value they might signal.
The aim of the experiment described in the current paper was to analyze existing relationships between physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger, and hostility and an overall level of tension (and its types), social control and contacts in crime environment among girls and boys from above secondary schools. Altogether, there were 133 participants (66 girls and 67 boys aged between 16 and 18 years old). The measurements used were as follows: Aggression Questionnaire by Buss–Perry in Amita version (prepared by E. Aranowska J., Rytel, and A. Szymańską, 2015) investigating four dimensions of aggressiveness, and Questionnaire of a feeling of tension and restricting factors by E. Czerwińska-Jakimiuk (2011). A method of diagnostic survey was used and the experiment had a qualitative character. A correlation analysis using a rho-Spearman factor between the above-mentioned dimensions of aggressiveness and an overall level of tension (and its types), social control, and contacts in crime environment revealed significant relationships between variables, both among girls and boys. Among girls, none from the analyzed scales of tension and contacts in crime environment showed any significant relationship with verbal aggression. Among boys, a majority of the scales of tension, social control, and also contacts in crime environment correlated significantly with dimensions of aggressiveness.
Verbum Vitae
vol. 36
The review of the book: Danuta Piekarz, (Nie) święty gniew. Co Biblia mówi o złości? (Kraków: Wydawnictwo WAM 2019). Ss. 168. PLN 24,90. ISBN 978-83-277-1642-2.
Recenzja książki: Danuta Piekarz, (Nie) święty gniew. Co Biblia mówi o złości? (Kraków: Wydawnictwo WAM 2019). Ss. 168. PLN 24,90. ISBN 978-83-277-1642-2.
The study presents results of research conducted by means of the BPAQ and Cyber-Bullying Tolerance questionnaires on a sample of 788 elementary school pupils of the 8th and 9th grades. It shows an increase in verbal aggression, hostility and anger in the pupils. In terms of gender, the increase was confirmed in verbal aggression in boys and physical aggression in girls. Tolerance to cyber-bullying as a form of aggressive behaviour increases with the development of science and technology and the increase in pupils´ aggressive behaviour. Knowledge of manifestations and causes of pupils´ aggressive behaviour is the basis for the educational work of teachers and other professionals.
Prawdopodobnie najsilniejszym uczuciem, które dokuczało Büchnerowi w jego krótkim życiu był gniew z powodu pogardliwego traktowania innych ludzi. Na problem ten, będący źródłem jego głębokiego życiowego rozczarowania zwrócił uwagę podczas swoich studiów w Gießen. Problem ten napotkał również w złożonych zagadnieniach historii oraz historii literatury będących impulsem dla jego przenikliwej twórczości. Niedorzeczne błazenady, które miały uczynić znośnym życie codzienne każdego garnizonowego miasta uważał Büchner, z powodu lekceważącego traktowania bliźnich, za godne potępienia. Jego karcąca diagnoza brzmiała: Nienawiść wzmaga się. Może ona doprowadzić do aktów mordów.  
He was a gentle and tender young man, Georg Büchner. But what enraged him really was the open or hidden contempt of other men: an affront of mankind, as he put in. He found this contempt in fellow students in Gießen. He traced it back in the turning point of the French revolution as in a silent valley of the Vosges. His Woyzeck is so much embittered by some tiny remarks of continuous disdain, so much upset of what he feels he can̕t grasp that he eventually murders his wife.
Das womöglich heftigste Gefühl, das Büchner in seinem kurzen Leben zugesetzt hat, war der Zorn über die verächtliche Behandlung anderer Menschen. In seiner Studienzeit in Gießen wurde er darauf aufmerksam und wurde ziemlich bitter. In hohen Konstellationen wie der Literaturgeschichte, Anstößen seiner eindringlichen Dichtung, fand er sie wieder. Die faden Hänseleien, die das Alltagsleben einer beliebigen Garnisonstadt erträglich machen sollen, sah er durch diese schmähliche Missachtung des Nebenmenschen vergiftet. Seine strafende Diagnose: Der Groll darüber setzt sich fest. Er kann zum Mord führen.
The Biblical Annals
vol. 12
issue 3
Emotions are one of the most fascinating and difficult aspects of human experience, and have received significant attention in biblical studies. This paper explores how one Hebrew lexeme, rûaḥ, provides a point of entry into the complex world of how emotions are expressed in ancient texts. Drawing from some insights of Cognitive Linguistics, it examines the use of rûaḥ to express the experience of impatience and patience, and arrogance and humility. This paper then challenges a long-held but simplistic equation of rûaḥ with anger, and argues that a more nuanced and complex relationship exists between lexeme and emotion than most citations in scholarship suggest.
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