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Sześć prawd wiary, którymi posługujemy się w naszej tradycji katechetycznej, zasługuje na pogłębioną analizę zarówno jeśli chodzi o ich genezę, jak i o ich treść. Artykuł w pierwszej części stanowi uzupełnienie artykułu Zbigniewa Kubackiego TJ odnośnie do ich genezy („Studia Bobolanum” 30 [2019] 4, s. 5–33), natomiast w drugiej części wskazuje na odnowioną potrzebę ich rozumienia, biorąc pod uwagę postulaty współczesnej teologii. Okazuje się, że w takiej perspektywie sześć prawd wiary zachowuje wartość jako krótka formuła wiary, choć można by dokonać w nich pewnych uzupełnień.
The six truths of faith, to which we refer in our catechetical tradition, deserves deeper analysis when it comes to both its origins and content. This article in its first part constitutes a supplementation of the article of Zbigniew Kubacki SJ dealing with the origins of the six truths of faith (“Studia Bobolanum” 30[2019] no. 4, 5–33),whereas second part points out the renewed need for the understanding of the truths taking into consideration the requirements of contemporary theology. It turns out that in such a perspective the six truths of faith preservesits value as a short formula of faith although certain supplementation could yet be made.
The Second Vatican Council did not pay in full any instrument of catechesis, as it took place at the Council of Trent and Vatican I but many are expressed in the constitutions and decrees were the inspiration for catechetical renewal that Pope Paul VI called “green branch of a tree, which is Church”. The next Synod of Bishops in Rome were devoted to the issue of evangelization and catechesis in a changing world, and they issued the apostolic exhortations outlined principles of dynamic development of these processes. Bowing to the demands of the fathers of the Synod of 1983 on the development of the Catechism of the Church, John Paul II appointed editorial team, which, under the direction of Cardinal. J. Ratzinger, developed and the 30th anniversary of the Council issued the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Under the infl uence of inspiration and achievement preachers council and the catechism of the anthropological orientation Catechism was that on the day of promulgation of the pope declared one of the “most important events of modern history of the Church”. It quickly became a best-seller in many countries around the world and also a summary of the renewal of the Church of the twentieth century.
Verbum Vitae
vol. 40
issue 4
The booklet entitled Christianity. Fundamental Teachings, published by the Joint Commission of Churches in Turkey in 2018, expresses the shared beliefs of the Christian Churches in Turkey. It can be seen as a landmark in inter-church efforts to draw closer together. Trying to explain Christianity to non- Christians, the booklet presents the key elements of the Christian faith in a clear and easily comprehensible way. This article provides a synthetic presentation of the content of this booklet and shows issues that are important in the Turkish context. Since the call for “an ecumenical catechism” resonates from time to time in the international and inter-church areas, this joint publication of the Churches in Turkey can be a good example of such a catechism for other Churches worldwide. Moreover, this booklet can serve as a good teaching tool for Christians or non-Christians. Thus it is worth studying, translating, commenting on and implementing after being appropriately adjusted to other social, cultural and religious contexts.
The article attempts to identify the connection between the Protestant Refor-mation and bureaucratization of life in German city-States. According to the author, the development of school education served as a direct impetus for the linguistic unification and bureaucratization of the German society. The open-ing of schools and their work on certain school programs solved the problems of religious education and the spread of a special (Lutheran) version of Christi-anity. A special role in this process was played by the German language, which had already reached a certain level of unification by the beginning of the XVI century, but “picked up” by Luther and put him in the service of Christian sal-vation through faith and the Divine message. The consolidation of school and religious rules is reflected in the Church statutes.
The two main streams of Reformation in the XVI century, although differentiated in many aspects, had one common point of reference. That particular ground, where the common goals took over the historically conditioned difference of interests, was based on the most important reformation catechisms – the Lutheran and Heidelberg catechisms. Created in 1528-29, Luther’s catechisms played a vital role not only in church and domestic teaching processes, but also in creating the basis for the doctrine of a new church organisation and in shaping the principles of social life. The important innovation of the Lutheran perspective in his catechism is presenting the Decalogue in material connection with its subsequent parts: Credo and Our Father. The logic behind that order reflects the message in Lutheran teachings of justification and forms the practice of Lutheran prayer life. The Heidelberg Catechism, commissioned by Frederick III, sovereign of the Electoral Palatinate in 1563 A.D. was also a work supporting the introduction of a new, evangelical-reformed church order in the Palatinate. The authors and the Prince were not only motivated by their concern about Christian upbringing of the young people, but also by the need to introduce changes to education, administration, army and the Church.
The article considers some aspects of the genesis of preaching as a special genre of oral creativity in the Christian tradition and its importance in the Protestant propaganda of the confessional period. According to the author, preaching was of paramount importance to Luther starting with the first steps of his revision of the Christian creed. The reformer used the sermon not only as an instruction in the faith, but also as a kind of translator of his educational program – because only through the training of the population could he, from his point of view, convey the faithful the “divine message” and the idea of salvation.
The article discusses how the authors of sixteenth-century Polish Catholic and Evangelical catechisms perceived and analysed the notion of “the Church”. Following the Tridentine programme, the Catholic authors present their Church as unified under the Pope’s authority and the only inheritor of the works of the Apostles. The veracity of its teaching is testified to with God’s unnatural interventions – miracles. Protestant theologians teach about “the visible and outward Church”, which exists whenever the pure Word of God is preached and where sacraments are administered in accordance with the Holy Writ. Alongside the Visible Church, there exists “the invisible and inward Church” that unites all those following Christ, who is the one and only head of the Church.
This arcticle refers to the issue of means of catechesis in the canonical aspect. Firstly, there have been shown the rules which relate to necessity of using aids of catechetical activity. Then, it has been concentrated about issues of instruments dedicated to the orientation and general planning of catechetical activity in particular Church. Next it has been explained matter of catechisms and other writings pertaining to catechetical instruction. Finally, it has been focused on adio-visual aids and instruments of social communication in catechetical formation.
The 1050 anniversary of the first bishopric in Poznań has become an opportunity to reflect on the contribution of the representatives of Great Poland to catechetical activity in Poland. The article presents several outstanding personages and their works: catechisms as well as textbooks for cat- echesis and religious education. The circumstances in which these works were created and their merits are described.
A common feature of the researched publications: Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (2005) and YOUCAT. Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church (2011), being a form of popularization of Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992), is a return to the traditional catechism composition based on blocks consisting of questions and answers. The purpose of the article is to analyze the questions used on YOUCAT pages. The analysis covers three aspects: 1. the status of catechism questions, 2. their typology, and 3. selected characteristics, such as the presence of presupposition, diversification of originator-recipient relations, and stylistic heterogeneity. The author draws conclusions regarding the servile, didactic and persuasive function of dialogue forms, qualifies catechism questions as only seeming questions and describes their linguistic specificity, boiling down to the use of several schematic solutions.
Jednym z założeń, towarzyszących ogłoszonemu w 1992 roku Katechizmowi Kościoła katolickiego, jest powstanie opracowań doktrynalnych przeznaczonych dla zawężonego kręgu odbiorców. Przykładem publikacji o charakterze popularyzatorskim są m.in. Kompendium Katechizmu Kościoła katolickiego (wyd. 2005) oraz YOUCAT. Katechizm Kościoła katolickiego dla młodych (wyd. 2011, wierny przekład z języka niemieckiego). Pozycje te łączy powrót do tradycyjnej kompozycji katechizmowej, opartej na blokach składających się z pytania i odpowiedzi (z formy tej zrezygnowano w Katechizmie Kościoła katolickiego). Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza pytań, zastosowanych na kartach YOUCAT, obejmująca 3 aspekty: (1) status pytań katechizmowych, (2) ich typologię oraz (3) wybrane cechy charakterystyczne, takie jak obecność presupozycji, zróżnicowanie relacji nadawczo-odbiorczych oraz niejednorodność stylistyczna. Autorka wysuwa wnioski dotyczące służebnej, dydaktycznej i perswazyjnej funkcji form dialogowych, kwalifikuje pytania katechizmowe jako pozorne i opisuje ich językową specyfikę, sprowadzającą się do korzystania z kilku schematycznych rozwiązań.
Rok Wiary zaowocował w Kościele pogłębionym spojrzeniem na rzeczywistość wiary oraz na sposoby jej przekazywania. Jednym ze sposobów wnikliwszego spojrzenia na pedagogię wiary może być konfrontowanie przebiegu tego procesu z dorobkiem nauk pedagogicznych reflektujących w różnorodny sposób procesy wychowawcze. W niniejszym artykule podjęto próbę ukazania roli, jaką w procesie dochodzenia do wiary dojrzałej może odegrać kształtowanie pojęć religijnych, oraz ukazano możliwości, jakie w tym dziele otwiera przed katechezą Katechizm Kościoła katolickiego.
Year of Faith in Church resulted in deep look at the reality of faith and ways of its transmission. One way to look at the pedagogy of faith can be confronting this process with the achievements of pedagogical science in various ways in educational processes. The article shows not only the role of shaping religious concepts in the process of mature faith but also the opportunities of catechesis in Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Artykuł jest pierwszą próbą odpowiedzi na pytania: dlaczego warto wydobyć z bogactwa spuścizny literackiej pozostawionej przez bł. E. Bojanowskiego także katechizm i jak to można zrobić, aby ubogacić współczesną literaturę pedagogiczną i katechetyczną. Analiza ilościowa i jakościowa zachowanej spuścizny autora w postaci prac, szkiców i notatek pozwala stwierdzić, że materiał, redakcje części tekstów wskazują na zamiar Bojanowskiego opracowania publikacji zwartej, zwanej katechizmem. Głównym motywem przygotowania całościowego katechizmu Edmunda Bojanowskiego jest wciąż nowatorska myśl Błogosławionego opracowania narzędzia katechetycznego dla dzieci i wychowawców wiejskich.
This article is the first attempt to answer the following questions: why the catechism by Blessed Edmund Bojanowski is worth extracting from the richness of his literary legacy and how it can be used in order to enrich the contemporary pedagogical and catechetic literature. The qualitative and quantitative analyses of preserved sources such as Bojanowski’s works, drafts and notes imply that Bojanowski was preparing materials for a coherent publication, of the catechism. The main motive behind the preparation of catechism by Edmund Bojanowski was an innovative idea of the Blessed to formulate a catechetic tool for children and educators from the rural areas.
Collectanea Theologica
vol. 87
issue 2
The article is an attempt to show the most important questions concerningthe use of catechism in contemporary catechesis. Special attention isfocused on the necessity of catechism in religious education, but the authoralso describes the difficulties related to the teaching of this catechism. Thistheme is first analyzed in the light of history and catechetical documents.The first part of the reflection is a historical review of catechism containedin catechesis. In the second part the author analyzes the most important documents for catechesis and searches in them contents about the problemof catechism in catechesis: the General Catechetical Directory of 1971, theApostolic Exhortation Catechesi tradendae of 1979, the General Directoryfor Catechesis of 1997 and the Directory for Catechesis of the CatholicChurch in Poland of 2001. In the third part one finds the analyses of themost important problems concerning the use of catechism in the practiceof catechesis. The following challenges of the new evangelization are pointedout: a crisis of the faith and a problem concerning the knowledge ofChristian doctrine, tension between the knowledge of faith and the attitudeof faith, and refusal to memorize the catechism formulas.
Marriage is an institution known in all communities, both cultural and religious. The existing similarities and differences in the understanding of its meaning in diverse social, spiritual and religious environments, is an important reference point in the wide debate about marriage as well as it can help maintain an appropriate reference to each other people joining in the association and representing different views. Presented in the article, the science of marriage in the Protestant Catechism for Adults is an approximation of understanding of the issue of marriage in Protestantism. The principal topics were presented in four points: civil marriage and religious marriage with regard to issues about the nature of marriage and its existing form. And also the issues of marriage and family circumstances especially divorce marriage and intermarriage. These issues are the subject of the analyzes.
The six truths of faith, to which we refer in our catechetical tradition, deserves deeper analysis when it comes to both its origins and content. This article in its first part constitutes a supplementation of the article of Zbigniew Kubacki SJ dealing with the origins of the six truths of faith (“Studia Bobolanum” 30[2019] no. 4, 5–33),whereas second part points out the renewed need for the understanding of the truths taking into consideration the requirements of contemporary theology. It turns out that in such a perspective the sixtruths of faith preservesits value as a short formula of faith although certain supplementation could yet be made.
Sześć prawd wiary, którymi posługujemy się w naszej tradycji katechetycznej, zasługuje na pogłębioną analizę zarówno jeśli chodzi o ich genezę, jak i o ich treść. Artykuł w pierwszej części stanowi uzupełnienie artykułu Zbigniewa Kubackiego TJ odnośnie do ich genezy („Studia Bobolanum” 30 [2019] 4, s. 5–33), natomiast w drugiej części wskazuje na odnowioną potrzebę ich rozumienia, biorąc pod uwagę postulaty współczesnej teologii. Okazuje się, że w takiej perspektywie sześć prawd wiary zachowuje wartość jako krótka formuła wiary, choć można by dokonać w nich pewnych uzupełnień.
The articles published in the Catechetical and Educational Monthly Magazine present the pastoral activity in Polish schools in the interwar period of the 20th century. Proclaiming of faith to students took place during religious education classes within school pastoral care, in parishes and in church organizations. In the twenties, differences in the way of teaching as well as in its level were clear what resulted from historical conditions. Discussions on the curricula of religious education placed in the magazine prove priests’ commitment to the pastoral care of youth. The insight on the Bible was one of the elements, but it is the Catechism that formed the basis of faith contents passed. During religious education classes, the attention was paid not only to religious knowledge, but also to the formation of faith attitudes among children and young people.
Analizy podjęte w niniejszym opracowaniu zmierzają do poszukiwania odpowiedzi na pytanie: jakie można zaproponować „stare i nowe” formy katechezy w rodzinie? Realizacji postawionego celu badawczego posłużyła metoda krytycznej analizy źródeł, a następnie metoda analizy i metoda syntezy katechetycznych dokumentów Kościoła i dostępnej literatury. Pierwsza część rozważań dotyczy zmieniającego się zakresu katechezy rodzinnej na przestrzeni historii Kościoła. Były to trendy przejścia od katechumenatu rodzinnego do doświadczenia katechumenatu w parafii, aż po próby wychowania integralnego zgodnego z celami szkoły. W drugiej części opracowany został kontekst powstania nowego katechizmu rodzinnego. Kontekstem powstania nowego katechizmu było odnalezienie i posegregowanie wielu nieuporządkowanych dotąd notatek bł. Edmunda Bojanowskiego bezpośrednio z obszaru katechezy. W trzeciej części ukazane są nowe formy katechizmu. Adresatami katechizmu są rodzice, którzy wraz ze swoimi dziećmi życia w kulturze cyfrowej. Ukazane są „stare i nowe” formy katechezy w rodzinie. Katechizm z wszystkimi nowymi elementami medialnymi jest dostępny on-line. Jest wydana również wersja tradycyjna, książkowa. Rodzice sami mogą wybrać formę, która z jednej strony pozwoli rodzinie wprowadzać dzieci w świat wiary, a z drugiej, gdyby dziecko byłoby już uzależnione od świata wirtualnego – korzystać z tradycyjnej książki.
The analyses undertaken in this study aim to seek an answer to the question: what ‘old and new’ forms of catechesis in the family can be proposed? The research objective was pursued using the method of critical analysis of sources, followed by the method of analysis and the method of synthesis of catechetical documents of the Church and available literature. The first part of the consideration concerns the changing scope of family catechesis throughout the history of the Church. There were trends of transition from the family catechumenate to the parish catechumenate experience to attempts at integral education in line with the goals of the school. In the second part, the context for the emergence of the new family catechism is elaborated. The context for the creation of the new catechism was the finding and sorting of many hitherto unstructured notes by Blessed Edmund Bojanowski directly from the field of catechesis. The third part shows the new forms of the catechism. The addressees of the catechism are parents who, together with their children, live in a digital culture. The „old and new” forms of catechesis in the family are shown. The catechism with all the new media elements is available online. A traditional, book version is also published. Parents themselves can choose a form that, on the one hand, allows the family to introduce their children to the world of faith and, on the other hand, should the child already be dependent on the virtual world, to use a traditional book.
Te article depicts selected anthropological issues in published in 2009 ‘Adult Catechism.’ It begins with problems from the area of Creation, showing Jesus Christ as the orthocenter of theology and anthropology, to move towards sacramental anthropology and factors contributing to the singularity of human existence.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia antropologiczne, o których piszą autorzy opublikowanego w 2009 roku „Katechizmu dla dorosłych”. Wychodząc od zagadnień z zakresu kreatologii, ukazawszy uprzednio Jezusa Chrystusa jako ortocentrum teologii i antropologii, omawione zostają zagadnienia z antropologii sakramentalnej i czynniki decydujące o wyjątkowości bytu ludzkiego.
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