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The article presents some results of preparing a Polish translation of Thomas Hobbes’s first important work, Elements of law, natural and politic. I focus on explaining various meanings of the term “conception” as it is used by Hobbes in this writing. In his philosophy Hobbes uses the term in three different ways. The first of them refers to sense (or sensation) and image arising on sense organs as a result of the movement of external bodies mechanically affecting them. In its second meaning “conception” is understood as imagination, described also as a decaying sense. According to the third use of the term, “conception” is a state of understanding of something, or possessing a conception caused by speech (complex imagination). Such an undertaking makes it possible to reconstruct the development of the meaning of the term within the philosophy of Hobbes and the relation between his early and later writings, namely Elements of Law, Leviathan and De Corpore.
The Polish legislator has regulated the personal side of the offence of bodily injury in a child conceived in a manner different from the regulations adopted for crimes related to causing injury to the health of a born person. In the current legal framework, inadvertent harm to a conceived child or life threatening health disorder is not criminalised. Such a state of affairs leads to the issue of a possible amendment of Article 157a of the Penal Code regarding the punishability of unintentional acts. It seems (taking into account the birth criterion) that the legislator differentiates the protection of legal goods in the form of human life and health. It is indisputable that criminal law is an ultima ratio, applied when other legal means are not adequate to the rank of the protected good. However, despite the fact that there are civil regulations on this subject, it seems that they are not a sufficient means of protecting the legal goods in question. For this reason, this discourse proposes several solutions with regard to the subjective part of the offence of Article157a PC.
vol. 40
issue 1
The present paper deals with both medium and conception of orality and literality on text level, and aims at giving an outline of some important aspects underlying the discussion about the differences between written and spoken language and their impact on Polish learners of German.
vol. 72
The focus of the study was to take a look at the functions of telling personal experience stories on the Estonian internet family discussion forum Perekool (Family School) subforums dedicated to conception, pregnancy, and childbirth. The analysis was based on four groups of stories and their comments: ‘strip catchers’’ stories (stories of women who want to get pregnant), IVF (in vitro fertilization) stories, ‘belly growers’’ stories (stories of pregnant women), and childbirth stories. The aim was to find out which role these stories play from the point of view of the functioning of the internet group, and which are these broader socio-cultural meanings and motives why women share their personal stories with delicate content on the easily accessible internet forum. The following categories of functions of personal experience stories emerged from the research: support and help, information exchange and advice, warning, self-presentation, and entertainment. Sharing personal experience stories on an internet forum can provide support and help for both their writers and readers. The woman who wants to get pregnant, is undergoing in vitro fertilization procedure or is expecting a baby can feel lonely or isolated if she has no close people with similar experiences and understandings of her condition (what is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, ‘normal’ or ‘abnormal’). Sometimes a woman prefers to conceal her experiences, thoughts, and feelings, because she is afraid of being misunderstood. For example, women’s long-term problems related to getting pregnant and in vitro fertilization seem to be topics that the wider public knows very little about, and that is why women prefer to share their stories and get support and help on the internet forum from those who have similar experiences and thus may understand them better. Both writing and reading the personal experience stories provide psychological support to group members, driven by understanding that only the women who have experienced the same can truly help. The so-called ‘success stories’ play an important role in mutual assistance. A woman can share her success story with the aim of getting in return other women’s stories with a happy ending or the aim may be to offer hope and support to others. Personal experience stories function as information exchange in the sense that they are an important alternative or additional source of information that women get from their relatives, doctors, and midwives. Women may prefer to get information from others’ experiences and stories posted on the internet forum because they have not found a common language with medical staff. For example, women with endometriosis write in their stories that the diagnosis was a shock for them because they did not know anything about it and the doctor gave them very little hope (or not at all) to become a mother. On the other hand, women have found advice and information suggesting they might still get pregnant from other women’s stories. The stories have a kind of informal advisory function because they allow access to the experiencer’s point of view. Both configuring your own experience into a story and reading about others’ experiences help women better understand their condition and become aware of potential different solutions of their problems. The aim of the story writer may also be to initiate a discussion on her own experiences. In this respect, the study revealed that the longer narrative form (a detailed description of the experience, related events and emotions) can provide more specific feedback and advice from group members than a mere question-answer style conversation. A personal experience story can also function as a warning that leads women to stand up for themselves in communication with medical staff and to avoid their own thoughts and activities that they might regret later. In addition to the activities in the physical space, the purpose of writing a story can be to warn against the risks associated with the use of the internet. Personal experience stories work as self-presentation on the internet forum in the sense that they show how women manage their experience. The stories also enable women to show that they belong to a particular group of people with similar interests and experiences. So, there is only one meaningful ‘my story’ per person within the Family School subforums titled Conception, Pregnancy, and Childbirth. The personal experience stories on these forums function as business cards, which allow women to introduce themselves when they join the group and by which other group members identify them later in the discussions even if women participate anonymously (for that purpose anyone can use the pseudonym Cuckoo). However, in spite of accessibility of the discussion forum (the postings are easy to find by a search engine and can be read by all internet users), the women do not write their stories to present themselves and their stories to the general public, but only to peers, i.e., other women with similar experiences. The easily accessible (public) internet forum is perceived as private communication space of a particular interest group because there is an implicit assumption that the forum is used and the conversations there are read only by those who go through a similar life period and who need, based on personal experiences, to participate in the group. A personal experience story can be entertaining for both the writer and the reader. Entertainment as the function of women’s stories emerges in relation to comparing experiences and ‘expecting together’, but also in connection with the fact that sharing the story at the end of the journey of strip catching, in vitro fertilization or pregnancy has become an unwritten rule of the internet group – the woman who has spent time reading other’s stories is expected to share her own story as well. Also, entertainment as a function emerges if, in the passage of time, women share their stories on the forum in response to other ones, when the concrete topic and experience are no longer relevant to them. To what extent and in what form one or another of the functions of the experience stories emerges, depends on the core experiences, interests, problems, and needs of the concrete subgroup.
Artykuł ukazuje różne koncepcje i formy strategii rozwoju agroturystyki na przykładzie wybranych gmin województwa małopolskiego. Przedstawiono stan rozwoju agroturystyki w tym regionie. Ukazano na bazie literatury przedmiotu rodzaje przedsięwzięć strategicznych w rozwoju usług agroturystycznych. Przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w 57 gminach omawianego województwa związanych z planami rozwoju agroturystyki ujętymi w strategiach rozwoju tych gmin.
The article concerns different strategies of agritourism services development included in general districts development strategies. The author presented different conceptions and forms of strategic agritourism development. The state of agritourism development in Malopolska Voivodeship was shown. A number of agritourism farms in individual provinces in this region was presented. Besides, factors of agritourism development on this territory were shown. In the empirical part of the article results of researches carried out in 57 districts in Malopolska Voivodeship, on the subject of the role of local authorities in agritourism development, and on the subject of the significance of undertakings directed to agritourism development included in district’ development strategies worked out, were shown.
The history of human thoughts since the time of Ancient Greece until present time shows us abundance of thoughts regarding phenomena human psychological life. It is possible to distinguish in this history five mains concepts of psychological life: 1. Ontological concept (psychological life is connected with a soul, which existence is treated as a being); 2. Subjectivistic concept (psychological life is connected with a consciousness); 3. Objectivistic concept (psychological life is connected with behaviour, which can be objective visible for a researcher); 4. Subconsciousnessal concept (psychological life is connected with a subconsciousness); 5. Realistic concept (psychological life is connected with a personality). Looking on issues concepts of psychological life in historical aspect it is possible to see huge abundance of ideas regarding this problem. Each epoch has been trying to resolve of the mystery of human psychological life on measure its own time. These researches made the important footstep in our history, without which, it would not be possible far progress in the discovering of the phenomena psychological life
Nowadays, teacher professionalization has been upgrading and the status, training and working conditions of teachers have received a great deal of interest for sustainable education. It is recognized that if teachers are equipped with adequate professional knowledge and personal practical knowledge, they will become active curriculum planners at schools - and will have the potentials to transform from “cook” to “chef” in teaching. Therefore, in-service training of teachers is one of the most effective ways of sharing professional experiences and a medium of sustainable education in the society. Based on the existing literature, the present study was conducted to investigate the preschool teachers’ needs about in-service training courses (INSET) to suggest an effective INSET model based on their INSET needs assessment for sustainable education in a Turkish setting. A questionnaire consisting of fixed-response, open-ended and Likertstyle questions was administered to preschool teachers (n=133) currently working in Tokat, one of the vicinities of Turkey, to obtain information about their background characteristics and to determine their conceptions and needs for INSET for sustainable education. The study comprises two steps. As a first stage, socio-demographic structures of the INSET participants are analyzed in respect to different variables. In the second stage, the preferences of the INSET participants are analyzed regarding before in-service training, while in-service training and after in-service training process.
Procreative responsibility includes a conscious, competent and well prepared conception of a child, taken in the most appropriate time and in freedom and care of the child's health as well as proper conditions for the development. The responsibility involves the awareness women's and men's procreative capabilities, the ability to recognize fertile and infertile days and keeping prudence in sexual behaviour and procreative intentions. A manifestation of procreative responsibility is planning fertility with consideration for health, material, residential, occupational; moral and religious context of family planning as well as present social and demographical situation. It is also a positive attitude towards parenthood and the readiness for accepting a child and engaging in preconception and prenatal care. Personal dignity of human being and cognitive skills of mature adults induce to setting requirements for responsible human procreation.
Odpowiedzialność prokreacyjna obejmuje świadome, kompetentne, przygotowane, podjęte w wolności i w jak najwłaściwszym czasie poczęcie dziecka oraz troskę o jego zdrowie i odpowiednie warunki rozwoju. Odpowiedzialność ta wiąże się ze świadomością kobiecej i męskiej zdolności prokreacyjnej, umiejętnością rozpoznawania dni płodnych i niepłodnych oraz roztropnością w dziedzinie zachowań seksualnych i przekazywaniem życia. Wyrazem odpowiedzialności prokreacyjnej jest planowanie dzietności z uwzględnieniem własnej sytuacji zdrowotnej, materialnej, mieszkaniowej, zawodowej, moralnego i religijnego kontekstu planowania rodziny, jak również aktualnej sytuacji społecznej i demograficznej. To także pozytywne nastawienie do rodzicielstwa i gotowość przyjęcia dziecka oraz zaangażowanie w opiekę prekoncepcyjną i prenatalną. Osobowa godność człowieka, potrzeby dziecka i społeczeństwa oraz umiejętności poznawcze dojrzałych osób dorosłych skłaniają do postawienia wymagań odpowiedzialnego przekazywania życia.
W artykule została przeprowadzona analiza porównawcza pojęcia BOGURODZICA, przedstawionego w ukraińskim i polskim językowym obrazie świata. Na podstawie materiałów różnego rodzaju słowników języka ukraińskiego i polskiego, tekstów folklorystycznych i dyskursu artystycznego zostały zidentyfikowane sposoby jego werbalizacji w języku ukraińskim i polskim, zostały ustalone cechy analogiczne i dystynktywne. Analiza leksykograficzna wykazała, że definicje pojęcia w języku ukraińskim i polskim są najbardziej podobne pod względem treści w kategoriach Божа Матір i Matka Boża – ‘u chrześcijan nazwa matki Chrystusa’. We współczesnych słownikach objaśniających języka ukraińskiego podstawowym i neutralnym jest leksem Богородиця, podczas gdy w słownikach języka polskiego do tego celu służy kombinacja leksemów Matka Boża. W etnokulturze ukraińskiej i polskiej Богородиця / Matka Boża to ‘troskliwa, kochająca matka, matka wszystkich ludzi, obrończyni pokrzywdzonych’. Analiza ukraińskiego i polskiego dyskursu artystycznego pokazała użycie metaforycznych jednostek leksykalnych do określenia pojęcia BOGURODZICA, odzwierciedlających etnokulturową specyfikę cech indywidualnych światopoglądu pisarzy.
This article brings a comparative analysis of the concept MOTHER OF GOD (Bohorodytsia/Bogurodzica) as represented in the Ukrainian and Polish linguistic worldviews. Basing on the data of different types of dic-tionaries of the Ukrainian and Polish languages, folklore texts and artistic discourse, the study identifies the means of its verbalisation in Ukrainian and Polish and their similar and distinctive features. The results of lexicographic analysis indicate that the definitions of this concept in the two languages are the closest in content in the categories Bozha Matir and Matka Boża ‘the name of Christ’s Mother in Christian faith’. In modern explanatory dictionaries of the Ukrainian language the lexeme Bohorodytsia ‘Mother of God’ is primary, neutral, while the dictionaries of the Polish language list a combination of lexemes Matka Boża in this function. In Ukrainian and Polish ethnocultures Bohorodytsia / Matka Boża means ‘caring, loving mother, mother of all people, defender of the disadvantaged’. The analysis of Ukrainian and Polish artistic discourse revealed the metaphorical use of lexical units Bohorodytsia/Bogurodzica for denoting the concept MOTHER OF GOD, reflecting the ethnocultural specifics of the individual characteristics of the writers’ worldview.  
The article discloses the value of the Company’s activities school education for the development of modern Ukrainian system of education. In particular, the author focuses on the main theoretical and methodological foundations of national schools, which were developed by the members of the Society of school education and which are relevant to the present. The focus on Ukrainization of education and the issue of addressing the education of national minorities, which occupied a significant place in the concepts of national education (1917 - 1920) and the rise of modern science is described. The parallel between the Project unified school implemented by members of the Society of school education and the problems of modern Ukrainian school is analyzed and conducted. Significant and relevant for today in the scientific legacy of pedagogical workers TCO is a statement about the priority of education of the individual, the concept of which is the revival of the national identity of the school, the process of humanization of the educational content, close interaction and cooperation in the sphere of youth education school, family and community. The activities TCO, its work in the development of a national system of education and training is of great interest in terms of today’s problems of schooling Ukrainian national revival. The study of the process of Ukrainization of secondary schools has important scientific and practical value. The importance of objective analysis of the process of Ukrainization is amplified due to the fact that this problem remains vital. In recent years a number of laws and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine was adopted, so they define new approaches for its solution. The basic principles of the state policy are reflected in the Constitution of Ukraine, the State national program «Education» (Ukraine of the XXI century), the Law of Ukraine «On General secondary education» and other documents. Language policy in education is considered as one of the important directions of the national state. Therefore, understanding the complex of existing educational problems and to develop constructive approaches to their solution is only possible if the scientists re-create the actual history of previous school reform, the generalization of positive experience and accounting errors and deficiencies that occurred previously.
The article aims to analyze the Old Testament’s idea of life before birth. Firstly, I examine some expressions describing sexual intercourse. Secondly, I study the meaning of the word הרה hārāh “to conceive”. Thirdly, I analyze some crucial texts (ad es. Rdz 25, 21– 24; Wj 21, 22–25; Hi 10; Ps 139). At the end, I offer a brief synthesis of the Old Testament’s idea about life between conception and birth.
Polski ustawodawca uregulował stronę podmiotową przestępstwa uszkodzenia ciała dziecka poczętego w sposób odmienny od regulacji przyjętych przy przestępstwach związanych ze spowodowaniem uszczerbku na zdrowiu człowieka urodzonego. W obecnym stanie prawnym nieumyślne spowodowanie uszkodzenia ciała dziecka poczętego lub rozstroju zdrowia zagrażającego jego życiu nie jest objęte penalizacją. Taki stan skłania do pochylenia się nad kwestią ewentualnej zmiany art. 157a k.k. w zakresie karalności czynów nieumyślnych. Wydaje się (biorąc pod uwagę kryterium narodzin), że ustawodawca różnicuje ochronę dóbr prawnych w postaci życia i zdrowia człowieka. Nie podlegający dyskusji jest fakt, że prawo karne to ultima ratio, stosowane wówczas, gdy inne środki prawne nie są adekwatne do rangi chronionego dobra. Jednakże mimo to, że istnieją regulacje cywilne tejże problematyki, wydaje się, że nie są one wystarczającym środkiem służącym ochronie przedmiotowych dóbr prawnych. Z tego powodu, w niniejszym dyskursie zaproponowano kilka rozwiązań w zakresie strony podmiotowej przestępstwa art. 157a k.k.
The legislator regulated the subjective side of the offence of the prenatal injuries in a manner different from the regulations adopted in the offenses related to a causing damage to the health of a born person. Under current law, uintentional injury to a conceived child or health disorder that threatens their lives is not penalized. Such a state prompts to considering the issue of a possible amendment of article 157a Polish Penal Code. The main principle in the criminal law is the ultima ratio principle used when other legal measures are not adequate to the status of a protected good. Despite the fact that there are civil legislations on this subject it seems that they are not a sufficient measur to protect the legal goods. For this reason in this discourse several solutions have been proposed in the area of the subjective side of this offence of article 157a Polish Penal Code.
Prezentowana w artykule koncepcja pedagogiki integralistycznej Andrzeja Niesiołowskiego zrekonstruowana została na podstawie ocalałych rękopisów powstałych w niemieckich oflagach w latach 1939-1945. Głównym jej założeniem jest przezwyciężenie istniejących w pedagogice jednostronności (w tym antynomii) oraz znalezienie maksymalnie pełnej syntezy w postaci pedagogiki ogólnej. Dla Niesiołowskiego bodźcem do jej tworzenia były: upadek kultury przejawiający się w fakcie rozpętania przez Niemcy II wojny światowej (dlatego Zachód winien poddać weryfikacji cele i ideały wychowania) oraz dostrzegane potrzeby pedagogiki jako nauki. Koncepcja ta uwzględnia wszelkie etapy rozwoju pedagogiki, jej paradygmaty – humanistyczny i pozytywistyczny (spekulatywny i empiryczny), a szeroko ujęty przedmiot pedagogiki ogólnej uwzględnia istotne konteksty jego naukowego ujęcia.
The conception of Andrzej Niesiołowski’s integral pedagogy was reconstructed on the basis of saved manuscripts created in the German Oflag in 1939-1945. Main assumption of this conception is to overcome sidedness (including antynomies) existing in pedagogy and to find the full synthesis in form of general educational theory. The downfall of culture that manifests itself in the fact of unleashing World War II by Germany (this is why the West should verify goals and ideals of education) and perceived needs of pedagogy as a science were for Niesiołowski principal impulse for creation his conception. The idea takes into consideration all stages of the development of pedagogy, its humanistic and positivist (speculative and empirical) paradigms, and widely expressed object of general educational theory takes into account relevant contexts of Niesiołowski’s scientific approach.
Some legal thinkers (R. Dworkin amongst them) suppose that the concept of law is an essentially contested concept. This article firstly introduces the idea of essentially contested concepts, developed by W.B. Gallie. Secondly, it is argued that the concept of law cannot be perceived as an essentially contested concept, though some related concepts (such as “the rule of law”, according to J. Waldron’s analysis) can. Finally, I propose some arguments, in which I partly follow K. Ehrenberg’s recent analysis, showing that in Dworkinean terms, calling law an essentially contested concept may raise doubts and controversy.
The article analyzes the development of competency-based professional training standards and their implementation into educational process in foreign countries. It determines that the main idea of competency-based approach is competency-and-active learning, which aims at complex acquirement of diverse skills and ways of practice activities via mastering respective competences. The article states that competency is the product of competence due to which a person successfully realizes themselves in different spheres of their professional engagement, gains social independence and becomes mobile and qualified. The article also dwells on the international experience of professional and training standards development, it analyses specific internal national, as well as external all-European and worldwide conceptions of professional and training standards development, conceptual foundations of competency-based approach in national higher education within the framework of global information society formation. It highlights specific aspects of standards development based on activity-oriented technologies and professional competence assessment. The article states that within the framework of competency-based teaching and training, quality-assuring actions have to ensure the correspondence of standards and learning outcomes. It informs that the labour market is represented by employers, trade unions and the government. The article explores the fact that in Russia, Ukraine and many other countries the employers and the trade unions do not collaborate to formulate their needs with regard to professional training standards, that is why the government and its administration bodies have to do the task of predicting labour market needs on their own.
The novels “Antichrist” by D. Merezhkovsky, “Petersburg” by A. Biely and “Evenings with Peter the Great” by D. Granin were chosen to be analyzed because they are less well described in this aspect. The novels are studied in the context of the appraisals of the role and personality of the man who created The Russian Empire. The creation of the artistic image of Peter the First has to do with the problem of fictitiousness and historic authenticity. In the twentieth century the literary image of the tzar-reformer is devoid of being idealized and loses its apologetic pathos. The creation of the true to life image of the real great man that required a deeper understanding of Peter the statesman and Peter the man turned out to be a difficult task.
Teologia w Polsce
vol. 8
issue 2
In the presentation of the subject – preceded by an Introduction, where the Aquinas is presented as Bible’s Commentator – the author examines the saint Thomas’ interpretations of the text Ps 2,7 regarding the theme of this research, confronted with the contemporary exegesis, and presents also two parallel commentaries of the text Hebr 1,5 and 5,5. The exposition is theological, doctrinal and biblical: the generation of the Son is spiritual, intellectual, natural and eternal. All this permits to the author to conclude that the doctrine on the generation of the Son presented by Saint Thomas in Commentary on the Ps 2,7 and parallels is very clear, rich and remains valid and topical and permits to remain in the faith and doctrine of the catholic Church.
Siamo abituati che il pensiero teologico di san Tommaso d’Aquino viene presentato secondo la sua più famosa e più matura opera, cioè La Summa Theologiae, il che fa sì che non conosciamo il suo pensiero, altrettanto maturo, valido e interessante, contenuto nelle sue altre opere, soprattutto quelle esegetiche. L’Aquinate infatti, essendo magister in Sacra Pagina, non ha mai insegnato la sua Summa di Teologia, matutta la sua attività accademica era dedicata e concentrata sulla spiegazione-esegesi della Sacra Scrittura. Perciò questo studio ha per scopo presentare la dottrina della generazione del Figlio dal Padre, che troviamo nel suo commento al Sal 2,7 e nei commenti dei testi paralleli di Eb 1,5 e 5,5; con riferimenti al commento del Vangelo di Giovanni.
The author of the article addresses the issue of the conceived and yet unborn human life in the light of the Bible. In pursuit of this goal, he reaches for philological and exegetical analyses of selected biblical texts. In the first part, he points to the continuity that exists between the conception and the birth of a child, which is expressed in the phrase “She conceived and gave birth” (Gen 4:1, 17, etc.). The author also discusses the key biblical texts which illuminate God’s acting in a mother’s womb (Ps 139:13-15; Job 10:8-12; Wis 7:1-3; 2 Macc 7:22-23). The second part of the article contains a discussion of biblical texts related to the issue of unborn human life but threatened with death. The following texts were analysed: the commandment of the Decalogue “Thou shalt not kill” (Exod 20:13), the story of Onan and Tamar (Gen 38:8-10) and the case of foetal miscarriage described in the Book of Exodus 21:22-23. Summing up, the Bible affirms human life  from its beginning, including unborn life, and strongly opposes taking it away. Such a conclusion results from the fundamental message of the Bible about the conceived human life.
Autor artykułu naświetla problematykę poczętego, jeszcze nienarodzonego życia ludzkiego w świetle orędzia Biblii. Realizując cel, sięga do analiz filologicznych i egzegetycznych wybranych tekstów biblijnych. W pierwszej części wskazuje wpierw na ciągłość, jaka istnieje między poczęciem a narodzeniem dziecka, co wyraża biblijna fraza „poczęła i urodziła” (Rdz 4,1.17 itd.). Nadto autor analizuje kluczowe teksty biblijne, które naświetlają Boże działanie w łonie matki (Ps 139,13-15; Hi 10,8-12; Mdr 7,1-3; 2 Mch 7,22-23). Druga część artykułu przynosi omówienie tekstów biblijnych związanych z problematyką poczętego życia ludzkiego, a zagrożonego śmiercią. Analizie zostały poddane kolejno przykazanie Dekalogu „Nie zabijaj” (Wj 20,13), historia Onana i Tamar (Rdz 38,8-10) oraz przypadek poronienia płodu opisany w Wj 21,22-23. Konkludując, Biblia afirmuje ludzkie życie od jego początku, także życie nienarodzone, a stanowczo przeciwstawia się jego odbieraniu. Taki wniosek wynika z fundamentalnego przesłania Biblii o poczętym życiu ludzkim.
Roczniki Filozoficzne
vol. 63
issue 3
Czy para może stawiać sobie poczęcie za główny cel relacji małżeńskiej? W niniejszym artykule opowiadam się przeciwko poglądowi Prussa, że jest to czymś niewłaściwym ze względu na potraktowanie istot ludzkich jako zamiennych w chwili stworzenia, gdy ich unikalne cechy nie są znane ich rodzicom. Argumentuję, że Pruss nie może odseparowywać zabiegów o potomstwo jako składo­wej powołania małżeńskiego od zabiegów o nieznane, nieokreślone dziecko, które jest częścią sukcesu w tej konkretnej dziedzinie. Podczas gdy żaden z małżonków nie powinien traktować part­nera instrumentalnie w perspektywie posiadania dziecka, pomyślność we wspólnym dążeniu do po­częcia (które będzie brało pod uwagę wartość życia dziecka), jak również ów cel sam w sobie i jego realizacja, jest bardzo ważnym elementem dobra małżeńskiego. Żyjące istoty ludzkie są moralnie niezastępowalne w tym sensie, że muszą być oceniane i szanowane w sposób indywidualny, ale też możemy promować życie nieznanych a istniejących ludzi w ramach ogólnej kategorii – możemy także w sposób zmierzony zabiegać o poczęcie nowych ludzi, o nieznanym, nieokreślonym rodzaju.
May a couple have the aim of conceiving as their primary purpose in having marital relations? In this paper, I argue against the view of Alexander Pruss that it is wrong to do this since it treats human beings as fungible in their creation when their unique features are not known to their parents. I argue that Pruss cannot separate seeking reproduction as part of a marital vocation from seeking the unknown, unspecified child who is part of what makes for success in this particular area. While neither spouse should treat the other as a mere tool for having a child, success in the shared goal of conceiving (which will incorporate the value of the child’s life), as well as the goal itself and its pursuit, is very much part of the conjugal good. Existing human beings are morally irreplaceable in the sense that they must be individually valued and respected, but we may pro­mote the lives of unknown existing people under a ‘catch all’ description—and may also deliber­ately conceive new people of some unknown, indeterminate kind.
The Document Examiner’s approach could not be based only on the technical aspect of the analysis, but it must very often be extended in the graphological analysis of the case. The Document Examiner has to also take into consideration the particular historical data in order to orientate the investigation’s hypothesis. In many cases morphological similarity could be tricky and misleading, just because of the simplefact that reflects the main purpose of the forger: the similarity, in which he bases the effort of presenting a forged document genuine.
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