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This keynote speech was proffered by Gianfranco Pasquino at the opening of the VI. Congress of the Czech Political Science Association which took place in Prague, 9–11 September 2015. It covers the theoretical reflection of pluralism as a social and political phenomenon and a methodological concept in works of Tocqueville, Wright Mills, Dahl, Putnam and others. Prof. Pasquino points out several milestones in the way pluralism was used and studied in political science and ends by suggesting that distorted and shrinking pluralism opens the way to inequalities.
One of the central challenges confronting post-colonial India in its march towards decolonisation was the intellectual challenge posed by the idea of modernity. This is reflected in the work of historians of science and philosophers attempting to understand what the past of ‘Indian science’ or ‘Indian philosophy’ meant in relation to the identity of the modern Indian nation state in the making. This essay argues that in this interrogation there were common themes that were entangled in the enterprise of historians of science and philosophers. Beyond the question of the identity of Indian philosophy or Indian science was the attempt to locate the place of reason and science, and in the spirit of modernisation theory to trace the causes of their ascent or decline at the centre of Indian culture over historical time. The paper examines the entanglement of these two discourses and situates them during the decades of decolonisation
In modern terms the crucial issue is research on conflict settlement issues and crises through political compromise. These studies help to identify the causes and minimize the effects of conflict, crisis, namely to find out the factors abrupt change of state-government relations, the destabilization of economic processes under conditions of market abuse group interests and the emergence of social contradictions; identify the causes of unexpected displays of aggression within a country or between two countries; to establish the role of international organizations, national political parties and influential people who make decisions in complex social and political situations; analyze the effectiveness of settling disputes regarding the specification of borders between countries, violation of the sovereignty of individual states, the manifestations of separatism; understand the nature of officials in achieving the various kinds of temporary or long-term agreements, arrangements etc. For comprehensive understanding of the conflict logic and settlement of crises a methodology and technologies settlement of conflicts should be used. In the context of justification of political compromise as a means of conflict resolution, the usage of the comparative method allows: to trace the history and the actual content of the events associated with the use of the settlement of conflicts and crisis situations within individual countries and on international arena; delve into the complex twists and turns of a new world order, demonstrating both success and failure in achieving peace and social cohesion; trace capabilities for monitoring recent developments in the context of their impact on international political relations and democratic development in general. The historical method lets analyze competition in a globalized, knowledge and fill clarify contradictions possibility of a political settlement. History shows various options for the use of political compromise. In particular, in extremely difficult conditions applied so-called «bailout» tradeoffs that ignores fundamental ideological differences and contradictions associated with the operation of the opposing political systems. It is primarily about the anti-Hitler coalition as an opportunity to overcome the hazards common to the world. Another historically proven option should be considered as the best compromise that is associated with a particular unique situation of long-term crisis. This compromise, in particular, can be considered Spain transition from authoritarianism to democracy, without bringing the matter to the escalating conflict, negotiate ruling forces of the moderate and democratic opposition. Political and legal approach in the context of research policy facilitates compromise standards and features action legislation and necessary relations arising from their content. Compromise recorded in the legal act may conceal the danger in case if it ignores the realities of political life. These compromises, in particular, include the Munich Agreement of 1938, which, despite all politicians’ expectations have not been able to contain the aggression of Nazi Germany. In modern terms this can be considered a dangerous compromise Minsk II as an attempt to extinguish the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in Donbas. Such compromises can be seen as self-deception, political error unconscious surrender to the aggressor. Application sociological approach shows that the study of political issues take into account the interaction of social relations and resolving social conflicts, and compliance with existing social norms. Watching as political processes, phenomena and functioning of national political systems can be attributed to many causes and consequences of conflict within individual countries and between different countries. The sociological approach to record formal relations that have pseudo-democratic content in political, economic, social, cultural, military and social life and can lead to a complex problem. Political decisions in conditions of conflict-crisis situations involving the possibility of partial or final changes to stop undesirable developments or negative trends. Under these conditions, a policy designed to provide theoretical and practical policy approaches involving the use of compromise. There are a number of options that can be easily used in domestic political decisions, but the level of external change is much more difficult, since international commitments still unable to make a decisive impact on participants in international relations.
Expressing physical conditions of a living substance in Slavic languagesThe article presents a new a didactically conditioned method of description and explanation of simple Slavic sentences. The approach is based on the comparative research of a common base, constituted by a congruent semantic logical-gnoseological structure, which I term the “macro-situation.” This macro-situation consists of several micro-situations, which constitute different viewing angles of the macro-situation’s thought-linguistic processing. The depiction of a micro-situation is constituted by congruent types of semantic-formal structures, which represent the existing variations as well as the thought-linguistic potential. Wyrażanie fizycznych warunków żywych substancji w językach słowiańskichArtykuł przedstawia nową, nastawioną dydaktycznie metodę opisu i analizy prostych zdań w językach słowiańskich. Podejście to opiera się na porównawczej analizie wspólnej podstawy. Podstawa ta przedstawia sobą strukturę logiczno-gnozeologiczną, którą nazywam „makrosytuacją”. Każda makrosytuacja dzieli się na pewną liczbę mikrosytuacji, stanowiących różne myślowo-językowe punkty widzenia na daną makrosytuację. Na opis mikrosytuacji składają się przystające typy struktur semantyczno-formalnych, zarówno występujące w języku, jak i potencjalne.
The aim of this paper is to reflect on Handke’s reception of Spanish and Friulian traditions. The first part of this paper will mention Miguel de Cervantes’, Teresa of Ávila’s and John of the Cross’ influence on Handke’s works, while also focusing on Handke’s fascination with the Spanish tradition and Pasolini’s works through the use of the comparative method. Pasolini’s vision of modern cultural customs is also taken into consideration in Handke’s Essay on the Jukebox, where clear references to Spanish authors also appear. The same occurs in Handke’s Glowworm Epopee, where Pasolini’s critical view of the “vanishing of the fireflies” indirectly shines throughout a tribute to the Poems in Casarsa. In the second section, an anthropological perspective will be employed, seeing as Handke’s ‘mysticism’ can be said to have drawn inspiration from the Romantic motif of “Mother Holle” (Höller 2013). In this regard, Ginzburg’s (1989) and Nardon’s (1999) studies will be used to assume Handke’s attachment to Friulian folk topics dating back to the 17th century. As opposed to Handke’s reception of Pasolini’s critical views and of Spanish mysticism, the influence of Friulian ethno-anthropological aspects on the Carinthian author’s works still needs to be demonstrated and its study improved.
General Typology and Historical Typology. Selected Aspects of Methodology The author of this paper seeks to explore certain mechanisms and rules that collate and shape the types of systemic organization of various languages spoken all over the world, which appear irrespective of the degree of genetic relationship between those languages. The discussed mechanisms are to be divided here into two main groups: the first, which use universal features and are catalogued within contemporary linguistic typology as linguistic universals (see Joseph Greenberg’s linguistic universals) and the second, which use historical – typological features and are a subject of historical – comparative research that aims at discovering the correlation between language changes at difrerent levels of language systems. Both universal features as well as historical – typological features are closely related to one another, hence general typologies may justify particular theories using various types of research methods that examine and evaluate the origins of the language in question. The author tries to prove that typology, being a universal research tool, on the one hand, enables scholars and researchers to reduce or even eliminate discrepancies between synchronic and diachronic perspectives, on the other hand, however, exceeds the limits of interpretations that rely only on the existing relatedness between the languages or their affiliation to the same language family.
The article is an attempt to look at the mediaevalist work of Jacek Banaszkiewicz through the prism of statements of other scholars using the comparative method (including M. Handelsman, M. Małowist, M. Tymowski, K. Modzelewski). The aim is to answer the question of whether there is a set of guidelines that every comparatist should follow. The specific issues discussed here include the role of difference and similarity in comparison, the notions of function, analogy and homology, geographical and chronological limitations of comparative studies, and the role of influence and reception.
The Biblical Annals
vol. 1
issue 1
The author of the article deals with the comparative method in biblical exegesis. First he critically evaluates the results of the application of this method together with its principles and goals. In the second part of the article he analyzes the semantic range of the fundamental terms and opinions of different authors concerning the principles of religiohistorical comparison; then there follows his own conclusions concerning the application of the method. Finally, the author attempts to formulate his own description of the comparative method in biblical exegesis.
The present article explains the concept of the research method, what such a method is in the general meaning, then it presents those research methods that are most frequently used in writing master’s and doctoral dissertations in ethnology of religion that undertake issues connected with folk religiousness. In dissertations such methods, among others, are used, as the method of ethnographic field research, the method of analysis and critique of writings, the comparative method and the theological method. Most attention was devoted to the ethnographic method, because ethnology is not included in the curriculum of theological studies. Due to the complexity of the subject of research, that is of religion, it requires a multi-faceted approach, so that its essence as well as the rites and rituals that are performed in it can be properly understood.
Artykuł przedstawia teoretyczne i metodologiczne założenia rozprawy doktorskiej, w której analizie poddana została „służba cywilna” Unii Europejskiej i służba cywilna w wybranych krajach członkowskich tej organizacji (Francji, Hiszpanii, Holandii, Niemczech, Polsce, Wielkiej Brytanii i Włoszech). Służba cywilna kształtowana jest przez determinanty prawne i kulturowe, określone standardy, dysfunkcje i narzędzia służby cywilnej. Ponadto część badaczy uważa, iż pojęcia służba cywilna można używać jedynie w odniesieniu do państwa. Być może pojęcia służba cywilna Unii Europejskiej celowo się unika, gdyż budziłoby ono negatywne konotacje związane z federalizacją Unii Europejskiej. Autorka postawiła sobie za cel weryfikację zasadności tego terminu, poprzez porównanie służby publicznej w instytucjach Unii ze służbą cywilną kilku państw europejskich. W rozprawie doktorskiej szczególne miejsce zajmuje nowe podejście instytucjonalne, które łączy w sobie cechy instytucjonalizmu i behawioryzmu. Na metody pierwszego rzędu wybrano metody komparatywną i systemową, a drugiego rzędu metodę symulacyjną. Planowane jest również wykorzystanie metod jakościowych i ilościowych. Podejścia i metody dobrano tak, aby się wzajemnie uzupełniały oraz były pomocne w weryfikacji hipotezy badawczej.
The article presents theoretical and methodological premises of the doctoral thesis in which the European Union civil service and the civil service in selected member states (France, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Great Britain and Italy) are analysed. The civil service is formed by the legal and cultural determinants, specific standards, dysfunctions and tools of the civil service. Moreover some researchers maintain that the concept of the civil service can only be used with reference to the state. Presumably the term civil service of the European Union is deliberately avoided because it would raise the negative connotations related to the federalization of the EU. The author intends to verify this term by comparing the public service in the institutions of the EU with the civil service in several European countries. A key approach adopted in the thesis is the new institutionalism which combines the features of institutionalism and behaviourism. First-order methods are the comparative method and the systems method, while the second-order method is the simulation method. The qualitative and quantitative methods will also be applied. Such approaches and methods were selected in order to be mutually complementary as well as useful in verifying the research hypothesis.
In recent years, much attention has been paid to methodological issues within the purview of political science, what rightly reminds us that the identity and maturity of a scientific discipline is revealed in the methods employed by it. At the same time, the examination of the electoral systems’ consequences is easily submitted for quantifi cation. The ‘hard’ election data such as the number of votes and seats as well as the number of political parties and candidates are excellent materials for quantitative analysis, what is of the great value for the empirically oriented political science. Moreover, more than 60 years of research in this field have resulted in the development of various methods, techniques, tools and interpretative approaches towards aforementioned data. These methodological achievements continuously undergo the process of evaluation and evolution. The aim of this paper is to present and discuss, in a critical way, the most important research methods and methodological approaches that have until now been used to study the consequences of electoral systems. These methods and methodological approaches vary so much as far as their starting assumptions, techniques of collecting data and ways of interpreting the results are concerned, that it seems almost necessary to treat them as separate comparative methods.
W ostatnich latach w nauce o polityce coraz więcej uwagi poświęca się kwestiom metodologicznym, nie bez racji przypominając, że o tożsamości i dojrzałości dyscypliny świadczą metody, z jakich ona korzysta. Tymczasem badanie konsekwencji systemów wyborczych bardzo dobrze poddaje się kwantyfikacji. „Twarde” dane wyborcze (takie jak liczba głosów, mandatów, partii i kandydatów) już na wejściu doskonale nadają się do analiz ilościowych, co dla empirycznie zorientowanej politologii stanowi niebywałą wartość. Co więcej, ponad 60 lat badań w tym obszarze zaowocowało wytworzeniem wielu technik i narzędzi przetwarzania oraz sposobów interpretowania tych danych. Warsztat ten cały czas podlega ewaluacji i ewolucji. Celem tego artykułu będzie krytyczne omówienie najważniejszych podejść metodologicznych i metod badawczych stosowanych do tej pory przy analizach konsekwencji systemów wyborczych. Są one tak różne zarówno pod względem swoich założeń wyjściowych, procedury badawczej oraz sposobu interpretacji wyników, że wydaje się wręcz konieczne ich wyodrębnienie jako osobnych metod porównawczych.
The article briefly presents the subject matter of the doctoral dissertation entitled “Relations of the European Union with the South Caucasus countries”, describing its rationale and premise. Main part of the article is devoted to the theoretical and methodological framework of the dissertation. The thesis is founded on the neoliberal-neorealist framework, and uses neoinstitutionalist/historical institutionalist, comparative and simulation methods. These theoretical and methodological choices are explained in the article, as well as the manner in which the approaches are applied in the dissertation, and expected outcomes of their adoption. The article concludes with a description of the sources available on the subject and assessment of the subject matter feasibility for a doctoral dissertation.
The article presents theoretical and methodological premises of the doctoral thesis in which the European Union civil service and the civil service in selected member states (France, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, the United Kingdom and Italy) are analysed. The civil service is formed by the legal and cultural determinants, specific standards, dysfunctions and tools of the civil service. Moreover some researchers maintain that the concept of the civil service can only be used with reference to the state. Presumably the term civil service of the European Union is deliberately avoided because it would raise the negative connotations related to the federalization of the EU. The author intends to verify this term by comparing the public service in the institutions of the EU with the civil service in several European countries. A key approach adopted in the thesis is the new institutionalism which combines the features of institutionalism and behaviourism. First-order methods are the comparative method and the systems method, while the second-order method is the simulation method. The qualitative and quantitative methods will also be applied. Such approaches and methods were selected in order to be mutually complementary as well as useful in verifying the research hypothesis.
The article presents the results of a quantitative and qualitative comparative study of the presence of direct references to God in the constitutions of modern states. References to God appearing in the fundamental laws of nearly two-thirds of the countries of the world differ in their linguistic forms and functions they perform. Most often, they take the form of an invocatio or nominatio Dei in  preambles and appear in oaths of office, while they are less frequently included in other constitutional provisions such as those defining official state symbols – national flags, national anthems or emblems. References to God in the fundamental laws do not have a theological dimension, but they are a manifestation of legislators’ responsiveness to the convictions and beliefs of citizens about God. In the author’s opinion, the decision to include, not include or remove a reference to God in a constitution should follow from the evolving importance of the sphere of sacrum for the society of a given state as a political sovereign.
W artykule przedstawiono rezultaty ilościowo-jakościowego komparatystycznego studium konstytucji państw współczesnych pod kątem obecności w nich bezpośrednich odniesień do Boga. Odwołania do Boga występujące w ustawach zasadniczych blisko 2/3 państw globu posiadają różną postać językową i pełnią kilka funkcji. Najczęściej przybierają formę invocatio lub nominatio Dei w preambułach oraz pojawiają się w rotach przysięgi funkcjonariuszy publicznych, rzadziej są natomiast udziałem innych postanowień konstytucji, np. tych określających oficjalne symbole państwowe, jak flaga, hymn czy godło. Odwołania do Boga w ustawach zasadniczych nie mają wymiaru teologicznego, lecz stanowią przejaw responsywności ustrojodawcy wobec przekonań i wierzeń obywateli o Bogu. W ocenie autora, decyzja o zamieszczeniu, niezamieszczeniu lub usunięciu odniesienia do Boga w konstytucji powinna stanowić wypadkową ewoluującej doniosłości sfery sacrum dla społeczeństwa danego państwa jako politycznego suwerena.
The context of the study was an attempt to compare the Old Testament term “Servant of Yahweh” with the image of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew. Critical-literary and comparative methods were used. As a result of the research, it was found that the image of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew correlates with the image of the Servant of Yahweh in the Book of Isaiah. The conclusions that were drawn are that Matthew was inspired by the Old Testament to describe Jesus in his Gospel.
Kontekstem badań była próba porównania starotestamentalnego terminu „Sługa Jahwe” z obrazem Jezusa w Ewangelii św. Mateusza. Zastosowano metody: krytyczno-literacką oraz porównawczą. W wyniku przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że obraz Jezusa zamieszczony w Ewangelii św. Mateusza koreluje z obrazem Sługi Jahwe w Księdze Izajasza. Wnioski, jakie zostały wyciągnięte, sprowadzają się do tego, że Mateusz inspirował się Starym Testamentem, aby opisać Jezusa w swojej Ewangelii.
Aktualny kryzys gospodarczy w Europie zakwestionował samo sedno projektu integracyjnego w Europie – waluty euro. W związku z tym zasadne jest odniesienie się do samych koncepcyjnych podstaw Unii Gospodarczej i Walutowej, czyli teorii optymalnych obszarów walutowych Roberta Mundella. Warto zadać sobie pytanie, czego uczy nas kryzys i jakie aplikowane są środki naprawcze, a także jak aktualna sytuacja weryfikuje ową teorię. Celem niniejszej analizy jest rekonstrukcja głównych twierdzeń teorii optymalnych obszarów walutowych i próba ich interpretacji przez pryzmat stanu zaawansowania w europejskiej unii walutowej i szerzej w Unii Europejskiej jako takiej. Podobnie jak proces integracji europejskiej wymyka się ramom tradycyjnych teorii stosunków międzynarodowych, tak samo unikatowość konstrukcji europejskiej unii walutowej przejawia się również w wymiarze teoretycznym. Widać, że klasyczne teorie, takie jak teoria optymalnych obszarów walutowych nie stanowią skutecznego wehikułu eksplanacyjnego pozwalającego zrozumieć, wyjaśnić i – co najważniejsze – prognozować proces budowy unii walutowej i jej komponentów.
The current economic crisis questioned the very core of the integration project in Europe – the euro. It is therefore legitimate to challenge the intellectual foundations of the Economic and Monetary Union, namely the ‘Optimal Currency Areas’ (OCA) theory by Robert Mundell. What can we learn from the crisis and the applied recovery measures about the theoretical assumptions, how the present situation verifies the key statements of the theory, how should we interpret its conclusions in the prism of the crisis – its origins and consequences. This paper aims at the better understanding of the current state of the monetary union building process in Europe. It informs us that just like the classical IR theories do not stick precisely to the EU – integration processes, the same the OCA theory is not a universal remedy for the better explanations of all the nuances of economic governance in the European Union and it cannot act as the ultimate reference point in the conceptualizations on the optimal construction of the monetary union in Europe.
W artykule w skrótowy sposób przedstawiona została tematyka dysertacji doktorskiej Stosunki Unii Europejskiej z państwami Kaukazu Południowego. Wskazane zostało uzasadnienie wyboru tematu dysertacji oraz jej podstawowe założenia. Główna część artykułu poświęcona jest przedstawieniu teorii i metod w niej zastosowanych. Podstawowymi teoriami zastosowanymi w pracy są: neoliberalizm i neorealizm a głównymi metodami: metoda historyczna, metoda neoinstytucjonalna w odmianie historycznej, metoda komparatywna oraz metoda symulacyjna. Wskazane zostały przyczyny, dla których został dokonany wskazany wybór, jak również sposoby zastosowania wspomnianych teorii i metod i efekty ich zastosowania po dokonaniu wstępnej analizy zjawisk opisywanych w przedstawianej dysertacji doktorskiej. Ostatnia część zawiera krótki opis przeprowadzonej kwerendy materiałów źródłowych oraz wnioski, co do możliwości podjęcia wspomnianego tematu w dysertacji doktorskiej.
The article briefly presents the subject matter of the doctoral dissertation entitled “Relations of the European Union with the South Caucasus countries”, describing its rationale and premise. Main part of the article is devoted to the theoretical and methodological framework of the dissertation. The thesis is founded on the neoliberal-neorealist framework, and uses neoinstitutionalist/historical institutionalist, comparative and simulation methods. These theoretical and methodological choices are explained in the article, as well as the manner in which the approaches are applied in the dissertation, and expected outcomes of their adoption. The article concludes with a description of the sources available on the subject and assessment of the subject matter feasibility for a doctoral dissertation.
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