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Objective: Our aim is to evaluate the validity of exhaled carbon monoxide (CO) and of a newly-created score as markers of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Materials and Methods: The CO level was measured in a derivation subsample of a cross-sectional study and linked to COPD diagnosis; its predictors were evaluated, and a scale was constructed. It was evaluated in a validation subsample and in a clinical setting. Results: Individuals with COPD had higher CO levels than healthy individuals. CO level signifi cant predictors were cigarettes per day, waterpipes per week, lower age, male gender, living close to diesel exhaust, heating home with the use of diesel, and having indoor family smokers. A score composed of CO predictors was able to signifi cantly predict COPD (Ora = 4–7.5). Conclusions: Coupled with the clinical judgment of physicians, this scale would be an excellent low-cost tool for screening COPD, in absence of spirometry.
Objectives A water pipe (hookah) is a tobacco smoking tool which is thought to be more harmless than a cigarette, and there are no adequate studies about its hazards to health. Water-pipe smoking is threatening health of the youth in the world today. The objective of this study has been to investigate the carbon monoxide (CO) levels in breath, examine the changes in pulmonary function tests (PFT) and to assess the change of the oxidative stress parameters in blood after smoking a water pipe. Material and Methods This study is a cross-sectional analytical study that has included 50 volunteers who smoke a water pipe and the control group of 50 volunteers who smoke neither a cigarette nor a water pipe. Carbon monoxide levels were measured in the breath and pulmonary function tests (PFTs) were performed before and after smoking a water pipe. Blood samples were taken from either the volunteer control group or water-pipe smokers group after smoking a water pipe for the purpose of evaluation of the parameters of oxidative stress. Results Carbon monoxide values were measured to be 8.08±7.4 ppm and 28.08±16.5 ppm before and after smoking a water pipe, respectively. This increment was found statistically significant. There were also significant reductions in PFTs after smoking a water pipe. Total oxidative status (TOS), total antioxidant status (TAS) and oxidative stress index (OSI) were found prominently higher after smoking a water pipe for the group of water-pipe smokers than for the control group. Conclusions This study has shown that water-pipe smoking leads to deterioration in pulmonary function and increases oxidative stress. To the best of our knowledge this study is the only one that has shown the effect of water-pipe smoking on oxidative stress. More studies must be planned to show the side effects of water-pipe habit and protective policies should be planned especially for young people in Europe. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2017;30(5):731–742
ObjectivesThe variety of clinical presentation on the topic of carbon monoxide (CO) intoxication ranges from slight headache to coma or death. YouTube allows patients to search not only for entertainment but also medical advice. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the content and quality of YouTube videos concerning CO poisoning as a source of knowledge for non-medical audience.Material and MethodsOn the December 8, 2020 a YouTube search was conducted for the following phrases: “carbon monoxide poisoning,” “carbon monoxide symptoms,” “CO poisoning,” “carbon monoxide asphyxiation,” “carbon monoxide intoxication” using the “incognito mode” and without attachment to Google Account. The search results were set as: “default” in the YouTube browser. The first 50 results were taken into consideration. Two raters, a specialist in emergency medicine and a specialist in clinical toxicology rated videos with Quality Criteria for Consumer Health Information (DISCERN), Global Quality Score (GQS) and Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). “VidIQ Vision for YouTube” plug-in was used.ResultsNinety-five videos were included. The interclass coefficient for DISCERN, GQS and JAMA scores were: 0.8, 0.74 and 0.62 reaching good and moderate reliability. The mean DISCERN/GQS/JAMA was 28.1 (SD 7.9), 2.5 (SD 0.8) and 1.1 (SD 0.7) respectively. Higher DISCERN/GQS/JAMA had videos providing information on: exposure time, treatment options, hyperbaric chamber indications as well as physician speaker (p < 0.05). Video Power Index was higher when the video contained animations and presented patients own history of CO exposure but not influenced the DISCERN/GQS/JAMA scores. Videos providing misleading information had a higher like ratio.ConclusionsThe overall video quality was poor indicating inappropriate educational and informative value for patients who search information about carbon monoxide poisoning.
Objectives Many research studies conducted in various toxicology centers point to drugs as the most common cause of intoxication. Long-term observations make it possible to clarify the nature of these poisonings. The aim of this study was to examine the trends and reasons of intoxication in patients hospitalized over a 10-year observation period (2005–2015), as well as to compare the number of patients poisoned with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), mainly over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. Material and Methods A retrospective observational study examined the medical documentation of patients hospitalized in the Department of Toxicology and Internal Diseases of the T. Marciniak Lower Silesian Specialist Hospital in Wrocław in 2005–2015, including the analysis of the causes of intoxication as well as total poisoning-related death statistics. Quarterly and annual analyses of the numerical data, and comparisons of the frequency of poisonings were included. The patient population from the area of Lower Silesia, Poland, was examined. Results The number of hospitalized patients has increased, with attempted suicide being the leading cause of death. Male intoxication and mortality have been found to predominate. Drugs are the most common cause of poisoning, and among these the most common are sedatives and psychotropic drugs. Intoxication due to NSAIDs, especially OTC drugs, increased significantly in the observation period. In 2005 no fatal cases were reported as a result of NSAID intoxication, while in 2015 mortality significantly increased to 43%. Conclusions The lack of a common trend in poisonings is observed but the number of hospitalized patients has increased, especially among young people, which is consistent with global trends. Drugs are the most common cause of mortality, and a significant increase in NSAID (mainly OTC) poisonings in particular indicates the growing prevalence of an uncontrolled use of these drugs. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2019;32(4):489–501
In 2013 a fire broke out in the Nursing Home (NH) in the Henryszew village 5 km away from the district hospital in Żyrardów. At the time of the incident 52 residents and 16 staff members were present in the building. Due to a large number of casualties, the occurrence was classified as a potentially mass casualty incident (MCI). Troops of the State Fire Brigade, Paramedic Rescue Squads, choppers of the Helicopter Emergency Medical Service, the Police, and the NH staff took part in the rescue operation. The priority was given to the evacuation of the NH residents carried out by the NH staff and firefighters, extinguishing the fire, as well as to primary and secondary survey triage. Due to the pre-accident health state of the victims, the latter posed a considerable difficulty. A decisive role was played by the need to conduct non-invasive measurements of carboxyhemoglobin in all the casualties, which then made it possible to adequately diagnose the patients and implement proper procedures. The rescue operation was correctly followed although it proved to be a serious logistical and technical undertaking for the participating emergency services. The residents were not found to be suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning, therefore 46 of the residents safely returned to the building. The fact that all the Paramedic Rescue Squads were equipped with medical triage sets and were able to conduct non-invasive measurements of carboxyhemoglobin made it possible to introduce effective procedures in the cases of suspected carbon monoxide poisoning and abandon costly and complicated organisational procedures when they proved to be unnecessary. Med Pr 2014;65(2):289–295
W 2013 r. w Henryszewie, miejscowości oddalonej o 5 km od szpitala powiatowego w Żyrardowie, miał miejsce pożar Domu Pomocy Społecznej (DPS), w którym przebywało 52 pensjonariuszy i 16 osób personelu. Z uwagi na dużą liczbę poszkodowanych przyjęto możliwość masowego charakteru zdarzenia. W akcji ratunkowej uczestniczyły - zastępy Państwowej Straży Pożarnej, zespoły ratownictwa medycznego, śmigłowce Lotniczego Pogotowia Ratunkowego, policja i personel DPS. Priorytetem była ewakuacja mieszkańców DPS przeprowadzona przez jego personel i strażaków, ugaszenie pożaru oraz pierwotna, a następnie wtórna segregacja medyczna, która ze względu na wyjściowy stan poszkodowanych była znacznie utrudniona. Decydujący okazał się nieinwazyjny pomiar karboksyhemoglobiny u wszystkich poszkodowanych, który umożliwił prawidłowe diagnozowanie pacjentów oraz wdrożenie adekwatnego postępowania. Akcja ratunkowa była przeprowadzona prawidłowo i stanowiła dla podmiotów ratowniczych poważne przedsięwzięcie logistyczno-techniczne. Ostatecznie u pensjonariuszy nie wykryto objawów zatrucia tlenkiem węgla, wobec czego 46 pensjonariuszy bezpiecznie wróciło do budynku. Wyposażenie wszystkich zespołów ratownictwa medycznego w zestawy do segregacji medycznej oraz możliwości diagnostyczne zespołów Lotniczego Pogotowia Ratunkowego w zakresie nieinwazyjnego pomiaru karboksyhemoglobiny umożliwiły skuteczne postępowanie w podejrzeniu zatrucia tlenkiem węgla i odstąpienie od skomplikowanych i kosztownych przedsięwzięć organizacyjnych. Med. Pr. 2014;65(2):289–295
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Majdanské plynové komory

This paper aims to analyse the gas chambers of concentration camp Lublin (Majdanek) not using only a descriptive perspective but also exploring the controversy in the interpretation of their function which appears as an integral part of historical conclusions they have been published on this topic. The structure of this paper is based on the analysis of each of Majdanek gas chambers with respect to the different opinion of particular historians they are exploring relatively thin source base. The big emphasis is put on the person of present director of State Museum at Majdanek, Tomasz Kranz, whose focus on the Majdanek gas chambers represents considerable part of his research carrier that gave an important impulse for transforming the appearance of museum’s information apparatus connected with former places where the killing by gassings took place at Majdanek. The paper uncovers the killing past of the camp as a place with homicidal gas chambers although they played more likely a shadow role in the comparison with Auschwitz-Birkenau. There is a rare source base of witnesses’ accounts they could serve for transparent reconstruction of gassing procedure in the camp as well as its background. Nevertheless some of these accounts were preserved and became an important source substance explored by the author of this paper.
Studie má za cíl analyzovat plynové komory v koncentračním táboře Lublin (Majdanek) nejen z popisného hlediska, ale také s ohledem na kontroverzní interpretace jejich funkce, jež reprezentují nedílnou součást historických závěrů publikovaných na dané téma. Struktura studie staví na rozboru každé z majdanských plynových komor s přihlédnutím k lišícím se stanoviskům jednotlivých historiků, čerpajících z poměrně úzké pramenné základny. Velký důraz je kladen na osobnost současného ředitele Státního muzea na Majdanku, Tomasze Kranze, jenž problematice majdanských plynových komor věnoval značnou část své badatelské kariéry. Ta se zároveň stala důležitým impulsem k přeměně vzhledu muzeálního informačního aparátu, provázejícího bývalá místa spojená s vražděním vězňů plynem na Majdanku. Studie odkrývá vražednou historii tábora jako místa, kde byly smrtící plynové komory, přestože v porovnání s Osvětimí Březinkou zde plnily jakousi stínovou funkci. Vzhledem k tomu existuje mizivé množství svědectví, na jejichž základě by bylo možné rekonstruovat plynovací procedury v táboře a jejich zákulisí. Přesto se některá taková svědectví dochovala a stala se důležitým zdrojem, ze kterého čerpal autor předkládané studie.
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