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The text covers the issue of the admissibility of conducting research using human biological material derived from human corpses and removed (amputated) parts of the human body or material obtained during medical procedures carried out for other purposes. The author analyzes the issue of the admissibility of conducting research and the necessary consent of the entity from which the material originates, as well as the nature of legal opposition to the ex mortuo collection of cells, tissues and organs. The test is a double voice and includes considerations based on Polish legal solutions, which are complemented by an ethical perspective that is an immanent part of the study.
Aesthetic medicine has been developing at a fast pace in recent years. It is necessary and ethical for anyone who undergoes any of these treatments to receive complete information on its implementation methods, as well as its consequences andadverse effects. Only once the person who would be affected by these procedures obtains truthful and impartial information, can he or she provide a legally binding consent to undergo a procedure. Thus, the information received by the patient plays a crucial role since it underlies the subject’s decision concerning the treatment.
The text is devoted to consideration on the morally desirable way of clarifying the ambiguities identified in a previous part of the double voice. So it contains deliberations on meaning and authority of biological material donor informed consent. Considering research on human corpses the author focus on two questions: why deceased patient’s premortem preferences should be taken into account at all and whether “an advance research directives” of that kind should take a form opt-in or opt-out arrangements? Whereas when it comes to research on biological samples the most important question is what type of actual – not presumed – consent meet ethical standards.
Intertextuality plays a great role in the production and comprehension of various forms of humorous expressions, such as parodies and memes. The latter often rely on previous facts, images, videos, statements etc., to express a certain comic idea. Nowadays, memes and parodic videos are not just made by comedians, but also by ordinary people on social networks, mostly using images, videos and gifs found in search engines like Google. However, attempts at regulating the use of such materials, particularly from the point of view of copyright, threaten the freedom of this sort of humorous expression. The article discusses a case from Brazil in 2017, when the then President Michel Temer tried to stop the unauthorised use of his image in the creation of memes, stating that the pictures in the Presidency’s website were available for journalistic purposes only, and any other use needed the government’s consent. This strange situation, that could give the president the power of approving the satire made at his expense, was itself the subject of various memes, which ultimately forced the government to step back. The article then discusses similar risks of a directive recently approved by the European Parliament, which, under the flag of protecting copyright, may have a controversial chilling effect in the creation of memes and satiric videos.
Are young children respected and cared for or overlooked by the practitioner or researcher’s personal goals in research? Are issues, related to ethics in relation to children’s consent and participation in research lost in translation especially in terms of expectations and interpretation in different cultural contexts. This paper explores the diverse perspectives of issues around ethics related to research with young children in early years settings.. It questions the perceived tensions around adults’ decisions about children’s participation in research. The issues related to children’s voice, gatekeepers of consent, participation, power and children’s rights will be discussed and the extent to which they influence the decisions which adults make about children’s participation in any research.
Nowadays terrorism is becoming an increasing world-wide problem. To prevent and combat terrorist activities various national and international measures are implemented, however thereby often innocent people are killed or suffer infringements of their legal interests. This article deals with the question of how far counterterrorism can go and if even the sacrifice of innocent civilians is accepted, if the struggle against terrorism requires this. Since 9/11 the topic of shooting down a hijacked passenger aircraft that threatens to crash into a building on the ground, has caused heated discussions. Is it lawful and therefore allowed to kill innocent in order to save others? Or shall the perpetrator be excused and therefore exempt from punishment? This article shows the legal situation as well as the current opinions in Germany and Austria and aims to make a contribution to the solution of this legal problem.
The article examines the “foundings-beyond-origins” framework as proposed by Angélica Bernal in her 2017 book, Beyond Origins: Rethinking Founding in a Time of Constitutional Democracy. While accepting Bernal’s arguments about the prevailing vision of founding a political order, she posits that the realities of power deauthorise political origins. This form of politics proposes a model of engagement between Indigenous Peoples (IPs), nations, tribes and communities and hegemonic political orders based on self-determination, autonomy, self-government and consent. These concepts are the cornerstones of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). At the heart of this politcs is the “axiom of indigeneity”, a proposition that bases political origins on populations, customs, territoriality and time. The fact that societies that existed prior to the founding of contemporary political orders have survived the realities of power gives meaning to the idea of indigeneity.
Nowadays terrorism is becoming an increasing world-wide problem. To prevent and combat terrorist activities various national and international measures are implemented, however thereby often innocent people are killed or suffer infringements of their legal interests. This article deals with the question of how far counterterrorism can go and if even the sacrifice of innocent civilians is accepted, if the struggle against terrorism requires this. Since 9/11 the topic of shooting down a hijacked passenger aircraft that threatens to crash into a building on the ground, has caused heated discussions. Is it lawful and therefore allowed to kill innocent in order to save others? Or shall the perpetrator be excused and therefore exempt from punishment? This article shows the legal situation as well as the current opinions in Germany and Austria and aims to make a contribution to the solution of this legal problem.
The article presents an excerpt from a master’s thesis entitled ‘Intimacy in the acting profession. Methods of safe working in the light of the growing use of intimacy coordination’ and is an attempt at describing and analysing the author’s experience of working with intimate content in her practice to date, using the example of working on the lead role of Rita in the short film ‘These Damn Peonies’ telling the story of a young woman searching for her orgasm. An intimacy coordinator was not hired for this project, and there were difficult situations for the author, but also for the entire production team, during the filming of the numerous intimate scenes. The author describes the individual shooting days and reflects on how specific issues of working with intimacy should be resolved based on foreign literature on the subject and on techniques learned in workshops with intimacy coordinator Vanessa Coffey, one of the founders of The Intimacy Practitioners’ Guild EU/UK.
A patient’s autonomy determines the scope and terms of medical intervention in the treatment process. In the context of a doctor-patient relationship, autonomy should be understood as a ban on medical intervention without the consent of the patient. Consent is an act of civil law intended to produce legal effects by means of a declaration of intent. For this legal action to be legally considered valid, it must meet a number of conditions. Obtaining consent from a patient is connected with the informative obligation. A physician should provide a patient or his legal representative not only with accurate and accessible information about treatment methods and their scope and benefits, but also the risk posed by the treatment.
W procesie leczenia autonomia pacjenta wyznacza zakres oraz warunki ingerencji medycznej. W relacjach lekarz – pacjent autonomia powinna być rozumiana, jako zakaz podejmowania terapii bez wyraźnej zgody pacjenta. Zgoda pacjenta jest zdarzeniem cywilnoprawnym zmierzającym do wywołania skutków prawnych na podstawie oświadczenia woli. Aby ta czynność prawna mogła zostać w świetle prawa uznana za ważną, musi spełniać szereg warunków. Z wymogiem uzyskania od pacjenta zgody łączy się obowiązek szeroko ujmowanej informacji. Lekarz powinien udzielić pacjentowi lub jego przedstawicielowi ustawowemu dokładnych, przystępnych objaśnień o metodach leczniczych, zakresie, korzyściach, ale także o ryzyku, jakie niesie ze sobą dany zabieg.
The aim of the paper is to discuss Polish sex positivity movement and its relationship to queer theory. This is done on the basis of a case study, i.e. the analysis of the book Warsztaty intymnosci [The Workshops of Intimacy] by Agnieszka Szezynska. The author of the article presents selected aspects of this publication, focusing on the typical features of sex positivity approach (in so doing, she refers to other Polish and English sources which represent or study this topic). Apart from that, the scholar shows conceptual overlaps between Szezynska’s perspective and queer theory. In conclusion, the author discusses the functioning and possible outcomes of this alliance in the Polish context.
The article focuses on the analysis of the parent situation (or statutory representatives) who are under legal requirement to subject their children to preventive vaccination. The main deliberations focus on answering the question of how the parents’ (or statutory representatives’) position should be treated if they, relying on the principle of autonomy and their parental rights, and pointing to their duty to exercise care of a minor and to represent a minor child, fail to take any action intended to implement the obligation imposed by law. Parents refer to the principle of child’s welfare and argue that vaccination constitutes an essential threat to the values they recognise, such as autonomy, freedom to make decisions regarding the actual situation and legal position of a child, or the child’s welfare. The issue of parents’ autonomy and implementation of child’s welfare is raised. Parents often bring up an argument of the harmful eff ects of vaccination and claim that by refusing to agree to vaccination they exercise the principle of child’s welfare. The legal character of the refusal to consent to child vaccination is also analysed. Here, deliberations are set in the context of imprecisely formulated statutory provisions and their mutual relations, especially in the context of the meeting of acts from two branches of law:  administrative and civil, and within the latter family law in particular. An attempt has been made to explain doubts whether despite the mandatory requirement and resulting from it obligation threatened with an administrative fi ne statutory representatives still have a right to express or not consent for vaccination of their children or to decide about at any stage of the procedure.
Artykuł obejmuje problematykę sytuacji prawnej dziecka jako pacjenta. Dziecko ze względu na to, że nie ma faktycznych i formalnych możliwości samodzielnego podejmowania decyzji i wyrażania zgody w zakresie dopuszczalności stosowania procedur medycznych, znajduje się w centrum uwagi ustawodawcy. System prawny wypracował instrumenty ochrony zdrowotnego interesu małoletniego i jego dobrostanu w sytuacji, w której rodzice (przedstawiciele ustawowi) zagrażają dobru dziecka. Celem pracy jest udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytanie o zakres dopuszczalnych ingerencji zdrowotnych w stosunku do małoletniego oraz określenie podmiotów uprawnionych i zobowiązanych do poszanowania zdrowotnego dobrostanu dziecka.
The article covers the legal situation of a child as a patient. Due to the fact that there are no real and formal possibilities of making decisions and expressing consent regarding the admissibility of using medical procedures, the child is in the focus of the legislator. The legal system has developed instruments for protecting the health of the minor’s interests and wellbeing in a situation where parents (legal representatives) threaten the child’s well-being.
The article focuses on the use of two common collocations in contemporary informal Czech conversations: to je pravda (it is true) and to je fakt (it is a fact). It examines these collocations from a frequency perspective, testing their fixedness and variation in usage among different groups of speakers. It also looks at the different functions of the noun lemmas underlying these collocations. The analysis shows that these collocations are mostly used by younger speakers (up to 35 years) and that they are established collocations, with a specific function in dialogue. These collocations also serve to maintain the positive face of both speakers in reconciling their attitudes towards each other. At the same time, there has been a significant increase in the use of the word fakt as a discourse marker and this may lead to a decline in the use of the collocation to je fakt in dialogue, even though it is more informal, as is reflected in its frequently reduced pronunciation.
According to the WHO, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Nowadays, provisions of national and international law protects not only physical health but also mental health. Formerly, physicians made decisions for their patients. Now, this paternalistic view has been supplanted by promoting patient autonomy. One of the most important patients’ rights is a right to reasonably informed participation in decisions involving his/her health care. Generally, patient’s consent must be obtained before any examination, treatment or care. There are also a few exceptions when treatment may be able to go ahead without the patient’s consent. Patient suffering from a mental disorder may go into a psychiatric hospital not only voluntarily but also involuntary. In such cases, due to the strong interference in the right to freedom, it is necessary to maintain additional procedures and requirements, which in the broadest possible way, reduce patient’s discomfort and ensure compliance with the powers conferred on him/her.
W świetle holistycznej definicji wprowadzonej przez WHO zdrowie to stan pełnego fizycznego, umysłowego i społecznego dobrostanu, a nie jedynie stan, w którym całkowicie brak jest choroby lub kalectwa. Pod ochroną przewidzianą w aktualnie obowiązujących przepisach prawa krajowego i międzynarodowego pozostaje nie tylko zdrowie fizyczne, ale również zdrowie psychiczne. Osoby cierpiące z powodu zaburzeń psychicznych są tą kategorią pacjentów, która wymaga szczególnej opieki i empatii zarówno ze strony ogółu społeczeństwa, jak i przede wszystkim pracowników służby zdrowia. Niestety, z uwagi na rodzaj dolegliwości, z którymi takie osoby się zmagają, są one bardziej narażone na negatywne konsekwencje, jakie wynikają z dysproporcji w relacjach personel medyczny – pacjent. Także w dziedzinie medycyny, jaką jest psychiatria, od jakiegoś czasu daje się zauważyć odejście od paternalistycznego stosunku wobec pacjenta na rzecz propagowania relacji, w których chory i świadczeniodawca stają się podmiotami równorzędnymi. Niemniej w niektórych przypadkach, z uwagi na dobro pacjenta, możliwe jest ograniczenie jego autonomii decyzyjnej. W opracowaniu dokonano analizy przewidzianych w polskim porządku prawnym wyjątków umożliwiających leczenie psychiatryczne bez zgody pacjenta.
W związku z innowacją w czeskim wychowaniu przedszkolnym – umieszczaniem dwuletnich dzieci w przedszkolach – niniejszy artykuł bada: a) jaka jest opinia nauczycielek na temat przyjmowania dwuletnich dzieci oraz b) jak nauczycielki uzasadniają odmowę ich przyjęcia. Założenia były nastę­ pujące: 1) nauczycielki, które aktualnie nie mają w grupach, w jakich pracują, dwuletnich dzieci, będą rzadziej odmawiać ich przyjęcia; 2) odmowa przyję­ cia dwuletnich dzieci jest wprost proporcjonalna do rozpiętości wiekowej dzieci w heterogenicznej grupie wiekowej. Założenia potwierdziły się częściowo.
In connection with the innovation in the Czech pre-school educa­ tion – placing two-year-old children in kindergarten, we identified the following: a) teachers’ attitude to accepting two-year-old children; b) the teachers’ reasons for rejecting two-year-old children. Our assumption was as follows: 1) teach­ ers who currently do not have two-year-old children in their classes will reject two-year-old children less than others; 2) the rejection of two-year-old children is directly proportional to the heterogeneous class age range. Our assumptions were proven partially.
For a long time, it has been observed that services available in the virtual world, such as social networks, gaming platforms, music streaming services, have attracted the interest of internet users of different ages. They include children, who require special protection as relates to the processing of their personal data. These issues have been addressed by the EU legislator in Art. 8 of GDPR2. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the solutions adopted in Article 8 GDPR and to assess their application in practice.
Od dłuższego czasu można zauważyć, że dostępne w świecie wirtualnym usługi, takie jak np. portale społecznościowe, platformy z grami, platformy z utworami muzycznymi, zyskały zainteresowanie internautów różnej kategorii wiekowej. Wśród nich są i dzieci, które wymagają szczególnej ochrony w związku z przetwarzaniem ich danych osobowych. Na kwestie te zwrócił uwagę prawodawca unijny w art. 8 RODO. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest analiza rozwiązań przyjętych w art. 8 RODO oraz ocena ich stosowania w praktyce.
Artykuł obejmuje problematykę sytuacji prawnej dziecka jako pacjenta. Dziecko ze względu na to, że nie ma faktycznych i formalnych możliwości samodzielnego podejmowania decyzji i wyrażania zgody w zakresie dopuszczalności stosowania procedur medycznych, znajduje się w centrum uwagi ustawodawcy. System prawny wypracował instrumenty ochrony zdrowotnego interesu małoletniego i jego dobrostanu w sytuacji, w której rodzice (przedstawiciele ustawowi) zagrażają dobru dziecka. Celem pracy jest udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytanie o zakres dopuszczalnych ingerencji zdrowotnych w stosunku do małoletniego oraz określenie podmiotów uprawnionych i zobowiązanych do poszanowania zdrowotnego dobrostanu dziecka.
The article covers the legal situation of a child as a patient. Due to the fact that there are no real and formal possibilities of making decisions and expressing consent regarding the admissibility of using medical procedures, the child is in the focus of the legislator. The legal system has developed instruments for protecting the health of the minor’s interests and well- -being in a situation where parents (legal representatives) threaten the child’s well-being.
The article is an analysis from the theoretical and dogmatic point of view of the institution of consent which both in Polish and foreign criminal law doctrine, constitutes the axis of a significant dispute concerning both specific issues, such as the scope of legal goods that an individual can freely dispose of and issues of a more general nature, such as the dogmatic structure of crime. The author referring to the example of incapacitating procedures such as vasectomy or laparoscopy exposes the most important problems of a dogmatic as well as theoretical nature related to the title issue. At the same time author presents his own position on placing the consent in the dogmatic structure of a crime and also takes the floor on the sometimes raised issue of introducing the institution of consent into the penal code.
Artykuł stanowi analizę z punktu widzenia teoretycznoprawnego oraz dogmatycznego instytucji zgody dysponenta dobrem prawnym, która to zarówno w polskiej, jak i zagranicznej doktrynie prawa karnego stanowi oś istotnego sporu dotyczącego zarówno szczegółowych kwestii, takich jak między innymi zakres dóbr prawnych, którymi to jednostka może swobodnie dysponować, jak i zagadnień natury bardziej ogólnych jak dogmatyczna struktura przestępstwa. Autor, odwołując się do przykładu zabiegów ubezpładniających, takich jak wazektomia czy laparoskopia, eksponuje najważniejsze problemy natury dogmatycznej i teoretycznoprawnej związanej z tytułowym zagadnieniem. Jednocześnie, odwołując się do teorii znamion negatywnych, autor przedstawia własne stanowisko w przedmiocie umiejscawiania zgody dysponenta dobrem prawnym w dogmatycznej strukturze przestępstwa, a także zabiera głos w podnoszonej niekiedy kwestii wprowadzenia instytucji zgody dysponenta dobrem prawnym do kodeksu karnego
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