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Poziom świadomości ekologicznej w Polsce uznawany jest za jeden z najniższych w Europie. Wynika to z braku oceny istniejącej sytuacji oraz faktu, że większość społeczeństwa nie widzi konieczności osobistego zaangażowania w tę problematykę. Nierzadko odpowiedzialność za stan przyrody zrzucana jest głównie na: naukowców, polityków czy ruchy ekologiczne. Tak więc znajomość stanu świadomości ekologicznej społeczeństwa odgrywa ważną rolę w programowaniu polityki ekologicznej państwa i wyborze narzędzi jej praktycznej realizacji.
It is possible to say about ecological awareness while we’re able to observe the existence of real contact within given community or if we assume its existence at least. In other cases it will simply fix the sum of individual states of consciousness, which do not form a self-contained whole. It will be a static category, not social [Górka and others 2001]. An ecological awareness comes into being in the process of acquaintance with nature and searching human place in natural environment. It is gained in the processes of social socialization with other elements of culture [Sadowski 2000]. In sociology the division of three periods: period of popular ecological awareness, next, period of shaping ideological elements and period of educational ecological awareness formulated under pro-ecological education and knowledge is very popular. The scientific research the state and the period of society’s ecological awareness can be carried out both by means of systematic or fragmentary sociological researches or by studies about social conflicts or ecological movements. However it’s considered that sociologists are not right when they affirm that it’s possible to acquire the scientific awareness totally deprived ideological elements because when ecological awareness should be shaped first it is necessary to determine relations man-environment, which determination is a fundamental assumption of philosophical nature. The basic difficulty in sociological research of ecological awareness is the lack of inner cohesion in given opinions and people attitudes. It results from this sphere that ecological awareness occurs in two forms: awareness only in declared form and realized awareness that is really enters into life. The level of compliance between these kinds of awareness depend on human social surroundings and exerted social pressure. According to Galińskiego [2008] ”dissonance between verbal behaviours and real ones in ecological sphere and preferences for instrumental ecological values make the expression of careless attitude of polish society against surroundings at all – not only against natural environment”. In Poland only in eighties in twelve century researches with the aim of acquaintance the awareness of society started to be carried out. From that time many significant sociological researches have been carried out, but none of them haven’t proved the problem fully.
Rozprawy Społeczne
vol. 11
issue 3
Introduction. This article consists of two parts: the theoretical one, introducing several key terms, and the empirical part, presenting the analysis of sociological research. Explaining the concept of ‘education’ in the first part of the article allowed for formulating relevant hypotheses on students’ approach to the problems of environmental protection. Materials and methods. The proposed hypotheses were then verified with regard to the project executed in 2015, which investigated the position and role of environmental values in the value system of students from selected countries of Central Eastern Europe. The description of this research is presented in the second part of the article. Results. The conclusions from the analysis with regard to the country and faculty of studies are rather disturbing. The findings revealed that the level of environmental education in students is relatively low. The overall comparative analysis demonstrated that students from the Czech Republic represented the highest level of environmental awareness compared to those from Ukraine, Poland and Slovakia. Further, the analysis took into consideration the students’ faculty and showed that those studying natural sciences were only slightly better educated in environmental protection compared to students of humanities. This may indicate that even when young people receive environmental education, it does not help in creating a bond between them and the natural environment. Conclusion. Although the findings should be treated with some caution, they still deserve serious consideration, and should stimulate further research in this area.
Wstęp. Artykuł składa się z dwóch części: teoretycznej – zawierającej konceptualizację kluczowych terminów oraz części empirycznej zawierającej analizę badań socjologicznych. We wprowadzeniu zdefiniowany został termin edukacja, co umożliwiło sformułowanie hipotez badawczych dotyczących stosunku studentów do problemów ochrony środowiska. Materiał i metody. Zaproponowane hipotezy zostały zweryfikowane na podstawie danych zebranych podczas badań w 2015 roku, dotyczących miejsca i roli wartości środowiskowych wśród innych wartości akceptowanych przez studentów z krajów środkowo-wschodniej Europy. Opis tych badań został przedstawiony w drugiej części artykułu. Wyniki. Wnioski z analizy, w której uwzględniono dwie zmienne: kraj studiów i kierunek studiów, są niepokojące. Wyniki wskazują, że poziom edukacji środowiskowej wśród studentów jest dość niski. Najwyższy poziom wyedukowania środowiskowego wykazali studenci czescy. Z kolei uwzględniając kierunek studiów można stwierdzić, że studenci nauk przyrodniczych byli nieco lepiej wykształceni w zakresie ochrony środowiska niż studenci humanistyki. Oznacza to, że nawet jeśli młodzi ludzie kształcą się w zakresie ochrony środowiska, nie przekłada się to na odczuwanie przez nich więzi z przyrodą. Wnioski. Wyniki badań należy traktować z pewną ostrożnością, konieczne jest podejmowanie dalszych analiz w tym zakresie.
Europe is witnessing a migration crisis as a result of a significant influx of hundreds of thousands of people coming to Europe, both fleeing the effects of the war and coming for economic reasons. The social consequences of the situation are difficult to assess. Undoubtedly, refugees have the right to move to countries deemed safe, however, the region where the refugees arrive has the right to maintain its centuries-old social, cultural, religious and economic identity. The aim of the study is to present the results of the research conducted among the students of Rzeszow universities concerning their attitudes towards the migration crisis. The research shows that the respondents are aware of the differences between refugees and migrants, but also notice the existence of threats resulting from uncontrolled migration to the country.
W wyniku znacznego napływu setek tysięcy osób do Europy, zarówno uciekających przed następstwami wojny, jak też przybywających z powodów ekonomicznych, nastąpił kryzys migracyjny, którego skutki społeczne są trudne do oszacowania. Dlatego też uchodźcy mają prawo do przemieszczania się do krajów uznanych za bezpieczne, ale region, do którego oni docierają, ma prawo do utrzymywania swej wielowiekowej tożsamości społecznej, kulturowej, religijnej, ekonomicznej i innej. Celem opracowania jest prezentacja wyników badań prowadzonych wśród studentów uczelni wyższych Rzeszowa na temat postaw wobec kryzysy migracyjnego. Badania wskazują, że respondenci są świadomi istnienia różnic między uchodźcami a migrantami, ale i dostrzegają istnienie zagrożeń płynących z niekontrolowanej migracji do kraju.
Historical consciousness is a phenomenon of incorporating the past into the current social consciousness, being the sum of ideas about the past and the way of thinking about it; it also entails awareness of the existence of the past, present and future and a sense of having one's own, unique history, attributed to any given society. This study presents the results of research analyzing the respondents’ historical awareness of such historical events of the last century, which are considered the most important for Polish history and have particularly stuck with their consciousness. The research shows that the respondents’ historical consciousness is on a rather low level, and the choices of the events from Poland’s past are conditioned by the media campaign connected with the anniversary of Poland regaining independence in 1918.
Świadomość historyczna jest zjawiskiem włączania przeszłości do aktualnej świadomości społecznej. Będąc sumą wyobrażeń o przeszłości i sposobem myślenia o niej, jest także świadomością istnienia przeszłości, teraźniejszości i przyszłości oraz poczuciem posiadania własnej, niepowtarzalnej i przynależnej tylko danemu społeczeństwu historii. W niniejszym opracowaniu zawarto wyniki badań dotyczących analizy świadomości historycznej respondentów na temat wydarzeń historycznych z ostatnich 100 lat, które były najważniejsze dla historii Polski i szczególnie utkwiły w świadomości badanych. Badania pokazują, że świadomość historyczna respondentów jest na dosyć niskim poziomie, a wybory dotyczące wydarzeń z przeszłości Polski warunkowane są medialną kampanią związaną z rocznicą odzyskania niepodległości przez Polskę w 1918 r.
Three follow-up studies were published, dealing with juvenile delinquents and young adult offenders, based on a random sample and material on: ‒ 100 boys charged with larcency, who during the period of the investigation in 1966 were barely 10-11 years old. This research concentrated in turn on all the 10-11 year-old boys charged with larcency and brought before a Juvenile Court in Warsaw; the follow-up period embraced 5 years; ‒ 358 former juveniles (10-16 years old) charged with theft in three districts of Warsaw and brought before a Juvenile Court in 1961-1962, whose further fate was investigated during the period when they were 17-20 years old and from among the same 243 former juveniles 13-16 years old, who in 1972 were already 24-27 years old; ‒ 17-20 year-old young adults released from 40 prisons throughout the country, after having served their sentences for various offences and whose subsequent recidivism was established during the course of 10 years from their release from prison in 1961. Two works, discussing the further recidivism of the juvenile delinquents, convicted for larcency obviously differ markedly regarding the age and follow-up period. The first work deals with the investigated up to the age of 15-16 only, the second also embraces the time when the former juveniles are already approximately 26 years old. However, both works unanimously emphasize the fundamental significance of early initiation of social maladjustment and demoralization for the prognosing of the rapidity and extent of recidivism. They stress the necessity to make use in practice as the only criterion for recidivism of juveniles, each new charge brought before a court and the number of times theft has been committed, being the subject of a given trial. Simultaneously these works reveal unanimously, that the majority of the juvenile delinquents charged with larcency, are brought up in families, which are unable to guarantee them the proper conditions for normal development and that in these families also many brothers of the juvenile delinquents charged with larcency revealed symptoms of social maladjustment and committed offences. The results of the studies under discussion also are unanimous as to the fact that with the majority of the juveniles could be found personality disorders. The material under discussion deserves special attention as regards the juvenile delinquents of the younger age groups. It is of great significance that many of the investigated 10‒11-year-olds charged with larcency committed theft already before. Long years of research, conducted by the Department of Criminology, Institute of Legal Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, testify to the fact that the majority of the juvenile delinquents charged with larcency and brought before Juvenile Courts are boys who already previously committed larcency more than once. Disturbance of the socialization process with these juveniles, usually reaches back to their early childhood, requires early discovery and interference at the earliest possible time in the form of surrounding the parents, brothers and sisters of the juvenile delinquent with care and also of controlling them. The results yielded by follow-up studies of the recidivism during a period of 10 years of the 17-20 year-old young adult offenders, released from prison in 1961, concentrate on young people whose recidivism is undoubtedly connected with serious social maladjustment already during their juvenility. Obviously one cannot identify these young adults released from prison with all the 17‒20-year-old young adults convicted by courts who received various sentences. The results of the follow-up studies of the young adult prisoners should contribute to the initiation of systematic, individual research regarding young adults convicted and receiving various prison terms and to the change of certain guiding lines of the penal and penitentiary policy in regard to young adult offenders.
Publikacja posiada następującą strukturę: Wstęp I. Ewa Żabczyńska: Dalsze losy 100 chłopców mających sprawy o kradzieże w wieku 10-11 lat II. Adam Strzembosz: Rozmiary recydywy u nieletnich podsądnych sprawców krażeży III. Teodor Szymanowski: Rozmiary recydywy u młodocianych więźniów po upływie 10 lat od ich zwolnienia z zakładów karnych
Wiktor Żółtowski is not widely known within the Polish scientific circles. He spent most of his life in France. Some (Robert Estivals) consider him to be the founder of the French school of statistical history of intellectual production, based on the bibliographical method. What makes his research original is combining the historical method used by François Simiand and the data contained in bibliographies in order to carry out a quantitative analysis of published scientific works registered in various lists, mainly in „Bibliographie de la France”. Żółtowski’s works can be positioned between the borders of book studies, the history of writing, and sociology.
Postać Wiktora Żółtowskiego nie jest bliżej znana w świecie nauki polskiej. Większość życia uczony spędził we Francji. Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie jego osoby i dokonań naukowych. Francuski bibliolog Robert Estivals uznał W. Żółtowskiego za założyciela, opartej na metodzie bibliograficznej, francuskiej szkoły historii statystycznej produkcji intelektualnej. Oryginalność jego badań polegała na wykorzystaniu danych zawartych w różnego typu spisach, głównie w „Bibliographie de la France”, do analizy ilościowej produkcji wydawniczej tekstów naukowych. Prace W. Żółtowskiego powstały na styku bibliologii, historii piśmiennictwa i socjologii.
The paper presents the finding of a longitudinal study of two problems: the addicts’ prospects of quitting drugs, and  the psycho-social factors conducive to success in this respect. The first study (conducted in the years 1974–1976) concerned all patients aged 15–28 treated in that period for repeated taking of drugs, at the disaccustoming clinic for young persons and at district clinics for adults in the city of Łódź. The total of 107 patients were examined (23 per cent of girls and 77 per cent of young men). According to medical diagnosis, 21 per cent of them suffered from a social, 50 per cent – from a psychological, and 29 per cent – from a physical dependence. After about 10 years, a catamnesis was carried out which concerned 80 patients. The methods applied in both parts of the study were: detailed interviews with the patients and their families; medical examination; and  analysis of a variety of documents. For the estimation of the fates of the sample, the following issues were of the key importance: persistence in or abandonment of addiction; permanence of abstinence; and the extent of self-dependence achieved. This complexity of the examined persons’ situation taken into account, the following criteria of improvement have been adopted: a) medical (persistence in abstinence); b) psychological (psychological acceptance of abstinence and the resulting change of lifestyle); and c) social (active engagement in the appropriate social roles). Basing on the above criteria, the following categories were distinguished within the sample:1) persons who persisted in addiction; 2) deceased in consequence of addiction; 3) those who quit taking drugs but still had various problems resulting from their former addiction; and 4) those who quit and had no special problems. Against previous expectations, persons who kept taking drugs (26 per cent) did not constitute the mos tnumerous group. Their mean period of taking drugs was 13.6 years. Their interests and social contacts were narrowed to problems related to the taking and production or obtaining drugs. They were generally emaciated and had increasing withdrawal symptoms. Persons of this group went through several months’periods of abstinence due to treatment, imprisonment, or a favourable occurrence in their lives. All of them, however, relapsed into addiction quite promptly, particularly when faced with unavoidable difficulties. Family life or married persons in this group was unhappy, and most marriages broke up: only those between two addicts still lasted. Biographies similar to those discussed above were also found in the case of persons (9 per cent) who died during catamnesis in circumstances that pointed to their death’s relationship with the taking of drugs and with addiction, interpreted also as a certain lifestyle. All persons of this group had been taking drugs for a long time (over five years), and their death was due either to serious diseases combined with emaciation, or occurred in unexplained circumstances as a border-line case between accident, suicide, and homicide. 3.The largest group (46 per cent) consisted of persons who admittedly quit taking drugs but still had various health and social problems related to their previous addiction. Their main problems were as follows: in the sphere of physical health, chronic gastritis, entero-gastric disorders. diseases of liver, heart probiems, reduced physical endurance, disturbances of sleep, and in the sphere of mental health: anxiety, hypersensibility, difficulties in establishing relations with others, depression, low selfesteem, lack of self-confidence, high emotional instability, latent inward anxiety, etc. The most important and frequent social problems included leaving secondary school and the related subsequent lack of professional qualifications, a more difficult start into adult life, the need to relinquish certain professional aspirations and a more interesting job, and a lack of prospects of promotion. In most respondents, this caused a sense of instability and inevitably gave rise to frustrations, increasing their passiveness and apathy. This situation was particularly painful for persons whose intellligence had been rather high before they started taking drugs and who used to have various interests and aspirations. The coincidence of the ahove circumstances also negatively affected their family and marital situation. The fates of persons who quit after several years of taking drugs seem to indicate that those persons’ tolerance to stress and ability to overcome difficulties had been greatly impaired during the period of addiction: as a consequence, they were subsequently unable to cope even with everyday matters which they perceived as great problems. The last group consisted of persons (19 per cent) who had been taking drugs for a shorter period as a rule (not longer than five years in general), and who were not only able to persist in abstinence during catamnesis but also met the psychological and social criteria of improvement. A high proportion of girls in this group (over 50 per cent) seems characteristic. Moreover, nearly all those persons were married: their marriages, happy as a rule, were a great assistance to them. Therefore, the total of 65 per cent of the sample succeeded to quit addiction. What was crucial here was not exactly the form of dependence (social, psychological, physical) but rather the length of the period of taking drugs. If a person has been taking drugs for over five years, his prospects of improvement diminish greatly, and favourable results can only be obtained in the course of a prolonged rehabilitation. The reasons that made most persons in the sample abandon their addiction were seeked both in their personality traits and family environments. What is characteristic is that a considerable portion of respondents come from the intelligentsia, with an average or even high social status and good material situation (in which respect they differ greatly from e.g. juvenile delinquents or young alcoholics). There is in such families a rather small extent of pathology such as alcoholism, crime, or prostitution. In most cases, the parents’ attitude to their children’s taking of drugs should be estimated as proper. The parents played an effective role, fighting for their children to quit as a general rule. Aware of the dangers related to drugs, they took energetic steps which consisted among others in changing the child’s environment (e. g. moving with him to another town), inducing him to undergo treatment and organizing that treatment, supervising his leisure activities, etc. Parents’ improper attitudes such as scenes, turning the child out, etc., were most seldom. The analysis of the reasons which made about two-thirds of respondents quit addiction included their character and intellectual traits defined in the course of psychiatric examination. There was in the sample a rather large number of individuals with the so-called immature personality, who at the age of about 25 were still characterized by traits such as a passive attitude to life; inconsideration for their own future; a poorly developed critical attitude towards themselves and their situation; emotional immaturity; dependence on others (e.g. the mother or friends); inabitity to act effectively, to overcome obstacles and to achieve distant aims; easy discouragement when faced with difficulties, etc. It was only during catamnesis, at the age of about 25, that the respondents’ former, largely childish attitudes were transformed with delay into normal traits of young persons. This development and the crystallization of personality, connected with the parents’ activities and their proper attitude towards the children’s addiction, were conducive to abandonment of addiction by, a considerable portion of the sample. Other factors which played this favourable role in the respondents’ biographies were: a rather high intellectual level; the “psychological shock” caused e.g. by detoxification at a mental hospital or the death of a close friend due to overdose; and imprisonment and going through the withdrawal syndrome in such conditions, etc. To interpret the findings, the conception of American alcohologist J. Ewing has been used: it speaks of inducing and protecting factors in the development of alcoholism. According to Ewing, an individual who starts taking drugs regularly is influenced by a number of biological, psychological, and social factors, some of them conducive to the development of addiction and others protecting the individual against it. Despite the opinions of some researchers, “protecting” factors prove strong enough to hold back even an already addicted person and to contribute to his abandonment of drugs. With the prolongation of the period of taking drugs, the influence of protecting factors wanes, and that of the ones which induce the individual to continue the taking of drugs and thus foster a further development of addiction spreads. The following practical conclusions have been drawn from the study: – Intensified therapeutic and rehabilitative treatment, during the first years of taking drugs in particular. – Co-operation with the addicts’ parents who should be instructed (e.g. about the ways of soothing difficulties in adjustment); whose activity should be assisted, e.g. through the organization of parents’ self-help associations; whose contacts with specialist clinics should be made easier, etc. – Creation of possibilities of medical and rehabilitative treatment for various cotegories of young persons addicted to drugs (not all of them feel comfortable in the existing centres, e.g. of the MONAR movement). – Short-term hospital treatments are reasonable at the initial stage of addiction (several years of taking drugs), as in that period the addicted person’s power of resistance can be strengthened inherent both in his personality and the environment. Help and care should be provided for addicts who have already drugs but have life problems caused or aggravaquited by their previous addiction.
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