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One of the often used measures of economic development is gross domestic product per capita. In Poland the Main Statistical Office collects the data on this variable on several levels of aggregation. The paper shows the application of panel data models in order to classify Polish voivodships according to the level of economic development. As explained variable the regional GDP per capita was used and such variables as structure of employees, unemployment rate or retail sales per capita were the explaining variables. As a result the groups of voivodships with similar pattern of economic development were distinguished.
Researchers analyzing large (> 100,000 objects) data sets with the methods of cluster analysis often face the problem of computational complexity of algorithms, that sometimes makes it impossible to analyze in an acceptable time. Common solution of this problem is to use less computationally complex algorithms (like k-means), which in turn can in many cases give much worse results than for example algorithms using eigenvalues decomposition . The results of analysis of the actual sets of this type are therefore usually a compromise between quality and computational capabilities of computers. This article is an attempt to present the current state of knowledge on the classification of large datasets, and identify ways to develop and open problems.
Badacze analizujący przy pomocy metod analizy skupień duże (> 100.000 obiektów) zbiory danych, stają często przed problemem złożoności obliczeniowej algorytmów, uniemożliwiającej niekiedy przeprowadzenie analizy w akceptowalnym czasie. Jednym z rozwiązań tego problemu jest stosowanie mniej złożonych obliczeniowo algorytmów (hierarchiczne aglomeracyjne, k-średnich), które z kolei mogą w wielu sytuacjach dawać zdecydowanie gorsze rezultaty niż np. algorytmy wykorzystujące dekompozycję względem wartości własnych. Rezultaty rzeczywistych analiz tego typu zbiorów są więc zazwyczaj kompromisem pomiędzy jakością a możliwościami obliczeniowymi komputerów. Artykuł jest próbą przedstawienia aktualnego stanu wiedzy na temat klasyfikacji dużych zbiorów danych oraz wskazania dróg rozwoju i problemów otwartych.
The article presents the idea of the classification of science which may be useful at conferring the scientific titles and degrees. The proposed change consists in omitting of domains in the classification of science.
In the subject literature, the terms “illegal migration” and “illegal migrant” encompass many categories of processes, people, and phenomena that have little to do with migration as a movement of people in space. This includes, most prominently, unauthorized employment and unauthorized residence in the receiving country. Both of these circumstances may be related to prior illegal migration, but do not necessarily have to be. The physical process of migration may have taken place entirely in accordance with the law. This is the starting point for the reconsideration of the standard migration terminology, as proposed in this paper. As three basic dimensions of illegality associated to date with migration analysis may focus on one person in as many as eight different combinations, this would require us to describe a single person using three different terms, which would quickly turn out to be inefficient. For practical reasons, the most convenient term is illegal migrant. Given its vague nature, however, the paper proposes to supplement this using the classification presented in the Migration Legality Cube encompassing eight types, depending on which group of migrants is in focus. This will make it easier for analysts and laymen alike to find their way in the ocean of uncertainty in which current debates on migration drift — and often founder.
W literaturze przedmiotu terminy nielegalna migracja oraz nielegalny migrant są używane w kontekście wielu kategorii procesów, osób i zjawisk, które w niewielkim tylko stopniu są powiązane z migracją rozumianą jako proces przemieszczania się ludzi w przestrzeni. W szczególności dotyczy to nielegalnej pracy oraz nielegalnego pobytu w państwie imigracji. Obie te sytuacje mogą być związane z występującą wcześniej nielegalną migracją — ale nie muszą, gdyż sama migracja mogła odbyć się w pełnej zgodności z prawem. To spostrzeżenie jest punktem wyjścia do rozważań na temat adekwatności terminologii związanej z migracjami do procesów, które opisuje. Ponieważ trzy podstawowe wymiary nielegalności związane z analizą migracji mogą w przypadku jednej osoby występować aż w ośmiu różnych kombinacjach, to tę osobę należałoby definiować z wykorzystaniem aż trzech określeń, co z powodów praktycznych jest trudno wykonalne. Terminem najwygodniejszym jest nielegalny migrant. Jego niejednoznaczność wymaga jednak uzupełnienia. Niniejsza praca proponuje uzupełnienie tego terminu z wykorzystaniem klasyfikacji zaprezentowanej w Kostce Legalności Migracji, pozwalającej wyróżnić osiem typów migracji, zależnie od okoliczności. Wykorzystanie Kostki ułatwiłoby czytelnikom zorientowanie się, o jakich osobach jest mowa w danym tekście i w jakim stopniu rzeczywiście chodzi o proces niezgodnej z prawem migracji, a w jakim o inne zjawiska i zdarzenia.
In the article a quantitative and valuable structure of transactions of land properties has been analyzed, especially taking into consideration lands intended for a dwelling-houses building, in Poland, in the years 2009-2011. Using one of the multivariate analysis methods the analysis and the evaluation of the spatial diversification of the voivodeships with regard to the analyzed properties turnover were done. Statistical data came from the Central Statistical Office publication titled ”Properties turnover”. After the reduction of the initial set of diagnostic features with parametric method, the final set, which was a basis for the voivodeships’ classification, was obtained. Finally five classes of voivodeships similar with respect to the turnover of lands intended for a dwelling-houses building were obtained.
The main goal of this paper was to identify the strategy of chains of large scale retail outlets selling FMCGand to classify the main strategic groups in this sector in Poland. The first stage of the study was based on secondary sources. In total thirty in-depth interviews with managers representing the sector ofFMCGretailers were the main source of information describing companies operating on this market. Identified strategic groups are generally similar to these classified in countries of Western Europe, but some differences appear. Members of various groups representing clearly defined formats, for example supermarkets, differ sometimes remarkably. The main elements of differentiation are the product range and the sales area.
Introduction. Analysis of the medical literature shows that non-specific low back pain is a multifaceted affliction. Determining the unequivocal definition and classification of the ailment could be somewhat difficult. The following review presents a multiplicity of common low back pain nuances. The paper also shows necessity of unification of the definition and clarification, for placing non-specific low back pain among other musculoskeletal disorders. Aim. The author will attempt to provide the answers to basic questions about non-specific low back pain. In its form, the paper will have similarities to the prospect study with narrative review features. Although the reader should remember that the article is neither a result of expert team efforts nor non-specific low back pain leading authority opinion. Therefore the suggestions should be interpreted with necessary distance and scientific scepticism. Material and methods. Proper publications were searched in PubMed and EBSCO scientific articles databases, using terms: ‘nonspecific low back pain’ or ‘non-specific low back pain’, ‘definition’, ‘diagnostic triage’, and ‘classification’ in different combinations. Results. As a result of the review, subtle correction of the current non-specific low back pain definition has been proposed. Acknowledgments. The author of this review wishes to show his appreciation to Prof. Edward Saulicz, the promotor and mentor for didactic support, methodologic and merythoric advice, and for manuscript correction. Thanks also extended to colleague Łukasz Sejboth, master of physiotherapy, for help with appropriate references and motivation to scientific exploration with his unassailable attitude and professionalism. Furthermore, author would like to acknowledge Keith Littlewood for his kind and valid amendments in the English version of the manuscript.
The paper presents the anthroponymic models used in the nomination of women in the Edinoverie Parish in Pokrovsk in the period from 1846 to 1902. The main aim is to analyze the process of taking names by women and this objective determines the adopted classification of models. The collected material is divided into four groups, taking into account the chronology of the occurrence of given forms: analytical formations, name + patronym, analytical compounds with a possessive element as well as models with the name in the second or third position in the nominational string, the surname basically performing all the functions it has nowadays. The changes in the anthroponymy of the inhabitants of this parish resulted mostly from legal regulations and one of the characteristic features of those changes was the fact that women were given surnames about a decade later than men or even children
Data in the form of a continuous vector function on a given interval are referred to as multivariate functional data. These data are treated as realizations of multivariate random processes. We use multivariate functional regression techniques for the classification of multivariate functional data. The approaches discussed are illustrated with an application to two real data sets.
This paper examines the information content of the selected composite indexes, namely the Global Competitiveness Report Index, the Human Development Index, the Knowledge Economy Index, the Innovation Union Scoreboard, and the like. These indexes are examined from the viewpoint of country rankings. It is argued that these indexes provide highly similar information, which brings to question the usefulness of such a variety of approaches. This paper also explores the drawbacks of composite indexes, and questions whether these indexes can adequately serve as policy-setting mechanisms.
The purpose of the article is to present Support Vector Machines (SVM) as a potentially useful tool in evaluation of bankruptcy risk and bankruptcy prediction. Invented by Vapnik, SVM method can be seen as a generalization of the classification by discriminant hyperplanes. In recent years, this method has gained high popularity in a number of applications where the problem of data classification is considered, including the task of bankruptcy prediction. Due to its good theoretical properties and high performance, this method has been applied in a number of problems where data classification is considered, including the task of bankruptcy prediction. In particular Platt's method can be used to obtain estimation of probability of bankruptcy. In the article we will present empirical results leading to the analysis of financial indicators of some companies.
Efekt podziału zależy nie tylko od ustalenia kryteriów podziału, ale także od wyboru metody dzielenia. Standardowy algorytm klasyfikacji wielowymiarowych danych ISODATA dzieli wyjściowy zbiór na ustaloną liczbę rozłącznych podzbiorów tak, aby podział ten jak najkorzystniej spełniał przyjęte kryteria. Alternatywą wobec niego jest algorytm oparty na metodzie aproksymacji ustaloną liczbą punktów, którego efektem jest wskazanie obszarów zbioru o dużym stopniu zagęszczenia elementów. Artykuł zawiera porównanie efektów użycia tych metod ze wskazaniem zalet i wad. Omawia też pewne własności klasyfikacji wynikające z konsekwencji wyboru jednej z dwóch omawianych metod.
The effect of division is dependent not only on the criteria of division but also on the chosen method. The standard algorithm of multidimensional data classification ISODATA divides the given set into an assumed number of separable subsets in such a way that the division fulfills best the accepted criteria. An alternative method is approximation by the chosen number of points which in result indicates the areas of a set with large congestion o f the elements. The paper compares effects of using both methods listing their advantages and drawbacks. Apart from presenting the results of division of various sets some characteristics of classification are discussed which are an effect of the choice of one of the above mentioned methods.
This paper describes main classification methods used for symbolic data (e.g. data in form of: single quantitative value, categorical value, interval, multivalued variable, multivaliued variable with weights) presents difficulties of measuring clustering quality for symbolic data (such as lack of "traditional" data matrix), presents which of known indexes like Silhouette index, Ball index, Hartingan index, Baker and Hubert index, Huberta and Levine index, Ratkovski index, Ball index, Hartigan index, Krzanowski and Lai index, Scott index, Marriot index, Rubin index, Friedman index may be used for validation of such type of data and what indexes are specific only for symbolic data. Simulation results arc used to propose most adequate indexes for each classification algorithm.
Artykuł opisuje procedury klasyfikacyjne, które mogą być używane dla danych symbolicznych (tj. dla danych mogących być reprezentowanych w postaci: liczb, danych jakościowych, przedziałów liczbowych, zbioru wartości, zbioru wartości z wagami), przedstawia problemy związane z mierzeniem jakości klasyfikacji dla tych procedur (takie jak brak „klasycznej" macierzy danych) oraz przedstawia, które ze znanych indeksów, takich jak: Silhouette, indeks Calińskiego-Harabasza, indeks Bakera-Huberta, indeks Huberta-Levine, indeks Ratkowskiego, indeks Balia, indeks Hartigana, indeks Krzanowskiego-Lai, indeks Scotta, indeks Marriota, indeks Rubina i indeks Friedmana, mogą być wykorzystane dla tego typu danych oraz jakie są miary jakości podziału specyficzne dla danych symbolicznych. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych symulacji zaproponowane zostały indeksy faktycznie odzwierciedlające strukturę klas dla poszczególnych algorytmów klasyfikacyjnych.
A catalogue of methods will help scientists studying management and decision-makers in business alike as it allows them to select and use appropriate tools. In the literature, there is no shortage of classification of quality management methods. However, they are mostly incomplete or ambiguous. This paper presents an overview of approaches to the classification of management methods and proposes two suggestions for classifying quality management methods.
This article presents a multidimensional analysis of opinions about work expressed by Europeans aged 50 years and more who represent a significant potential with regard to the implementation of the strategy Europe 2020 in increasing the employment rate. Matrix visualization techniques combined with hierarchical agglomerative procedures were applied in order to illustrate complex relationships. The aim of this study is to conduct a comparative analysis concentrated on two issues related to the employment of older people: first attempts to identify and classify key aspects of the current work, second motivations of this group in the context of the contribution to work. The study allowed to categorize similarities and differences in the perception of work by citizens of different countries and to identify the main factors motivating people 50+.
The evolution of the demographic phenomena both in spatial and time terms allows to assess the development of the region. The purpose of the article was an attempt to identify similarities in the selected demographic processes in the powiats of the Małopolskie voivodeship in the years 2002-2011. In the first part of the analysis of the phenomenon the powiats are organized using indicator of demographic development estimated in the first and in the last year of the analysis. For separated four groups of powiats, similar in terms of the analysed indicator, representatives were selected using the method of the centre of gravity, for which shows the process of changes of demographic characteristics such as: birth rate per 1000 population; gross reproduction rate; non-productive age population, per 100 persons of working age; the number of infant deaths per 1000 live births in terms of time.
The aim of the article is to analyse strategic management, to which a paradigm as a particular way of describing transformations in this management concept is applied. Applying such a non-conventional approach to research problems requires the elaboration of a subset of goals, including the following: – the identification of paradigms of the modern economy and new trends in management as sets of patterns – models that determine strategic management, – an analysis of the development of identified strategic management paradigms, – determining a classifier for strategic management paradigms as a depiction of the current state of the management concept.
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to overview the research on inequalities in economics. The paper is based on mainstream and heterodox economic theories and approaches addressing inequality and its economic interdependence. Methodology: Due to its positive and normative nature, inequality is a complex concept that eludes precise definition. The available application of mainstream and heterodox approach to study inequality and its economic interdependence allows for the identification of various components of inequality. Classifications that fall within the mainstream economics especially reveal less numerous and often even different types of inequalities compared to heterodox approaches. Moreover, what determines within-country inequality is the number of driving forces related to the factual and regulatory sphere of an economy. Findings: This study does not exhaust the general debate over inequality in economics. The question remains about the state of research dedicated to the outcomes of inequality, for instance, perceived in its dynamic and historical perspective. Moreover, there emerges a need to overview the theoretical and empirical research dedicated to inequality in terms of not only its driving forces but also economic outcomes.
It is believed that the ad valorem tax will increase fiscal burdens. In order to verify this statement, with the use of the Szczecin Algorithm of Real Estates Mass Appraisal, the land plots were appraised and the ad valorem tax was calculated. Next, a training set was sampled, for which the composite variable was calculated by means of three approaches: the TOPSIS method, the Generalised Distance Measure as the composite measure of development (GDM2), and the quasi-TOPSIS. They were the explanatory variables in the logistic regression model. Next, for the test set, changes of tax burden were forecasted. The aim of the research was to check the effectiveness of the presented approach for the estimation of the consequences of introducing the ad valorem tax. The results showed that all three approaches yielded similar results, but GDM2 was the best one. The main finding is that these approaches can be used in the prediction of changes in the tax burden of land plots.
The author presents the history of onomastic research in Bulgaria, with particular regard to the recently published monograph “Proper names in Bulgaria” by Liliana Dimitrova-Todorova, where she uses methodological achievements of Polish onomastics.
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